Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 549 It’s time to have a good New Year’s Eve

Chapter 549 It’s time to go back and have a good New Year’s Eve
  Night falls
  The deck of the fishing boat was brightly lit and there was no one around.

It was raining lightly in the sky, the entire deck was wet, and the wind was very cold.

It's as warm as spring inside the cab.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu and Wu Weimin gathered around a table and ate heartily.


“I caught almost five thousand kilograms of winter crabs!”

Shi Jiehua's face glowed red.

"Big and fat!"


“How many years have we not seen winter crabs like this?!”

Shi Zhongwei picked up a cooked winter crab. When he opened the shell, he could see the paste but not the meat, and his mouth watered down.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"How about putting the crab pots in again later?!"

Zhong Shizhu looked at Zhao Dahai. All three hundred and fifty crab pots were pulled out, and about five thousand kilograms of winter crabs were caught. The harvest was really good.


"You don't all want to put the crab pots in again, do you?"

Zhao Dahai saw that not only people like Zhong Shizhu and Shi Jiehua, but also people like Wu Weimin and Xu Yuanjiang were silent, and they all looked at him eagerly.

"Do you need to tell me? After catching so many winter crabs, I must be thinking about putting them in crab pots again!"

Wu Weimin nodded without hesitation.

"Zhao Dahai."

"You mean you don't need to put the crab pot in again?"

Shi Jiehua immediately saw that Zhao Dahai had no such intention.

Zhao Dahai nodded. He really didn't have such a plan. If he really had such a plan, he would have to put away all the crab pots and prepare them immediately. How could he eat and drink as much as he does now.

"Why not?"

Shi Jiehua is very strange.

There were one hundred and fifty crab pots, and each crab pot caught a lot of winter crabs. Together they weighed [-] kilograms, which was worth hundreds of thousands or even more than one million.

Zhao Dahai must know how much these winter crabs are worth. Why did you decide not to put crab pots anymore? Don't say anything like New Year's Day is approaching and you have to rush back.

For ordinary people, let alone the New Year, even if there are knives falling from the sky or mountains of knives and seas of fire, they have to continue to set up crab pots to catch winter crabs at this time.

"Honestly, I didn't expect to catch so many winter crabs by putting crab pots here."

Zhao Dahai never expected to catch so many winter crabs from the beginning. These winter crabs are very valuable. Perhaps if he had known that there were so many winter crabs here, he would have put crab pots here.

"Have you noticed?"

"When the crab pots are put down, the two hundred in front can almost catch a cage full of winter crabs."


"The number of winter crabs in the later crab pots, especially the last [-] crab pots, is decreasing."


“The last twenty or so crab pots caught almost only one or two crab pots.”


Shi Jiehua, Zhong Shizhu and Lei Dayou slowly calmed down.

"Zhao Dahai."

"What you mean is that there are not many winter crabs in the sea now, or there are not as many winter crabs left as we thought."

"Isn't there any need to put the crab pots again?"

Shi Jiehua was far more experienced than the average person, and he immediately understood what Zhao Dahai meant by these words.

"Yes! That's right! It's true. Don't look at the fact that we caught a total of about [-] kilograms of winter crabs. But in fact, the harvest in those crab pots at the beginning was very good. Later, the harvest became worse and worse. Especially in those crab pots at the end, there weren’t many winter crabs.”

Zhao Dahai has been paying attention to the number of winter crabs in the crab pots he picked up. It was indeed very good at first, but then it gradually became less and less. The number of winter crabs in the sea was not as many as it seemed and imagined.

Shi Jiehua, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Da looked at each other. They didn't want to admit it but they could only nod their heads. They only saw how many winter crabs were caught in total and didn't notice what Zhao Dahai said. of this matter.

"Are there still winter crabs in the sea now? There must be winter crabs, but now if we put [-] crab pots, or even just [-] crab pots, we can still catch a lot."

"However, don't forget that no one else knows about the fact that winter crabs are being released to catch winter crabs. If you continue to release crab pots, it might be leaked."

"If you can catch a winter crab weighing four to five thousand kilograms, it is definitely worth the risk of leakage. But if you only have one that weighs two to three hundred kilograms or even three to five hundred kilograms, there is no need to do this."

“It’s very uneconomical.”

Zhao Dahai reminded Zhong Shizhu and Shi Jiehua that they must consider the risk of leakage if they continue to put winter crabs here.

Shi Jiehua, Shi Zhongwei, Wu Weimin, and Xu Yuanjiang immediately realized that the point of catching winter crabs in front of them had nothing to do with them. Whether to put the crab pots in or not was decided by Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu after discussion. No more words or opinions.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were shocked.

Seeing that so many winter crabs had been caught in the crab pots, I completely forgot about it. All I could think about was continuing to place crab pots to catch winter crabs. However, I did not expect that once crab pots were placed here a lot, It is really possible for others to discover it.


"How come everyone forgot about this?"

Zhong Shizhu patted the back of his head hard. He had discovered the winter crab swarm here almost twenty days ago. Why haven't there been crab pots for so long? Aren't you just worried about being discovered by others?
  I just put the crab pots in yesterday and pulled them up immediately today, just to prevent others from discovering that I was crabbing in this place.

Even though it is almost Chinese New Year and the weather is not good, no one can guarantee whether there will be other speedboats or fishing boats on the artificial islands.

If there are still a lot of winter crabs on the seabed, it is worth taking such a risk, but Zhao Dahai made it very clear just now that there were a lot of winter crabs in the crab pots at the beginning, but when the crab pots were pulled up later, the winter crabs became more numerous. There are fewer and fewer winter crabs, and even the number of winter crabs in each of the last twenty crab pots is only one or two.

"Zhao Dahai."

"You're right, we really shouldn't keep placing crab pots."

Liu Bin initially thought that he should put in another crab pot. When Zhao Dahai said this, he immediately realized that he shouldn't do this.

People like Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng, including Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei, don't pay much attention to this place for catching animal crabs, or this place has nothing to do with them, but it has something to do with them, especially Zhao Dahai. Once it is leaked, people like Wu Weimin will have little loss, but for people like himself, the loss will be very great.

Be careful with your ten thousand year ship, and would rather not capture it than leak this place.

Zhao Dahai looked at the expressions on the faces of Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou and knew that he had figured out the reason behind this. He knew that it was not suitable to continue setting crab pots to catch winter crabs in the sea.

Zhao Dahai told people like Zhong Shizhu and Shi Jiehua that it is not suitable to put crab pots to catch these winter crabs now, but they can put out crab pots again after the New Year, such as the second and third days of the Lunar New Year.

One is that it has been a few days, and there may be a lot of winter crabs gathering here again. The other is on the second and third day of the Lunar New Year. There are fewer fishing boats and speedboats on the sea. It is safer to place crab pots, and the probability of others discovering them is low. big.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou kept nodding, indicating that there was no problem with the arrangement.

"Uncle Shi."

"Keep this boat for now. After the second and third days of the new year, we will put crab pots here again. If nothing unexpected happens, we can make a lot of money."

Zhao Dahai looked at Shi Jiehua. Setting up crab pots to catch winter crabs requires fishing boats and manpower. You and Zhong Shizhu can certainly do it, but two more people would be better.

Shi Jiehua nodded and agreed.

"Boss Wu and Boss Gao, how are you doing?"

"Do you have time for the second and third grade of junior high school? If you have time, come here. If not, you will probably have to wait for next year! This time is not fixed. Otherwise, you can call me when you decide to go to sea."

Zhao Dahai asked Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Lin Zuhua and Xu Yunjiang if they had time.

Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng, Lin Zuhua, and Xu Yuanjiang thought about it for a while, but they couldn't make up their minds. They were all doing business. They were very busy during the second and third grade of junior high school. They really couldn't tell if they could come over if they had time. If they didn't have time, they would be very busy. Don't come.

Zhao Dahai had discussed and arranged this matter. Seeing that everyone had almost eaten and it was getting late, he drove the fishing boat back to meet the fishing boat.

Ten p.m.

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming stayed in the cab, smoking hookah non-stop, with a little anxious expressions on their faces.

People like Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua went to pull the crab pots, but a very long time had passed. They should have come back now, but there was no one there. "What's going on? Why haven't you come back yet?"

Shi Guangming was really anxious and was wondering if he should just go take a look and look for it.


"What are you doing?"

"Nothing will happen!"

Zhao Shi was also a little anxious, but very calm.

One is that although the weather is not good now, it is not a big problem. There is just a little wind, waves and light rain. This kind of weather poses no difficulty to those who go fishing.

Another thing is that this is a large fishing boat that pulls crab pots, and it is very safe.

What's more important is that Zhao Dahai is very cautious, and then there are Shi Jiehua, Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin, all of whom have very rich experience.

No matter from which aspect, there is no problem.

I am indeed a little worried, but at this time, I must stay calm and not go to Zhao Dahai blindly.

"It's not your first day out at sea. Is it possible that you don't know what you have to do now?"

Zhao Shi took a long sip of water pipe.


"What's going on? Why haven't you come back yet?"

Shi Guangming patted his face. Zhao Shi was right. He couldn't go to Zhao Dahai and the others at this time.

"Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua placed a total of [-] crab pots."

"The weather is bad now. Even if you have a cage lifting machine, it will take a lot of time to pull it up. In addition, if you catch a lot of winter crabs and it takes time to tie them up, you will definitely have to do it. I won’t be able to come back until later.”

Zhao Shi has more experience in fishing. He thought carefully about what he said as he spoke. If he really encountered a huge swarm of crabs, it would be very normal not to come back at this time.


"Old man Zhao!"

"What you said is right. Did I forget about this a long time ago?"

"Our judgment was correct. There must have been a large number of winter crabs gathering in that place during this period."

"Zhao Dahai and the others caught a lot of winter crabs in the crab pots they set up, and that's why they didn't come back so late!"

Shi Guangming really calmed down now.

Eleven at night.

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming stood on the deck of the fishing boat and looked at the fishing boat getting closer and closer. Only then did they really feel relieved.

"Be careful!"

"The waves on the sea are a bit big!"

Zhao Shi shouted loudly to remind Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin on the deck of the fishing boat opposite, and pointed at the sea surface to remind Zhao Dahai not to get too close to the fishing boat when it stopped.

Zhao Dahai parked the fishing boat, and in a short while, everyone returned from the crab fishing boat to the fishing boat.

"Did you really catch so many winter crabs?"

Shi Guangming had long known that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua had caught about five thousand kilograms of winter crabs this time, but he couldn't believe it. When he saw Zhao Dahai, he had to confirm it.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the fishing boat catching crabs parked next to him and said with a smile that these crabs are all kept in the living cabin. If you don't believe it, you can go and have a look now.


"how is it going?"

"Old man Zhao and I are really good, right? We already know that there are a lot of winter crabs gathered in that place!"

Shi Guangming was proud.


"The winter crabs caught this time are bigger than the ones caught by Brother Dahai and others in crab pots last time. Each time they were estimated to weigh one pound, two, two, or three pounds."

As Shi Zhongwei spoke, he gestured with his hands to show the size of the winter crab he caught this time.


"Are they so big? It seems that these winter crabs have grown a lot in the past twenty days?"

"Or maybe these winter crabs came from other places during this period, and the new winter crabs are all big?"

Shi Guangming turned to look at the fishing boat parked nearby, and almost couldn't help but want to go over and take a look. However, it was dark now and the waves were a bit big. It was a bit dangerous to go there, so he could only wait until it was daytime tomorrow.

One o'clock.

Silent night.

Zhong Shizhu, Wu Weimin, Shi Jiehua and others all went to sleep.

Only Zhao Shi and Zhao Dahai were left in the cab of the fishing boat.

"We caught a lot of winter crabs this time. What are you going to do with them? Or should each family get a share?"

Zhao Shi smoked a hookah and turned to look at Zhao Dahai. The winter crabs he caught were only a few hundred kilograms or even a thousand kilograms. There was nothing wrong with dividing them up, but he caught too many crabs this time.


"It's better to divide all the original plans!"

Zhao Dahai knew that his second grandfather, Zhao Shi, had seen that these winter crabs were very big and weighed about [-] kilograms. If they were sold now, the price would be very high, hundreds of thousands or even one million. It felt like this It would not be appropriate to divide it.

"Second grandpa."

"I know these winter crabs are really worth a lot of money."


"But when catching these winter crabs, the situation was a bit special. If I have to say, I must have discovered this point."

"But there are a lot of people on the fishing boats."


"Not to mention anything else, Grandpa Shi Guang and Akashi alone will not be able to get around it."


Zhao Dahai carefully stated his thoughts. Dividing all the winter crabs that I caught is not only because I have made a lot of money this year, but also to let everyone have a good year. Another consideration is that the point of catching winter crabs is not found by myself alone, but also by everyone. If they were involved, Shi Guangming and Zhong Shizhu felt that something was wrong. They just followed their own ships out to sea, especially Shi Guangming.

"Second grandpa!"

"My idea is to share all the winter crabs caught this year, no matter how many, and don't sell them."

“If you sell the winter crabs you catch next year, let’s think about how to divide the money!”

Zhao Dahai had a headache. He really didn't think of a good solution to this matter, so he could only do this for the time being.

Zhao Shikao nodded, "I'll do it this year. There's nothing wrong with it. What to do next year? I'm not sure what to do now. Let's put it aside and talk about next year."

"Zhao Dahai."

"You're going back to the village early tomorrow morning, right?"

Zhao Shi glanced at the dark sea outside the fishing boat.


"That's right!"

"Go back to the village early tomorrow morning!"

"Go home for the New Year!"

Zhao Dahai smiled loudly. After working for such a long time and making a lot of money, it was time to go back and enjoy the New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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