Chapter 811 Everyone is here!
"What the hell!"

"These people are really all watching!"

Xu Fu cursed, but couldn't say anything. The fish caught by the fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperated with on this trip, and the fish caught by the fishing boats that Zhao Dahai did not go out with the next boat, he and Liu Bao Jiang Du had no way to stop others.

"What can be done about this? We really need to think carefully about cooperating with Chen Hua, or find a few more people to cooperate with."

Xu Fu gritted his teeth.

Chen Hua had this idea. The colleagues around him also saw through the doorway here and had the same idea. He and Liu Baojiang had been buying seafood for many years, and each of them must have two, three or five million. But it is impossible to take out all the money at once, and the risk is really high.

Whether it’s the fish caught by Dahai and Shi Jiehua’s fishing boat this time, or the other fish that will be purchased in the future, there is no way for two people to get all the money in their hands. There is only one way, which is to cooperate with Chen Hua may cooperate with more people.

Regardless of whether he and Liu Baojiang wanted to get a share of the pie, they had to do this, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get a bite.


"This matter will wait until the fishing boat of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua comes back. We will see how many fish are caught and then decide how to do this matter."



"Two hundred thousand for one fishing position!"

"What the hell!"

One p.m.


Huang Dongshan was stunned for a moment and didn't speak for a while. He and Feng Lei definitely didn't want Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat to catch fish, especially if someone caught more than 200,000 fish, but to be fair, this kind of The odds are not high. Both he and Feng Lei have been traveling in the deep sea for many years. They know the situation of fish schools in the deep sea very well. Both he and Feng Lei can find where the fish schools are. How could a top expert like Zhao Dahai not be able to do this.

Later, I was willing to accept the initial share ratio and wanted to join the fleet, but I was no longer able to join. Now I can’t hear anything about the sea fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperated with, let alone such a thing. As soon as I heard it, I saw it I can't help but get angry.

"If not, wouldn't we be waiting here in vain?"



"Didn't we just catch a lot of fish on this trip? Everyone they booked a fishing spot earned 18,000 yuan, and some of the better ones were able to earn 56,000 yuan."

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan walked onto the pier and saw hundreds of people crowded together, waiting for Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat to return to the pier.

Huang Dongshan became even more angry when he thought that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat had caught so many fish that he and Feng Lei would become a joke and the butt of the joke when they returned to the dock.


"Did Zhao Dahai's fishing boat come back today?"

"I wonder how many fish a person who spends so much money can catch?"

He and Huang Dongshan didn't have many fishing spots on the fishing boat, so they just went fishing together on a fishing boat. They just came back yesterday.

The pier is very hot, but there are more and more people.

"If you can't catch fish, won't you dare to come back?"

Huang Dongshan pointed at the crowds of people on the pier. The more people came here to watch the excitement, it would be even more embarrassing if they could not catch any fish while waiting for Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua to come back.

After excluding the fishing fee of 20,000 yuan, everyone made money. The one who made the most earned more than 60,000 yuan. Both of their fishing boats had such a harvest, not to mention the fishing boats of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua.

Huang Dongshan's face darkened, but there was really nothing he could do. Facts were facts. The chances of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat catching a lot of fish were too high.

Huang Dongshan wished that all the people from the surrounding villages and towns would come here to watch the fun.

"Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and the others are probably very regretful at this time. There are almost 100 people and 100 fishing positions in the four fishing boats. Maybe these people are willing to eat Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua now."

"So many people around are waiting to watch the excitement, waiting to see Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua make a fool of themselves."


Feng Lei let out a long sigh.

Feng Lei was silent for a while, sighed softly, looked at Huang Dongshan, and asked in a low voice whether Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat really couldn't catch fish, or whether it could catch fish.

"How is it possible to catch so many fish and make money?"

"Two hundred thousand for one fishing position!"

"Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats are very likely to catch a lot of fish on this trip!"

On this trip to the sea, everyone on the two-person fishing boat caught a lot of fish.

"This is a good show. The excitement is too great. We can't miss it. What if we wait a little longer?"

Feng Lei was indignant.

He and Huang Dongshan were hoping and even cursing that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat would not be able to catch fish. It was just wishful thinking and it was almost impossible to happen.

Shi Jiehua initially asked himself and Huang Dongshan to form a fleet to go fishing together. He and Huang Dongshan were greedy and wanted more shares, but the negotiation fell apart. They were waiting to see the fleet formed by Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai, with a fishing position of 200,000 yuan. They regretted it greatly.

The sun is slightly off center in the sky.

“Isn’t it a good thing if there are more people?”

Liu Baojiang is also a decisive person. He knows that if the fishing boat cooperated by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua catches a lot of fish, he and Xu Fu will definitely not be able to catch them, so they will definitely find someone to cooperate.

"Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua are just going fishing. Why are there so many people here waiting to watch the fun?"

Feng Lei and Huang Dongshan found a seat in a corner of the pier, waiting among the crowd to see if Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats had caught any fish when they returned to the pier, and how many fish they had caught.

2 p.m.

Ding Jie drove a small truck usually used to transport seafood and parked it in the open space beside the dock in Shijiao Village.

Ding Xiaoxiang opened the door and got out of the car. Ding Weijun, Chen Miaomiao and Zhang Qi all got out at once.


"Are there so many people? Are they all waiting for Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat to come back?"

Ding Weijun took a look at the crowded pier, which was full of people inside and outside, and was startled. Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat returned to the dock today. They, Ding Xiaoxiang and others came here to pick them up. What they didn't expect was to see so many people as soon as they got off the car.

Ding Jie was driving and saw so many people early in the morning. He was startled and felt that this was not surprising. Zhao Dahai is now a legendary figure among the surrounding fishing villages or fishermen, including those who buy seafood. He is twenty If one fishing position takes four fishing boats out to sea for fishing, when I come back to the pier today, there are so many people who want to see the excitement and know whether Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua’s fishing boats really caught a lot of fish. , this is not surprising at all.

In a place like a fishing village, fights and scoldings would be watched by dozens or even more than a hundred people, let alone things like Zhao Dahai.

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled. Her elder brother Ding Jie was right. It's not surprising that so many people are waiting and watching in this place. Not far away, Ding Xiaoxiang saw two people, Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming, walking over with hookahs in their hands, smoking at the same time, and immediately walked over quickly.

"Second Grandpa! Grandpa Shi!"

"Why did you two come out at this time? The sun is still hanging overhead, and it's very hot. Zhao Dahai and Uncle Shi Jiehua's fishing boat will not arrive at the pier until four or five in the afternoon. Woolen cloth."

Ding Xiaoxiang greeted Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming.


"You wanted to see Zhao Dahai earlier, right? You knew you had to arrive at the dock at four or five in the afternoon, so you came here so early."

Shi Guangming made a joke.


"Old man Shi."

"What's the problem with coming early after the child hasn't been seen for such a long time? Do you need to point your fingers here?"

Zhao Shi glared at Shi Guangming fiercely.

"Grandpa Shi!"

"Isn't that what it's all about? Zhao Dahai has been out at sea for a month, so he must come here early and wait."

Ding Xiaoxiang is elegant and generous.

"Grandpa Shi!"

"I'm not the only one who came so early!"

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled and pointed in the direction of the village.

Shi Guangming looked back and saw Liu Gang walking in front, Liu Lei, Yang Qin, and Ding Ailian striding over behind him. He immediately smiled. Ding Ailian must have come here to wait for Shi Zhongwei. This is what he most wanted to see. .

Shi Guangming didn't even think about it, and immediately strode towards Liu Gang and Ding Ailian.

Zhao Shi shook his head. Shi Guangming didn't care at all that he was older and that Shi Zhong was his grandfather. When he saw Ding Ailian walking over quickly, it was not strange. It was very rare to be a good family. Shi Guangming could see it clearly. Chu, understand the truth behind this. Even if you take the initiative, even if you lose some face, so what? You can't get good things by being pretentious.

"Second Grandpa!"

"Looking at it like this, Grandpa Shi is very satisfied with Ding Ailian."

Ding Xiaoxiang saw what was going on.


"Isn't this true?"

"If Ding Ailian married Shi Zhongwei, their Shi family's ancestral graves would have been smoking for eight lifetimes."

Zhao Shi took a sip from the hookah in his hand. Ding Ailian must be able to be a good family member. The home of a man from a fishing village who often goes out to sea to fish is very important. Besides, Ding Ailian is Ding Xiaoxiang's cousin. Once she marries Ding Ailian, Shi Jiehua, Shi Zhongwei, and Shi Guangming, she will become relatives with Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang.

Shi Jiehua, Shi Zhongwei, and Shi Guangming are currently cooperating with Zhao Dahai. With such a relationship, the cooperation will be closer.

To put it bluntly, Shi Jiehua's family now relies on Zhao Dahai to make more money. No matter from which aspect, Shi Guangming really hopes that Ding Ailian can marry into the family.

What the old guy values ​​is real things, whether he is shameless or not, he doesn't take it seriously at all.

Ding Xiaoxiang watched Shi Guangming walk up to Liu Gang and Liu Lei and said a few words to Liu Gang, Liu Lei, and especially Ding Ailian, and then he and Zhao Shi walked over.

When Liu Lei saw Ding Xiaoxiang, he immediately said hello, which was very embarrassing.

Ding Xiaoxiang looked up at the sun above her head, and then looked again. The pier was crowded with people making trouble. After thinking about it, Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming were both older, and Liu Gang was a fatter man. Fishing boats usually arrive at the pier around five or six in the afternoon. It's still very early now, and that won't work if you're still basking in the sun.

Ding Xiaoxiang took a look at the trees not far away from the pier, and immediately called everyone to go to that place together.

Liu Lei had already prepared some water and some food in the car.

"The weather is really crazy. Why is it so hot?"

Liu Gang took a breath and wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead layer by layer. As soon as he wiped them off, they appeared again. The clothes on his body were already soaked. He squinted at the pier and saw the sun reflecting off the sea. It's a bit dazzling. It's just not long after the New Year, and the temperature has suddenly risen.


"What can be done about this?! For those who go fishing at sea, the better the weather is, the more fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea will be more vigorous, easier to catch, and easier to catch."

Zhao Shi took a sip of water and pointed at the various fishing boats parked around the pier. People who went out to sea didn't care about the hot weather, but were worried about the wind and rain.


"That's right!"

"The hotter the weather, the better, so that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua can get more fish!"

"The business in the fish restaurant will be better only if I can buy it!"

Liu Gang wiped the sweat beads on his forehead again. He could make more money. Not to mention that it was so hot now, even if it was a little hotter, he wouldn't even notice it.

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"What time will Zhao Dahai come back?"

Yang Qin looked at the sea surface. One after another, fishing boats were scattered in various places. The ones closer could be seen more clearly. The ones further away looked like sesame and mung beans, leaving only a black spot.

"Generally speaking, we can only return to the dock at 4:00 or 5:00, or 6:00 or 7:00 in the afternoon. If there is a delay on the way, then there is no guarantee."

Ding Xiaoxiang took a sip of water.

Liu Gang, Zhao Shi, Shi Guangming and others gathered together to chat, as did himself, Yang Qin and his second brother.

"There are too many people here, right? People keep coming!"

"When we wait until five or six o'clock, shouldn't there be hundreds of people here?"

Ding Weijun has been looking at the crowd around the pier. In such a while, there are many more people than when he and his group came here just now.


"Brother Dahai and Uncle Shi Jiehua's fishing boat must have caught a lot of fish. With so many people watching the excitement, things will definitely cause a sensation!"

The more Liu Lei talked, the more excited he became. He rubbed his hands vigorously. He was originally sitting on the beach, so he simply stood up, stood on tiptoes and stared at the horizon to see if he could find Zhao Dahai and Zhao Dahai. Shi Jiehua's fishing boat.

(End of this chapter)

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