Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 555 The decision of the Ding family and his son

Chapter 555 The decision of the Ding family and his son

Ten p.m.

The thick night shrouded the entire Langtou Village, and it was very quiet. Only occasionally could you hear the sound of dogs barking in the distance.

Zhao Dahai finished his meal and looked at his grandma Zhong Cuihua's room. More than an hour had passed. Zhong Cuihua and his second grandma Huang Jintao were still thinking about it. To be precise, they were comparing the quality of the fish maws they had picked out. Is it good or not? Is there anything wrong with it? If so, I need to replace it with something else.

"Second grandpa."

"Are you going back?"

Zhao Dahai saw his second grandfather Zhao Shi standing up with a hookah, and immediately asked if he was going back.

Zhao Shi nodded. Huang Huangtao and his sister-in-law Zhong Cuihua have been discussing this matter. They don't know when they will be able to finish talking.

Zhao Dahai looked at the time and saw that it was getting late. Zhao Shi thought it was time to go back to sleep.

Zhao Dahai took a flashlight and returned home after seeing Zhao Shi off. His grandmother Zhong Cuihua and his second grandmother Huang Huangtao were still talking, and they might have to talk until dawn.

Zhao Dahai did not go to bed. He took a note of the fish he caught on the artificial islands and reefs with Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei and began to settle accounts.

"did not expect!"

"How could I have imagined that we could catch so many fish in this trip?"

It took Zhao Dahai almost an hour to settle the account.

The numbers of the fish that have been sold are fixed. What needs to be counted is the fish that have been weighed tonight. The weight, size and type of these fish are recorded in the book, as well as the price that Ding Xiaoxiang has negotiated with Wu Weimin and Liu Gang.

Zhao Dahai looked at the number he had written hard on the notebook with wide eyes, and he really couldn't believe it.

During this period, I, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Da sold all the fish they caught, for a total of [-] yuan.

Zhao Dahai calculated it again and confirmed that it was correct. It was indeed more than nine million.

Zhao Dahai took a rest and began to calculate how much money he spent during this period. One was the rent of the fishing boat, and the other was the gas money used for the fishing boat and speedboat. This was a big sum, and the others were used for fishing. A variety of fishing gear, including bait, as well as food, drink, and so on.

It took Zhao Dahai almost another hour to figure it out. After deducting everything, the net profit remaining was [-] yuan.

Zhao Dahai smiled. During this period, he caught a lot of fish and made a lot of money. However, the cost of catching these fish was also very amazing, more than [-], but the number looked very big, but Compared with the money earned, it is very cost-effective. It is a typical case of being reluctant to let go of your children and not being able to trap the wolf.

Zhao Dahai settled the accounts and wrote them clearly in the book one by one. Wu Weimin and Liu Gang will transfer the money to their accounts tomorrow. As long as there are no problems after checking, they will take out the money and distribute it to Zhong Shizhu. Liu Bin and Lei Dayou.

Zhao Dahai was busy with everything and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already two o'clock in the morning. He looked at the room next to him and saw that his grandma Zhong Cuihua and his second wife Huang Huangtao were still talking.

Zhao Dahai knew that it was [-]% sure that the matter would not be over until dawn, so he rubbed the forehead of Xiao Naihei who was lying at his feet, and pointed to grandma Zhong Cuihua's room. Xiao Naihei immediately stood up, He wagged his tail and walked in.

Zhao Dahai went back to his room to take a nap.

Ma Hongyu walked into the room and blushed when she saw Lei Dayou sitting on the bed.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet? It's been almost a month and you just came back!"

Ma Hongyu closed the door of the room, locked it a little uneasily, and then walked up to Lei Dayou.


"It's still early!"

"I'm so excited that I can't sleep!"

“I caught a lot of fish this time!”

Lei Dayou was really excited.

Ma Hongyu originally thought that Lei Dayou and others had other ideas, but unexpectedly, she was thinking about the fish she caught. Her attention was suddenly attracted, and she immediately asked how many fish she had caught.

"I don't know how much it is now. Zhao Dahai will show us the account of the fish caught this time tomorrow."

"However, it will definitely sell for five to six million."

Lei Dayou shook his head.

How many fish were caught?
  Neither he nor Zhong Shizhu, nor Liu Bin knew it very well, but they knew the approximate figure, and it would definitely not be less than five million.


"So much?"

Ma Hongyu was startled.

Zhao Dahai is a top fishing master. Every time he goes to sea with people like Lei Dayou and Zhong Shizhu, he can catch a lot of fish, but this time he caught too many fish.

five million?
  How many fish do you need to catch to sell them for so much money?


"If he hadn't made so much money, how could Zhao Dahai have dared to tell us that he had lived a good life!"

"Speaking of which, neither I nor Zhong Shizhu nor Liu Bin expected that we would be able to catch so many fish in this trip."

Lei Dayou became more and more excited as he talked.


"Is it possible that you, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin think you are very powerful?"

"You're just here to do the work!"

Ma Hongyu didn't give Lei Da any face at all.


"Do you need to talk about this?"

“It’s not like Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and I don’t even know or understand this matter, right?”

"The three of us know very well how capable we are!"

Lei Dayou laughed.

Ma Hongyu's words didn't sound good, but in fact, she, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin really didn't have the ability to do this. If they didn't go fishing with Zhao Dahai, they wouldn't be able to make this money.

"What does this have to do with anything? The key is that Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and I both made a lot of money!"

Lei Dayou was very proud.


"Why do you become more proud the more you talk?"

Ma Hongyu shook his head.

"Then you can't be complacent? You don't know that the people at the dock who go fishing are extremely envious, whether they are from our village or other villages."

"No matter how you say it, aren't we who go out to sea to fish or do other things just to make money?"

"Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and I have a better relationship with Zhao Dahai, so we have this opportunity to make money with Zhao Dahai."

"How many people in our village or in other villages would like to have such an opportunity, but isn't it just that there isn't one?"

Lei Dayou knew very well that anyone in his village or other villages, including those who went out to sea to fish, wanted to go out to sea with Zhao Dahai. They all knew that as long as they could board Zhao Dahai's speedboat, they could make a fortune. But there is no chance.


"That's indeed what happened!"

Ma Hongyu immediately laughed when she heard Lei Dayou said this.

Lei Dayou, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin were really lucky to have such an opportunity to go fishing with Zhao Dahai.


"Some people in the village or other villages are nagging in front of me. If there is a chance, they want to go to sea with Zhao Dahai's speedboat."

"I guess Roland and Xu Dongxue have the same thing."

"There were them before, but in the past month, there have been too many!"

Ma Hongyu thought of this.

"You can't be careless about this!"

Lei Dayou's face was a bit ugly for a moment, and he reminded him with a very solemn expression that he must not do such a thing.

"Yo!"  "How could you agree to such a thing if you don't have a problem with your brain?"

"One carrot and one hole. Zhao Dahai doesn't need hundreds of people working for him."

"If there is another person, doesn't it mean that one of you has to be picked out?"

"Watching others make money, and taking away the money we originally earned?"

"Not to mention that it doesn't matter if I say this. Just listen to it. I don't know anyone has told me this."

Ma Hongyu stared, and spoke like a machine gun.


"That's right!"

"That's it!"

"It's useless for me, the King of Heaven, to talk about this kind of thing."

"We can't talk about this in front of Zhao Dahai!"

Lei Dayou thought about it for a while, and he had to mention this matter when he saw Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin tomorrow. He couldn't be confused, and he couldn't bring up such a matter in front of Zhao Dahai because of his face.

Dashi Village.

Ding Chongshan was busy all day. After dinner, he drank tea in the living room. Ding Jie and Ding Weijun sat on the sofa next to him.

"Have you met Zhao Dahai today?"

Ding Chongshan took a sip of tea, put down the tea cup in his hand, looked at Ding Jie and Ding Weijun across from him, and then turned to look at Ding Xiaoxiang who was hiding in the room with the door closed.


"Tall and strong."

"You are in good health!"

"I feel very down-to-earth. A very orthodox man from a seaside fishing village."

Ding Jie thought for a while and added that Zhao Dahai was smart and organized in doing things.

"What do you think of Zhao Dahai?"

Ding Chongshan said nothing and glanced at Ding Weijun.

"My fishing skills are really great. The fish you can see on fishing boats are estimated to be sold for five million or even six million."

Ding Weijun still can't believe that Zhao Dahai can catch so many fish.


"So much?"

Ding Chongshan was stunned for a moment. Zhao Dahai's reputation as a good fisher has already spread throughout the nearby villages and towns. He must have gained a lot from fishing on the artificial islands during this period. He really didn't expect to be able to catch so much. He is Those who buy fish, shrimps and crabs know very well how much fish they need for five or six million.

Ding Weijun nodded with certainty. One was that the fish caught by Zhao Dahai were all valuable. A grouper weighing several dozen kilograms was worth a lot of money. Plus, it was before the Chinese New Year and the price was even higher.


"There is no need to worry about Zhao Dahai's ability to make money."

Ding Jie picked up the teapot and poured the hot tea that had just been brewed into Ding Chongshan's empty teacup.

No matter what kind of person Ding Xiaoxiang marries, she must be able to support her family. Zhao Dahai can catch so many fish and his ability to make money is second to none. This is not a snobbery, but it is a very important thing in itself. You can't live a very good life with good food and drink in your own home. If you marry into someone else's home, you have to live in the northwest wind or have a tight life. This is not okay.

"So you two think Zhao Dahai is okay?"

Ding Chongshan directly asked Ding Jie and Ding Weijun what they thought of Zhao Dahai.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun did not answer immediately. They thought about it carefully for almost ten minutes before they nodded lightly.


"My opinion is that for now, there is nothing wrong with Zhao Dahai."

"What I have to say is that I don't know what people are like? How are they treating my little sister?"

"This is not something that can be explained clearly or seen in a short while."

"My little sister is still young. What I mean is that I don't want to get engaged yet, let alone get married."

"If we get along with each other for a few more years, one will grow up and become more mature, and the other will be able to see what Zhao Dahai is like."

Ding Jie has been thinking about this.

Ding Xiaoxiang is the heart of the family. You have to carefully consider what kind of person you want to marry, but you must not be careless about important matters related to a lifetime of happiness.


"You can't rush this matter!"

"We can get along and see. Zhao Dahai can come to our house often for a meal or something."


"Don't you like fishing? When you have time, you can go fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat. If you go back and forth, you can tell what Zhao Dahai is like just by looking at him."

Ding Weijun's thoughts were exactly the same as Ding Jie's. Ding Xiaoxiang should not be in a hurry to get married and stay with Zhao Dahai for a few more years. It is very important that Zhao Dahai can make money, but what is more important is how this person is and how he treats Ding Xiaoxiang.



"It's safer this way."

Ding Chongshan thought carefully for a while. Ding Jie and Ding Weijun thought very carefully.



"When my eldest brother and I saw Zhao Dahai today, especially when we saw him catching so many fish, we both wanted to go out to sea with his speedboat to take a look."

"How is the business at home these two days? Are you busy? If you are too busy, wait until the Chinese New Year is over before you go fishing with Zhao Dahai on his speedboat. If you are not too busy, if you have time, you can follow Zhao Dahai in these two days. Let’s go fishing soon.”

"To be honest, I really can't believe that Zhao Dahai has such fishing skills."

Ding Weijun remembered that he wanted to go fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

"Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, the day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and this year is New Year's Eve."

"How about on New Year's Eve, you two go out to sea with Zhao Dahai to go fishing."

"It's impossible to run far away, so just fish around here."

"Tomorrow we will collect fish, shrimps and crabs for another day, and then we have to stop the day after tomorrow to prepare for the New Year."

"The stalls at the fish market will be busy until the afternoon of New Year's Eve."

"But it won't affect you."

"There are no more fish, shrimps or crabs to buy. I can go to the stall."

When Ding Chongshan said this, he stopped and took a look at Ding Xiaoxiang's room with the door closed.

"How about this."

"Why don't you two go fishing with Ding Xiaoxiang on Zhao Dahai's speedboat?"

"This saves Ding Xiaoxiang from worrying all day long."

Ding Chongshan smiled. Ding Xiaoxiang knew that his two brothers must have been uneasy when they went fishing with Zhao Dahai, so they might as well go to sea together.


"Follow Zhao Dahai and go fishing the day after tomorrow!"

Ding Jie stood up, walked to Ding Xiaoxiang's room, and knocked on the door. Ding Xiaoxiang had to call Zhao Dahai to make an appointment.

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  (End of this chapter)

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