Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 816 Only those who take risks make big money!

Chapter 816 Only those who take risks make big money!
"How can Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats catch so many fish?"



"The more fish we catch, the more trouble it will be for us."


Liu Baojiang and Chen Hua looked at the tuna being pulled out of the cabin one by one, their expressions becoming more and more serious and even uglier. Almost forty minutes have passed, but huge tuna is still being moved out.

Sea fishing boats, especially deep-sea fishing boats, cannot only catch tuna in a month. There must be other fish, such as grouper, black sea bream, or sea bass. One can imagine how many fish Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats caught on this trip.

Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu had dealt with Shi Jiehua many times and purchased a lot of fish, shrimps and crabs. They usually hoped that Shi Jiehua's fishing boat would be full of fish, but this time they wanted to be on Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. Not so many fish.

"Chen Hua."

"It looks like we are unlikely to be able to get all the fish. We will definitely have to ask others to get a share of the pie."

"Shi Jiehua, especially Zhao Dahai, will never take such a risk, and will never let one or a few people take a large number of fish with empty words."


Chen Hua didn't know if what Xu Fu or Liu Baojiang said was true. He must be prepared for this kind of thing.

"Do we have to catch as many fish as possible caught by the four fishing boats of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua on this trip?"

"Are we each going to give two million together to buy these fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat?"

"It's impossible for Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua to only go to sea once a year, right? They will definitely go to sea again next time. As long as they go to sea, they can catch a lot of fish like they are now. If we can get a lot of fish on this trip, If there are more, we will become big buyers. When Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat comes back from the next trip, we will have the right to get more of the fish caught. At least it will definitely be larger than the others. 's cheap.”

Xu Fu calculated it. If the three of him wanted to achieve such a goal or effect, they would have to capture 70% to 80% of the fish. Six million couldn't do this.

Xu Fu remembered something very important.

Chen Hua was stunned for a moment.

"Liu Baojiang, Xu Fu, have you two thought about something?"

Chen Hua thought further.

"These are all good fish. We must catch as many as possible. Whether it is tuna or big grouper, we must catch as much as possible. Even if we cannot catch tuna, even if we cannot catch big grouper, we must catch as much as possible." , we have to catch as many other fish as possible.”

Liu Baojiang shook his head. Shi Jiehua had no such rules, but he felt that Xu Fu was right. This trip would definitely require cash.

If the fishing boats of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua caught relatively few fish, the three of them could catch it together, but looking at it now, there are really a lot of fish caught. In this case, Three people couldn't even hold all the fish in their hands.

"There are really too many fish. We will have to think carefully about which fish to catch, or how many fish we have enough funds on hand to catch."

"If we want to occupy a favorable position, we must acquire at least 70% or even 80% of the fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats to be more secure!"

"No matter how you say it, we have to calculate how much money we can spend if we can only get fish in cash."

"There are so many fish caught by sea fishing boats. The value of these tuna on the deck at this time is amazing."

"Does payment have to be made in cash? Does Shi Jiehua have such a rule? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Whether they are buying fish, shrimps, crabs or anything else, most business people do not pay in cash. They often do business with Shi Jiehua. The same is not done in cash. Generally speaking, it takes ten days, eight days or even half a month. Only then can I pay the bill, but looking at it like this today, it definitely won’t work.

Chen Hua gritted his teeth.

"If the people who took the fish couldn't get a good price when selling them, or it would take a long time to get the funds back, Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai would be in a dilemma."

Why have you two been able to do business with Shi Jiehua before? Even if I have been dealing with Shi Jiehua for many years, I will buy the fish caught by Shi Jiehua's fishing boat at a very stable and sincere price.

Chen Jiang's eyes almost bulged when he saw the huge tuna one after another on the deck. He, Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu had to think about this matter carefully.

"It's not like this fish can't be sold. It's very popular. How could Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai not ask us to collect the fish in cash?"

Liu Baojiang nodded, that's what he meant, one person would pay two million, and the three of them would add up to six million.

Liu Baojiang thought about it for a while, and Xu Fu was right. It was very likely that he really had to ask for cash to get the fish.

"four million!"

The difference between cash and non-cash is very big. If it is cash, I can only get one million fish. But if it is not cash, if it takes ten days, eight days or half a month to settle the account, I dare to get five million. fish.

People like him are waiting here now. It is definitely impossible for Shi Jiehua to immediately ask people like him to come out with cash, but it is very likely that he will say that he must come out tomorrow or anytime in a very short time. When the money comes, or in other words, if you take the fish first, you will pay the money and deliver it tomorrow or whenever you want to take the fish away.

"Shi Jiehua and especially Zhao Dahai definitely want us to get the goods in cash."

"In this case, two million per person is not enough!"

Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu had not thought of this, but they were both people who had been in business for many years and knew very well what Chen Hua said was very important.

"Each of us takes out four million!"

Liu Baojiang sighed.


This is the first sea fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperated to return to the pier. If they can catch most of the fish at this time, the next sea fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperate with will return to the pier. The three of them think When it comes to purchasing fish, you can occupy a more advantageous position than others.

Xu Fu raised his eyebrows.

Liu Baojiang gritted his teeth and raised his fingers as he spoke.

Chen Hua didn't immediately agree to Liu Baojiang's offer of two million per person. He had another thing in mind.

"Two million?"

Liu Baojiang was shocked. When Xu Fu said that two million was not enough, he wanted to say that everyone should give three million. What he didn't expect was that Chen Hua suddenly asked for four million.

"If four million per person, wouldn't it be too much, and would the risk be too great?"

Liu Baojiang hesitated for a moment.

"There are definitely risks, but how can there be no risks in doing business?"

"I can't bear to let the child trap the wolf!"

"What we want to do is not just a one-shot deal now, but to take advantage of the opportunity to buy the fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat before others do."

Chen Hua knew that four million was not a small amount. If he and Liu Baojiang took it out, they would definitely have to take a certain risk, but he felt that it was very worth it.

"Liu Baojiang."

"There is indeed a certain risk, but the risk is far less than you think." "If you pay for it, you will actually get the fish."

“The price of fish caught by deep-sea fishing boats is very stable.”

"As long as the price we get is not particularly outrageous, even if we don't make much money, it will be very difficult to lose money."

"The other thing is that even if each of us spends four million, we may not be able to get 70% to 80% of the fish."

Xu Fu shook his head.

There are definitely risks, but what can you do without risks? If they want to get more, especially if they focus on the fish that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua will catch next, they will definitely have to take more and greater risks, but in fact, this risk is far less than Liu The treasure is as big as you imagined.

The key to the problem now is not how much risk each person has if he pays four million, but how much fish he can receive if he pays four million for a total of 12 million.

Liu Baojiang's lips trembled a few times.

Xu Fu is right. Although there is a risk in taking out four million, the risk is really not too big. No matter how you say it, the quality of the fish caught by the deep-sea fishing boat far exceeds that of the deep-sea trawler. The price of fish is relatively high and the price is relatively stable.

What really bothers me is how many fish can the three of them take from the four fishing boats of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua if each of them spends four million.

"Since we want to keep an eye on the fish caught by the fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua will cooperate with next, we can only give it a try."

"Each person should take out at least four million, but we must be prepared. If necessary, each person can take five million or even six million."

Liu Baojiang thought about it for about ten minutes, and then stared at the huge tuna being carried out one after another without stopping for a while, gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Chen Hua and Xu Fu were silent for a while, then nodded vigorously, agreed, and acted according to the situation. If it was less, it would be four million, if it was more, it would be five or six million.

Liu Baojiang, Chen Hua and Xu Fu negotiated the cooperation, especially the money everyone paid, and then they watched the fish carried out by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats, or by other fishing boats nearby. , talking in a low voice, while constantly observing the other colleagues around them. The three of them were all very nervous, not knowing whether they would really be able to receive enough fish in a while.

"Hurry! Hurry!"


"When you see someone's fish, come over and look at the scale, look at it, and write down the account. Don't get confused for a while, or wait until all are weighed, write down everything, and then say that you caught it. There are more than just so many fish, I won’t care about it at that time!”


He Jian held a notebook and a pen in his hands and shouted a reminder loudly.

When the sea fishing boat returns to the pier, people who have booked fishing spots can take away their own fish or sell them to the boss of the sea fishing boat. There is nothing to say about the fish they take away. The sea fishing boat usually sends people or a crane. Hoist it up to the dock, but the next step is to find a way to pull it away.

The fish sold to the fishing boat will be weighed on the spot, and the account will be recorded at the same time. The account will be written down, signed and confirmed, and then the payment will be made.

Four people, Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun, gathered together.

"Wu Dabin, did you sell all the fish you caught to He Jian?"

Liu Yun took a strong puff of the cigarette in his hand.


"Is it possible that you plan to sell the fish you caught?"

Wu Dabin nodded and sold all the fish he caught to Shi Jiehua.


"How can it be possible?"

"We caught a lot of fish this time. It would take a lot of effort to get them back by ourselves."

"The price offered by Shi Jiehua and He Jian is very good, why not sell it to them?"

Liu Yun smiled.

Shi Jiehua and He Jian had already said that the prices of the fish collected on this trip were indeed very good.

If you take it back and sell it yourself, you will definitely be able to sell it at a higher price, but after calculating the effort, time and freight, etc., or you may not be able to find a buyer quickly, the risk is a bit high, and the profit is The money you get is not much more, so there is no need to do such a thing.

"The vast majority of them booked fishing spots and sold the fish they caught to Shi Jianhua, He Jian or Zhao Dahai."

Wu Xiaobin looked at the tuna that was being weighed. Not all of them were sold to Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai, but basically 80% or even 90% of them chose to sell to Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai.


"I was thinking that if we didn't catch so many fish, we might be thinking about selling them ourselves."

Ouyang Hua couldn't help but laugh as he spoke.

Usually, most of the fish caught in the sea are sold by himself, but there are really a lot of fish caught in this trip. It will be very troublesome to deal with it by himself. In addition, Shi Jiehua can see that the price is really very good, so he might as well It was sold directly to Shi Jiehua.



"If we don't sell the fish we catch to Shi Jiehua, we may not be able to secure a fishing spot the next time we go fishing!"

Wu Xiaobin lowered his voice and whispered.

Shi Jiehua did say that those who booked a fishing spot on this trip would have priority in booking a fishing spot when a fishing boat goes out on the next trip, but no one can say for sure about this kind of thing.

If the price of the fish offered by Shi Jiehua was relatively low, he would have to sell it himself no matter what. But the price offered by Shi Jiehua was good, and if you take this into consideration, then you must simply sell it to Shi Jiehua.


"That's right!"


"The less trouble, the better!"



"What if Shi Jiehua makes more money? We haven't made less, right?"


Wu Dabin, Liu Yun and Ouyang Hua didn't think this was strange. This was extremely normal.

(End of this chapter)

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