Chapter 840: Take it all

"Zhao Dahai!"

"is it really like this?"

Zhong Shizhu became excited when he heard it.

Can you catch large groupers in the sea five to ten meters away from the bottom?
If it looks like this, it means that there are a lot of groupers in the sea now, and they are biting like crazy.

Originally, I thought it would be amazing that I, Lei Dayou, and Liu Bin caught six groupers in succession, but now it seems that the number and openings of these groupers in the sea are even more amazing than I imagined.


"It seems that we are really lucky tonight. Not only are some fish opening their mouths, but the number seems to be very large."

Zhao Dahai looked at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou who were extremely excited. He knew very well what was going on.

Zhao Dahai reeled in the fish very steadily one after another. Within a few minutes, the hooked fish was pulled out of the water. Under the snow-white light, he could see clearly that it was a huge, round green fish weighing 123 kilograms. spot.

"No need to hit the bottom, we fish at a depth of about 135 to 140 meters!"

"It has to be the size of the palm of your hand!"

Zhao Shi took the net and wrapped it around the fish's head. He pulled it back hard and trapped the whole fish. After trying it, he couldn't pull it up by himself, so he shouted loudly to Shi Guangming next to him for help.

"Don't make it too big!"

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming did not force it, let alone show off. If someone had no choice, they would definitely have to copy the fish, but there is no need to do such a thing now, safety first.

"Zhao Dahai."

Zhao Dahai took the pliers and picked off the hook that hit the corner of Da Qingban's mouth.

"What's going on? Why are no fish biting the hook?"

The second grandfather Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming are not without strength, but they are old after all. If the fishing boat on the sea or on flat ground is more stable, the two of them can definitely pull it up, but the speedboat does not look like a fishing boat on the sea, and Or it may not be as stable as on flat ground. It will tilt if you exert force. If it suddenly reaches your waist, it will be in big trouble.


"Pull the pole up and down!"

Zhao Dahai observed the poles that Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou put on the gun mount, while reminding them how to operate.

During this time, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou each caught two groupers weighing about 20 kilograms.

Zhao Dahai stood firm on his feet and used both hands to drag the grouper in the net onto the deck.

Zhao Shi didn't speak, but nodded. He came to fish to make money, not to catch big fish. No matter how valuable the big fish is, no matter how high the price is, it's useless if you can't catch it. It's really better to catch small fish.

Shi Guangming patted Da Qingban's big head hard.

Lei Dayou looked at the big blue spots like calves lying on the deck. Not to mention that the meat of the smaller fish was more tender and tasted better, but they were not as valuable as the larger fish.

As Shi Guangming spoke, he turned around and looked at the fish detector. There was indeed a fish signal on it, and it was off the bottom, probably at a water layer of 130 to 140 meters. But Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da Three people tried for about ten minutes, and according to the method Zhao Dahai said, no fish bit the hook.

"Uncle Shizhu!"

"Uncle Shi."

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately started changing the hooks without even thinking about it. After changing the hooks, they hung up the big live octopus and immediately put it into the sea. This time, they stopped tapping the bottom and lowered it directly to the 140-meter-high sea. water depth.

Shi Guangming knew that Zhao Dahai wanted to catch a big fish, but if no fish bites the hook, it will only be a waste of time. It is better to just hit the bottom. It doesn't matter if the fish is smaller, the key is to be able to catch the fish.

Zhao Dahai stopped Shi Guangming, put down the pole in his hand, and reached out to catch the net.

"It took so much effort and such a long time, but it was very worth it!"

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming were very calm at first, but after more than ten minutes, no fish bit the hook, and they couldn't help but take a look that something was not right.

It took Zhao Dahai almost twenty minutes to catch this big grouper. If it was a small fish, it would be very uneconomical.

"Change the hook!"

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and asked Zhong Shizhu to put away the pole on the gun mount and change the pole in his hand.

"But for a large blue spot that weighs more than a hundred pounds, the price is not comparable to that of two or three or three or four pieces that weigh about twenty pounds."

“The size of this fish is really quite good!”


"Uncle Shizhu! Put your pole away. Don't use the pole on the cannon stand. Use the pole of the hand-held spinning wheel."

"Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and I caught six blue spots weighing about 20 pounds, but the combined price is not as good as the one from Zhao Dahai."

Zhao Dahai put down the pole in his hand, took another pole, tied a new big hook, and did not start fishing immediately.

"Hang the big octopus!"

The opinions of Shi Guangming and his second grandfather Zhao Shi are correct. If you really can't catch big fish, you can still make money with small fish, but if you can catch big fish, you must catch big fish.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and loudly shouted to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to change their fishing strategies. They would no longer hit the bottom, and they would have to use big hooks to hang big live octopuses.


"In this case, it's better to just hit the bottom!"

"Sway gently from side to side!"


"Grandpa Shi."

“It’s not just the big fish that are valuable, but it looks like the big fish should be off the bottom, right above the fish at the bottom.”

"Catch the fish on top first as much as possible, and then wait until later to catch the fish on the bottom. This is safer."


"I plan to catch all sizes, so I can't catch those small groupers on the bottom of the sea now."

Zhao Dahai not only wants to catch big fish, but more importantly, if he wants to catch more fish, he must fish one water layer after another from top to bottom. Only in this way can he catch more fish.

Only then did Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming realize what was going on. The big blue spot weighing more than 100 kilograms was caught in the water layer five to ten meters from the bottom of the sea. It was only Zhao Dahai who caught the big fish. If Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Day had caught the small fish, it was very possible. It will scare away these big fish. If they really can't catch it, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou may not be able to fish. They have to wait for Zhao Dahai to catch the large grouper in the water layer off the bottom before they can continue to hit the bottom. It was such a waste of time. No matter what, we had to see if Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou could catch these big groupers.

Zhong Shizhu quickly changed the pole of a hand-operated spinning wheel and directly lowered the line to 140 meters.

"Don't worry! Stop first and wait!"


"It's almost time when you feel that the octopus hanging on the hook is no longer moving!"


"Have you seen the direction of the water on the sea?"...

"Pull against the current and drag again. If there is no movement, stop and wait."

"Twenty or thirty seconds."


"Gently tug along the water, shake gently, and the movements must be very small."


Zhong Shizhu held the pole tightly with his right hand, raised his ears and concentrated. He did whatever Zhao Dahai said. There was no movement when he started to go against the current, but he just pulled and shook the pole twice along the flowing water. A very fierce bite.

Zhong Shizhu's expression changed. He couldn't hold the pole with one hand at all. He immediately used two hands to hold the pole and lifted it up hard.



Shi Guangming shouted. Zhao Dahai is really amazing, not only can he catch fish, but he can also find ways to let others catch fish. Nowadays, there are not only fish in the sea, but also a lot of fish. If only one person fishes, he will definitely not be able to catch many fish. The more people can catch the fish, the better. Zhong Shizhu was able to catch fish, which meant that Lei Dayou and Liu Bin had the same chance, and they had a great chance of catching fish. Including Zhao Dahai, it would be four people fishing. Considering that what is being caught now is a large grouper weighing more than 100 kilograms, this is incredible.

Zhong Shizhu held the pole with both hands and lifted it upwards. He couldn't help but stand on tiptoes when exerting force.

The size of the fish that was hooked was really big. It was definitely not 20 or 30 kilograms, but at least 80 or even 90 kilograms, or simply over a hundred kilograms.

Zhong Shizhu has a lot of strength, but the pulling force of this big fish of nearly 100 kilograms is very fierce. Now that he has just taken the bait, he wants to run down hard and escape. At this time, he must not let go. He must fight to the death. Hold on.



"If you don't have a hundred pounds, you have to have eighty or ninety pounds!"

Zhong Shizhu carried it hard for almost a minute. He felt that the strength of drilling down the big grouper on his hand was almost exhausted. He took a deep breath and spoke.

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately looked at Zhao Dahai.


"Uncle Liu! Uncle Dayou! Just follow this method and it will be fine!"

Zhao Dahai laughed. Liu Bin and Lei Dayou saw that Zhong Shizhu had caught a fish and a big fish this time. They were eager to try and wanted to fish immediately.

At the beginning, Zhong Shizhu couldn't catch fish with the pole mounted on the gun mount. This was because the pole mounted on the gun mount could not be controlled very flexibly. The big fish were big and at the same time very cautious and experienced. I sensed something was wrong and was unwilling to bite the hook, so I changed the pole of the hand-operated spinning wheel, which can be used either against the current or along the current. It was a very flexible operation and I caught the fish immediately.

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately took up the line and changed the pole. After hanging the octopus, they immediately put it into the sea and started fishing.

Zhao Dahai waited for Zhong Shizhu to pull the fish out of the water, grabbed the fish with a net and dragged it onto the deck before he started fishing.

"Uncle Liu! Uncle Dayou!"

"The ones leaving the bottom of the sea are all big fish!"

"These fish are very cautious and don't bite easily."

"You have to be gentle with your hands!"

"You have to go slower to have a chance of catching these big fish."

When Zhao Dahai was putting out the line, he noticed that Liu Bin and Lei Da were a little anxious. The movements of the pole in their hands were relatively large and forceful, so he immediately reminded them.

Lei Dayou and Liu Bin stopped what they were doing, took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and began to patiently and gently shake or pull the poles in their hands. What was originally a one-minute movement now became An action that only takes five minutes.



"Who said it's going to be quick? It definitely has to be slower!"



"Those who like fishing don't like to use electric winches, but use hand-held poles and hand-cranked spinning wheels!"

"This pulling force is really strong!"


Shi Guangming took a strong puff from the hookah in his hand.

Liu Bin and Lei Da were very anxious at first. Zhao Dahai caught the fish immediately after Zhao Dahai reminded them. The fish hasn't been pulled out of the water yet, but from the curve of the fishing rod, I know it's at least eighty pounds.

Are Liu Bin and Lei Da very powerful? Not powerful at all, the most powerful is Zhao Dahai.

Without Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Dayou would definitely have a chance to catch fish when they came here, but it would be impossible to catch so easily or catch so many fish. .


"Old man Shi."

"Is it possible for Zhao Dahai to fish like this?"

"Why would you be interested in deep-sea fishing?"

Shi Guangming turned around and looked at Zhao Shi, who was sitting next to him.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou have both caught fish now, and Zhao Dahai is fishing. It won't take long before a fish is sure to take the bait.

If we continue fishing like this, how many fish can we catch in one night?

On his last trip, Zhao Dahai cooperated with his family's fishing boat and took people out to fish. He earned more than 10 million in a month. But judging from Zhao Dahai's fishing tonight, it is really not that attractive. force.

It's not that Shi Guangming didn't know about this. In fact, he already knew that this was the case. But every time he saw Zhao Dahai catch so many fish, the sigh in his heart became stronger and stronger.


"It's just that I have better luck!"

“Maybe it’s because I haven’t fished here for a month after the Chinese New Year. There are a lot of fish here!”

"Who goes out fishing and doesn't eat dumplings? But it's impossible to eat dumplings every day!"

Old God Zhao Shi waved his hand on the ground.


"You're such a damn old man, you just got the advantage and acted like a good boy. Even though Zhao Dahai eats dumplings every day when he goes fishing, you still have to talk like this."

Shi Guangming glared at Zhao Shi with great disdain. It would be impossible for other people to catch a lot of fish every day when they go to sea, but Zhao Dahai catches a lot of fish and very big fish almost every day when he goes to sea. The fish caught were not too many, that is, compared to Zhao Dahai himself, he did not catch many fish, but when compared with other people who fished in the open sea, it was not only more, but much more.

(End of this chapter)

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