Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 841 Too many fish! Can’t catch any more!

Chapter 841 Too many fish! Can’t catch any more!


"All right!"

"Old man Shi."

"You're right. Zhao Dahai goes fishing and really eats dumplings every day. It's just that he has to check whether the dumplings he eats today are filled with vegetables or meat!"

Zhao Shi was stunned for a moment and laughed loudly. It is true that there are times when Zhao Dahai cannot catch fish when he goes to sea, but such times are relatively rare. Most of the time, he can catch a lot of fish. Shi Guangming said that if Zhao Dahai eats dumplings every day, there is actually nothing wrong with him.


"The fish are coming!"



"Zhao Dahai!"

Shi Guangming was very surprised at first, but as time passed, especially two hours later, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Binlei Dayou, and Zhao Dahai continued to catch large groupers in the sea. Gradually I started to feel numb, and I had no interest in watching fishing anymore. Looking at the time, I almost remembered the Balang fish I had picked up and the big orchid crabs.

Zhao Dahai shouted to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to stop, stop fishing and take a rest. In the past few hours, he and the others had been fishing in circles on the sea in front of them. They are all fished off the bottom, and all are big green spots weighing 180 kilograms or even more than 100 kilograms. After catching no fish, they start to hit the bottom. Most of them are about fifty kilograms, and some are twenty or thirty kilograms. Although I caught a lot of small green spots, I caught a lot of red spots. At this time, although it is close to the early morning, normally it should be the time when the fish are opening their mouths crazily. The tide at this time is very beautiful, and the entire sea surface is constantly moving. However, after fishing for such a long time, there are almost no fish in the fishing spot in front of me, or even if there are fish, they are already those that cannot be caught. In the past almost an hour, the four people kept fishing I tried various methods but couldn't catch any fish. Today's fishing is basically over. Let's take a rest, eat something, and wait a while to see how many more fish we can catch. If we can catch some fish, we can catch a few more. If you can’t catch any fish, you go straight home.

"This one must weigh at least 120 pounds. I can't handle it by myself!"

"Hurry up!"

"Why do you need to work so hard?"

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, like Zhao Dahai, grabbed a handful and ate them directly.

Zhao Dahai picked up his thermos cup, unscrewed the lid and took a sip of hot tea.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou have been fishing with Zhao Dahai for a long time. They have caught a lot of fish. There is nothing strange about hundreds of catties of grouper. They have caught many fish before. , however, the big green spots caught tonight are not just big in size, the key is that they are one after another, there are a lot of them, and the bite is very fierce.


Shi Guangming called Zhao Shi to join him, and it took him almost an hour to fry a large pot of Balang fish and cook a pot of porridge.

"This pot is freshly fried, and there is another pot waiting for it!"

Shi Guangming looked at Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou who were devouring their food. He took a sip from the hookah rod in his hand and looked at the oil pan next to him where the second pot of Balang fish was being fried.


Zhao Shi took out a big basin, filled it with Balang fish, and placed it directly on the deck of the speedboat.

Four o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da didn't say anything or spoke. One after another, it didn't take long to eat all the Balang fish in a basin of more than ten kilograms.


Zhao Dahai let out a long breath, bent down, and washed his hands in the sea water. He was not full, but he was already three-thirds full and felt comfortable.

Zhao Dahai smelled the aroma of fried Balang fish and his mouth watered. He didn't care that it was very hot when it was fried. He grabbed a handful of fish and stuffed them into his mouth one after another. He fished for several hours. Moreover, the fish caught were all big fish weighing 180 kilograms, using a hand-held pole and a hand-cranked spinning wheel. One or two fish would not consume too much energy, but one after another, it was really no joke, I was hungry and tired.

"Yours is probably the biggest. Where are there so many big blue spots here?"

"You'll have to go back soon!"

As Zhao Shi said this, he placed another pot of fried Balang fish on the deck, and then took a bowl of porridge cooked with orchid crab.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the sea surface where the sea water was constantly flowing and said, after eating to fill his stomach, he would go with the tide and see if he could catch fish. If not, he would go back.

"You can't fish anymore!"

Shi Guangming picked up a bowl of orchid crab porridge that he had just packed and drank less than half of the bowl.

The sea breeze in the early morning blows on people's bodies, coupled with the splash of sea water mist and other things, which makes people feel chilly. Now, after drinking such a bowl of hot porridge, a layer of fine porridge immediately appeared on the forehead. Sweat beads are very comfortable.


"Why is this?"

Zhao Dahai was stunned for a moment, wondering why Shi Guangming said he couldn't fish.

Shi Guangming pointed to the live cabin of the speedboat and then pointed to the deck of the speedboat.

"I was so busy fishing that I forgot how many fish I caught!"

Shi Guangming knows that the current tide is very good. Even if there are not too many fish, even if almost all the fish in this fishing spot have been caught, some fish can still be caught, or you can change to another fishing spot. I continued fishing, but now I really can’t continue fishing.

Zhao Dahai took a look at the live cabin of the speedboat. It was full of large groupers, including green spots, sesame spots, and valuable red spots. There were many fish piled on the deck of the speedboat.


"When did we catch so many fish? Isn't the refrigerator full of fish?" Zhao Dahai had been focusing on fishing just now and really didn't notice how many fish were caught. Now these are the ones on the deck. The fish were all the sea bass caught yesterday morning. They were all in the refrigerator. There must have been too many fish caught and there was no place to put them. The valuable ones, such as groupers that died after being caught, were placed in the refrigerator. Inside, these sea bass can only be taken out.

Zhao Dahai was a little helpless.

The big speedboat I bought is very large, with a relatively large cabin. However, I modified it, leaving only a narrow place to sleep, and the rest was converted into live cabins or cold storage.

Unexpectedly, neither the cold storage nor the living cabin are sufficient now.

This time I went out to sea and caught thousands of kilograms of sea bass in the DYD reef foam area. I happened to catch a big grouper in the sea one night and caught a lot of fish. The cold storage and live cabin were full. of.

Zhao Dahai was a little unwilling to give up. He stood up and checked the live cabin of the speedboat. It was full of fish. It didn't mean that he couldn't fit one in, but he could definitely fit a slightly larger fish of three or four kilograms. He caught a dozen or so kilograms. If there are even three to five kilograms of red spots, that is definitely no problem, but red spots cannot be obtained just by fishing.

Zhao Dahai checked the speedboat's cold storage box again, including the refrigerator placed on the deck. It was full of fish, and they were neatly placed one after another. There was no space at all. It looked like only a veteran could do it. The work that can be done must have been sorted out by Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming just now while they and Zhong Shizhu were fishing.

"Don't think about it! There is not much space in the live cabin and refrigerator now, and the fish caught can only be placed on the deck."

Zhao Shi looked at Zhao Dahai, who was frowning a little, and smiled. Others went fishing, especially speedboats, and it was Zhao Dahai. It was impossible for such a big speedboat to encounter such a situation. As for the fish, it is impossible to catch too many fish and have no place to put them.

"Forget it!"

"How can you still fish like this?"

"Let's take a rest! We'll be back in a minute!"

Zhao Dahai made up his mind to fish here on this fishing trip. The tide was just right and it was just about dawn. If he continued fishing at this time, he would definitely be able to catch it, but he could only give up.

"The sea!"

"How about we fish for a while longer?"

"Although the artificial islands are relatively far away, our speedboat is relatively large and fast, so there is no problem in fishing without a live cabin or refrigerator!"

Zhong Shizhu was holding a bowl of orchid crab porridge in his left hand, and a handful of fried Balang fish in his right hand. It was delicious at first, but now he felt it had no taste at all. It was still early, and the tide was getting better and better. , it’s not that I can’t catch any fish, but that I can’t catch too many fish because I can’t catch any more.

Zhong Shizhu was really a little depressed.


"Zhong Shizhu, if you want to catch more fish, there's nothing wrong with it. The current speedboat can still hold more fish, but don't forget that the fish caught here are all valuable fish. If you can't keep them alive, How much can it be sold for?"

"There is no need to fish again. Just wait until the next trip here to fish again. Anyway, the number of speedboats here is relatively small now. From this point of view, only Zhao Dahai knows what kind of place we are in."

"If you catch red spots or big green spots, you can't put them on the deck, right? It's such a waste!"

Shi Guangming knew that Zhong Shizhu's idea was very simple. It was not too far from the dock. Zhao Dahai's speedboat was very fast. It only took three or four hours to run back to death. He was not kept in the living cabin, even if it was not placed in the refrigerator. Nothing inside is broken, everything is still very fresh.

What you caught is worthless fish, such as black sea bream or sea bass, it doesn't matter, but what you caught is valuable grouper, especially the big blue grouper, or you raised the very valuable red grouper. If so, there is no place to put it, and the price difference is a bit far, which is a big disadvantage.

There are not many people coming to fish on the artificial islands, especially the spot where Zhao Dahai is fishing. Others are not very clear about it. If you don't catch these fish now, it will still be yours if you come back next time.


"We just caught here today. We have already caught enough fish, so there is no need to be so greedy."

"We will go back in a while and wait to come back here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to continue fishing!"

Zhao Dahai nodded. Whether the grouper is blue or red, only the live ones can be sold at a high enough price. It’s not like you won’t be able to catch fish this time. There’s no need to fish like crazy.

Zhong Shizhu thought for a while and nodded. Although these fish are still in the sea, they are basically no different from the fish ponds kept in Zhao Dahai's home. At least Zhao Dahai and people like him can't catch other speedboats. It is very difficult to catch the wheel. In this way, it is better not to fish first than to be unable to survive after fishing and unable to sell it at a good price.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, plus Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming, chatted while eating Balang fish and drinking hot orchid crab porridge. They had decided not to fish anymore and there was no need to hurry up and eat. live.

Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu rested for half an hour after eating and drinking. They looked at the white fish belly on the horizon. The sky was slowly getting brighter and the view on the sea was getting wider and wider.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, and Lei Da started to pack up the speedboat together. All the fishing rods and other things had to be arranged. There was nothing we could do about the sea bass on the deck. We took out some ice from the refrigerator and covered it. I covered the top with another layer of oilcloth. It would definitely not work for a long time, but it only took a few hours, so there was no big problem.

Zhao Dahai saw that everything had been packed away, and immediately drove the speedboat away from the artificial island and rushed back directly. The horsepower was fully turned on, the two engines roared, and the speed was so fast that only a long tail of water was left on the sea. Waiting When it disappeared, the speedboat had gone to nowhere.

The sun gradually rises.

Zhao Dahai watched as some speedboats appeared one after another on the surrounding sea, and they all rushed towards the artificial islands. They must have gone there to fish.

Zhao Dahai shook his head.

Places like Windmill Foot Fishing Spot are not too far from the piers of various villages. Generally speaking, it can be reached in two or three hours. In this way, if you get up early in the morning, you can reach the fishing spot before dawn and catch the best tide. For fishing, you can even go to other places to catch some black bream or other fish to earn some gas money before rushing to the Windmill Foot fishing spot.

However, the distance between artificial islands and reefs is relatively long, and a general speedboat will take a long time, ranging from five or six hours to seven or eight hours to get there. It has to leave at 11 or 12 o'clock or even earlier the night before. When you go to sea, you can do it once, but you can't do it a second time, you can do it a second time, but you can't do it a third time. Having two trips to artificial islands in a month is already very impressive, plus the risk of not catching fish. , not many people are willing to take risks on artificial islands.

Zhao Dahai glanced at the speedboats around him and ignored them. He continued to drive the speedboat back. Since he was no longer fishing, he would hurry up and go back to the dock to sell fish.

Zhao Dahai kept driving for more than an hour when he saw Zhong Shizhu sitting on the deck in the middle of the speedboat, turning around and shouting at him.

The speed of the speedboat was very fast, and the sea wind blowing in the head was very strong. In addition, the bow of the speedboat kept bouncing up and crashing back to the sea, making a loud sound. It was difficult to hear what was being said.

(End of this chapter)

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