Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 636 Just got into the water and tried it out in a small way

Chapter 636: Just get into the water and give it a try


“Isn’t this really the one who caught the fish?”



"This one is quite big!"


Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei were very excited all of a sudden. They all rushed over and shouted loudly. They were so nervous just now and now they are so excited.

Ding Xiaoxiang, Yang Qin and Ding Ailian looked at Zhao Dahai very excitedly. They really didn't want to catch the fish at first, but now they not only jumped to the fish, but it looked like the fish was quite big.

"Not big, not big!"

"It weighs seventy or eighty pounds and is just a blue spot."

"The main course for today's dinner is ready!"

Zhao Dahai said while spinning the spinning wheel vigorously to pull in the fish.

The sea water here at Windmill Foot Fishing Point is not deep, mostly tens to a hundred meters.

Zhao Dahai used a hand-held pole and a hand-operated spinning wheel pole. They are very hard and the thread is very thick. When the fish is hooked, there is no need to worry about running away. You can rest assured and pull the fish hard. In a short time, the fish will be pulled out of the water. .


"Brother Dahai."

"You are right!"

"A big blue spot weighing about eighty pounds!"

Shi Zhongwei was very excited.

Our deep-sea fishing boats can often catch groupers or other big fish. Groupers weighing 70 to 80 pounds, especially black groupers, are not uncommon.

But now this is not the deep sea, but a windmill foot fishing spot.

Catching such a big fish is already considered very good. Few people can catch such a big fish in a year and a half.

Liu Lei had already prepared the fishing net and was waiting. He looked at the size of the grouper floating on the sea and it was a bit big. He was worried that he was not capable of it. After a while, the fish ran away and he called Shi Zhongwei.

Shi Zhongwei took the net and caught the fish, but he tried twice but failed to pull up the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai loosened the line, put down the pole, and helped pull up the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai took the pliers and took off the hook. This was the eighth time he had caught a decent fish after the Chinese New Year, and he was very satisfied.

Zhao Dahai opened the lid of the speedboat's live cabin, pushed hard and slid in and started swimming.


"Brother Dahai!"

“It’s really cool to see how big the speedboat is. Even the live cabin is much bigger than the original one!”

Liu Lei lowered his head and looked at the living cabin and was shocked. He followed Zhao Dahai's original speedboat out to sea several times for fishing, and he knew very well how big the speedboat was.

Zhao Dahai's original speedboat was much larger than other speedboats, and the living cabin was much larger than other speedboats, but it was far from the current one.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Isn't this living cabin now three times larger than the original living cabin of the speedboat?"

Liu Lei looked at it carefully.

"How could it be just three times as much?"

Zhao Dahai shook his head. When I bought this speedboat, the living cabin was three times the original size. In order to hold more fish, I made some modifications. I greatly reduced the sleeping cabin of this speedboat and converted it into a living cabin and a cold storage. The living cabin of the current speedboat is at least five or six times that of the original speedboat.


"Doesn't this mean that the live cabin alone can hold a large fish weighing several hundred kilograms?"

Liu Lei thought about it for a while.

"How many pounds?"

"How is it possible that there are so few?"

"Now this one can hold at least 600 kilograms of live fish!"

"The other live water tank combined can hold at least 1,500 kilograms of live fish! We still have to see how much it can hold."

"Brother Hai's speedboat also has a cold storage! Together, it can easily hold several kilograms of fish!"

Shi Zhong, who has been on fishing boats all year round, knows better how many fish Zhao Dahai's speedboat can pull.

Zhao Dahai told Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei that after the speedboat was modified, it could hold more than 2,500 kilograms of live fish. Adding another 3,500 kilograms of cold storage, a serious cold storage and cold storage could transfer about 3,000 kilograms of fish. Shrimps and crabs, on the deck of the speedboat, there are always two refrigerators and some small refrigerators or fishing boxes that can be carried away, which can hold a lot of fish.

Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei were a little stunned. This speedboat was big and could definitely hold more fish, but they didn't expect it to be able to hold so many fish.

"Brother Dahai."

"If we go out to sea and catch so many fish one day, it will be a big deal!"

Shi Zhongwei stared at the entire speedboat.


"Things are a bit difficult for other people to handle, and they may not even need such a large live cabin and cold storage. But how difficult is it for Brother Dahai?"

"It's so easy to fill up a speedboat!"

"Isn't it possible to fish for sea bass on the islands and reefs? You can easily catch two to three thousand kilograms!"

Liu Lei thought about this.

Shi Zhong nodded immediately.

Zhao Dahai's sea bass fishing is really no joke. The speed is very fast. If the tide is right, once there is a bubble and there are more sea bass there, he can catch two to three thousand kilograms of fish in half a day.

The sea bass found there in the island reef bubble are quite big, usually weighing three to five kilograms, and sometimes you can catch more than ten or twenty kilograms.

If it can be fed, according to the current market price, it can be sold for fifty or sixty yuan per catty no matter what.

For two thousand catties of fish, that’s one hundred thousand yuan.

Zhao Dahai bought this speedboat for 1.2 million, which was indeed a very high price, but after calculation, he only needed to make about ten trips to make it all back.

The money spent is really worth it.

But this is only very worthwhile for Zhao Dahai. For others, it is another matter.

Zhao Dahai looked at the blue spots inside the living cabin for several minutes. They had calmed down and sank to the bottom of the living cabin.

Zhao Dahai stood up, adjusted his pole, checked that the hook was OK, hung up another live octopus, dried his hands with a towel, and drove the speedboat to the next point.


"Brother Dahai!"

“The new boat is just different, I caught another one!”



"Another one!"

"This one is seven or eight pounds of red spots!"


Zhao Dahai slowed down the speed of the speedboat and stopped. He fished for about three hours and took a rest.

"Brother Dahai."

“Is the fish here so easy to catch at Windmill Foot?”

"Why did you catch seven fish so casually?"

Liu Lei made a joke. The fish here at Windmill Foot Fishing Point are definitely not easy to catch. There are so many speedboats around, but few of them can catch fish. Zhao Dahai can catch so many fish, that's because Zhao Dahai is so good.

"Is there no money to be made in the vast sea? Not only is there money, but there is a lot of money!"

"Let's see if you have the skills!" Shi Zhong thought of Zhao Dahai following his family's fishing boat. When he went out to sea, the fish he caught were like those of deep-sea fishermen. The money he could earn in one month was very limited, eight thousand. Ten thousand is already considered good.

A more powerful person can earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and an even more powerful person can earn 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Earning 500,000 to 600,000 yuan in one year is already very impressive. It is really very difficult to make 1 million yuan, and few people can do it.

Zhao Dahai already made more than one million on his first trip overseas, and his second trip was even more impressive, easily exceeding two million.

In a few days, I will go on a deep sea trip with my family and earn 10 million in a month.

Who says it’s not profitable to go overseas?

It really depends on whether you have the ability to do this.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Is this for your new speedboat?"



"Is this head too big?"


"What the hell!"

"They have been here for several days and haven't caught a single fish. How did you catch so many fish when you came here?"


"How much does this speedboat cost?"


Zhao Dahai's speedboat attracted attention when it appeared at the Windmill Foot fishing spot. However, he was fishing just now and did not come over. Now that he stopped, more than a dozen speedboats around him gathered around him.

Ding Xiaoxiang took the cigarettes that had been prepared a long time ago, and threw two packs into each of the speedboats that came around. Today is the launch of a new speedboat. When meeting these peers, we share cigarettes.

"I bought this speedboat for over one million yuan. It is bigger, faster, and can run farther."


“The fish are a little more cautious here today.”

"It's not too easy to catch. You have to pay attention to the movement of your hands, which must be light and small."


"They are all fished with large octopus, so the effect should be better than live shrimp or crabs."


Zhao Dahai chatted with the people on the speedboats around him for a while and saw that it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. Today was just a launch of a new speedboat and he had no intention of serious fishing. He discussed with Xiaoxiang and packed up the things on the speedboat. Things, go back to Langtou Village.

"A million speed boats!"

"My God!"

"If I can make so much money, I can just retire, and I won't have to go out to sea to fish in the sun and wind!"



"One million?"

"Didn't you hear what Zhao Dahai said just now that he bought it for more than one million? This does not mean that this ship can be bought for one million!"


"I haven't seen Zhao Dahai, but you just came here casually and caught seven or eight groupers?"

"If you had such ability, I would dare to buy such a big speedboat."



"What Zhao Dahai said is absolutely correct. The effect of the big octopus is really very good!"



"Caught a fish! Caught a fish!"

"If you move your hands gently, a fish will really take the bait."

"I really have to be convinced!"


On the speedboat at the fishing spot at the foot of the windmill, some people were talking about the big speedboat that Zhao Dahai bought for more than one million yuan. Some people were quick-thinking and immediately followed the method Zhao Dahai just said to fish. From time to time, someone caught it. Got fish.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat back to Langtou Village. The speedboat was very fast and saved a lot of time. This alone is worth spending a lot of money.

Zhao Dahai's new speedboat stopped next to the old speedboat.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Shi Zhong and I are ready to go back to the town. We can come with grandma and second grandpa later!"

Liu Lei said as he fished the largest one from the speedboat, which weighed seven to eighty kilograms, and the stone bell was placed on the dock for two people.

Zhao Dahai nodded. On the way back, we had already agreed to go to town to have dinner at Liu Lei's restaurant.

Shi Zhongwei and Liu Lei first rushed to the town with the biggest fish they caught today. They went home and called their grandma Zhong Cuihua, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and the second grandpa and grandma to go. In the town, a new boat was launched today, so we had a good meal.

Nine p.m.

The moon is as cold as water.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were sitting in the courtyard and had just returned from dinner in the town.

"Uncle Shizhu."

"Are you planning to go fishing with me tomorrow morning?"

Zhao Dahai looked at Zhong Shizhu. Liu Bin and Lei Dayou had not drank when they were eating just now. He knew at a glance that they were planning to go fishing with him tomorrow.


"That's right!"

"A few of us were originally thinking of going out to sea to fish tomorrow, but today I saw you on the speedboat and thought that you must be going to sea to fish tomorrow, so I might as well go fishing with you!"

Zhong Shizhu smiled and nodded. This was something he had already discussed with Liu Bin and Lei Dayou when Zhao Dahai's speedboat was launched in the morning.


"Let's go for a run together tomorrow!"

"We'll meet at the dock at four o'clock, and we'll set off at about half past four."

Zhao Dahai agreed. After getting the speedboat, I will definitely go out to sea for fishing immediately. I originally thought of going out to sea by myself a few times to try it out and see the speed of the speedboat. Liu Bin, Lei Dayou, and Zhong Shizhu wanted to go to sea with them, so If you go to sea, everything is ready-made.


"Aren't you going to the artificial islands tomorrow? Do you want to get up earlier?"

Lei Da was a little surprised, thinking that the new speedboat Zhao Dahai bought must be heading for the artificial islands and reefs. The artificial islands and reefs are relatively far away, so it would be better to set off earlier.

Zhao Dahai nodded. The weather is good. I do plan to go to the artificial islands tomorrow, but there is no need to get up early. The speed boats are faster now, which saves a lot of time. Next, I want to catch the tide and fish for sea bass in the foam area of ​​the islands. Too If you leave early, you will have to wait to get there.

Whether Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da said anything more, Zhao Dahai just made up his mind. After a few words, everyone went back to their homes, went to bed early, and went fishing early tomorrow morning.

Zhao Dahai sent Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou away and returned to the yard, where he began to pack things such as Antarctic shrimp bricks or poles that would be used tomorrow.

Zhao Dahai packed everything up and looked at the time, which was almost eleven o'clock in the evening.

Zhao Dahai told his grandma Zhong Cuihua that he would go fishing early tomorrow morning, try out the newly purchased speedboat, and go to artificial islands. He might come back that day, maybe a little later, at 11 p.m. or the next morning. They will not go back to Langtou Village directly, but to Shijiao Village. They will sell the fish they caught before returning to Langtou Village.

Zhao Dahai made his arrangements clear to his grandma Zhong Cuihua before going back to his room to sleep. This matter must be explained clearly so that his grandma Zhong Cuihua would not be worried if he did not come back.

Zhao Dahai woke up at four o'clock in the morning, took the things he had prepared, put them on the tricycle and drove to the dock.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Thanks!



(End of this chapter)

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