Chapter 550 On-site inspection by two uncles?

nine in the morning.

Town fish market.

"Big brother!"

"Second brother!"

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little confused. The Chinese New Year was coming soon. The eldest brother Ding Jie and the second brother Ding Weijun just came back from other places last night. They came to the stall to help this morning. All the fish, shrimps and crabs were sold. As soon as they had some free time, the two of them were staring at him. .

"I said you found someone, this person is called Zhao Dahai?"

"Are you coming to our house during the Chinese New Year?"

Ding Jie spoke directly.

Ding Xiaoxiang is the youngest and only girl in the family. She has been the most precious one in the family since she was a child.

Ding Jie knew that Ding Xiaoxiang would definitely get married sooner or later, but he didn't expect that the day would come so early. He and Ding Weijun had just come back from outside and heard about this matter. Now that he had time, he must ask clear.

"What is the origin of this Zhao Dahai? Tell us."

"Not everyone can marry our sister!"

Ding Weijun took a sip of water and spoke more directly.

Ding Xiaoxiang's face suddenly turned red. A few days ago, she and her mother Zhang Li had told her that Zhao Dahai wanted to visit during the Chinese New Year. She knew that her two brothers would definitely ask about Zhao Dahai when they came back. She had already prepared for it in detail. I talked about Zhao Dahai's situation, including the situation inside Zhao Dahai's family, including what Zhao Dahai is doing now, etc.

Ding Jie frowned.

Her sister knows very well what kind of character she is. When Ding Xiaoxiang talks about Zhao Dahai, she is not coy but generous. Speaking like this means that Ding Xiaoxiang has already thought about the matter with Zhao Dahai and has even made up her mind. .


"From what you say, this guy named Zhao Dahai is pretty good at making money!"

Ding Weijun had already known about Zhao Dahai's situation from his mother Zhang Li, and he was honestly very surprised.

How can someone be so good at fishing?

Ding Weijun is not one of those who is not familiar with fishing. He grew up in a fishing village and in a family that bought fish, shrimps and crabs. Now he and his eldest brother Ding Jie work in a large international company and have accumulated various experience. Such experience, vision and insight are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Zhao Dahai is just a speedboat, and he goes fishing alone. He can often catch groupers worth tens of thousands of yuan. Some time ago, I went to the deep sea twice with a fishing boat, and each time I caught fish worth more than a million.

"Second brother!"

"How can this be false?"

"Zhao Dahai is so powerful!"

"He's fishing on the artificial island right now, and he'll probably be back in the next two days!"

"Aren't you going to stay at home for about ten days this Chinese New Year?"

"If the weather is suitable someday, I will ask Zhao Dahai to take you two out to sea to catch fish!"

Ding Xiaoxiang stared, Ding Weijun and Ding Jie clearly didn't believe that Zhao Dahai had such ability, and she was not happy about it.


"You haven't married yet!"

"Why did your arm turn outward?"



"That's right!"

"We are brothers, so we must take good care of this matter!"


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun would not pay attention to what Ding Xiaoxiang said. Zhao Dahai had to get through the two of them, otherwise there would definitely be objections.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun discussed and decided to do what Ding Xiaoxiang said and find time to go fishing at sea to see what the situation was like and whether he was really capable. Regardless of the seaside fishing village or other places, the most important thing for a man is to have You must be able to support your family. If you don't have such ability, don't even think about marrying Ding Xiaoxiang.

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that Zhao Dahai could not escape this test, so she thought about Zhao Dahai's return from the artificial island and immediately saw when the weather would be suitable. Zhao Dahai would take his two brothers out to sea for a run.


"The sea said it would come back three days ago!"


"Don't we have to celebrate the New Year in three days now?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked up at the calendar hanging on the wall. Today is the time for Zhao Dahai to come back.



"What do you mean by that?"

Ding Weijun was stunned for a moment, wondering why Ding Xiaoxiang suddenly mentioned this matter.

"Don't you want to see Zhao Dahai's fishing skills?"

"It's been a month recently. Zhao Dahai has been fishing on the artificial islands."

"Now that the fishing boat is coming back, I'll call my mother and talk about it. I'll come and see the stall at the dinner market."

"The rest of us will go to Shijiao Village and wait for Zhao Dahai's fishing boat to come back!"

Ding Xiaoxiang thought about her idea for a while while talking. It was very good. She immediately picked up the phone and called Ding Chongshan's company to talk about it. Zhang Li agreed upon hearing it.

Just as Ding Xiaoxiang put down the phone, it rang again.


"The sea!"

"Did you come back?"


"Have you just arrived at the Shijiao Village Pier?"



"I'll go and have a look now!"



"My eldest brother and second brother came back from other places, and they wanted to see how many fish they caught."


Ding Xiaoxiang hung up Zhao Dahai's call and immediately called her mother Zhang Li to tell her that the stall door was closed and Zhao Dahai had returned. She and her eldest and second brothers would rush to the dock in Shijiao Village.

"Big brother!"

"Second brother!"

"What are you stunned for? Pack your things quickly, don't you want to see Zhao Dahai's fishing skills? Let's rush to the dock of Shijiao Village now!"

Ding Xiaoxiang shouted as she quickly packed up the large and small baskets and other things on the stall.

Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Jie and Ding Weijun worked together. In less than ten minutes, everything was packed up. They pulled down the rolling shutter door of the stall and locked it. They quickly walked out of the fish market and drove straight to Shijiao Village. pier.

Shijiao Village.

Shi Jiehua's home.

Zhao Dahai just put down the phone.


"Big brother!"

"what is wrong?"

"What happened?"

Shi Zhongwei took two bottles of water and handed one to Zhao Dahai.

Half an hour ago, he and Zhao Dahai returned to the village pier with a fishing boat and a fishing boat for catching winter crabs. Zhao Dahai immediately said that he would call and take them back to his home.

The call is over now, but the expression on Zhao Dahai's face is not particularly satisfying.


"Ding Xiaoxiang said that his eldest and second brothers will come to the dock soon to see how many fish have been caught."

Zhao Dahai rubbed his nose vigorously. As soon as he returned to the dock, he called Shi Zhongwei's house. The first one was to his grandmother Zhong Cuihua to tell him that he had returned and was in Shijiao Village. Waiting for the fish to be sold, he went home after the sale. The second one called Liu Gang and told him that his fishing boat was returning to the dock. The third one called Ding Xiaoxiang. Originally he just wanted to say that he was back, but unexpectedly it was Ding Xiaoxiang who spoke. That means his two brothers are coming to the dock together.


"These are two uncles!"

"Hahahahaha!"     "Brother Dahai."

"You have to say hello properly!"

Shi Zhongwei laughed.


"I'm not mentally prepared at all!"

Zhao Dahai shook his head. He had heard Ding Xiaoxiang say that he had two brothers who were working away from home and had never met each other. Now that they suddenly came out like this, he felt a little uneasy.


"Big brother!"

"You are usually such a smart person, how come you are so confused about this matter?"

"One is that an ugly daughter-in-law will eventually have to meet her parents-in-law or something."

"You can't hide for the rest of your life, right? You have to meet!"

"It's better to solve the problem sooner rather than later!"

"The other, more important thing is, what is there to worry about?"

"As long as my sister-in-law recognizes you, brother-in-law and everything else won't be a problem."

Shi Zhongwei felt that Zhao Dahai didn't need to worry about this matter at all.


"Shi Zhongwei!"

"What you said makes perfect sense!"

Zhao Dahai kept nodding. What he said was so right and reasonable.


"The clock is?"

"Aren't you not married yet? How do you know so much about these things?"

Zhao Dahai really didn't expect Shi Zhongwei to say such words.


"Isn't this obvious? Brother Dahai, you are just a fan of the authorities!"

Shi Zhongwei laughed as he spoke.

Zhao Dahai just heard what Ding Xiaoxiang said that two future uncles would come to Shijiao Village to board his fishing boat. He was really worried and seemed a little at a loss. Now he slowly calmed down. Shi Zhong said: You're right, you don't need to worry about this matter, just say hello after a while.

Zhao Dahai and Shi Zhong returned to Shijiao Village Pier.

Zhao Dahai immediately found his second grandfather, Zhao Shi, and told him that Ding Xiaoxiang's two brothers would be coming soon.

"It's a good thing!"

"I'll greet you later, you have to be busy with the fish."

Zhao Shi pointed to the two fishing boats parked at the pier.

Zhao Dahai nodded. The matter of Ding Xiaoxiang's two brothers coming here is very important to him, but now no matter how important it is, he has to put it aside first. The fish on the fishing boat must be dealt with properly first. This is not just A personal matter.

"Are you new?"

"What did Zhao Dahai say just now?"

Shi Guangming walked to Zhao Shi's side. Zhao Dahai just went to his home to make a phone call. When he came back, he immediately found Zhao Shi and talked for a long time. He must have something to ask and see if he could help.

Zhao Shi told Shi Guangming that Ding Xiaoxiang's two brothers would come to the dock soon.


"This is an on-site inspection!"

Shi Guangming was delighted when he heard this.

"Isn't that what it's all about!"

"Marrying a wife is not an easy thing, but marrying a good wife is even harder!"

"That girl Ding Xiaoxiang is one of the best in a hundred. She must be a treasure in the family."

"My two brothers must come to see Zhao Dahai first to check on him."

Zhao Shi was not surprised that Ding Xiaoxiang's two brothers would come to Shijiao Village to meet Zhao Dahai.

"Don't worry about this!"

"Zhao Dahai is a capable person!"

Shi Guangming pointed to the fishing boat, and then pointed to another fishing boat catching crabs parked next to it. The most important thing for a man is to make money. Zhao Dahai is first-class in this regard, and Ding Xiaoxiang's two brothers, including Ding Xiaoxiang's parents, have nothing to dislike.

Zhao Shi nodded with a smile on his face and waited on the dock for Ding Xiaoxiang and his two brothers.

Zhao Dahai got on the fishing boat. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da were all on the deck.

"Zhao Dahai!"

“So many fish caught these days!”

Shi Jiehua saw Zhao Dahai and shouted.


"Uncle Shi!"

"Did you just see those fish we caught today?"

Zhao Dahai froze for a moment.

Shi Jiehua had already boarded the fishing boat. Looking at it now, he realized how much fish Zhong Shizhu had caught in the past few days.


"Aren't you busy catching winter crabs in the past two or three days?"

"I didn't have time to see the fish you caught."

Shi Jiehua shook his head. He knew very well that Zhao Dahai must have caught a lot of fish, but he had been catching winter crabs in the past few days. He got on the fishing boat and took a look at the fish in the live cabin but did not look carefully. Now I returned to the pier, took a few glances, and was shocked.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"Captain Shi's eyes almost fell to the ground just now!"

Zhong Shizhu made a joke.

"Isn't it true?"

Shi Jiehua nodded. When he saw the fish in the live cabin just now, especially the huge groupers one after another, he was so scared that his eyes fell to the ground. He has been driving a fishing boat to take others out to sea for fishing for many years. , you can tell at a glance that these fish are worth at least four to five million, which is really crazy.


"Uncle Shi."

“It’s just most of the fish we catch.”

“I’ve sold fish twice in the past few days!”

Zhao Dahai said that he had sold fish twice during this period.

Shi Jiehua shook his head. There were already enough fish on the fishing boat. These fish were left over after being sold twice. If you think about it this way, Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu caught these fish one after another. Sold for six to seven million.

Shi Jiehua immediately asked Zhao Dahai who sold these fish to.

Zhao Dahai knew that Shi Jiehua was very familiar with some fish, shrimp and crab buyers, but the fish on the fishing boat were different from the fish he caught when he went to sea with Shi Jiehua on his last trip, and he had already agreed to sell them to Wu Weimin and Liu Gang.

Shi Jiehua didn't say much. As soon as he returned to the dock, several familiar people boarded the boat. He knew it was Zhao Dahai's fishing boat and wanted to buy the fish. He asked out of respect for the sake of face. If there was no buyer, he would take it on his own. Once offline, if there is a buyer, he will not say a word. They are all fish caught by the fishing boat rented by Zhao Dahai, and they can do with them how they want.

Zhao Dahai waved at Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou and Liu Bin, and the four of them walked aside.

"I called. Liu Gang will be here soon. All the fish on the fishing boat will be sold to Liu Gang, Boss Liu and Boss Wu Weimin."


"There is no problem with the price. I will negotiate with them. It must be the highest price."


"You have to keep an eye on it when weighing it and keep good records."


Zhao Dahai carefully told Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da to pay attention to some things for a while. The important thing is to remember the numbers clearly when weighing. Brothers must settle accounts clearly. He is so familiar with Wu Weimin and Liu Gang, but these things The same must be handled properly.

Zhao Dahai arranged things and when he looked up at the dock, an inconspicuous small truck drove over.

Zhao Dahai felt that this was most likely Ding Xiaoxiang and his two brothers Ding Jie and Ding Weijun, so he immediately got on the dock and strode over.

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  (End of this chapter)

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