Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 146 Zhao Dahai has encountered a tough stubble!

Chapter 146 Zhao Dahai has encountered a tough stubble!

"It's too hard to catch this little fish!"


"I watched for a day and a night! I only had time to set up a fishing net! It's only about ten catties of sea bass!"


"Too many boats!"

"How big is that place? It's full of fishing nets! When the running water rushes over, it's all mixed together, and it's hard to tell who owns who. Don't talk about fishing, the fishing nets are all useless!"

"If you can't make money, you can lose money!"


Zhao Dahai circled around the small pier, and some fishing boats came back, and most of the fish they caught were sea bass. Hearing these words, he knew that most of the people squeezed into himself and Zhong Shizhu to catch sea bass. There are too many people and too many fishing boats, and everyone has nothing to gain. The most fish fishing boats are about [-] catties, and the rest are basically [-] catties. It is not worthwhile to stay for such a long time. .

Zhao Dahai put on a straw hat, carried a bamboo basket, walked along the beach to the mangrove forest, walked to the edge of the canal, looked ahead, and immediately saw a big green crab lying on the entrance of the cave, went down the canal, wading Shui walked over, and he was right, it was indeed a blue crab, it was really big, it looked like a catty and a half.

The "trap" I set up here yesterday afternoon is very simple. There are small fish in the fishing net, which emits a fishy smell. At night, the blue crabs come out of their holes to look for food. When they see a fish at the door, they can't help it, waving their big pliers Crawling over, the fishing net was not polite at all, entangled his paws, the more he struggled, the tighter the entanglement became, and he couldn't move. With some strength, he was able to drag the fishing net on his body back into the hole, but there was a rope tied to the fishing net and knocked on the small bamboo Nailed to the ground, he can only be caught without a fight.

Zhao Dahai held down the blue crab, picked it up, carefully untied the entangled fishing net, tied it with a rope, put it in the bamboo basket on his back and continued walking.There are really blue crabs in these holes in the canal, and there are a lot of them. After collecting a circle, there are about [-] crabs, the small one weighs half a catty, and the largest one weighs at least two catties. Crabs, but not the more expensive cream crabs or fresh crabs, just ordinary meat crabs, but the water channel leads directly to the mangrove forest, and the food is very abundant. These blue crabs are very fat, very expensive, and the price is not bad.

Zhao Dahai tidied up the fishing net balls, tied the small fish in the middle overnight, it was rotten and smelly, the smell was very good, there was no need to change it, this kind of stinky fish was more effective, thinking last night that the fishing net balls were ineffective and could not catch blue crabs If so, go to the town to buy ground cages and put them here. You don’t need to spend this effort and money now, just keep releasing them, find the hole again and put them all in. Come back here tomorrow morning to collect them. The harvest will definitely not be as good as today, but I guess you can catch another ten Only eight.

After Zhao Dahai finished setting out the fishing nets, he found a clean place by the canal to sit down, rested for a while and then went back.

This can't be without the crab tiger, right?

Zhao Dahai looked at the dilapidated canal, there were holes one after another at the waterline, some had already caught blue crabs, obvious blue crab holes, but others could not be blue crab holes at first glance, round and slippery, Some of them can find the slime directly, most likely it is crab tiger, but I tried fishing yesterday and found none.

Unwilling to give up, Zhao Dahai turned over his bamboo basket. The hook tied yesterday was still there, and he took it out. Xiaoyu cut a small piece and hung it on the hook. He found a big round hole and put it in without staring at it all the time. , sit a little farther away and wait to see if any gobies take the bait.

Zhao Dahai waited for almost an hour, but there was no movement at all. He shook his head. These may be jumping fish or something else, or they are just useless. I think there are crab gobies here, but it is just wishful thinking.

Zhao Dahai was thinking about the blue crabs in the bamboo baskets. The weather is relatively hot, and if there is no water for too long, they may die. The fishing net balls that have just been put down will not be collected until early tomorrow morning. It is indeed a bit regretful not to be able to catch crab gobies. It's cool, but blue crabs have a good harvest and can make a lot of money, so there is nothing dissatisfied.

Zhao Dahai stood up and patted the sand on his trousers, picked up the bamboo basket with blue crabs on the ground, and just walked two steps, when he heard a loud crash, he was startled, and turned back to the ditch.

Are there any big fish here?
What kind of fish could it be?

Zhao Dahai's eyes widened, and he carefully looked back and forth several times. The water in the canal was very clear, and there was no place where it was turbid.

what happened?

How did that sound come out just now?
Zhao Dahai was confused, it was definitely not an auditory hallucination, he really heard the sound of water.

Zhao Dahai searched back and forth for a long time, but he couldn't find it. He was unwilling to find it, but if he couldn't find it, he couldn't find it. Maybe there was a fish and it was a big fish, but he had already run away, so he could only leave. After walking about ten steps, There was another sound of water, this time a little softer, but it was definitely the sound of fish splashing water.

"Is this playing me?"

"I don't believe in evil anymore, so I have to find you to find out where it is."

Zhao Dahai was a little annoyed. He went back to the ditch and soaked the bamboo basket in the water so that the blue crabs would not die. He made up his mind to search for it and see what it was. If there were really big fish, go back and get the fishing net. Catch them all.

Zhao Dahai spent half an hour walking back and forth along the canal twice, but there were no fish, no fish.

"Could it be that it's not in the water? If it's not in the water, how could it make the sound of splashing water?"

"Blue crab?"

"it's out of the question!"

"Crab tiger?"

Zhao Dahai patted the back of his head violently. There were indeed blue crabs in the water channel, and he had caught quite a few of them. However, it is absolutely impossible for blue crabs to make such a sound, but there is one thing that is very likely to make such a sound. Voice.

Zhao Dahai strode to the hole where he put the hook to catch the crab tiger, and saw that the line had been straightened. The key point was that the water at the mouth of the hole was already turbid. There must be fish or something else that took the bait. The water made a sound, and the hole was on the side of the ditch, about ten centimeters away from the water surface.I have been staring at the water surface in the ditch for a long time, no wonder I can't find it.

Zhao Dahai went down the ditch, waded through the water and walked to the entrance of the cave, stretched out his hand and pulled the fishing line, it was tightly stretched, obviously struggling.




Zhao Dahai pulled it out with a little force, but remained motionless.


its stuck!
Zhao Dahai's face was a bit ugly, there was a fish on the hook and it was most likely a crab tiger, but he didn't pay attention, the thread was relatively long when he put the hook, and he dragged it directly into the hole, I don't know how deep the hole is, in case there is a stone in it , or if you turn a few corners, it is very difficult to pull it out.

Zhao Dahai tried countless methods, sweating profusely and covered in muddy water. After half an hour, he broke the fishing line helplessly, and the hooked fish ran away.

Zhao Dahai was very depressed. Seeing the fish he caught ran away, he looked down at the hole as big as a bowl, and wanted to dig out and catch the fish to avenge his revenge. But just thinking about it, the canal has been in disrepair for a long time, but the stone is Stone and cement are cement after all. It doesn't mean that it cannot be dug, but it is very laborious and uneconomical.

Zhao Dahai washed his hands and feet, and left with a bamboo basket very depressed. It is not that there are no crab gobies here, but the crab gobies here are very vigilant and take a long time to catch the bait. Go back and think about improving the fishing group before fishing.

(End of this chapter)

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