Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 221 Launch!Good luck!Grandma saw Ding Xiaoxiang!

Chapter 221 Launch!Good luck!Grandma saw Ding Xiaoxiang!

early morning.

The sun has just risen.

Ding Lihua opened the store door, pulled out the diesel engine and gasoline engine, and placed them on both sides of the store entrance. It took half an hour to tidy up the inside and outside of the store.

Ding Lihua stood at the door of the store, watching the streets slowly becoming bustling, and a new day began.

Ding Lihua walked back to the shop and sat down on the sofa, boiled water to make tea, and just took a sip when a tricycle stopped at the door, looked up, and Zhao Dahai came in.

"Boss Zhao."

"Why so early? What's the matter with the fishing boat?"

Ding Lihua stood up immediately, greeted him and asked what was the matter.

"Boss Ding."

"I'm only 20 years old. You don't need to call the boss or anything, just call me by my name, Dahai or Zhao Dahai is fine."

Zhao Dahai was taken aback. It was fine for others to call him Boss Zhao, but Ding Lihua was Ding Xiaoxiang's second uncle, so he didn't dare to call him that.



Ding Lihua nodded with a smile. Zhao Dahai is indeed young. It's okay to call him the boss if he doesn't know each other.

Zhao Dahai sat down on the sofa and drank a cup of tea. He directly said that he bought a big speedboat and would pick up the boat in two days, so he could find a knowledgeable person to inspect the goods.


"no problem!"

"Come here to pick me up early in the morning in two days, and I'll go with you."

Ding Lihua agreed, and he was very familiar with speedboats, especially the various engines and control systems used by speedboats. He often did this kind of thing, which was his own business.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Lihua negotiated the price and left in a hurry. There are many things to do next.

"Is this kid too powerful?"

"Can you afford such a big speedboat? This is the latest type of recreational fishing boat. The first in the whole city!"

Ding Lihua stood at the door of the store and watched Zhao Dahai leave on a tricycle. He was very surprised. He was selling machinery for boats, and the speedboat was the focus of attention. I knew that the speedboat manufacturer in the city had produced a new type of recreational fishing boat. , This is what Zhao Dahai bought. At the beginning, he couldn't get the two diesel engines together in his shop. It took him a long time to win a speedboat worth 70 yuan. This is really scary.

Ding Lihua turned around and walked back to the shop, sat down on the sofa, picked up the teacup, drank slowly, and waited for the business to arrive.

Zhao Dahai left Ding Lihua's boat machine shop to book a car to go to the city two days later, and then rushed to the fishing tackle shop.

"These two sets of poles and wheels are imported top-quality products, as long as the line is constant, they can handle two hundred catties of fish."

Wu Guodong pointed to the two sets of poles and wheels in front of him and looked at Zhao Dahai standing in front of him. He has been here many times and bought a lot of strings and lead pendants. They are all accessories, and he has never bought them before. This is the first time for poles and wheels, and they are the top quality goods as soon as they are opened. A set of poles and wheels costs less than [-] yuan, which is not a small sum.


"The price is a bit cheaper."

Zhao Dahai went out to sea a few days ago and did not buy new equipment. Now that he has taken down the speedboat, the fishing rod and wheels must be prepared. Hand-operated spinning wheels and poles are good but also have disadvantages. It takes time and effort. Fishing is not for fun, but for production. Speed ​​and time, including energy saving, must be considered. An electric winch must be equipped. It doesn’t need to be said, but it must be available.

Zhao Dahai picked up a huge electric winch with a diameter of more than [-] centimeters. It exudes metallic luster and is full of weight. Every time he comes to the fishing tackle shop, he is hungry. Knowing the various parameters early is a tried and tested tool. There are a lot of poles and wheels, as long as the price is right, you can ignore the good ones you won.

"A set of single pole and single wheel is eighteen thousand."

"Get two sets and get a little discount, a total of 300. Free maintenance is provided twice a year. Subsequent maintenance costs [-] yuan each time."

"The quality assurance depends on the official time, and the warranty will be provided in my store for another year."

Wu Guodong calculated with a calculator for a while, and quoted the price.


"That's the price!"

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while and agreed on the price. Wu Guodong is not the only one with a fishing tackle shop in the town. The competition is fierce and the price is transparent. Those who would spend so much money on wheels are all from the local circle. , A bad reputation has a great impact on business.

Zhao Dahai chose a "heavy weapon" and spent 8000 yuan on a set of "light weapons". Bought things like strings, lead weights, and scales.

Zhao Dahai looked at the full-loaded tricycles, which added up to about 5 yuan, and felt that he was really different now, spending tens of thousands of yuan at once.

"Boss Zhao."

"Are you playing by yourself or bought a boat?"

Wu Guodong carried a box of lead for Zhao Dahai and put it on the tricycle. In this way, there are only two kinds of people who "purchase", one is hardcore players, and the other is the boat owner who bought a boat and is going to take guests out to sea for fishing.

"Just bought a boat."

"The goods will be picked up and launched in two days."

"The poles and wheels must be matched as soon as possible. When the boat arrives, go to sea and make money."

Zhao Dahai nodded.The owner of a fishing tackle shop like Wu Guodong knows many people who like to go fishing, and he will introduce speedboats to others. He is not in a hurry. He can lead people. As long as his boat can catch fish, his reputation will naturally spread. He doesn't need a fishing tackle shop owner like Wu Guodong to introduce business. Fishing in this business is the last word. "There are people who are rich in the deep mountains and have knowledge", the same is true for fishing.


"This is how the same thing?"

Wu Guodong stood at the door of the store, watching Zhao Dahai's tricycle drive farther and farther, and felt a little strange. Generally, people who bought a speedboat would leave a phone number or give their name here.

Wu Guodong shook his head, didn't think much, turned and went back to the shop, Zhao Dabao didn't give his name or leave a phone number, it didn't affect his business.

Dark night.

There is no moon in the sky.

Can't see five fingers.

In an open space in the middle of a grove not far from the entrance of Dashi Village, there are two people and a dog.

Zhao Dahai came early in the morning, and it was the scheduled meeting time every Monday.

"Go pick up the boat tomorrow!"

"Have you found my second uncle yet?"


"Did you drive right back?"


"When will I be able to return to Langtou Village?"


"Is it just you and my second uncle? Do you want to find a few more people?"


Ding Xiaoxiang kept asking questions one after another.

Zhao Dahai smiled, Ding Xiaoxiang was more nervous than herself.

"I went to find your second uncle the next day and agreed to pick up the boat together tomorrow."


"The factory is connected to the sea."

"If there is no problem with the speedboat, the crane will hoist it into the sea, and I will drive back directly."

"It's not very far, one or two hours is enough."


"I called a few people to go and have a look together. No one can tell if there is anything that needs help."

"A few more people on the road will be safer."


Zhao Dahai waited for Ding Xiaoxiang to ask all the questions before answering them one by one.



"Just arrange it."

Ding Xiaoxiang breathed a sigh of relief, this is a major event, it must be properly arranged.

"When do you have time? Didn't you say that last time? When I buy a new boat, I will call you when I go into the water."

Zhao Dahai looked at Ding Xiaoxiang, Ye Hei couldn't see his face but his eyes were shining.


"If this is the case, it will be done in the afternoon!"

"In the morning, I have to help my old mother with her business, selling fish, shrimp and crabs. I'm too busy."

"But isn't it usually only the morning hours that are better?"

"When I bought the speedboat, I had already seen the boat."

"Why don't you pick a good time! I'll go if I can. If I can't, it's fine."

Ding Xiaoxiang hesitated for a moment, the launch of a new boat is a big event, one has to watch the day and choose a good time.


"I'm not so particular about it. If you have time in the afternoon, choose the afternoon."

"Why don't we just do this, and we can rush back to the village at two or three o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow morning."

"How about going into the water at four or five in the afternoon?!"

Zhao Dahai directly made up his mind that it is important to pick a date for the launch of the new boat, but it is more important whether Ding Xiaoxiang can come.


"That's it!"

"I'll be at the pier in your village at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"I have to ask Yang Qin to go with me."

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that Zhao Dahai wanted to see the speedboat officially launched with his own eyes, and was very happy in her heart.

Zhao Dahai watched Ding Xiaoxiang go away, patted the head of Xiao Naihei who was following him, walked out of the small open space in the grove, and rode a tricycle back to the village.

Five in the morning.

Zhao Dahai got up, pushed open the door of his room, and immediately saw the light in the main room, and grandma Zhong Cuihua sitting on the stool.


"Why did you wake up so early?"

"How about you go to the city with me?"

Zhao Dahai smiled, and went to pick up the speedboat today. Grandma Zhong Cuihua was so excited that she couldn't sleep and woke up early in the morning.

"You go to the city to do errands, and I'll join in the fun."

"I'll just wait at the pier."

Zhong Cuihua smiled and shook her head.

Zhao Dahai went into the kitchen to cook breakfast, and after half an hour, three people, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Da, came. Last night, they called to go to the city to pick up the speedboat with him today, and have breakfast at home in the morning. After going out, they met Ding Lihua in the town, and the five of them drove to the city by car and went directly to the speedboat factory.


"The sea!"

"You bought this one?"


"This is amazing!"



"It's amazing that the speedboat is parked at the pier of Langtou Village!"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou knew that Zhao Dahai had bought a speedboat, and they always thought they would buy a speedboat worth [-] yuan, but they didn't expect to buy such a speedboat.

Zhao Dahai smiled, and if you buy it, you have to buy it well, so as not to change it later, which will cost more.


"That's a bit smug!"

"Who doesn't want to buy a good one? You have to be rich, right?"


"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"This speedboat is really big and cool!"


"There's nothing wrong with running overseas now!"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were all happy.People who go to sea don't want to buy bigger and more advanced ships, but they have to have money.

"Come, come!"


"Help check it out."


Ding Lihua held the configuration list of the speedboat in his hand, and immediately started to work. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da, some of whom were experienced people, all started to help check. There were many people and the speed was fast. After checking twice, everything was not missing, and the installation Fits perfectly, no issues.

Lu Mingzhi arranged for a trailer and a crane early on, and there was no problem with the static inspection, so he immediately towed the speedboat to the small pier leading to the sea behind the factory, and hoisted it to the surface of the water.

"Boss Zhao."


"How about trying this speedboat!"

Lu Mingzhi handed the key to Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai looked back, Ding Lihua, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all came up, inserted the key, turned it, the speedboat was powered on, and all the dashboards began to light up.

Zhao Dahai took a deep breath, pressed a button to start the engine, and the engine started with a slight but deep and clear sound.

Zhao Dahai held the steering wheel with one hand, turned it, and tested the feel. It was just right. Pushing the accelerator, the speedboat left the dock and drove out. When it reached the open sea, the speed became faster and faster, and it quickly reached forty knots. .

Zhao Dahai drove for a while, got over his addiction, slowed down, and handed over the speedboat to Ding Lihua.

Ding Lihua drove the speedboat, accelerated, decelerated and turned, while operating, listening to the sound of the engine, looking at the instrument panel, navigating the fish detection radar...including checking and testing the lights on the fishing boat.

"Manager Lu!"

“This speedboat is really nice!”

"It's worth the price!"

Ding Lihua drove the speedboat back to the shipyard and parked it steadily at the small pier. The speedboat bought by Zhao Dahai was top-notch and well-tuned.


"I'm relieved if Boss Zhao is satisfied!"

Lu Mingzhi laughed.Ding Lihua looked like an old hand, Zhao Dahai came to inspect the goods, everything was fine, the speedboat was successfully sold.

Zhao Dahai and Lu Mingzhi went to go through the formalities and pay the final payment.

"This speedboat is really incredible!"


"How long has it been since Zhao Dahai started sailing? You can afford such a good speedboat!"


"Why don't we find a way to buy one? You can't afford one like this, but you can think about it if it's cheaper than one hundred and twenty thousand!"


"What did you buy it for? Put it on the pier? Which one of you has the skills of the sea?"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou were very envious, but they knew that they didn't have such skills, and it was useless to buy them, so they could only talk about them.


The sea is wide.

As far as the eye can see.

Zhao Dahai finished the rest of the formalities, paid the money, and drove the speedboat across the sea like a dragon. After more than an hour, he slowly stopped at the small pier of Langtou Village. There was no one at the pier at noon, but the news spread very quickly, and it didn't take long. During the time, there were dozens of people surrounded by the third floor and the third floor, and more and more.

Zhao Dahai took a deep breath and was very excited. He stopped and called Ding Lihua, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Dayou to go back to his home. When he went out in the morning, he called his grandma Zhong Cuihua to ask Ma Hongyu and others to help him prepare lunch and leave. Entering the yard, seeing that it was ready, I immediately went to ask my second grandfather Zhao Shi and my second grandmother Jintao to have dinner together. After eating, I began to prepare for the launching ceremony in the afternoon.

Dashi Village.

Ding Xiaoxiang's house.

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"I said, can you hurry up! I'm so anxious!"

"Aren't you married, don't you need to dress up?"

Yang Qin shouted loudly to Ding Xiaoxiang to hurry up.


"You can't get ivory out of your dog's mouth!"

"I just came back from the fish market, I have to change clothes, right?"

"What about the smell of fish?"

Ding Xiaoxiang quickly changed her clothes, washed her face, dragged Yang Qin to the yard, rode a small motorcycle, and hurried to Langtou Village, directly to the pier.


"I see! I see!"

"It stopped there!"

Yang Qin shouted loudly.

Ding Xiaoxiang looked over, and immediately saw Zhao Dahai standing on the pier, with her second uncle Ding Lihua beside her.


"Let's go and see!"

Yang Qin raised her foot and wanted to walk over.


"We can't pass!"

Ding Xiaoxiang holds Yang Qin back.

"What are you afraid of?"

"A lot of people from the village have come here. The news must have spread. If your second uncle asks, we will say that we heard people say that there are big speedboats coming down here to watch the fun."

Yang Qin knew what Ding Xiaoxiang was worried about.


"Yang Qin."

"When did your brain become so good?"

"You are right!"

"That's what Second Uncle said later when he asked about it!"

Ding Xiaoxiang thought that what Yang Qin said was right, the two of them held hands and trotted over, looking at it from a distance is definitely not as good as running up close, it doesn't matter what other people's speedboat says, but this is Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

"The sea!"

"It's almost time!"

"You've got to get on the speedboat!"

"I'll fire the cannon later."

Zhong Shizhu looked at the time and reminded Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai looked up and looked around.

Where is Ding Xiaoxiang?Why can't I see it?

Can't come?
Zhao Dahai was a little anxious.

"Wait another 10 minutes!"

Zhao Dahai decided to wait until Ding Xiaoxiang, this is what he promised.


"Uncle Shi Zhu!"

"I'm on the speedboat now."

Zhao Dahai saw Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin running towards each other holding hands, and his heart was relieved.

"it is good!"

Zhong Shizhu didn't know why Zhao Dahai had just said to wait for 10 minutes and then changed his mind, but he ignored it, and walked to the beach with a lighter in his hand, in front of the firecrackers that had already been set up.


"Dahai is really promising!"

Looking at Zhao Dahai who got into the speedboat, Huang Jintao couldn't help but wiped the corners of her eyes.

Zhao Shi held a hookah in his hand and took a puff from time to time. He didn't speak but had a smile on his face.The big speedboat of 70 to [-] yuan can be bought as soon as it is said, and the cash is really capable and promising.

"This speedboat is really big and beautiful!"


"It takes 70 million to buy it. Can it not be beautiful?"


"Zhao Dahai makes a lot of money!"


"It's really good."


Zhong Cuihua looked at the speedboat, looked at Zhao Dahai, and listened to the words of the people around her, she was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear.

"Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang!"

Zhong Cuihua lowered her head, and the little Naihei who had been lying at her feet stood up at this moment, looked out of the crowd, and shouted.

"What's going on? Why are you shouting?"

Zhong Cuihua is very strange, Xiaonai has never been like this before.

"Don't shout, don't shout!"

Diao Cuihua patted Xiao Naihei on the head, but it was useless, and rushed forward.



Zhong Cuihua shouted quickly, at this time two people came in from outside the crowd, Xiao Naihei rushed over and circled one of them.

When Ding Xiaoxiang saw Xiao Naihei, she immediately stopped, stretched out her hand to hug her, but couldn't move, so she could only put it down, and when she looked up, she saw an old lady looking at her.


Little tits black!
How did you forget about this?

Ding Xiaoxiang's heart skipped a beat, her little face turned red, she knew that this must be Zhao Dahai's grandma, and she was not mentally prepared to meet in such a situation.


"Why is this dog so close to you?"

Yang Qin looked at Xiao Naihei with a confused face.The local dogs in the village recognize their masters and will not talk to outsiders.

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't know how to explain it. It was impossible to directly say that this was a puppy that her big dog gave birth to Zhao Dahai some time ago, and she still saw each other every week.

"Ding Xiaoxiang!"


"Go to your second uncle!"

Yang Qin wanted to see the speedboat, but didn't think too much about asking, and pulled Ding Xiaoxiang towards Ding Lihua.



"How did you come?"

Ding Lihua watched Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin push through the crowd and ran in front of him, he was very strange, he didn't know why they came here.

"Someone in the village said that Langtou Village bought a very beautiful speedboat."

"Yang Qin and I came to watch the fun, but I didn't expect you to come here."

Ding Xiaoxiang came as soon as she opened her mouth, telling the little lie very smoothly, her heart didn't beat at all.


"It's really a good speedboat, not to mention the villages around us, even the whole city is the first."

Ding Lihua nodded. Zhao Dahai's speedboat is really powerful. It has been more than two hours since we returned to the pier. The village is not far away. The news must have spread. The launch of a new boat in a seaside village is a big event. A lot of people watched the excitement, Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin knew about it and ran over, it's not surprising at all.

Zhong Cuihua looked at Ding Xiaoxiang, she was an old man, and she knew what was going on at once. It must be the girl Zhao Dahai took Xiaonaihei to see every week, otherwise Xiaonaihei would not be so close.

This little girl looks really good!

Pretty face.

The body is upright.

Zhong Cuihua kept staring at Ding Xiaoxiang non-stop, and the more she watched, the more satisfied she became. She was worried about the big speedboat for a long time.

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed extremely, she knew that Zhong Cuihua was looking at her all the time, but she could only pretend not to know, looking at Zhao Dahai on the speedboat by the pier.

Zhao Dahai looked at his grandma Zhong Cuihua and then at Ding Xiaoxiang, took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement for a while, and waved at Zhong Shizhu who had been staring at him.

"Go into the water!"

"Good luck!"

Zhong Shizhu let out a loud roar, and lit the firecracker with the lighter in his hand. It was deafening, puffs of green smoke rose, and the smell of gunpowder immediately permeated the entire pier.

Zhao Dahai waited for the sound of firecrackers to stop. Grandma Zhong Cuihua, second grandfather Zhao Shi, second grandma Huang Jintao, Ding Lihua, and Zhong Shizhu all boarded the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai watched Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin carefully hide behind, saw Xiao Naihei following Ding Xiaoxiang's feet, and immediately turned his head to look. Grandma Zhong Cuihua had been staring at Ding Xiaoxiang non-stop, needless to say it must be It was a bit funny, but I didn't expect such a thing to come out.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat out to sea for a circle, then returned to the pier and parked it.

"Boss Ding."

"It's been a busy day, let's go after dinner."

Zhao Dahai thinks that Ding Lihua will stay for dinner, so it is not certain that Ding Xiaoxiang will stay.

"Ha ha!"

"The sea."

"There's something going on in the store!"

"I'll come to your house sometime when I'm free!"

Ding Lihua shook his head, Zhao Dahai had to greet his family today, he was an outsider anyway, he had no reason to stay after he was busy, and left with Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin.

Zhao Dahai watched Ding Xiaoxiang leave with Ding Lihua, today was a big day for him, he wanted to keep Ding Xiaoxiang down for dinner, but there was no way, his relationship with Ding Xiaoxiang was not confirmed, it was impossible to stay in this situation, he had to You have to work harder and establish a relationship with Ding Xiaoxiang earlier.


"come on!"

"Get married early!"

Zhao Dahai turned around and greeted his second grandfather Zhao Shi and Zhong Shizhu to go home. They had a simple lunch at noon, and it was delicious at night.

Night falls.

The courtyard of Zhao Dahai's house was brightly lit, and there were bursts of lively sounds, which lasted until one o'clock in the morning before slowly dissipating.

Zhao Dahai sent his second grandfather Zhao Shi and Zhong Shizhu away, went back to the yard, cleaned up the dishes, took a basket, filled it with the wine and vegetables he had left earlier, and went out to the pier with them.

 A new month has begun!Thank you so much for your support over the past month!The results are very satisfactory.I continue to work hard and write seriously.Ask everyone to support the monthly ticket!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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