Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 576 Xiao Naihei’s situation is that of Zhao Dahai

Chapter 576 Xiao Naihei’s situation is that of Zhao Dahai

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"Little Naihei belongs to a female dog, right? If you give birth to puppies, you must leave one for me!"

Yang Qin walked to Ding Xiaoxiang and squatted down, wanting to touch Xiao Naihei. As soon as he reached out, Xiaonai Hei's big head immediately turned around and opened his mouth.

Yang Qin suddenly retracted his hand.


"What are you doing?"

"This is Yang Qin! But my good sister is here. Isn't it okay to touch you?"

Ding Xiaoxiang gently patted Xiao Naihei's head.

Xiao Naihei closed her mouth and eyes.

Yang Qin reached out and grabbed Xiao Naihei's forehead several times.


"Why do you look so reluctant?"

Yang Qin thinks the black breasts are really fun.


"Why hasn't Zhao Dahai come yet?"

Yang Qin felt a little strange. Xiao Naihei had been rushing over for a while, but Zhao Dahai hadn't seen anyone yet.

Ding Xiaoxiang raised her head and looked towards the road at the entrance of the village. After waiting for another minute or two, she saw Zhao Dahai's tricycle, stood up and waved.

Zhao Dahai saw Ding Xiaoxiang from a distance and sped up.

"It's a cold day!"

"Why are you waiting here?"

Zhao Dahai looked at Ding Xiaoxiang's little face blushing in the wind.

When we were still quite far away from the entrance of the village, Xiao Naihei, who had been lying on the tricycle, suddenly stood up, jumped off and ran forward. In a blink of an eye, he lost sight of it and knew that Ding Xiaoxiang must be at the entrance of the village.

"But you couldn't find where my home is, and you had nothing to do, so you just came out here and waited."

"Why did you bring Little Naihei here?"

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't need to bend down, she could reach out and pat the little black head that was almost as high as her waist.


"It probably knows I'm coming here today!"

"If you have to follow me, you just jump on the tricycle and lie down. No matter how hard you try, you can't get off."

Zhao Dahai looked at the little Naihei who was clinging to Ding Xiaoxiang's side. The little Naihei that Ding Xiaoxiang brought and raised at her home was really amazing, very big, very strong, and more importantly, very humane.

"Zhao Dahai."

"I have already told Ding Xiaoxiang that she must give me a puppy with black milk."

Yang Qin just talked about this matter with Ding Xiaoxiang, and when he saw Zhao Dahai, he talked about it again. He had already mentioned this matter last time.


"There are so many people staring at the small black mouth of the little tits. Didn't Fatty Liu Lei say he wanted one last time?"

"I can't talk about this. You just have to make an agreement with Xiaoxiang. Anyway, no matter who wants a puppy with small black breasts, I won't agree!"

Zhao Dahai shook his head. Anyone who sees a little black girl wants a raw puppy. I don’t know how many people have told me such a thing. The second grandfather, Zhao Shi, must agree to this, but the other people themselves did not agree.


"Then I may have to make up my mind!"

"Fat man, don't pay attention to him! Could it be that he still dares to snatch my puppy?"

Yang Qin ignored the fat man Liu Lei.

"Wang Wang Wang!"


"Wang Wang Wang!"


"Wang Wang Wang!"


Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin looked back and saw big dogs rushing out of the village one after another. In a blink of an eye, there were more than twenty dogs, roaring loudly.


"Why did all the dogs in here escape?"

Yang Qin was startled. All the local dogs in the village rushed out at once, and there were more and more of them.


"These dogs in the village must have heard Xiao Naihei's shouts and even smelled Xiao Naihei's smell."

Zhao Dahai pointed at Xiao Naihei. These local dogs in the village who guard the village and the family are not simple at all. If other dogs come to this place, they will definitely attack it.

Xiao Naihei came here, especially when she shouted several times just now. These local dogs in Dashi Village will definitely react, and now they all rush out.


"What to do with this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the dozen or twenty big dogs at the entrance of the village, and dogs kept rushing out from other parts of the village.


"We don't need to take care of this matter!"

Zhao Dahai smiled and shook his head.

The local dogs in the village have the way of survival of the local dogs in the village. It depends on what kind of dog Xiao Naihei is. If he wants to dominate here, he will fight back head-on at this time.

If Xiao Naihei doesn't have the ability to do this and doesn't want to dominate here, then he should surrender and lie down on the ground or expose his belly.

Just as Zhao Dahai finished speaking, Xiao Naihei, who had been standing quietly next to Ding Xiaoxiang, all the hair on his body exploded, and slowly turned around to face the group of dogs standing at the entrance of the village.


"The sea!"

"What does Xiao Naihei want to do?!"

Ding Xiaoxiang was startled.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the group of dogs at the entrance of the village, especially the big dog standing at the front.

What does Xiao Naihei want to do?

This is a dragon that wants to cross the river!

"How can it be done!"

"There are so many dogs here! Little Naihei can't even bark when he's alone!"

Ding Xiaoxiang became very anxious all of a sudden, reaching out and hugging Xiao Naihei's neck.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. He couldn't stop things by himself, and he wouldn't stop them.


"An ordinary dog ​​would definitely have to tuck its tail when it comes here, but Little Naihei is not an ordinary dog."

"How could you just hold your nose and admit it?"

Zhao Dahai pulled away Ding Xiaoxiang's hand holding Xiao Naihei's neck.

Dogs have a dog's world.

It was impossible for Xiao Naihei to swallow this breath.

If Xiao Naihei had kept silent, he would have just given it up and ignored it, but now that Xiao Naihei was ready to charge, even if he was injured by the dogs in Dashi Village, he would not be able to stop him. Will not let Ding Xiaoxiang stop.

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Xiao Naihei, then looked up at the growing number of dogs gathering at the entrance of the village, and then looked back at Zhao Dahai, wanting to say something, but she didn't.


"Why did all the dogs in the village escape?"



"There were great shows before!"


"Did you see that big black dog?"

"It's a dog from another village!"


"Which one is more powerful, the dragon crossing the river or the local snake?"


"Isn't this the one belonging to Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin?"

"Whose is that man next to you?"


"Yo!"    "This look has an unusual relationship with Ding Xiaoxiang!"


"It's over, it's over!"

"Could it be that this man Ding Xiaoxiang likes is here to visit today?"


"Is this man the one who brought this dog?"


"This dog looks so good!"

"These dogs in the village, especially this dog king, are not necessarily right!"


The second day of the new year.

There are many people in the village celebrating the New Year, and they are all walking around in various places.

When all the dogs in the village rushed to the entrance of the village, they attracted the attention of many people, who all ran over to watch the fun.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Why do I feel that your coming to our village is just like Xiao Nai Hei coming to our village?"

Yang Qin smiled and pointed to the entrance of the village, where more and more people gathered.


"Who said it wasn't?"

Zhao Dahai smiled and nodded.

Many of these people at the entrance of the village were almost the same age as me, or just young people five or six years older.

Fertilizer does not flow into outsiders' fields.

Young people in any village do not want girls from their own village to marry in other villages.

What's more, an outstanding person like Ding Xiaoxiang?

Thirty years ago, if a young man from one village ran to another village, his hands and feet might be broken. This was not a legendary story, but a real thing, even in any village. All the young men who would do this kind of thing would share the same hatred.

This kind of thing is very rare now, but if you want to marry a girl from another village, you must have strength. The measure of strength without fighting becomes whether you have money in your pocket.

Zhao Dahai knew very well that if he came to Dashi Village and Ding Xiaoxiang's home today, the news would definitely spread.

The young people in Dashi Village who are about the same age as Ding Xiaogan, or a few years older, must be staring at me with wide eyes, thinking about what ability they have to dare to take Ding Xiaoxiang.

If I didn't have such ability, it would be unlikely that a fight would happen, but there would definitely be a lot of gossip, and even people in the village would talk all kinds of gossip behind my back, not only for my own face. , Ding Chongshan, Zhang Li, Ding Jie, and Ding Weijun will all be affected in the same way. Don't talk about big ideas or freedom. Facts are facts and reality is reality.

Now that Xiao Naihei has come to Dashi Village, she is met with hostility from the dogs in the village. Just as Yang Qin said, this is almost the same situation as when she came here to find Ding Xiaoxiang.


"At this time, do you two still have the heart to talk about such things?"

Ding Xiaoxiang stamped her feet a little anxiously.

"Little Naihei is about to charge!"

Zhao Dahai has been staring at Xiao Naihei. The fur on his body is getting bigger and bigger. Sharp teeth are exposed in his half-open mouth. He lets out a series of deep roars and will immediately charge towards the dogs.

As soon as Ding Xiaoxiang lowered her head, Xiao Naihei rushed out with both feet, like a black lightning, rushing towards the group of dogs at the entrance of the village, directly towards the largest dog standing at the front.

Ding Xiaoxiang was so frightened that she almost jumped up. She was about to shout but immediately reached out to cover her mouth.

Zhao Dahai looked at Xiao Naihei who was rushing forward like a black lightning bolt very calmly.

Whether it is a human or an animal, one must pay attention to strength.

The dogs here, especially the big dog standing at the front of the dog group, are indeed very big and look mighty and majestic.

But it depends on who you compare it with. Compared with other dogs in the village, this dog is indeed very good. Compared with Xiao Naihei, this dog is not good enough.

Little Naihei runs very fast and is very strong, really like a heavy tank.

The four strong legs were like heavy drumsticks hitting the ground.

Zhao Dahai had never seen Xiao Naihei running at such a speed, and had never seen Xiao Naihei fight back in a provocative manner.

The dogs at the entrance of the village were shouting very loudly, but it was useless. Native dogs have always been biting dogs. Instead of barking, they would hide in corners and rush out to bite strangers. This is what makes native dogs so powerful. place.

Xiao Naihei didn't shout a word now, and ran faster and faster, rushing directly towards the largest dog in the front of the dog group, watching Xiao Naihei jump in front of him.

The big dog saw Xiao Naihei rushing towards him, turned around suddenly and ran away quickly.


"No way?"


Yang Qin was dumbfounded.

This big dog in the village is not easy to deal with. In any case, he is a good fighter among dozens of big dogs. Hearing Xiao Naihei's shout, he felt that his authority was being challenged. He called out to the whole village. Let's work together to regain the place. Just now, we were standing at the front of the dog pack with dignity.

This is just great!

Little Naihei ran away before he could pounce on me!


"My little black girl is the most awesome!"

Ding Xiaoxiang was stunned for a moment. She was very worried just now. Xiao Nai was so black that she had to deal with the dogs in the whole village. She didn't expect such a thing to happen, so she laughed.

Little Naihei didn't stop, and speeded up again, chasing the leader of the pack.

"Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Wow wow wow!"

The leader dog in the village barked miserably and ran away with his tail between his legs, but he didn't run very far. Little Naihei caught up with him and bit him on the tail. He jumped half a meter high, and when he fell back to the ground, he lay down and exposed his belly.

Little Naihei stopped and stared at the big dog with its mouth wide open and its sharp teeth. After looking at it for a while, he turned around and walked back slowly. When he passed by the group of dogs gathered at the entrance of the village, he felt a deep sound in his throat. shouts.

"Wang Wang!"


"Wang Wang Wang!"


"Wow wow wow!"


The dogs panicked and fled in all directions, forming a chaotic mess.

"The sea!"

"How could this happen?"

Ding Xiaoxiang pointed at Xiao Naihei, who stood in awe at the entrance of the village.


"What's so weird about this?"

"Little Naihei is so awesome!"

"The village dogs are no match!"

"That big dog won't run away?"

"The height is far different from that of Xiao Naihei!"

"You don't even need to bite. If you bump into it, the dog won't be able to bear it."

"The dog knew he was no match for Xiao Naihei, so he called the dogs in the village to come over and cheer him up."

"It's just that Xiao Naihei captured the thief first and pounced on the leader of the village."

"The leader inside couldn't withstand the pressure from Xiao Naihei and ran away."

"How could those dogs handle it?"

Zhao Dahai knew very well what was going on. Xiao Naihei was much bigger than the local dogs in the village. He was really tall and strong. This was actually exactly the same as fighting with people. Taller people were heavier. The one with greater strength takes advantage. People are no more stupid than dogs. They know very well the strength of their opponents.


"My little nanny is really awesome!"

"I'll give you two big meaty bones for lunch today!"

Ding Xiaoxiang trotted to the front of Xiao Naihei and rubbed Xiao Naihei's dog's head vigorously several times.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"You must give me a puppy with black breasts! There is no other way to say this."

"If you and Ding Xiaoxiang quarrel in the future, I won't be the peacemaker!"

Yang Qin looked at Xiao Nai's black eyes and their eyes were shining. This was really amazing.

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(End of this chapter)

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