Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 556 The strong sense of crisis brought about by the Chinese New Year!

Chapter 556 The strong sense of crisis brought about by the Chinese New Year!


"What's going on here?"

"The ears have grown like a rabbit!"

Ding Jie walked into Ding Xiaoxiang's room and saw that Ding Xiaoxiang's face was a little red. He knew that she must have been hiding behind the door just now and heard something.

"Big brother."

"How could such a thing happen?"

Ding Xiaoxiang's head shook like a rattle. She did hide behind the door and heard the news just now, but she would never admit it even to death.

"Can't you see clearly what kind of person Zhao Dahai is? Are you still worried that the eldest and second brothers will say bad things about him?"

Dingjie pulled up a stool and sat down. Ding Xiaoxiang must be worried about this.


"I think Zhao Dahai is good, but doesn't it have to depend on what you think?"

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that the matter between her and Zhao Dahai was not just between her and Zhao Dahai. She needed the consent of her father and mother, and the consent of her eldest and second brothers. They were all her relatives, and they cared very much about whether she would be happy when she married.

"Don't think about getting married in the past two years."

"This is because you are relatively young. Both your parents want you to stay at home for a few more years."

"The most important thing is that it takes more time to see clearly what kind of person Zhao Dahai is!"

Ding Jie didn't beat around the bush and directly stated what he, Ding Weijun and his father Ding Chongshan had just said.

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed and nodded.

Ding Xiaoxiang has long known that it is impossible to marry into Zhao Dahai's family in the past two years. This is nothing. Spending more time with Zhao Dahai is a good thing, not a bad thing.


"On New Year's Eve, I went fishing with Zhao Dahai."

"I will go to sea with your second brother and you three."

Ding Jie told Ding Xiaoxiang about fishing.

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded. It was already getting late. She would call Zhao Dahai tomorrow to finalize the matter.

"Hurry up and go to sleep!"

"I have to be busy tomorrow!"

Ding Jie stood up, walked out of Ding Xiaoxiang's room, and closed the door.

Ding Xiaoxiang packed up her things and went to bed. After her eldest brother Ding Jie and second brother Ding Weijun came back in the past two days, she had been worried about herself and Zhao Dahai. Now that she knew the true attitude of the people in the family, she relaxed her nerves, closed her eyes, and immediately sleep.

Four in the morning.

Lei Dayou tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

"Are you new?"

"Aren't you tired after fishing for so long? Come home and have a good sleep!"

Ma Hongyu patted Lei Dayou on the shoulder. After working for such a long time, he returned home and couldn't fall asleep after only two or three hours of sleep. It had been almost an hour since he woke up at three o'clock.


"It's not that I'm not tired, it's that I really can't sleep!"

Lei Dayou sighed.

"What's going on?"

Ma Hongyu simply sat up. This was a bed at home, not a fire pit, nor a red-hot iron pot. Something must have happened. Something is very wrong.

"Didn't you say that there are many people in the village and other villages, including the pier, asking you in a roundabout way whether Zhao Dahai's speedboat or Zhao Dahai's fishing boat needs someone?"

Lei Dayou stared at the ceiling in the room with wide eyes.

When Ma Hongyu first mentioned this matter, she was very vigilant, but didn't take it particularly to heart. But she had been thinking about it just now, and the more she thought about it, the more worried she became.


"What is there to worry about? Didn't I say that? No matter what these people say, I will never agree to them. It is impossible to say this in front of Zhao Dahai."

Ma Hongyu didn't expect that Lei Dayou couldn't sleep because he was thinking about this matter.


"I have to go talk to Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin about this!"

Lei Dayou got up as he spoke, put on his clothes and walked out.


"Can't you wait until dawn to say no?"

Ma Hongyu shouted, and Lei Dayou walked out of the yard without looking back, opened the door and locked it.

"What are you doing in such a hurry?"

Ma Hongyu shook her head, but after a while she felt that she really had to take some time to discuss this matter with Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and the others, especially everyone had to be more vigilant and never say anything good for others in front of Zhao Dahai. .

Lei Dayou walked out of the yard. When the sea breeze blew, he couldn't help but shiver. He looked at the dark autumn sky and strode towards Zhong Shizhu's home.

"Stone Pillar!"

Lei Dayou stood at the door of the yard of Zhong Shizhu's house. He shouted and patted the door hard. After a while, the lights came on. After another two minutes, Shizhu opened the door of the yard and walked out.

"What happened?"

Zhong Shizhu was very nervous, and his face was a little ugly. It was less than five o'clock in the morning, and Lei Dayou ran over to him. There must be something important.

Lei Dayou quickly explained what he was worried about in a few words.


"Lei Dayou."

"Why are you worried about this?"

Zhong Shizhu laughed after hearing this, but his expression changed immediately after he laughed twice.


"Have you figured out what's going on?"

When Lei Dayou saw Zhong Shizhu like this, he really wanted to understand. This matter seemed unimportant on the surface, but in fact it was very important.


"These people are thinking about you all day long!"

"Can't you find some way to make money on your own?"

Zhong Shizhu cursed directly.

Zhao Dahai has no plans to buy a fishing boat for the time being. If you go fishing on a speedboat, you don't need too many people. If someone gets in front of Zhao Dahai, he and Lei Da will have Liu Bin. There must be one or two among these three people. All three were squeezed out.

He, Lei Dayou, and Liu Bin knew very well how much money they could make by going fishing with Zhao Dahai. Once this rare opportunity was gone, the impact would be huge.

"That's not true!"

"Whoever Zhao Dahai wants to ask to go fishing with him is Zhao Dahai's business."

"No one can care about it."

"But the few of us have to be very energetic. One is that Zhao Dahai has told us to work hard, and the other is that both us and the mothers-in-law at home have to pay attention. We can't Don’t let others help you and say nice things.”

"This matter is related to the livelihood of the three of us." "You can't be thin-skinned! No matter whether it's relatives or anyone else in our three families, you can never be careless."

Lei Dayou reminded Zhong Shizhu that he must pay attention to this matter.

"The Clock Stone Pillar."

"Those people outside don't have much of a problem. No matter what they say, it's impossible for us or the wives at home to nod and agree."

"But the Chinese New Year is coming soon. There are a lot of people coming to the house, all of whom are relatives from far or near. Once this matter comes up. Don't talk about the mother-in-law at home. Even if we are a big man, we can't say anything if we don't pay attention. Zui Yisong agreed to speak to Zhao Dahai on behalf of these people about going fishing with the boat."

What Lei Dayou is worried about is not the other people in the village, nor the people in other villages, but the relatives in his own family, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin.


"Isn't it said that a house thief is hard to guard against?"

"This matter really needs to be discussed with the mother-in-law at home."

Zhong Shizhu's expression changed. Regardless of myself, Lei Dayou, and Liu Bin, they all have many relatives, and most of them go fishing at sea.

Over the years, the number of fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea has become less and less, and it has become more and more difficult to catch, making life difficult. Normally, everyone is about the same, and they don't make much money, so there's not much to say, but this year, I, Lei Dayou, and Liu Bin made a lot of money by going fishing with Zhao Dahai.

When these relatives at home see this situation, they must have all kinds of thoughts and thoughts. When they come to visit their homes during the Chinese New Year, they will definitely mention this matter.

Without any preparation, especially after drinking two ounces of wine, it is really possible to nod and agree to come down and talk to Zhao Dahai about this matter.

It's okay if you don't agree to this matter. Once you agree not to do it, you will definitely have to complain. These people may have to say this out. If it is spread all over the world, they will not look good, even Zhao Dahai's It doesn’t look good.

A small bead of sweat appeared on Zhong Shizhu's forehead. He touched his pocket and took out a cigarette. He and Lei Da lit one and took several puffs before slowly calming down.

"Lei Dayou!"

"There is nothing to talk about such a thing! I will talk to the mother-in-law at home about this matter in a while! Don't think that these are your relatives' soft-hearted nods. If this is the case, it will be a big trouble!"

Zhong Shizhu was very glad that Lei Dayou thought about this matter to remind him.

"Money that is put in the pockets of relatives does not belong to us. It only belongs to us if it is put in our pockets!"

"I need to tell my mother-in-law clearly about the seriousness of this!"


"That's it!"

"It's getting late! You go back and sleep for a while. I'll go to Liu Bin's house. I need to talk to him about this matter."

Lei Dayou waved his hand, turned around and walked quickly to Liu Bin's house. The Chinese New Year will be here in a few days, and relatives have begun to come to the house one after another, especially those who have ideas in their hearts. When the people knew that they were back, they came to the door immediately. It might be too late to find Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin at dawn.

Zhong Shizhu watched Lei Dayou walk away out of sight, then walked back into the locked door of the yard and returned to the room.

"Are you new?"

"Why did Lei Dayou come to the door at this time?"

Roland had woken up just now when he heard Lei Dayou's shout. Zhong Shizhu has been waiting here since he went out and did not fall asleep.

Zhong Shizhu talked about what Lei Dayou came to tell him just now.

"You can't lie about this."

"Whether it's your relatives or my relatives, they can never nod, and they can never let go. If you can't save face, what's missing is the money in our pockets."

Zhong Shizhu reminded Roland that he must pay attention to this matter.


"Some are relatives of the elders. If they insist on talking about this matter, they will definitely complain if they say no directly, or even mention it in front of Zhao Dahai!"

Roland frowned.


"What happened to our elders and relatives? If we can't bring this up, we just can't bring it up!"

"Even if the King of Heaven comes, I won't agree to it, and I can't even do this!"

"How much money did Lei Dayou, Liu Bin and I make from going fishing with Zhao Dahai? Don't you have any idea?"

"Whether it's your relatives or my relatives, if they have to say something like this, if they have to force us to talk to Zhao Dahai about this, they are trying to take money out of our pockets."

"Is it possible that these people don't understand this in their hearts?"

"There is no need to be polite to such relatives!"

"If you can't save face, just say that I am the one in charge and ask them to come to me and talk about this!"

Zhong Shizhu did not let go at all. He knew that once he let go, it would not be a matter between two people. Maybe all the relatives in the family who were fishing would have to call him and talk to Zhao Dahai.

When Roland thought about the money Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou had earned from fishing with Zhao Dahai, his mind suddenly sobered up.


"you're right!"

"These people are just trying to take money out of our pockets by saying things like this!"

"That won't do."

"No need to tell you! There's nothing wrong with this. Whoever dares to mention this matter in front of me, I won't be polite and refuse directly!"

Roland thought about the whole thing clearly, especially when he thought that the person who said such words had bad intentions and just wanted to take money out of his own pocket. He would not agree to this even if he died.

Zhong Shizhu felt relieved when he saw that Roland understood the importance of this.

There are not many ways to make money in the fishing village. I, Lei Dayou, and Liu Bin have finally been lucky. Being able to go fishing with Zhao Dahai must be cherished. This is the meat in my bowl. No matter who wants to snatch it, they will Don't blame yourself for being rude.

six in the morning.

The sky began to slowly reveal a little bit of fish belly white.

The whole sky was overcast and the weather was not good.

"Are you reincarnated as a starving ghost?"

"Can't you go slower? No one will compete with you!"

Ma Hongyu looked at Lei Dayou, who was squatting beside the kitchen stove, drinking porridge and eating salted fish from a large bowl.

Lei Dayou said nothing and ate three large bowls in one go before stopping.

"It's comfortable now!"

Lei Dayou put down the bowl in his hand and went to Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin's house to explain the matter clearly. When he came back, he saw that it was almost dawn and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

Ma Hongyu heard the sound and got up to help.


"You have to be aware of this matter!"

"Don't be confused!"

Lei Dayou glanced at Ma Hongyu.

"You don't need to worry about this!"

"Can I still understand the logic behind this?"

Ma Hongyu nodded immediately without even thinking about it. No matter who the relative was, they were just trying to steal their own money by saying such things, and they had no face to give.

After Lei Dayou finished his breakfast, he yawned and went back to his room to sleep.

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  (End of this chapter)

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