"Hurry up!"

In front of the cloning mechanism.

The monsters that had been cloned into heavenly soldiers and generals pushed the gods one by one into the iron box on the left.

As a cloud of five-colored smoke rises, the monster in the iron box on the right transforms into a god.

The efficiency is as fast as the assembly line operations of later generations.

Because of this, in just a few years, Wutian cloned tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers, generals and gods of all kinds, infiltrated from top to bottom throughout the three realms, and quietly completed the Li Dai Tao Zombie.

This is because Wutian's requirements are too high.

Every monster sent out to disguise itself as heavenly soldiers, generals and gods must first be trained by the six-eared macaque and the giant scorpion, and then be instilled by the monkeys with the concept of strictly abiding by heaven's rules, punishing evil and promoting good.

Otherwise, this number can be increased by more than ten times.

And after these monsters take office, they must always be supervised by Wutian Yuanshen Heilian and Monkey.

——In order to prevent his subordinates from misbehaving, Wutian transformed into countless clones of the Black Lotus, and gave them to the monsters who held real power, both as tokens and as the Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads.

The result of this is that the gods, soldiers and generals pretended by these monsters are more realistic than the real gods, soldiers and generals.

Wutian's belief in reforming the Buddhist world is no longer just an empty talk like it was in the original time and space, but has truly been implemented. The three realms are more peaceful and orderly than ever before.

Such behavior directly made the evil corpse of Guanyin hiding in the dark unable to sit still, so he had to put Tathagata's plan ahead of schedule, transform into a monster, and trick the black robe into trouble with Daoji.

It was also because Wutian put all his energy into supervising the monsters under his command that he did not notice anything unusual in the black robe.

By the time he realized something was wrong, Daoji had already arrived at Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea and found that Luojia Mountain was filled with death. The Dragon Girl of Good Fortune and the black bear monster who guarded the mountain had all died tragically.

——This is also the work of Guanyin.

However, what she killed was not the real dragon girl and black bear monster, but the fake dragon girl and black bear monster that the monster cloned.

Previously, the novice monk under the lamp seat warned Daoji through the method of falling into a dream, telling the story of the Tathagata's Nirvana and fall, the gods and Buddhas becoming prisoners, and the demon Wutian ruling the three realms.

Daoji thought this was extremely ridiculous, but a monk would never dream for no reason, especially a Taiyi Golden Immortal like him.

In order to reassure himself, he went to Luojia Mountain in person to find Guanyin to find out.

As a result, Guanyin, who transformed from a monkey, was fooled.

After that, the monkey captured the good money dragon girl black bear monster and sent it to Tianlao. He also cloned the two monsters into their appearance and guarded them in Chaoyin Cave in Luojia Mountain, pretending to be Guanyin listening to the Buddha's lectures in Lingshan Mountain.

In order to arouse Daoji's alert, Guanyin killed the two monsters directly and deliberately left the bodies in Chaoyin Cave.

As Guanyin expected, Daoji immediately went to Luojia Mountain to ask for help after escaping from the black robe, and then saw the tragic situation of Luojia Mountain.

Luojia Mountain is the dojo of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. It was understandable that Daoji was horrified when it became like this. He immediately set off to Lingshan Mountain to ask Tathagata to report the incident.

On the other side, Heipao failed to kill Daoji in Lingyin Temple. Instead, he alerted the enemy and realized that something was wrong.

He originally wanted to report the matter to Wutian immediately through the soul Black Lotus, but under the deception of Guanyin, he decided to make up for his sins and get rid of Daoji before Wutian knew about it. .

Guanyin then told Heipao that Daoji might go to Luojia Mountain.

Heipao immediately led his troops towards Luojia Mountain and successfully surrounded Daoji, but Daoji escaped again and disappeared.

It was only then that Heipao suddenly realized that he had made a big mistake, and then he discovered that the monster that had frequently given him advice before was missing.

Black Robe was completely panicked and did not dare to delay any longer, so he hurriedly reported the matter to Wutian.

But at this time, Daoji had already arrived outside the gate of Lingshan.

According to the agreement with Tathagata, Wutian cannot directly attack Daoji. He can only change into Tathagata again and try to deceive Daoji like last time.

However, Daoji was only warned by the novice monk in a dream last time, and he didn't believe it in his heart, so he was easily fooled by the Guanyin transformed into a monkey.

This time, he saw the tragic situation of Luojia Mountain with his own eyes, and was chased by the black robe all the way. It was not easy to fool him.

After some thought, Wutian decided to follow the trend.

First, he pretended to make some calculations, and then told Daoji, half truthfully and half falsely, that a demon appeared in the three realms and was doing evil everywhere. While Guanyin was not in Luojia Mountain, he bloodbathed Luojia Mountain.

Their leader, named Mo Luo, has been reincarnated as a demon boy. Once the demon boy grows up and regains his memory powers, the three realms will fall into a catastrophe and all life will be devastated.

Let Daoji immediately go to the mortal world to find the reincarnation of the devil boy and escort him to Lingshan. "Buddha's miraculous calculations, with just a few words, deceived this Taoist priest into being used by us. My disciples admire me!"

As soon as Daoji left Lingshan, Giant Scorpion came out of the darkness and flattered him loudly.

"Buddha's miraculous calculations are admired by his disciples!"

The surrounding monsters that had been cloned into Buddha's appearance also shouted.

"That's enough!" Fake Guanyin snorted and interrupted everyone.

The main hall fell silent instantly.

All the demons, including the giant scorpion, stood there obediently, silent, not daring to show any dissatisfaction on their faces.

Because the fake Guanyin in front of you is transformed by the Black Lotus Holy Envoy!
The last Yingyao who dared to be dissatisfied with the Black Lotus Holy Envoy was directly beaten back to his original form by Wutian, and is still in the abyss of darkness.

"The monster who coaxed the black robe to attack Lingyin Temple must have been arranged by Tathagata just to bring Daoji in. If you ask Daoji to find Tathagata's reincarnated soul boy, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating and fall into Tathagata's plan."

There was a little anger on the monkey's face.

Not against these monsters, nor against the black robe, but against Tathagata!
He thought of himself.

He would rebel against heaven all the way and cause trouble in the heavenly palace, until he was suppressed by Tathagata and kept under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years.

[-]% of it was because of myself, and the remaining [-]% was because of the instigation of the monsters around me.

Including him going to the Dragon Palace to retrieve treasures and calling himself the Monkey King.

At the time, he didn't notice anything was wrong, but looking back now, the old monkey and the powerful ghost king were probably the pawns secretly arranged by Lingshan, in order to intensify the conflict between him and the heaven, and lead him step by step to cause trouble in the heaven.

Then, slap one date at a time.

First, he was pressed into the foot of the Five Elements Mountain to temper his wild and ferocious nature for 500 years, and then he was released as a favor, so that he would be grateful and willing to become a Sun Walker in the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.

Wutian had obviously considered this matter and said with a smile: "Wukong, the chessboard has been laid out. It is only a matter of time for Tathagata to make the move. It is good to postpone it until today. It is unavoidable, so it is better to make a decision early to avoid delays. Let’s get down to business. I would like to see what Tathagata has left and what new tricks this Daoji can come up with.”

The monkey thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Wutian smiled and said: "Logically speaking, what they want to do should wait until Tathagata reaches adulthood. But now, it is only six years before Tathagata reincarnates, and they can't wait. They are anxious, which shows that We got it right."

"That's right." The monkey also laughed.

He didn't care about power and status, so he joined forces with Wu Tian, ​​just to avenge Lingshan's plot back then and seek a clear idea.

Lingshan was anxious and panicked, so he was naturally happy!

While the two were talking, they saw a man in black robe walking in from the outside. He knelt down on the ground with a plop, his face full of guilt: "Disciple made unreasonable opinions and almost ruined the Buddha's important affairs. Please punish the Buddha."

In the original time and space, Wutian had no experience in serving his subordinates, and was extremely tolerant of his subordinates. When encountering problems, he would directly take responsibility for himself and never punish them.

But now, he understood the importance of rewarding merit and punishing demerits. He immediately turned his face serious, waved his hand and knocked the black robe away, and a mouthful of blood spurted out in mid-air.

Wutian said: "This is your first offender, so I will spare your life. If you do it next time, you don't have to come back."

The black robe banged and kowtowed: "Thank you, Buddha! Thank you, Buddha!"

Wu Tian ignored him and ordered to Ju Xie: "Go to Tian Lao immediately and pass on my decree, instructing the Prison God to clone all the remaining immortal Buddhas in Tian Ting Ling Mountain within three months. What I will do next is Use them.”

"Disciple, I obey." Ju Scorpion took the order and left quickly. When passing by the black robe, a look of gloating flashed in his eyes.

She and Heipao were both disciples of Wutian, one was the protector on the left and the other was the protector on the right. They had always been at odds with each other. Seeing Heipao's misfortune, she naturally felt very happy.

The black robe just buried his head lower. He didn't dare to resent Wu Tian, ​​so he just put the account on the giant scorpion's head.

On the other side, after Giant Scorpion conveyed Wutian's decree, the cloning mechanism started operating again.

Only this time, the clones are no longer those low-level heavenly soldiers and generals, but the powerful masters of the three realms such as the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Taishang Laojun, Guanyin, Manjusri and Samantabhadra.

"This matter is of great importance, I need to keep an eye on it personally!"

Li Anran has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Whether it can happen or not depends on today! (End of chapter)

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