Chapter 119 This time it's a goby

After Zhao Dahai finished his lunch, he packed up a fishing rod, sea centipedes and other useful things, plus a small bubble box filled with ice, put them on the back seat of the motorcycle, put on a straw hat and went out to Paiwan Village fish pier.

Zhao Dahai found a place to park his motorcycle, and walked along the pier towards the direction opposite to the sea and into the bay. After a while, he saw a large area of ​​farmed fish ponds.

The mariculture in Paiwan Village is divided into two parts, one is to use bay fishing rafts to raise seawater, and the other is to dig fish ponds to pump seawater. The former mainly breeds red drum fish, while the latter breeds blue crabs and prawns.

Zhao Dahai took the fishing rod and hugged the box, walked along the road for about [-] minutes, and arrived at a small gate of a big ditch about three meters wide. This is a place specially dug out to divert seawater, and it is made of cement and stones. As long as there are breeding ponds in the seaside villages, almost all of them cannot do without this thing.

Zhao Dahai tidied up his fishing rod, hung a spherical Abo buoy, hung a pinched sea centipede on the hook, threw it under the gate, and stuck it against the concrete wall of the gate. Within ten seconds, a fish took the bait and pulled it. Get up, a fish with a big head and a body smaller than two fingers.


"Looks like there are really a lot of gobies in this place."

Zhao Dahai untied the fish and threw it into the foam box, rehung the sea centipede, and continued fishing.

Today I went to town to sell the fish that I lost yesterday, and there was only half a day left. There was no need to go fishing. When I was shopping for vegetables, I remembered that my grandma Zhong Cuihua liked to eat goby braised tofu. I bought the tofu and went out to catch some gobies in the afternoon.

What happened to Sun Xiaozhi just now made it difficult to go out? !

Grandma Zhong Cuihua dared to hold a kitchen knife, so she had no problem taking care of herself.In addition, I can't stay at home all my life, don't go anywhere, among other things, I have to go fishing.Remind grandma Zhong Cuihua to be careful and close the door when seeing strangers go back to the yard.There is no need to be particular about it, the key is not to be particular about it.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Dahai caught another goby.

There is only one letter difference between goby and crab goby, but two completely different fish.

Gobies are relatively small in size, about ten centimeters long, and the largest one is generally in the shape of a big toe.The crab goby can grow very large, and it is no problem to weigh a catty or two.The crab goby has mucus all over its body, and the goby has no mucus at all.Gobies have scales all over their body and they are thick scales but crab gobies have thin scales.The price of crab goby is far higher than that of shrimp goby.

The taste of gobies is actually very good, but people at the seaside rarely eat them.It's not that it's not delicious, but the size of this kind of fish is not big, so it's very troublesome to clean.Places like gates are generally overcrowded.

One by one, Zhao Dahai caught three catties in less than an hour, all of which were big enough to feed himself and his grandma Zhong Cuihua, so he put away the fishing rods and stopped fishing.

Zhao Dahai stood on the small bridge at the gate and looked up along the ditch. On both sides were ponds and dams made of stone and cement. On the sides of the dams were mouthfuls of fish ponds, where gentian groupers, blue crabs or giant crabs were raised. shrimp.

There are many villages by the sea, one next to the other, all of which are close to the sea. Some villages have a better geographical location and are very rich, while some villages have a poor geographical location and are very poor.

The location of Paiwan Village is very good. It is surrounded by a bay that never dries up, and there are enough sea ponds dug in the ground for farming. It is very rich.It's not that I don't lament that the ancestors in such a place have vision, and they are indeed powerful, and the grandchildren of future generations will not worry about eating and drinking.

Zhao Dahai stared at the pond for a few times, and found that there were hand-sized stone cracks one after another close to the waterline of the ditch.

Isn't this place a natural blue crab cave?
Zhao Dahai's heart moved, and he walked up the ditch for a while, found a place where the waterline went down, carefully looked at a few cracks in the stone, and found a lot of crab claw marks, there must be blue crabs, and there are breeding crabs on both sides I don't know how many mud crabs escaped from the pond mouth when changing the water. They hide in these rock crevices year after year, and there are more and more of them. There must be a lot of big ones.

Zhao Dahai continued to move forward along the pond, one or two steps became a crack in the rocks, each crack was as big as a palm, and there were almost blue crabs crawling over it, leaving crab claw marks.

Zhao Dahai saw a hole in a stone crevice, which was round and flat, very smooth. He stretched out his hand and wiped it lightly, and there was mucus.


"This is the goby's hole!"

Zhao Dahai stood up and shook the mud and slime off his hands.

The entire pond is very long, with no end in sight, at least one or two kilometers.They are all made of stone and cement, exposed to the wind and sun, and washed by sea water, all of which are big rocks with big caves.How many blue crabs and gobies are caught in these places, and they must be big.

The rules of the seaside fishing village are very simple. In this way, there are no owner-owned places outside the ponds and dams. As long as they are from their own villages, they can catch them. People from other villages can’t. Come here to catch some gobies by yourself. No one wants cheap things. If you catch blue crabs and crab tigers, especially on ponds and dams, you are very likely to be beaten.

Zhao Dahai was very greedy, but there was nothing he could do. He shook his head and walked back, took his own fishing rod and foam box, and went back to the back rack of the motorcycle tied to the dock to leave. When he looked up, he saw a fish raft not far away. There is a big yellow dog lying on its stomach, sleeping with its eyes closed, and flicking its tail from time to time.

People are not as good as dogs!
Zhao Dahai shook his head, people have to be busy earning money every day, dogs don't need it, seeing strangers barking twice is considered as work done.

Why didn't I think of this thing?

We need a dog at home!

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while, and felt that this was a really good idea. One was to guard the house, and strangers would definitely have scruples when they saw dogs.In addition, I often go out to sea for fishing.Grandma Zhong Cuihua spends most of her time at home alone, and the dog can be her companion.

It was almost five o'clock when Zhao Dahai came home on his motorcycle. It took a lot of effort to deal with the gobies. They were not big. They scraped off the fish scales and opened their stomachs to clean them. It took about an hour to clean the fish weighing about three kilograms. Take a big bowl, put some salt to marinate.

Zhao Dahai went to the vegetable field at the back of the house, picked green vegetables, saw that the beans had grown to the size of the head of chopsticks, and when they were tender, he picked a handful, went back to the kitchen to wash them, the rice was cooked, and started cooking.The green vegetables are fried quickly in hot oil, and there is some pork belly left at noon, and the beans are fried together.Stir-fry two dishes, clean the iron pan, burn dry and put oil, when it is hot enough to smoke, fry the tofu first, and then fry the gobies, put the tofu back down, put two bowls of water, and cook for a while on high heat , put soy sauce, garlic, and salt, take out the firewood from the stove, and simmer for 10 minutes with the charcoal in the stove. When only half a bowl of thick juice is left, put it in a large bowl.

Zhao Dahai saw that the weather was good, the wind was blowing, and it was quite cool. A table was set up in the yard to serve the dishes, and he told grandma Zhong Cuihua to eat, and put shrimp, crab, fish and tofu in the bowl in front of grandma Zhong Cuihua


"How about a puppy at home?"

Zhao Dahai took a piece of tofu, crushed it in a bowl, and mixed it with rice, and took a bite. It was thick, fresh and salty, very delicious, and it went very well with rice.

Zhong Cuihua knew that Zhao Dahai was worried about being alone at home, and it would be better to have a dog, so she agreed.


"That's the deal. I'll ask to see if there is any local dog that I want."

Zhao Dahai ate with a big mouthful, and turned around to ask if any bitches gave birth to puppies, and brought one back with a red envelope. If it really didn't work, he would go to town one day to see if he could buy one.


"Those fish, shrimp and crab farmers in Paiwan Village are so fat!"

Zhao Dahai talked about the ponds and dams he saw while fishing shrimp, crab and fish in the afternoon.

"Who said no?"

"There is no need to go to sea to make a lot of money."

"Someone in our village thought about it, but it didn't work out."

Zhong Cuihua nodded.


"Is there someone in our village doing this?"

"Why don't I have any impression?"

Zhao Dahai froze for a moment.

"It happened more than ten years ago!"

"You were young at that time, and you don't remember much, but you must know the place. Our village is next to the mangrove forest. Didn't you often go there to play when you were young?"

Zhong Cuihua picked up a goby and said that next time, don’t do it next time. It’s delicious but it takes too much effort. After half a day of fishing, it takes an hour or two to cook it.

Zhao Dahai suddenly remembered that there is such a place, big stones and concrete blocks, the children in the village like to go there to play, climb up and down and so on, they have not been there for many years when they grow up, and almost forget it.

"Why didn't you get it up?"

Zhao Dahai was a little curious.Farming is big money.It’s fine if no one does it. If someone does it but doesn’t do it, I don’t know what happened.

"I don't know the exact reason. If you want to know, ask Second Grandpa."

Zhong Cuihua shook her head, really not knowing what was going on.

Zhao Dahai didn't talk about it anymore, he went there to have a look at another day, after dinner, he packed his things, and went fishing tomorrow, the sandworms were not in a hurry to sell them, let's talk later.

(End of this chapter)

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