Southern Zhanbuzhou.

Lingyin Temple.

Monk Daoji rested his head on his arms, half-squinting his eyes, lying in the courtyard of the side hall and basking in the sun, with his legs crossed high and a broken wine gourd in his left hand and his right hand, looking like he was lazing around.

It is different from the original time when Kong Wutian ruled the Three Realms, when the entire Three Realms were in chaos and demons were rampant.

With the help of Monkey, Wutian has trained a large number of useful subordinates early on.

After Wutian ruled the Three Realms, his subordinates naturally took over the positions of most of the gods, minimizing the chaos caused by the change of power.

It is different from the Buddhist concept of "all living beings can be saved", "put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately", and the concept of "letting go as it pleases, gods are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the world" in heaven.

Because of his experience in Xiniu Hezhou, Wutian believed that some creatures in the world cannot be saved, and those who can be saved need to pay off their sins first. Gods and Buddhas are equal to mortals, no different.

After Wutian took charge of the Three Realms, he changed the previous behavior style of the gods and Buddhas in the Three Realms and ordered his demons to not only take care of the affairs of the gods and ghosts, but also the affairs of the mortal world, so that good and evil will be rewarded.

As a result, appearances of gods and Buddhas began to occur frequently in the mortal world.

Those who do evil will be punished or die, and those who do good will be rewarded.

Hou Hou and Wu Tian do not have a deep understanding of the specific matters of the Three Realms, and neither of them is capable of compiling a new law of heaven like Yang Jian, let alone the demons and ghosts under him.

However, even if they only adhere to the simplest concept of "good deeds and evil deeds will be rewarded", they have still rectified the atmosphere of the three realms, greatly reduced the number of evildoers, and continued to do good deeds.

After a brief period of chaos, the order of the Three Realms became more standardized.

This also deprived Daoji of many opportunities to punish evil and promote good in the game world.

In the corridor, monks from Lingyin Temple walked by from time to time. Looking at Daoji lying in the yard, they all frowned and walked away from a distance. Their expressions were like seeing a piece of smelly dog ​​shit.

Dao Jihun didn't care.

He just won a bet from the abbot a few days ago and spent three days to bring the wood and bricks to Lingyin Temple to build the Huayan Hall. Even if these elm-headed people were dissatisfied with him, they would not be able to drive him away.

"After the wine and meat pass through the intestines, they remain in the heart of the Buddha. Amitabha, good, good, good."

Daoji shook his head and muttered. He glanced around quickly and noticed that there was no one else in the yard. He took out a tightly wrapped piece of dog meat from his arms, pinched two pieces and stuffed them into his mouth, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Just after chewing two mouthfuls, he suddenly noticed something and hurriedly swallowed the dog meat. Before he could wipe the oil from his mouth with his sleeve, he saw the abbot of Lingyin Temple leading two monks in.

"Trouble is coming! Trouble is coming!" Daoji shook his head, stood up and tried to escape.

"Daoji! Daoji!" the abbot of Lingyin Temple shouted from a long distance away, with a warm and approachable attitude that frightened Daoji to move faster.

However, it was still a step behind.

The abbot, with quick eyes and quick hands, caught up to Daoji, grabbed Daoji's sleeve and said, "Daoji, where are you going?"

Daoji had a grimace on his face, his facial features were wrinkled, and muttered: "Monk, let me go find a place to sleep, sleep!"

The abbot smiled and said: "The sunshine in this courtyard is perfect, it is a good place to sleep. If you don't have a mat, I will ask Zhi'an to get it for you."

"No! No!" Daoji waved his hands repeatedly and said, "There are too many mosquitoes here and they are too noisy!"

"Mosquitoes?" The abbot was stunned, looked around, and asked doubtfully: "Where did the mosquitoes come from in this cold winter..." Halfway through, he suddenly reacted, and his face instantly darkened.

"Daoji, you are so brave! You dare to say that the abbot is a mosquito!"

"That's right! You can live in Lingyin Temple because the abbot is so merciful! It's just that you're not grateful, but you dare to insult me! Aren't you afraid of going to the tongue-pulling hell after death?"

Two young monks behind the abbot immediately jumped out to express their loyalty.

"What a big mosquito! What a noisy text!"

Daoji shook his body, head and hands wildly, threw the abbot away, and fled out the door without looking back.


The abbot remembered the purpose of his trip and was about to call out to Daoji to stop him. Daoji had disappeared and he could only curse angrily: "This crazy drunkard monk!"

He turned around and returned to the main hall, still muttering: "You can escape from the first grade of junior high school, and you can also escape from the fifteenth grade! I don't believe you won't come back!"

Daoji ran out of the Lingyin Temple gate in one breath and then stopped.

He possesses the peak cultivation level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Although he has put away his magical powers on weekdays and only lives as a mortal, he is still sharp-sighted and can smell the smell of copper on the abbot's body from a long distance away.

No need to think about it, this abbot came down to him to ask for alms!

Although we have wood and bricks, we still lack craftsmen if we want to build a Buddhist temple!
The abbot just came to him because he wanted him to go down the mountain to beg for some gold and silver so that he could hire craftsmen to work.

However, Daoji was not very willing to do it.

Of those who burn incense and worship Buddha in the world, [-]% seek help from gods and Buddhas, and [-]% have ghosts in their hearts.

And those who are willing to give a lot of money mostly fall into the latter category!
In the past, he could easily go to the mortal world to seek alchemy from those rich and wealthy members and landlords who felt guilty, help them resolve their knots, and help them to do good.

But now, it's not that simple!

Firstly, most of the evil people and evil deeds in the world were solved by the appearances of gods and Buddhas, so it was not easy for him to find suitable candidates.

Secondly, the Buddha and Bodhisattvas will not forgive those evildoers who laid down their butcher's knives!

——No matter how much gold and silver you donate or how many Buddha statues and pagodas you build, the mistakes you make need to be repaid and punished!
As a result, those evil people are unwilling to give alms and do useless work.

Instead, choose to hide!
Hide as far as you can!
I would rather die than go near any temple!
This is also the reason why Lingyin Temple has great incense, but he still has to rely on him to beg wood and bricks in order to practice Huayan Temple.

Daoji was quite satisfied with this situation, but the abbot obviously couldn't stand it. He often threatened to drive him out because the temple was short of money and rice, forcing him to go down the mountain to beg for alms. "A pile of mud and wood, this is not what I want!"

Daoji shook his head and stopped thinking about these things.

After going down the mountain, I went to a familiar wine shop to drink a glass of wine, ordered a plate of fennel beans, and slowly passed the time.

Daoji ate a plate of fennel beans and a pot of wine for almost two hours. It was not until the sun set that he lazily got up and prepared to go back to Lingyin Temple to cultivate.

However, when he left the wine shop and looked in the direction of Lingyin Temple, his expression changed.

I saw a faint red color on the horizon!
It looked similar to the sunset, but Daoji could tell at a glance that it was fire!

Lingyin Temple is on fire!

And this firelight is mixed with a strong evil spirit!
This fire was set by monsters!

"This black robe really doesn't know whether he has a brain or a brainless one!"

In the quiet room of Tianlao, Li Anran looked at the light curtain in front of him and couldn't help but shake his head.

What appeared in the light curtain was the scene of Lingyin Temple's blazing flames and the monks crying for their fathers and mothers.

Wutian and Houhou had long known that the key chess piece selected by Tathagata was Daoji, the reincarnation of Arhat who subdued the Dragon, but they never did it from beginning to end, and they had no intention of taking the initiative to attack Daoji.

Wutian couldn't take action because of the rules of gambling between him and Tathagata.

The monkey is unwilling to take action because of its own principles.

And sending other people, without being sure to get rid of Daoji, may be self-defeating.

After discussing with Wu Tian, ​​Hou Hou decided to treat Dao Ji coldly first.

Since Tathagata has chosen Daoji as the key to victory or defeat, he must have made many arrangements for him.

No matter what they do against Daoji, they may fall into Tathagata's plan.

Then they simply formed an artificial barrier and did not give Daoji the opportunity to participate in matters involving the Three Realms.

After they have finished transforming the Three Realms, it will be much easier to change Daoji's ideas and win the bet with Tathagata!
For this reason, Wutian made targeted arrangements for the Zhejiang area where Lingyin Temple is located, and isolated Daoji within this range.

The effect of this is very significant!

In the past few years, the Three Realms have been changing, and the Heavenly Buddha Realm has changed owners. Wutian used Ayinavar's machine to clone his subordinates into gods, and replaced them step by step.

But except for Daoji, who had a trace of doubt when the novice fell asleep under the burning lamp seat, he never noticed the changes in the three realms. He still punished evil and promoted good in the mortal world in front of his own fair-weather monk.

It can be said that Wutian and Monkey's plan has been successful!


The black robe takes action!
He led his demons to surround Lingyin Temple and wanted to kill Daoji to silence him. However, he "happened" to pass by Daoji. Out of "angry", his demons burned Lingyin Temple to vent their anger!

The reason why they are put in quotation marks is because "coincidence" and "anger" are both fake and someone did it on purpose!
This person is Guanyin!

To be more precise, it was the evil corpse chopped off by Guanyin!

Guanyin's true body is imprisoned in the heavenly prison together with other gods and Buddhas.

Her evil corpse is floating outside, secretly carrying out various arrangements of the Tathagata.

This includes the whole process of how her evil corpse deceived Hei Pao into disobeying Wu Tian's orders, going to Nanzhan Buzhou to kill Dao Ji and eradicate the roots behind Wu Tian's back, and how she secretly helped Dao Ji escape under the siege of monsters. .

Black Robe is already considered one of the most capable generals under Wu Tian.

But in front of Guanyin, he is like a puppet, being led by Guanyin.

The only smart thing about him is that he knew how to kill people and set fires as a demon, instead of pretending to be a god or a Buddha to sneak up on him!
In this way, he could barely disguise his behavior as demonic revenge!
But this powerful demon that appeared out of thin air still made Daoji suspicious. After escaping, he immediately went to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea to seek help from Guanyin.

In the original time and space, the monkey also went to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea to seek help from Guanyin after being attacked by the black robe.

And because they saw the death of the good-wealth dragon girl and the black bear monster who guarded the mountain in Luojia Mountain, Guanyin and others disappeared. They noticed the abnormality in the three realms and went to Lingshan to report the matter to Tathagata.

After Wutian noticed this, he temporarily deceived the monkey by pretending to be Tathagata, but in the end, a flaw was exposed, which made the monkey suspicious. This led to many things such as the monkey later seeing through the six-eared macaque pretending to be Bajie.

Now it seems that in the original time and space, Guanyin also took action secretly, tricking the black robe into attacking the monkey, making the monkey wary.

And now, Daoji has also embarked on this path!

"Wutian should also choose to change his strategy like the original time and space, trying to collect relics through Daoji and find the soul boy."

"Looking at it this way, Tathagata is still a step above! I just don't know if the monkey has been replaced by Daoji now. Will things go the same way as in the original time and space?"

Li Anran was not prepared to intervene in this matter.

The bet between Tathagata and Wutian has little to do with him.

These gods and Buddhas in the heavenly prison are the most important!
During this period, Wutian used demons to clone many gods and Buddhas, but the clones were all low-level gods and Buddhas.

Now that Daoji has noticed that something is wrong in the Three Realms, Wutian should also put the cloning of the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother on the agenda.

This is what he needs to care about!

"Whether we can make it or not depends on this time!"

Li Anran stood up and walked out of the quiet room. He looked at the cloning mechanism that was running day and night under the control of the monsters, and he was also ready to take action. (End of chapter)

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