Chapter 815 The Way of Selling Fish


"The three of us will work together!"


"That `s a deal!"


Seeing this situation, Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu nodded without hesitation. The three of them worked together to see if there was any chance of catching the fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehuahai fishing boats.


"I said, why are you people so loud? Don't you even follow the rules?"

Liu Baojiang roared loudly.

"Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu, you two are thinking too much, are you just thinking about this business, are you two going to monopolize it?"

"As for Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat, there's nothing much to say. The two of you must talk to Shi Jiehua first. Even those of us won't even get on Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat. This is what you two have built over the years. Relationship, it must be yours, unless Shi Jiehua said that the price offered by the two of you is too low and spreads the word to see if there is a higher price, then only the likes of us will get on board. "

Chen Hua sighed, what he was worried about might be convincing Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu. The reason for working together has now become a reality. Everyone around them knows what this is about.


"Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu, have you two forgotten something?"

Xie Daxian was not polite at all. What Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu said is simply untenable. If Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua caught fewer fish, they and the people around them might give some face and ignore this matter and not come to snatch the fish. , but judging from the size and quantity of the tuna just moved to the deck, there were a lot of fish caught, and there were four sea fishing boats. This was a big business, and there was no reason to let it go. .

"Do you think we are fools?"

"Who says it's not the case? In the past few years, we have collected enough fish from Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. Why are you all here now? Could it be that the fishing boats you usually do business with will come back next time? , Can Liu Baojiang and I do this?"


Chen Hua looked at the people around him and knew that it would not be easy to win the fish caught by the fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperated with. The competition would be very fierce. Fortunately, he had already cooperated with Xu Fuliu Baojian has negotiated cooperation, and if the three of them work together, they will definitely have greater confidence.

"Even if you people want to discuss business, don't you have to wait? Liu Baojiang and I finished talking to Shi Jiehua first, and we didn't come until we couldn't reach an agreement?"

Xie Daxian held a pack of cigarettes in his hand and looked at Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu. This is simply treating people like themselves as fools.

"These four fishing boats are not the fishing boats of Shi Jiehua alone, but the fishing boats of Zhao Dahai."

"Xie Daxian is right, this matter is not a fish caught by Shi Jiehua's fishing boat at all!"

Shi Jiehua smiled and smoked a cigarette, waiting for each of Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu to speak for a while. Everyone slowly calmed down and looked at him before speaking.



"Is this what's going on now?"

"Now there are so many people who want to capture the fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. There is nothing to say. It just depends on who offers the higher price!"

Xu Fu immediately answered. The competition in this situation is really too fierce. I and Liu Baojiang must take advantage of this principle first and try to avoid everyone competing with a few of them. If it is really a bidding, the final transaction price will definitely be very high. . Although I already knew that this theory was unconvincing, it would not be wrong to say it.

Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu looked very ugly. None of the people around them were fools. On the contrary, they were very shrewd and could see clearly. It was really not the fish caught by Shi Jiehua's fishing boat alone. The reasons for the two people It's really untenable.

"Boss Liu Baojiang, Liu, Xu Fuxu, we have been cooperating for many years."

"The fish I catch when my fishing boat goes out to sea are all sold to the two of you, or to one of you two."

"We have an old friendship for many years."

"If it's really just my own fishing boat out fishing, the prices I catch for these fish are right or even slightly lower than those of other people. If there's not much difference, then they will definitely be sold to the two of you. ”

"But the fish caught by the fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and I cooperated with this time cannot be such that others have no chance at all."

Shi Jiehua pointed at Xie Daxian and other seafood vendors around him, and said directly that it was not him or Zhao Dahai who wanted higher prices or made more money, but rules are rules, and rules are rules. Others must He has the right to make a bid, and it is impossible not to give him the opportunity like this. In this case, he will never be able to get along at the dock.

Liu Baojiang, Xu Fu, and Chen Hua sighed. They couldn't say whether Shi Jiehua took this opportunity to sell at a higher price. On the contrary, if Shi Jiehua didn't give others a chance to bid, he would have caught it. If these fish are sold directly to a few of them, they will definitely be very happy, but people like Xie Daxian will definitely gossip about Shi Jiehua behind his back. They all make money here at the dock, and generations of people have made money here, so It is absolutely impossible to easily fall into other people's excuses.

"Shi Jiehua."

"Just tell me! What kind of charter are these fish!"

Xu Fu was very helpless, but he could only nod.

Shi Jiehua pointed to the deck of his fishing boat, and then pointed to the decks of He Jian and two other fishing boats nearby. He caught a lot of fish on this trip, many of which were very valuable tuna. Or maybe it's grouper or something like that. Sea bass and black snapper are both very big. For example, sea bass weighs ten, twenty or even thirty kilograms, and black snapper weighs five, six, seven or eight kilograms. There is no need to say more about other fish. Yes.

"Liu Baojiang, Xu Fu and Xie Daxian, I don't think you need to rush to bid for these fish caught by Zhao Dahai and I's fishing boat."

"Aren't all these fish on the deck now?"

"You all can go and take a look at the size of these fish, the quality of these fish, and the number of these fish."

"Think about the prices of these fish, see which ones you want to buy, and how much you want to get." "Wait until all these fish are on the deck, or on the dock, or in the cold storage."

"Let's make a bid together."

“The basic principle is definitely that the highest bidder gets it.”

Shi Jiehua has already planned this matter. When he returns to the dock, if there are not many people who want to get these fish, then he can negotiate the price on the spot. There are so many people now, so he can only follow his own method. Processing, waiting for all these fish to be put on the deck, waiting for all these fish to be put on the dock, or sent to the cold storage, and those who want to get these fish will bid together and the highest bidder will get it. No one can say anything.


"With this opportunity, everyone can calm down and think about it carefully. We can even discuss what kind of price is more suitable. Don't get too hot-headed and offer too high a price at this time. You can't make money. Money, that’s a problem!”

Shi Jiehua's tone was joking, but what he said was a fact. Now these people must be hot-headed and bid, and the price offered is relatively high, which is definitely beneficial to him. But he will do business here for a lifetime, Shi Zhongwei even Children and grandchildren are all doing business here, and there is no need to make temporary money. Waiting for these people to calm down, and even these people will discuss how to control the price.

Shi Jiehua is not worried at all that these people will join forces to lower the price. The fish is in his hands. If the price is too low, he will definitely not sell it. He will never do business with these people who lower the price in the future. He is not Fool, how could these people lower the price and sell it themselves?

When Liu Baojiang, Xu Fu, Chen Hua, Xie Daxian and others heard what Shi Jiehuahua said, they all left the cab and went on the deck or the dock. They really had to take a good look at the quality of these fish. Including the size and quantity, you have an idea in mind, and then think carefully about what kind of price to offer.

"Boss Liu."

"Zhao Dahai said that the valuable groupers and tuna caught by the fishing boat on this trip will be left to you and Wu Weimin, Boss Wu."

Shi Jiehua breathed a sigh of relief. With so many people trying to catch the fish from the fishing boat, he really had a headache. He waited until Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang left the cab, leaving only himself and Liu Gang. In this case.

Liu Gang shook his head and pointed to Xu Fu and Liu Baojiang on the deck.

"Captain Stone."

"Boss Wu and I definitely want to capture the big grouper or other valuable fish caught on this trip."

“But there’s no need to leave it to us first, we can just bid together with these people.”

Liu Gang knew that Zhao Dahai was taking care of himself and Wu Weimin. If there was no bidding, he would not refuse such an approach. But now that so many people are bidding together, there is no need for him and Wu Weimin to see such a thing.

"People like Liu Baojiang have to sell these fish to other people after they get them, and most of them are sold to seafood dealers on the other floor who buy the fish or to seafood restaurants."

"They want to make money, and buyers have to make money, so the price can't be too high."

"Boss Wu and I sell these fish directly in our own restaurants or private restaurants. Without middlemen, the prices we can offer are definitely higher than theirs."

Liu Gang was not worried at all that the prices offered by Liu Baojiang and others were higher than those of himself and Wu Weimin.

"Boss Wu and I only want big and valuable fish, especially groupers, or larger tuna."

"There are also things like anchovies. Anyway, Boss Wu and I only want those high-end products, and Boss Wu and I won't bid on the rest."

Liu Gang will not take all the fish. One is that he must give Liu Baojiang or other seafood purchasers a sip of soup. The other is that neither he nor Wu Weimin will take those low-end products.

So many people want to get these fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. Even though they rely on their relationship with Zhao Dahai and Wu Weimin and Zhao Dahai to reserve these fish, it is not too big. question, but there is no need to leave room for Liu Baojiang or other seafood sellers to gossip.

Shi Jiehua thought for a while and nodded. People like Liu Baojiang really couldn't compete with Liu Gang and Wu Weimin.


"Zhao Dahai is really awesome! How can he catch so many fish?!"

Liu Gang and Shi Jiehua agreed on this matter, turned their heads and looked at the increasing number of fish on the deck, then looked at He Jian and the other two sea fishing boats. There were more and more fish on the deck of each sea fishing boat, and all those that were brought out were tuna, with no sign of other fish.


"What's so weird about this?"

"If Zhao Dahai didn't have such ability, how could he dare to offer such a price?"

"By the way, the people who booked fishing spots on this trip, especially Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua, all made a lot of money?"

"Those who wanted to catch big fish, such as Gao Zhicheng and Wu Weimin, all caught big fish. This is really a happy event for everyone!"

Shi Jiehua pointed at the fish on the deck. This was really not a joke. There were really a lot of fish caught on this trip. He had forgotten that there were so many fish caught. The fish caught every day were put directly on the Inside the cold storage, it was also the first time for me to see these fish piled on the deck.

Liu Gang and Shi Jiehua chatted for a while. When he saw Wu Weimin walking out of the cabin, he immediately left the cab and walked to Wu Weimin and said what he had just said to Shi Jiehua.

Wu Weimin took out his cigarettes and gave one to Liu Gang. This was what he had to do.

"Boss Liu."

"This matter is settled!"

Wu Weimin took a drag on his cigarette and looked at Liu Baojiang and others who were watching fish on the decks of Shi Jiehua's fishing boat, He Jian and two other fishing boats. Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats caught too many fish. Some people could get the fish while others couldn't. Those who couldn't get the fish must have various opinions. The price offered by myself and Liu Gang was relatively high, so it was better to simply do things beautifully. Such words would be beneficial to both Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua. There is really no need to fall for other people's lies.

"Boss Xu! Boss Liu! It looks like it's impossible for us to swallow these fish in one bite!"

Chen Hua looked at the tuna pulled out of the cabin one after another, his expression becoming more and more solemn. The people on the four fishing boats of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua caught far more than they imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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