Chapter 635 This is really too embarrassing!

"Zhao Shi!"

"How much did you pay for Zhao Dahai's new speedboat?"


"It's so big! If nothing else, the two engines alone are already huge!"

"Then it will cost one million!"


Zhao Shi looked around and saw that they were all people fishing or fishing at the village dock. Some of them were very familiar to him.


"You are all people who go out to sea to fish. How much does this speedboat cost? Don't you know how much it costs?"

"Zhao Dahai spent a lot of money to buy this speedboat!"

"I didn't ask for the specific amount, but it must be one million or more!"

Zhao Shi took a sip of water pipe and spoke proudly.

How much did Zhao Dahai spend?

The pier here is full of people who go fishing or fishing, and they are all in this industry. Even if they don’t know the specific price, they can guess how much it is. In addition, if anyone really wants to inquire, this is not a secret. It will take some time to find out.


"Really one million!"


"How long was it?"

"Zhao Dahai has made so much money!"



"There are so many boats out there fishing at our dock, including here in the town, which one can compare to Zhao Dahai's?"


"Who said there are no fish, shrimps or crabs in the sea and you can't make money? That's just because we don't have the ability!"


Carrying the hookah, Zhao Shi slowly left the pier and walked home, leaving behind a group of envious people who were fishing or fishing at sea.

The sea is wide.

Boundless, a place where you can't see where the end is at a glance.

Zhao Dahai slowed down the speed of the speedboat.

Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei wiped the seawater splashing on their faces.

The speed of the speedboat was so fast that the splashing sea water hit my face and my clothes were already soaked.

Ding Xiaoxiang, Yang Qin and Ding Ailian were fine hiding in the cabin and waited until the speed slowed down before coming out.

"Brother Dahai."

"What speed was it just now? It must be 70 knots, right?"

Wu Lei looked at Zhao Dahai with great envy, who was driving the speedboat. He really wanted to try it, but Zhao Dahai didn't want to. Yang Qin's eyes were as if they were murderous, and he could only swallow his words knowingly.

"Seventy's Day?!"

"A sea fishing boat will never be able to run at such speed in this life!"

Shi Zhongwei shook his head.

What man doesn’t crave speed?

Shi Zhongwei spends most of his time on fishing boats and has long been accustomed to the slow speed of fishing boats. The speedboat Zhao Dahai just bought is not only fast, but also really fast. .

Shi Zhongwei, like Liu Lei, really wants to drive a speedboat by himself, but there is really no way. Yang Qin is unwilling, and Ding Ailian will not agree. In addition, they have just met, and if they have to drive a speedboat now, they will definitely leave a bad impression. I have the impression that I am a person who does not know the importance of things.

Zhao Dahai knew that both Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei really wanted to drive their own receiving speedboat, but Yang Qin and Ding Ailian were both watching, so they could only find time elsewhere.


"I have to tell you. You must not drive Zhao Dahai's pick-up speedboat."

Yang Qin warned Liu Lei.

Liu Lei was stunned for a moment, his fat face turned into a bald melon.

He really wanted to drive Zhao Dahai's speedboat. Knowing that Yang Qin would never agree, he planned to go back and find an opportunity to find Zhao Dahai alone. What he didn't expect was that Yang Qin saw through his little plan at a glance and blocked it with one sentence.

If Yang Qin didn't speak, he could find time to find Zhao Dahai. Now that he has spoken, he is looking for Zhao Dahai. If he is discovered one day, it will be terrible and he will definitely die miserably.

"Yang Qin."

"There's nothing wrong with driving a speedboat, right?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little strange and didn't know why Yang Qin said this.


"Look at this fat man's little eyes glowing green. If he really gets to drive this speedboat, wouldn't it have to be like an airplane?"

"Zhao Dahai has the ability and ability to drive so fast."

"How can a fat man like Liu Lei be so capable?"

Yang Qin was categorical, leaving no room for error.

Zhao Dahai looked at Liu Lei helplessly. Ding Xiaoxiang has already helped to speak, but Yang Qin won't let up at all, so there is nothing that can be done.

Ding Ailian didn't speak, but just glanced at Shi Zhongwei.

Shi Zhongwei was startled and quickly said that he didn't want to drive a speedboat, and that his favorite thing to drive was a fishing boat.


"What did you say?"

"You can drive if you want. What does that have to do with me?"

Ding Ailian blushed and shook her head.

"Don't open it, don't open it!"

"The speed of this speedboat is too fast! It's too dangerous! My little heart can't stand it."

Shi Zhongwei's head shook like a rattle, almost breaking his neck.

What a joke?

Ding Ailian said this, and you must listen to it. If you really drove a speedboat, that would be a big deal.

Zhao Dahai couldn't help but laughed loudly.

Liu Lei and Shi Zhong were very worried about this!

Yang Qin and Ding Ailian's attitude was very clear, that is, they would never allow Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei to drive the speedboat they had just bought.

The key is that Yang Qin and Ding Ailian opened their mouths, but Liu Lei and Shi Zhong didn't have the guts to do so.

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled and said nothing. This was a matter between Yang Qin and Ding Ailian. They decided that different people have different ways of getting along with each other. What Yang Qin and Ding Ailian said was right. Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei both had some differences in character. He is not very stable and stable. Shi Zhongwei usually drives relatively slow and stable fishing boats. Liu Lei rarely even drives fishing boats.

It's not a big problem for a speedboat with normal speed, but the speedboat Zhao Dahai just bought is very big and very fast. If it really drives faster and faster like a wild horse, it will really be a problem. There may be accidents.


"Brother Dahai!"

"Isn't this the fishing spot at Windmill Foot? Why did you come here all of a sudden?"

Shi Zhongwei stood on the deck of the speedboat and looked around. He found that there were many tall windmills around him. There was one at a distance that stretched to the end of the invisible horizon, and there were speedboats one after another on the sea.

Shi Zhongwei doesn't go to the open sea very much, but he is very familiar with the fishing spots in the open sea, especially the very famous fishing spot called Windmill Foot Fishing Spot, and he can recognize where it is at a glance.


"The speed of this speedboat is now at least one-third to one-half faster than the previous one."

"It must be faster to come here! Isn't the point of saving time?"

Zhao Dahai was very happy. The speedboat I just bought is really fast and saves a lot of time on the same journey.

What fishermen want is to catch the tide and the flowing water. If the fishing boat is faster than others, they can get to the fishing spot in the shortest time and spend more time fishing. All of this is money.

"Brother Dahai!" "This speedboat really stands out from the crowd!"

"You came here on purpose to show off, right?"

Liu Lei looked around and saw that there were many speedboats around, but they were all too small in size, none of them even comparable or even remotely relevant.

"What can be done about this? I can't buy a big speedboat like this. I can't come over to Windmill Foot Fishing Point to fish here, can I?"

"Isn't it the same to come early and come late?"

Zhao Dahai smiled.

I bought such a big speedboat, why can't I come here and have a blast?

People who go out to sea to fish, and people who go out to sea to fish, don't compare whose fishing boat is bigger, whose speedboat is bigger, and whose speedboat is faster?

"Brother Dahai!"

"Should we try a few to see if we can catch fish?"

Shi Zhong is ready to move.

Zhao Dahai looked at the running water at the windmill foot fishing spot. It was not the best time, but it was not bad. He nodded. He had not planned to fish originally.

But if you haven’t reached the fishing spot, there is nothing to say. Just turn around a few times. Now that you have reached the fishing spot, it seems a bit unreasonable not to lower the rod to fish.

The speedboat I bought is for fishing. The fish detectors and gun mounts that are needed have been installed in advance. Fishing rods, fishing groups, or baits are all ready.

"Do you want to try it?"

Zhao Dahai asked Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei while preparing the pole he wanted to use.

Liu Lei and Shi Zhong immediately shook their heads as to whether they wanted to or not. Zhao Dahai was planning to fish for grouper now. Both of them could fish but were not experts.

"Brother Dahai."

"Let's see if you try a few strokes and you'll be fine!"

"I'm not familiar with this place."

"Maybe you have to hang the bottom when you lower the pole. There is no need to waste this effort."

Shi Zhongwei knew about the fishing spot at Windmill Foot, but he was really not familiar with it at all. To fish for grouper, you have to hit the bottom. If you are not familiar with the fishing spot here, it is easy to get hooked on the bottom.

Zhao Dahai nodded. The fishing rods and other items were all ready-made. He did not use a gun mount or an electric winch. He just held the spinning wheel directly. He hung an octopus and was ready. He looked at the surrounding sea. I don’t know how many times I have been to this place, and I can clearly know where it is even without looking at the fish detector.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat forward for almost twenty meters. When he slowed down, the octopus hanging on the hook was thrown to the surface of the sea, and it suddenly sank into the seawater and disappeared.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Are there any fish?"


"Is there any big grouper? Have you taken the bait?"


Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei suddenly became very nervous. They stared at the fishing rod in Zhao Dahai's hand with wide eyes and kept mumbling in their mouths.


"What are you thinking?"

"It's impossible to catch fish so quickly even in a fish pond, right?"

"What's more, this is a vast ocean!"


"There are so many speedboats fishing here over and over again. How many people have you seen who can catch fish?"


Zhao Dahai felt a little dumbfounded.

Windmill Foot Fishing Spot is indeed a very famous fishing spot. Many people have caught a lot of fish here, including myself, who have caught countless groupers here and made a lot of money.

However, the fish here are notoriously difficult to catch. Except for certain special times when big fish are out and it is easier, it is very difficult at other times.

Here today, the tide is no longer the best, and it is even more difficult to catch fish. But just give it a try, catch if there are fish, and catch if there are no fish.

Yang Qin and Ding Ailian glanced at Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei. The two immediately shut up and stopped talking. However, they kept staring at Zhao Dahai, holding on to the side of the speedboat with both hands, becoming more and more nervous.

Zhao Dahai smiled. He really had no intention of catching fish and was very relaxed.

Zhao Dahai lowered the line all the way to the bottom of the sea, then pulled it up slightly until it was about half a meter away from the bottom of the sea.

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod in his right hand, with the tail of the rod tucked under his arm, and drove the speedboat slowly along the tide with his left hand.

Zhao Dahai was a little unaccustomed to the speed of the speedboat, especially the size of the speedboat. He missed two points in a row and was unable to set the line to hit the bottom.

Zhao Dahai didn't care. He was indeed an expert at fishing, but a normal person would need some time to get used to a new speedboat.

Zhao Dahai controlled the speedboat to continue to float forward along the tide, drifting another two or three points, and gradually got used to the speed control of the speedboat, especially the size of the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai looked at the sea surface ten meters away. There was a very small spot at that place. There were a few rocks on the seabed and a small pit in the middle. It was not too big or too deep.

Zhao Dahai concentrated his mind and controlled the speedboat to move forward. When he was about to reach the top of the small pit, he moved the speedboat slightly to the left to make room, and immediately released the line to hit the bottom.

Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei were highly concentrated. Zhao Dahai had been silent all this time. Now he suddenly released the line, especially now that the lead pendant was pulled and slammed to the bottom of the sea, which shocked him.


"This is the bottom line!"


"Are there any fish?"



"Brother Dahai!"

"What's going on?"


Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei had endured it for a while, and now they couldn't stop talking.


"Fat man."

"What are you doing?"

"There is nothing wrong with this fish in the sea. You can catch it whenever you want. Could it be that you put the hook directly into the fish's mouth?"

Yang Qin looked very nervously at Zhao Dahai who was not fishing. When he was looking at it, Liu Lei spoke like this and he was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

"The stone bell is."

"Don't you always go fishing with your family's fishing boat?"

"It's like you've never seen other people fishing before?"

"Don't talk so much, just watch Zhao Dahai fishing!"

Ding Ailian was also startled by Liu Lei and Shi Zhongwei who were yelling, and followed Yang Qin and shouted a few words to Shi Zhongwei.

Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei shrank their necks, closed their mouths tightly, and did not dare to speak anymore.

Seeing this, Ding Xiaoxiang couldn't help but smile.

Yang Qin and Ding Ailian are both fiery personalities. Zhong Wei and Liu Lei look like they have the potential to have tracheitis. They are already like this before they are married. But if they are really married, it will get worse.


"No way?"

"Are there really any fish?"


"It really does happen!"

"It's so embarrassing!"

Zhao Dahai suddenly lifted the pole up with all his strength and shouted a little excitedly.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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