Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 577: If you want to marry a wife, don’t you have to have a dog’s leg?

Chapter 577: If you want to marry a wife, don’t you have to have a dog’s leg?


"Isn't that what you just said?"

"You tell Xiaoxiang about this matter, and I won't care about it."

"Little Naihei was originally a dog raised by her family. Now she has grown up and given birth to a puppy. How can I make up my mind?"

Zhao Dahai shook his head. I really can’t make up my mind about the puppies born with small breasts and black hair.


"Zhao Dahai."

"At first glance, you look like a person who can't be a family member!"

Yang Qin looked down upon Zhao Dahai.

"You didn't just find out about this today, did you?"

"Besides, I can't be a family man, is it possible that fat guy Liu Lei can be a family man?"

Zhao Dahai smiled and admitted directly that he could not be a master, but he was not idle and fought back.


"That fat guy Liu Lei wants to be the leader? He doesn't even have the ability when the sun rises from the west!"

Yang Qin pouted. Liu Lei was 100% incapable of becoming a family man, so he had to decide on his own.


“Men don’t need to be in charge!”

“As long as you can make money!”

Zhao Dahai looked at Xiao Naihei who was following Ding Xiaoxiang back. He was so well-behaved that he couldn't tell that he was so majestic just now.

"The sea!"


"go home."

Ding Xiaoxiang blushed a little. She was worried that Xiao Naihei didn't pay attention, but now she realized that many people at the entrance of the village were looking at her and Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai nodded and rode a tricycle into the village with Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin.

"What the hell!"

"Isn't this alpha dog in the village very powerful? Usually, all the dogs from other villages are beaten and run away. What happened today?"



"Isn't that necessary? It's not as good as the dog just now."


"That black dog is really powerful!"

"It's as tall as a human waist when standing. The four legs are extremely strong, and the dog's head is even bigger. It's like a calf even if it's not a dog."


"Don't blame the local dog in the village for being no match at all."


"Whose dog does this belong to?"

"That dog is very familiar to Ding Xiaoxiang. It doesn't belong to Ding Xiaoxiang's family, right? But why haven't we seen it before?"



"That black dog is a female dog. I wonder if I can get a puppy?"


The people gathered at the entrance of the village were talking a lot. Even the blind man could tell that Little Naihei was a good dog and a rare good dog.


"Can't you bastards like you still not see it?"

"That dog is not from Ding Xiaoxiang's family, but from the young man just now!"



“Don’t let the good news flow to outsiders!”

"None of you are capable. The golden phoenix in the village will have to fly to someone else's house!"


The married people in the village, especially the old men and women in their 60s and 70s, scolded the young people who gathered around the entrance of the village to watch the fun.


"Uncle Three!"

"Who doesn't know how good Ding Xiaoxiang is?"

"There is no one in the village who can impress Ding Xiaoxiang?"


"Grandpa Seven!"

"Do you know who belongs to the man just now?"

"Does Zhao Dahai from Langtou Village know about it?"



"Who among the ten villages and eight towns around doesn't want to gather with Ding Xiaoxiang? But he really doesn't have such strength!"


"Zhao Dahai is very good at fishing. He can earn millions just fishing this year."

"This is the money earned that everyone can see! Those who can't see it don't know how much it is!"


"With Zhao Dahai's ability to make money, how many of the surrounding villages and towns, including those in the county, who are young and capable, can really compare to him?"


The young people in Dashi Village held back their anger at first, but they couldn't stand it anymore and began to refute.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang Yang Qin didn't know what happened to Sun Jieke after they left. After entering the village, they went directly to Ding Xiaoxiang's home.

Zhao Dahai saw Ding Jie and Ding Weijun waiting for him from a distance, and hurried over.

"Brother Jack!"

"Brother Jun!"

Zhao Dahai said hello immediately.


"Sit inside the house."

Ding Jie smiled and nodded.


"Where did this dog come from?"

"The sea."

"Is this your home-raised one?"

Ding Weijun's eyes lit up when he saw the little girl following Ding Xiaoxiang closely. He was tall and strong, and he could tell that he was an extremely good dog.


"Raised at home."

"Xiaoxiang likes this dog. When I came here today, I had to bring this dog with me, so I brought her here."

When Zhao Dahai parked the tricycle and was about to unload his things, an old man and old lady happened to walk over from the entrance of the alley.


"Ding Jie."

"Are you having guests at your house today?"

Ding Jie looked up, nodded with a smile, and pointed at Zhao Dahai.

"The sea!"

"This is the eighth uncle in the village."

Ding Jie introduced Yang Shunwei.

Zhao Dahai immediately greeted him with a smile and took out a cigarette from his pocket.


"What good stuff are you pulling?"

Yang Shunwei glanced at the tricycle.

"I caught the fish myself."

"Bring some over to my uncle and aunt's house to have a taste."

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he opened the lid of the tricycle's live water tank and reached out to pick up a mesh bag, which contained a small red spot weighing about five kilograms.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"What's in the other mesh bags?"

Yang Qin rolled his eyes and shouted loudly.

"The red spots inside this mesh bag are still there, but they are a little bigger, about thirty pounds!"    ……

"These are some winter crabs caught before the Chinese New Year."

"One mesh bag contains forty or fifty kilograms. If we add them all together, it would be about two hundred kilograms!"


Zhao Dahai glanced at Yang Qin, who was holding the snake on the stick, and immediately answered the conversation. While talking, he picked up the mesh bags soaked in the living water tank of the tricycle one by one.

Zhao Dahai knew very well that Yang Qin did not mean to show off when he said this. He must have a purpose and cooperated extremely well.


"It's all good stuff."

"I have to eat at Ding Xiaoxiang's place at noon today."

Yang Qin spoke loudly.


"Isn't my home yours? Whenever you come to my home for dinner, you have to speak. When is there a time when you don't come just when you want to?"

Ding Xiaoxiang glared at Yang Qin.


"This old man is really uneasy and kind-hearted!"

Yang Qin looked at his eighth uncle Yang Shunwei, who had already turned the corner of the alley after saying a few words and leaving, curled his lips and sneered.

Zhao Dahai came to visit on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and he could tell by looking at his age that he was related to Ding Xiaoxiang.

Regardless of whether you are really passing by or coming here intentionally, you should not directly ask what is inside the tricycle! This was obviously because Zhao Dahai was driving a tricycle. He was not a rich man. He was asking questions like this just to embarrass Zhao Dahai.

When Zhao Dahai is embarrassed, Ding Xiaoxiang's family is embarrassed.


"Yang Qin."

"you're right!"

Ding Weijun put away his thumb.

Such things are inevitable in the village, and you will even encounter them.

The fact that Zhao Dahai came to his home as a guest today will definitely spread throughout the village.

In this situation just now, it was difficult for him and Ding Jie to talk, let alone Ding Xiaoxiang.

Yang Qin is a smart man, and he said this deliberately just now.

Zhao Dahai was also very smart. He immediately followed Yang Qin's words and revealed the contents of the tricycle.

Who in the fishing village doesn't know the price of a five or six kilogram red crab and a thirty kilogram red crab, plus the price of two hundred kilograms of winter crabs each weighing one kilogram and two or three heads. No matter what identity Zhao Dahai came to visit, it was appropriate and very honorable.


"I said, what on earth are you doing? Do you need to use something like this?"

Ding Xiaoxiang felt a little helpless. She didn't understand why the situation just happened. She didn't want to do this, but it was inevitable in the village.

"To the sea."

"What's in this bag?"

Yang Qin saw an inconspicuous bag on the tricycle. It was a bit small and didn't look like it contained anything important. But today was the first time Zhao Dahai visited Ding Xiaoxiang's house. Then she thought about Zhao Dahai's grandmother Zhong Cuihua's feelings for Ding Xiaoxiang. I am so satisfied that I wish I could marry him home right away. I cannot prepare these things casually.

"Didn't I catch some owl during my first two trips to the deep sea?"

"Dried isinglass."

"Grandma picked out some good ones."

Zhao Dahai said as he took off the bag and handed it to Ding Xiaoxiang.

Yang Qin snatched it and opened the bag, and her eyes widened when she saw that the neatly folded contents were all yellow, translucent and thick isinglass.


"Did your grandma bring all the good things packed in the boxes?"

Yang Qin shouted.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun reached out and took a piece of isinglass and looked at it carefully. This is the real good thing.

"The sea!"

"There's no need to bring this over!"

Ding Jie took another look at the isinglass in his hand and shook his head.

Two red spots weighing almost two hundred pounds are very valuable and worth earning a lot of money.

These are not rare things. My own family buys fish, shrimps and crabs. If you want to look for them, you can find them and it is not difficult.

But these isinglasses are different.

Only a large catfish weighing fifty to sixty kilograms or seventy or eighty kilograms can be dried.

A fish with this size is not something you can find casually. You have to travel far away and you have to be very capable.

Thirty years ago or even ten years ago, it would have been particularly difficult to find a fish of such size, or isinglass of this quality.

The last few years, especially the last ten or eight years, have been really not easy.

Isinglass is not a rare thing in fishing villages. Almost every household keeps some, but in recent years the price has become higher and higher, and almost all of it has been sold.

Nowadays, landlords really have no surplus food.

Ding Jie knew that he had a little but not much at home. His parents had so many treasures that they had to take them out to dry several times every year if the weather was good.

The best pieces may not be as good as the ones Zhao Dahai brought here today.

Is there a price for such isinglass? There must be a price, and if I have to say it, it won’t be a sky-high price that you can’t afford.

The problem is that isinglass of this quality is really not easy to buy nowadays.

People who don’t have much money or are eager to spend money have already sold all their money in the past years and have no more isinglass in their hands. People who still have such isinglass in their hands now don’t lack this little money and it is impossible to sell it. For example, it is absolutely impossible for Zhao Dahai to sell the isinglass he has.

"It's not something bought from somewhere else, it's the fish I caught myself."

Zhao Dahai knew that it would not be easy for others to buy these fish maws, but since they were dried fish he caught at sea, it was not that difficult.


"Zhao Dahai."

"You brought such a good thing here, why didn't you tell me about it just now? Wait until the eighth uncle has a good look at it."

Yang Qin suddenly thought of this.

The two red spots and the two hundred kilograms of winter crabs in the tricycle live water tank are simply not enough to look at in front of these isinglasses.

Ding Jie and Ding Weijun both laughed, but their thoughts in their hearts were exactly the same as Yang Qin's. This was the real good thing. If they had known earlier, they would have had to expose it. It was not just a matter of honor for their family, Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang are all very respectable.

"Why are you guys standing here at the door talking non-stop?"

Zhang Li walked out of the room. Ding Xiaoxiang ran to the entrance of the village early in the morning to wait for Zhao Dahai. She didn't have to worry about not being able to find a place. The sound of a tricycle was heard at the door of her house, followed by a burst of voices. She didn't see anyone coming in for a while, so she couldn't help but walk out.

Zhao Dahai called Auntie first and then said Happy New Year.

Yang Qin couldn't help but laugh when he saw Zhao Dahai's dog-legged appearance.

Ding Xiaoxiang glared at Yang Qin.

"It's cold!"

"Get in the house quickly!"

With a smile on her face, Yang Qin pointed to the room. At first, she was really not happy about Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang's interaction. However, now she nodded, and she would not give in to Zhao Dahai anymore.


"Go in and have tea!"

"It's really cold outside!"


"hurry up!"


Ding Jie and Ding Weijun called Zhao Dahai to go inside together.

Zhao Dahai entered the house and saw a middle-aged man who looked a bit like Ding Jie, Ding and Weijun sitting on the sofa in the hall. Knowing that this must be the father of Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Jie and Ding Weijun, he immediately walked over and called uncle , say happy new year.


"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"Have you ever seen Zhao Dahai look like this?"

Yang Qin poked Ding Xiaoxiang's waist, bit her ear and whispered.


"Is Zhao Dahai called a dog-legger? When that fat guy Liu Lei comes to your house, I'm going to see what's going on."

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't lose her words and immediately criticized Yang Qin.

Yang Qin was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, Ding Xiaoxiang was really right. The day Liu Lei came to his house, he would definitely be even more cunning, far more than Zhao Dahai.


"Then you must have other things to do and you can't come to my house!"

Yang Qin shook his head and refused.


"You have no conscience!"

"Without me and Zhao Dahai, how could you and Fatty be so successful? Now we're burning bridges, right?"

Ding Xiaoxiang pinched Yang Qin's waist.

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(End of this chapter)

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