Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 145 One Group of Bad Nets Can Make Money

Chapter 145 A mess of bad internet can make money

Zhao Dahai left the woods and arrived at the pier, just in time to see a small fishing boat anchored, and immediately went over to call out. Seeing a small fish, he bought two catties of two-finger-sized yellowtail, which is a common small fish in shallow seas. , the tail is yellow, the head will not grow too big, you can’t eat meat, the soup is first-class, cheap and affordable.

Zhao Dahai returned home with the small fish, and immediately began to prepare. He found a broken fishing net in the house, cut it into small pieces, took two or three yellow tails, wrapped them in the middle, tied them tightly with rope, and loosened them around the net. The net was kept one meter long, and sixty balls were tied at one go. When building the chicken coop some time ago, I kept a lot of small bamboos, piled them up behind the house, and chopped sixty of them with a hatchet. It was 34 cm long. In addition, I tied several pairs of hooks, took bamboo baskets, fishnet balls and other things, put them inside, and hurried out.

Zhao Dahai went back to the canal and looked for the big holes on both sides. When he saw that the big and flat holes were relatively new with claw marks, he took out a fishnet ball and placed the small fish in the middle at a distance of [-] centimeters from the hole. Spread out the fishing net, throw a stone into the mud with a short bamboo, tie the rope, and draw a good distance to ensure that the bait can be dragged into the hole, but only just less than ten centimeters into the hole. Do the same, and bring [-] balls of fishnet Find a hole and put it all away.

Zhao Dahai straightened up, moved around a bit, and was busy with his work, only to find that he had been bent over for a long time, was very tired, and his body was covered in sweat. He rested for a while, found a few holes, and tried to catch crab tigers. I don't know if it's not or for other reasons, I didn't catch it, and I was a little disappointed.

Zhao Dahai didn't worry about it. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, he walked back along the canal, left the forest and walked to the small pier. He saw Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin on the fishing boat, and walked over.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin are sorting out the fishing nets, talking and laughing, very relaxed. Yesterday they caught sea bass and made a fortune, and there will be no pressure in the next few months.

"The sea!"

"Where are you going?"

Zhong Shizhu had a cigarette in his mouth.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the mangrove forest and said he was fine in the afternoon. He remembered the ponds dug by the Huang family. He looked around and found drainage channels with many large holes.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin knew that this matter was reliable.


"How majestic the Huang family was back then!"


"It's really majestic. Not to mention our village, even the ten or eight towns in the surrounding area are all famous families."

"One wrong step. Millions of belongings, and all the losers ran away."

"Grass has grown on the graves of our ancestors, and the rain has flattened them all these years."


Zhao Dahai looked at the pier, remembered the fishing boats he saw in the morning where he went to catch sea bass, and told Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin.

"Zhao Dahai."

"You don't go fishing much. I don't know about this situation. In fact, it's the sea bass season every year, and it's like this in that place."

"There are fishing boats waiting there 24 hours a day, morning and evening."

Zhong Shizhu was very grateful that he and Zhao Dahai were the first to catch sea bass this year.

"There are a lot of sea bass in that place every year. Everyone knows that. If you can't catch it in other places, you can only guard it in that place."

"Fishing boats with too many fishnets can't catch any fish? Who doesn't know the truth? But there are also not many fish, shrimps and crabs caught in other places, so you can only squeeze in that place to try your luck. You may not be able to put your own fishing nets down. , What about the one who can catch a net of sea bass? This happens every year, and it depends on who is lucky.”

"This year is not the sea. You caught sea bass. We reacted quickly and got ahead of others. Now Zhong Shizhu and I, including Lei, are all crowded in that place."

Liu Bin sorts out fishing nets.In the whole village, only Zhong Shizhu, Lei Da and a few people can relax. The other fishing boats are basically floating on the sea, waiting for the tide.Zhao Dahai went there in the morning. If he went again at this time, the whole sea would be brightly lit and full of fishing boats.

Zhao Dahai chatted with Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin for a while, and then went home for dinner.

"What did we say before? Zhao Dahai's mind is spinning fast."

"There must be blue crabs in the dilapidated ponds and canals of the Huang family."

"For so many years, we never thought of going to see it."

Zhong Shizhu looked at the place near the mangrove forest in the distance where the Huang family dug the mouth of the pond. Everyone in the village knew about it. He and Liu Bin were much older than Zhao Dahai, so they knew better. Chu, but never thought of going there to catch blue crabs.

"There's nothing wrong with this!"

"We are not people with this kind of brain."


"Speaking of which, this time your mind is really fast enough."

Liu Bin smiled and shook his head.

Zhao Dahai is indeed formidable.The pond dug by the Huang family back then raised blue crabs, and when the water was pumped out, some blue crabs would definitely come out, and the canal leads directly to the mangrove forest. A thousand or a few hundred yuan is not too difficult.

"Zhao Dahai came back from fishing that day, and there were only him and me in the whole pier. If Zhao Dahai really wanted to hide this matter from us, there are ways."

"This is Zhao Dahai's opportunity to make a fortune for us."

Zhong Shizhu gathered the fishing net in his hand and tied it with a rope.When Zhao Dahai came back from fishing a few days ago, all the fish were in the living cabin. Once the board was covered, he didn't know anything. He asked himself to help look at the fishing boat, just to tell himself that there were sea bass in the sea.

Liu Bin nodded, seeing that it was himself, Zhong Shizhu, and Lei Dayou who took Zhao Dahai out to catch sea bass to make a lot of money. In fact, it was Zhao Dahai who gave him and others a chance to make a fortune.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin tidied up their fishing nets, walked home together, went back to have dinner, went fishing in the early morning, did not intend to join in the fun of catching sea bass, went to other places to catch other fish, shrimp and crabs, and already made a lot of money With the pen, you can be as casual as you want, as much as you can capture, as much as you can earn, without pressure.Keep Zhao Dahai's affairs in mind, and help more when there is something to do.

Zhao Dahai went home to make dinner, and after eating, he took his grandmother to plant green flowers and went out for a walk. It was impossible not to go out all day, and it was even worse to weave fishing nets every day. As he got older, he had to pay more attention to his health.


"I'm making money now!"

"You can no longer weave fishing nets like this desperately. Go out more, bask in the sun more, and take more walks to keep healthy. Or in a few years, your great-grandchildren will be born, and you won't be able to take them with you."

Zhao Dahai took the rest of the food and poured it into the chicken pen. The roosters and the hens rushed out to grab the food, and the two roosters immediately started fighting.


"you're right!"

"I need to bask in the sun more and take more walks! I need to help you take care of the children!"

Zhong Cuihua thought about it, and it was true.

Zhao Dahai was a little dumbfounded, this is not the first time to persuade grandma to pay attention to her health when planting emerald green flowers, not to weave fishing nets at home all the time, she never listened, and when she talked about great-grandchildren today, she immediately agreed.

After feeding the chickens with the green flowers, Zhao Dahai went around the vegetable garden a few times, pulled the weeds, and watered them. An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and he went home to take a shower and sleep. Tomorrow, he went to see if he could catch blue crabs in the canal.

The night is cold as water.

Zhong Cuihua sat on the bed, glanced at Xiao Naihei who was lying on the ground beside the bed, and started shouting to come into the room a few nights ago, don't lie at the door.

"What a nice dog!"

Zhong Cuihua remembered the faint fragrance she smelled when Zhao Dahai came back with the puppy a few days ago, lay down, closed her eyes, and fell asleep for a while, Zhao Dahai was right, you can’t grow old Weaving fishnets, taking more walks and basking in the sun, and being in good health can bring up great-grandchildren. Maybe it won't take long.

(End of this chapter)

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