Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 845 Speed ​​Boat Chapter Pier Shi Guangming’s Thoughts

Chapter 845 Shi Guangming’s thoughts as the speedboat returns to the dock

Langtou Village.

"Zhao Dahai's speedboat went fishing and came back?"


"Does this need to be said? Who around here can afford such a big speedboat? It must be Zhao Dahai!"


"What's going on? Why are there sea bass piled all over the deck? Why aren't they placed in the live cabin and not in the refrigerator?"


"Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu are not fools. This must be because there are too many fish in the living cabin or the refrigerator! There is no place to put it, so it can only be put here!"


How many fish did Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu catch in two days on this trip?


Other valuable fish, such as big grouper and so on, are not included. The sea bass alone weighs six to seven thousand kilograms. The money earned is really amazing.

Zhong Shizhu took a sip from a bottle of water in his left hand, and put the cigarette held in his right hand into his mouth and took a puff.

Shi Guangming hesitated for a moment and nodded. He had indeed had such thoughts in the past few days.

"Who wouldn't be dumbfounded when they saw you go out to sea and catch so many fish?"

"Look at this, your family is planning to do something big!"


"These people were probably dumbfounded when they saw these fish on the deck!"

Shi Guangming has a headache. It’s very painful when business is bad, and even more so when business is good. It’s not that no one has booked fishing spots on his family’s fishing boats, but that there are so many people booking fishing spots. Even if there are so many There will be people booking fishing spots on one or two fishing boats, but unfortunately there are not enough manpower.

"You're not thinking about taking the boat out to sea again, are you?"

"I wish I could divide one person into two or three and use it!"

"Isn't Shi Zhongwei and He Jian taking the fishing boat to the big owl field to catch small owl? I can make a lot of money just from this trip."

Zhao Shi could see through Shi Guangming's heart at a glance. What was he thinking? He didn't have enough manpower or asked others to worry about it, so he had to go into battle himself.

"The seabass on the deck weighs almost two thousand pounds, right?"

If you really can't make money by going out to sea or fishing, how is it possible that there are still so many people going out to sea and fishing until now?

Shi Guangming looked at sea bass one after another on the deck that could not be put into the live cabin or the refrigerator.

Zhao Shi slowly smoked the hookah one after another.

Zhao Shi strongly agreed with Shi Guangming and Shi Jiehua to buy a larger fishing boat. Now is indeed the best opportunity.

"Is your family planning to buy a big fishing boat?"

"Which industry is not like this? Those who make money make a lot of money, while most other people can barely make ends meet."

Shi Guangming smoked the hookah vigorously several times, spitting out the thick smoke one after another. When the sea breeze blew, it drifted to unknown places.

"This speedboat is so big, the live cabin and refrigerator must be very big. How many fish did you catch?"

"How wonderful would it be if it had three heads and six arms?"

"Shi Jiehua bought a Dadu sea fishing boat and immediately took Wu Weimin with him. These people went out to sea to catch big owl, the kind that weighs one hundred and eighty pounds."

Zhao Shi remembered what Zhao Dahai had said to him.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou, Zhao Shi, and Shi Guangming stayed on the deck of the speedboat. When the speedboat just docked, Zhao Dahai had already returned home and called Liu Gang and Liu Lei to come over and pull the fish.

"It's really a good opportunity, and it's 100 percent profitable."

Zhao Shi glanced at the Langtou Village Pier. Those who went out to sea only needed to buy a new fishing boat, which meant they would have a big fight.

Shi Guangming nodded. He and Shi Jiehua had already thought about this matter a few years ago. However, the business of his family's fishing boat was not very good. There was no big use for it and he couldn't make more money. , but in the past six months, Zhao Dahai first went fishing with his own fishing boat, and then cooperated with his own family. Especially during his recent trip to the deep sea for a month, he caught a lot of fish, so he must change it. A larger fishing boat.


How about living like this, exposed to wind and sun, risking all kinds of dangers?
There are definitely not many people who make money like Zhao Dahai, but many people can make money, which is much more comfortable than working part-time.


"Old man Shi."


"If you don't dare to buy a big sea fishing boat when you have such a good opportunity, then there is nothing to say."



More and more people gathered on the pier to watch the excitement.

"Old man Shi!"


"How old are you?"

"One trip, two trips, one month and two months can bear it, but after half a year and a year, don't you think you can really bear it?"

"Making money is important, but your life is at stake, right?"

Zhao Shi stared.

Shi Guangming came up with this idea after seeing that fishing boats were making money, and it was very profitable. He wanted to make more money.

But I really can’t look at things like this.

People who go to sea are exposed to the wind and sun for many years, especially the humidity from the sea wind and waves, which has a great impact on the human body.

Both he and Shi Guangming are over seventy years old. Although they are in good health now, if they really continue to go to sea and go to sea non-stop, it won't take long before they can't bear it.

If your health is not good, what’s the use of making more money?

It’s not that making more money is bad.

That’s not to say you don’t need to work hard to make money.

If your family has no money, no matter how old you are, as long as you can still crawl, you have to go out to sea to fish, fish and work at sea.

Now there is no shortage of money in Shi Guangming's family. Now it's just the difference between making more and making less. There is no need to work so hard!
"Old man Shi."

"Did you tell Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhong about this matter?"

"This is not something you can decide alone!"

Zhao Shi suddenly remembered that this matter was probably just an idea thought up by Shi Guangming alone, without any discussion with Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei.

Shi Guangming shook his head.


"Old man Shi."

"You don't want me to be on your side and convince Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei to let you take the fishing boat out to sea, right?"

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming have been old friends for many years, and they knew what their idea was after thinking about it.

"What's the point? It's just a few words of help, and I won't lose a piece of meat!"

Shi Guangming's old face turned a little red, he had indeed made this idea.

"Don't even think about it!"

"How could I say such a thing for you?" "Not only will I not say such kind words for you, but I will definitely tell Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei that I will never let you take the boat out to sea!"

Zhao Shi refused immediately without even thinking about it. It was absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing.

Shi Guangming was a little helpless. Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei were definitely not happy about this matter. If Zhao Shi was willing to speak, there might be a chance, especially if Zhao Dahai was willing to speak, there would be a real chance. Now Zhao Shi doesn't agree, and even more Not to mention Zhao Dahai.

"Uncle Shi!"

"Stop thinking about this matter, it's simply impossible!"

"Neither Shi Jiehua nor Zhao Dahai will agree to this!"


"It's not like Shi Jiehua doesn't make money, and it's not like Shi Zhongwei doesn't make money. Now he's making a lot of money by cooperating with Zhao Dahai!"

"What's the need to worry?"


"I felt bored after taking a walk around the house, so I went out to sea with Zhao Dahai's speedboat for a few laps, one or two days. Isn't this a good thing?"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da all shook their heads when they heard that Shi Guangming was thinking of continuing to take the fishing boat out to sea. This was simply impossible.

Zhao Dahai walked quickly to the pier. He had just returned home and called Liu Lei to tell Liu Lei that his fishing speedboat had returned to the pier. He had caught a lot of fish and needed a large seafood truck.

After Zhao Dahai finished the phone call, he immediately returned to the dock and saw many people gathered in front of his speedboat from a distance. It was not surprising at all. He had long been used to it. Every time his speedboat came back from fishing, there would be many people. Watch the fun.

Zhao Dahai shouted to the people watching the excitement to get out of the way, got on the speedboat, and told Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to clean up the fish on the deck. After a while, Liu Lei drove the seafood truck over to collect the fish, and he First bring some baskets to hold the fish.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da nodded and immediately started working. First, all the fish on the deck were put into baskets and covered with a layer of ice.

"We can talk about the fish in the refrigerator later when the seafood truck comes, right?"

Zhong Shizhu wiped his sweat.

The sun has already risen above the head, but the time is still short, there is no big problem, and it is 100% fresh.

Zhao Dahai nodded and waited for the fish in the refrigerator to arrive before the seafood truck arrived.

Zhao Dahai opened the lid of the living cabin and took a look at the large groupers and a small number of the largest sea bass inside. They were all jumping alive. The speedboat stopped, but there was living water inside, and the oxygen machine was on. There was no any The problem is, these are truly valuable items and cannot have any problems. If one of them dies, you will lose a lot of money.

When Shi Guangming saw Zhao Dahai, he immediately remembered that he had just been thinking about taking a fishing boat out to sea for fishing. Zhao Shi, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all disagreed. They were a little unwilling to give up on this matter, so they spoke up.


"Grandpa Shi!"

"What are you doing?"

"I think you are too busy and have nothing to do. Why are you thinking about something like this?"

"To be honest, if you want to go out to sea with a speedboat or a fishing boat, there is nothing wrong with it. But if you want to be the boss of the boat and take the fishing boat out to sea to lead others to fish, there is no way."

Zhao Dahai looked at Shi Guangming and didn't expect to think about such a thing.


"Isn't there a shortage of manpower now?"

"It's very difficult to find the right person, especially someone you can trust."

"If you have no other choice, just think about it yourself."

Shi Guangming looked at Zhao Dahai helplessly.

"There's no door!"

Seeing that Da Shi Guangming still wanted to continue doing this, Zhao Dahai waved his hand forcefully. Such matters were absolutely non-negotiable. Neither Shi Jiehua nor Shi Zhong would agree to this matter.

When Zhao Dahai saw a large seafood truck driving up the pier, he simply ignored Shi Guangming and shouted to the people squatting around watching the excitement to get out of the way.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou took the time to take several puffs of the cigarettes in their hands. The car was coming and they had to work.

Liu Lei parked the car, opened the door and immediately opened the rear door as soon as he got out of the car.

"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang!"

"Be careful! Be careful!"

"Yang Qin."

"Don't worry! Don't worry!"

"The car today is a bit high, so you have to be careful."

Liu Lei is very clumsy.

Yang Qin got out of the car, followed by Ding Xiaoxiang.


"Are the fish caught by Zhao Dahai too big to fit in? Are they all piled on the deck?"

Yang Qin glanced at Zhao Dahai's speedboat and immediately saw baskets filled with fish piled on the deck.

"What's the matter?"

“This trip to the sea caught so many fish in two days and one night, which is absolutely normal!”

Ding Xiaoxiang knew that Zhao Dahai spent a night overseas during this trip. He must have caught more fish after spending such a long time at sea.

Zhao Dahai walked to the bow of the speedboat and reached out to pull Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin onto the speedboat.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin walked up to Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming, said hello, and started to see how many fish Zhao Dahai had caught in this trip.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and Liu Lei started working together. All the fish that had been put in the baskets were moved to the deck, and then the fish from the refrigerator were taken out and put into the baskets, and then Move to the dock.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Why don't these fish get in the car first? Wait, sister-in-law Xiaoxiang will come back to the restaurant with me and we'll get together later!"

Liu Lei was sweating profusely, and the clothes on his body were already soaked. The sun was hanging in the sky, and the weather was very hot. Plus, he was fat, so it was a bit unbearable. Zhao Dahai caught these refrigerators during this trip to the sea. There were a lot of fish in it. Only a small part of it was carried to the dock, but ten baskets were already placed, each of which could hold two hundred kilograms.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and nodded. He went out to sea this time and came back one night later. He caught a lot of fish. It would be very inconvenient to over-scale the fish at the dock. What Liu Lei said is more appropriate.

I rushed to the sea and called Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to load all the fish, whether frozen or alive, on the truck.


"There are baskets and baskets of fish, are they still going to be finished?"


"They are all sea bass, and they are quite big. They add up to five or six thousand kilograms?"


"My God!"

"Are all the living cabins filled with large groupers?"


“No wonder there were so many sea bass piled on the deck when we first came back!”

"The refrigerator is full of fish, and the living cabin is full of more valuable kinds of groupers."


Onlookers on the pier stared dumbfoundedly at basket after basket of sea bass, followed by one after another of lively green spots, red spots, or other groupers.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou ignored the people around them and concentrated on their work. It took almost two hours to load all the fish on the seafood truck.

(End of this chapter)

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