Chapter 118 The Sturdy Grandma Zhong Cuihua

"Dry the sandworm!"

"The purchase of sandworms is done!"


"Buy dried sandworms at a high price!"


Sun Xiaozhi glanced at the staff standing by the side of the pickup truck, shouting loudly with a loudspeaker, and felt very anxious. A few days ago, the villages near the seaside went out to dig sandworms, and they came to the village to collect them as soon as four or five days passed. .

Dried sandworms are high-end seafood, rich in nutrients and tonics. They are very popular, with high prices and no worries about sales. The one-year business depends on the goods received in the past few days.However, at noon, the dry sandworms collected were less than five catties.

Sun Xiaozhi knew that it was because he had suppressed the price too hard this year, and the people in the village were unwilling to sell it, so he regretted it a bit. However, if he said something, it was impossible to raise the price immediately. If he really did this, the person who sold the sandworm would ask himself to settle the score. Asking for money, those who didn't sell felt that they were profiteers, let alone sell, neither of them were human.

Sun Xiaozhi took a puff of the cigarette in his hand, threw it on the ground, lifted his foot and stepped on it vigorously. He couldn't just sit still. If the people in the village didn't come, he had to go to the door to look for it. Today, he had to collect a hundred catties of dried sandworms. .

Sun Xiaozhi opened the door of the truck, took the bag with cash on his back, turned around and walked into the village.

"Big brother!"

"Is there any sandworm in the house? Buy it at a high price!"



"There were sand-digging worms a few days ago, right?"

"My car is harvested and dried at the drying yard in the village. If there are any, sell them to me."


"This uncle."

"Are there any dry sandworms for sale?"

"Pick up cash."

"Give me the money immediately after passing the scale!"


Sun Xiaozhi went door-to-door and asked everyone he saw, some didn't pay any attention at all, and some immediately closed the door when they heard the price.

"Damn it!"

"Why can't we get sandworms this year?"

"Could it be possible to raise the price now?"

Sun Xiaozhi walked profusely. Everyone in the village had dried sandworms in their hands, and they were unwilling to buy them if they were not satisfied with the price. This year, I was a little greedy, and the price was pressed too hard. I felt that the people in the village thought it was troublesome, so they would sell it at a lower price. , did not expect this to be the case.

Sun Xiaozhi gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward. He walked through the whole village. If no one wanted to sell, he could only raise the price. It didn't matter if he slapped himself in the face, as long as he could make money and eat poop.

Sun Xiaozhi was gasping for breath. The village was getting higher and higher. It was so hot. He was just thinking about whether to go back. When he looked forward, he found a few big dustpans in front of a house not far away. Inhale, the sea breeze blowing over carries the familiar smell of dried sandworms.

Sun Xiaozhi regained his energy and quickened his pace to rush to the dustpan. He looked down and saw that each of the dried sandworms was as long as a finger. At first glance, I know that this is a top-notch product, and one catty can be worth three catties or even five catties of others. If I sell it in my store, I can't beat it for 2000 yuan per catty.

Sun Xiaozhi stretched out his hand to grab a handful and got up to take a closer look. There was a sudden "bang" sound, and he jumped up in fright. He turned his head and saw a 70-year-old old woman sitting on the threshold of the house door, holding an iron basin in one hand and a cup in the other. A stick, this is the thing that scares me.

"Grandma, hello."

"Is this from your sandworm?"

"Is there anyone else in the house?"

While talking, Sun Xiaozhi took a look inside the open courtyard door, but no one was silent.

"You go!"

"My grandson said, this sandworm is not for sale!"

Zhong Cuihua shook her head.

"What about the ones that don't sell at first?"

"I'll give you a good price!"


"I came to your village early in the morning to harvest sandworms! Every year since the year before last!"

"The car is parked at the drying yard in the village!"


"The people in your village sold me all the dried sandworms! If you don't believe me, go and have a look. There are almost two hundred catties in the car!"


"You can't eat these sandworms yourself, can you? They must be sold. The price in the town is the same as mine or even a little lower."

"Selling it to me saves you a trip, doesn't it?"



"Did you see it?"

"I have cash with me!"


"600 yuan a catty!"

"I only give 500 yuan a catty to other families in the village!"


Sun Xiaozhi's eyeballs rolled wildly, and he deliberately spoke loudly, but no one came out. It seemed that only an old lady was at home. This was a good opportunity. With his perfect tongue, an old lady was easy to deal with.

Zhong Cuihua glanced at Sun Xiaozhi, who saw herself as an old woman guarding the sandworm, trying to cheat and take it away at a low price, but ignored it, stood up, turned around and walked home.


"Are you gone?"

"Don't sell it for six hundred? How about adding fifty?"

"No more. No matter how much, the other people in the village who sell me dried sandworms will definitely not do it!"

"You must ask me for money!"

Seeing that Zhong Cuihua ignored him, Sun Xiaozhi turned around and entered the yard, followed immediately into the yard, saw that he walked into the kitchen, and immediately followed in.


"What are you doing with the knife?"

When Sun Xiaozhi saw Zhong Cuihua holding a machete on the stove, he was taken aback for a moment, but his face immediately changed, and he turned and ran out.

"650 yuan a catty for my dried sandworms!?"

"It's easy to be deceived by my age, isn't it?"


"Old women eat more salt than you eat rice!"


"Into my house? Don't run!"

"Hack you to death!"


Sun Xiaozhi was sweating profusely, and ran as fast as a rabbit. He was so busy trying to collect sandworms at a low price that he forgot that in a fishing village, strangers might let their dogs go if they walked around a few times. There is no place to reason after death.

Zhao Dahai was riding a motorcycle, just came back from the town, bought some tofu and pork, and was thinking about how to cook it, when he heard grandma Zhong Cuihua swearing, his expression changed, and he slammed the gas pedal, The motorcycle sped out, turned a corner, and saw grandma Zhong Cuihua standing at the gate of the yard from a distance, holding a hatchet in her hand and yelling at her, and she was running towards herself alone.

Zhao Dahai parked his motorcycle and waited for someone to run to his side. Without saying a word, he raised his foot and kicked him.

Sun Xiaozhi had seen Zhao Dahai earlier, but he didn't expect to kick him out, and he fell to the ground with a tumble.

Zhao Dahai pulled up Sun Xiaozhi's collar, slapped him twice, and dragged him towards grandma Zhong Cuihua.

"What's the matter?"

"Isn't this the boss who came to our village to harvest sandworms?"


"Want to receive 650 yuan?"


"My family doesn't even sell it! How can the head of Dahai's family sell it!"


"Need to say? I must have seen the sandworm from Dahai's family, and seeing that Zhong Cuihua is getting old, I want to cheat and buy it!"


"This man has a dark heart!"


"The sea just came back!"


When the people in the village heard Zhong Cuihua's scolding, they rushed out of the house, just in time to see Zhao Dahai dragging someone along.

Zhao Dahai walked to the door of the house, left Sun Xiaozhi behind, and asked his grandma Zhong Cuihua carefully before she felt relieved. When she was old, she and her grandma Zhong Cuihua were the only ones left in the family. If anything happened, they would never forgive themselves for the rest of their lives. .

Sun Xiaozhi's eyes were staring, his ears were buzzing, and the kick in his stomach hurt so badly that he wanted to vomit but couldn't. He struggled for a long time before getting up, spat, and two teeth fell out.

"It's my fault."

"I'm from Guanghua Village, two hundred kilometers away. My name is Sun Xiaozhi."

Sun Xiaozhi stood up on his knees, and admitted his mistake directly.

Fishing villages are full of people who go out to sea with their heads tied to their belts to make money, and the folk customs are tough, but anyway, this is not ancient times, and everyone is used to reasoning, but the words in front of them are not a word, and they are a typical ruthless person.

The point is that I have no place to reason about this matter today.

It's okay to do business and receive goods at a low price, but no matter what the means are, the seller must nod.

Now the seller doesn't nod and doesn't allow him to follow into the house?

I have no place to reason for breaking my leg.

Deny it?

Don't think it's useful?

It is useless to say anything in front of a 70-year-old lady, and she does not need to think about the result after reporting the case.I am a foreigner, so I may not be able to run away.Home is around here.Two hundred kilometers is really not far away, and he is in business, so it is easy for Zhao Dahai to find him, and it is easy to ruin his business.

Sun Xiaozhi has been in business for many years, and he knows that at this time, the less he admits his mistakes, the less he suffers. It's not that he hasn't done this before collecting sandworms.

Who would have thought that they would run into a ruthless person today?
The old one just took the hatchet and the young one kicked and slapped the young one without saying a word.

Zhao Dahai didn't expect Sun Xiaozhi to be such a bachelor, so he directly admitted his mistake and reported the family. Grandma Zhong Cuihua was fine, she had already beat someone up, and let Sun Xiaozhi go without saying anything.

Sun Xiaozhi went back to the drying yard in the village, packed up his things, and drove away. The business in this place could no longer be done.

Zhao Dahai entered the courtyard and closed the door.


"You are too fierce!"

Zhao Dahai really didn't expect grandma Zhong Cuihua to take the hatchet directly.


"That kid wants to lie to me?"

"There are no doors!"

"I said I wouldn't sell it. If you come in with me, you'll definitely get a knife."

Zhong Cuihua is confident.

Zhao Dahai gave a thumbs up, no matter what is right or wrong, the most important thing is to protect yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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