Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 846 Price increase and holding back on selling

Chapter 846 Price increase and holding back on selling
"The sea!"

"Hurry up and take a rest with Uncle Shizhu and the others!"

Ding Xiaoxiang felt a little distressed. Zhao Dahai went out to sea in the early morning yesterday and kept fishing all night. He hurried back and only stopped when all the fish had been loaded onto the seafood truck.

Zhao Dahai nodded, he was indeed a little tired.

"Xiao Xiang!"

"I'll leave the rest to you. I'll go back with Uncle Shizhu and the others to eat and sleep, and we'll continue fishing early tomorrow morning."

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he took a bottle of mineral water and drank it in big gulps.

When Ding Xiaoxiang heard that Zhao Dahai was going to go fishing again tomorrow morning, she originally wanted to say that she would take an extra day of rest before going out to sea, but she swallowed the words as soon as they came to her lips. Regardless of whether she was a fisher or a fisherman, as long as she caught a lot of fish the day before, I caught a lot of fish. Unless the weather is not suitable for the rest of the day, I will continue fishing while the iron is hot.


"Then you go back early, eat, take a shower and go to bed."

Hongyun Restaurant.

There is no need to ask about the croakers, especially the large yellow croakers. They can definitely be sold, and the prices are good. The only thing I worry about is the groupers.

Zhao Dahai returned home. He was very tired after working for such a long time. He took a bath, ate to fill his stomach, and immediately went back to his room to sleep.

"How are the fish caught in the deep sea by the fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperated with, especially the live grouper and other fish? How are they sold?"

Four people, Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da, worked together for half an hour. They packed and arranged all the things and carried sea water to clean the speedboat, especially the deck.

Ding Xiaoxiang didn't say anything else, got in the car and closed the door. The longer she stayed here, the longer Zhao Dahai would have to spend with her. It would be better to leave earlier, so Zhao Dahai could go back quickly.

"The total of all kinds of groupers exceeds 1,800 kilograms."


Liu Lei knew that Liu Gang had been worried about this matter, but judging from the sales in the restaurant these days, there was no problem at all.

"If you have anything else, talk about it later!"

Grouper sells very well in his restaurant. He sells a lot of it and is very popular. Usually he sells grouper caught locally, but this time he sells grouper from the deep sea. I am a little worried that people who come to eat in the store may not be willing to accept it.

"Brother Dahai has started to go out to sea now. He will definitely be able to catch a lot of big groupers or other valuable fish."


Zhao Dahai told Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to go fishing early tomorrow morning and meet here at the dock around four in the morning, and then go back to their homes.

"The fish Zhao Dahai catches every time he goes out to sea are really amazing!"

Zhao Dahai's full budget was only two days and one night, including the round trip time, and the money he made was flowing like water.

Zhao Dahai took three people out on a fishing trip on a speedboat. The fish they caught were unmatched by other speedboats that went fishing. Even if they went out to sea for a month, few fishing boats could catch so many fish.

“More fish caught!”

"Now he is not fishing alone, but he is taking Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da with him. There are four people in total going fishing!"

I am not a fisherman, but I have owned a seafood restaurant for many years and have been dealing with all kinds of people who go out to sea to fish. I buy seafood from these people and I know very well how much other fishermen can catch in one trip. Fish, knowing very well how many fish he can catch by other people who go out to sea to fish.

When the fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua cooperated with returned to the dock a few days ago, he and Wu Weimin bought a lot of valuable fish, mainly grouper, and some were large yellow croaker.

Liu Gang was really convinced.


"This is a very good thing for us. Just like you said, I wish Brother Dahai wouldn't go to the deep sea to go fishing every day. In this case, our seafood restaurant will be sold out. nice one."

Liu Lei and Yang Qin saw Ding Xiaogan off, went up to the second floor together, opened the office door and walked in.

Liu Gang put down the tea cup in his hand, looked at Liu Lei and Yang Qin and immediately asked Zhao Dahai how many fish he had caught on this trip.

"I'm thinking about the local big grouper and other fish caught by Brother Dahai. Don't you want to increase the price?"

Zhao Dahai sent Ding Xiaoxiang, Liu Lei and Yang Qin away and watched the seafood truck leave the pier, then turned back to the speedboat. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Radar had already started to pack up the speedboat and started to work together immediately.

"Honestly, how can ordinary people clearly tell the difference between large deep-sea groupers and local groupers?"

“The sales are very good! Very popular!”

Liu Lei held a notebook in his hand, which recorded the total number of fish caught by Zhao Dahai during this trip. He and Ding Xiaoxiang had just finished weighing the fish.

"Local grouper is indeed more popular, but we don't sell it secretly. We have to say that the deep-sea grouper is local. Instead, we clearly mark the price, and the price is 20% lower than the local grouper. "

"The total size of sea bass, large and small, is four thousand seven hundred and thirty-five pounds and two taels."




"Why do you need to worry about this?"

Liu Gang thought of this.

small town.

Shi Guangming and Zhao Shi saw that Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei were too busy to intervene, and there was not much work to do, so they simply left first.

Liu Lei has been managing the restaurant at home during this period. He knows very well how many fish, shrimps and crabs can be sold every day. He also knows how popular these top-quality fish, shrimps and crabs are. A good supply of goods is a huge pressure. Zhao Dahai's If the speedboat didn't go fishing in the open sea, he would have to worry about whether he could buy enough fish every day, especially top-notch fish like grouper. Once Zhao Dahai went to the open sea, he wouldn't have to worry about this.

"It doesn't need to go up too much. A slight increase of about 5% from the usual price is enough!"

Liu Lei has been thinking about this since he saw the large grouper caught by Zhao Dahai at the Langtou Village Pier. Don't look at it as just a 5% price increase, but it is very important. He has to compete with his father Liu Gang. Only after discussing it can we make a decision.


"Why do you have such an idea?" Liu Gang wanted to know why Liu Lei had such an idea. His restaurant does a lot of business from repeat customers. There is no special reason. Even if the price of the goods increases, the price will increase. There will be no price increase when I go there.

"Aren't there two fish in our restaurant now? One is a fish from the deep sea, and the other is a fish caught by Brother Dahai in the open sea."

"The fish caught by Brother Hai are definitely more popular. If the price remains at the usual price, I'm worried that the fish caught by deep-sea fishing boats will not be easy to sell."

"If the price increases slightly, the fish caught by deep-sea fishing boats will be easily sold, or even easier to sell."

Liu Lei didn't want to raise prices to make more money, he just wanted to better sell the groupers or other valuable fish caught by the deep-sea fishing boat.

Liu Gang thought about it for about ten minutes and nodded. There was nothing wrong with Liu Lei's idea.

"How about we just put the fish caught by Brother Dahai and put them out for sale two days later?"

Liu Lei thought of another idea.

"Aren't you just kidding? As long as the price increase is not too big, there is nothing wrong with it. In addition, seafood is always on the market, and prices often fluctuate. One of them ate valuable fish like grouper. People don’t care at all about the price increase, they can accept it.”

"But if they know that we collected the fish caught by Zhao Dahai but kept it in our hands instead of selling it."

"That's another story!"

Liu Gang's expression changed, he looked very ugly, and he glared at Liu Lei fiercely.

There are definitely various ways or even means of doing business, but some can be used and some absolutely cannot be used.

If the price increases and the price increase is not large, there is nothing wrong with it and it can definitely be done. However, what Liu Lei just said is that if you hold it in your hands and not sell it, you absolutely cannot do it.

Many people will do such a thing, but it is absolutely not allowed to be done in your own restaurant.

Before the Chinese New Year, the restaurant will indeed store some fish, shrimp and crabs to be sold during the Chinese New Year, but when storing the fish, it does not reduce the number of fish, shrimp and crabs sold in the store, and the remaining ones are overcharged. Another is that most of the fish, shrimps and crabs are bought from other people who have saved fish, shrimps and crabs. For example, the fish caught by Zhao Dahai before the Chinese New Year were kept on the fishing boats to feed. I'm waiting until it's almost Chinese New Year before selling it to myself.

It is normal for people like Zhao Dahai who go fishing or fishing to do this, and anyone can accept it, but they cannot do this kind of thing in their own restaurant, especially now that it is not the Chinese New Year. It was put on the shelves and the news spread, which had a great impact on the business of this restaurant.

"Zhao Dahai's speedboat caught so many fish, I don't know how many people I saw when I returned to the dock."

"The news will definitely spread. Those who come to our restaurant to eat cannot possibly not know about it."

"Now Zhao Dahai has returned from the sea and caught a lot of fish, but our restaurant does not sell these fish."

"Is there any fool in this world? You must know exactly what we want to do."

"These people who spend a lot of money to eat are just looking for happiness and freedom. If they think we are lying to them, they may not come."

"The groupers or other valuable fish caught in the deep sea in the restaurant are even more difficult to sell."

Liu Gang was very angry, but he knew that Liu Lei was not particularly experienced in this area, and it was normal to have such thoughts. He had to explain it carefully and analyze the stakes clearly.

"These are not the most terrifying things. The most terrifying thing is that people who come to eat in our store will think that we can no longer get those groupers or valuable fish caught by Zhao Dahai? Otherwise, how could it be possible? Not selling it?”

"Zhao Dahai now has great influence not only among fishermen, but also among those who come to eat in our restaurant, especially those who spend money to eat delicious fish and valuable fish. A big influence.”

"Everyone knows that the quality of the fish caught by Zhao Dahai is guaranteed."

"Everyone wants to eat the fish caught by Zhao Dahai!"

"Once they feel that another restaurant or someone else has taken away the fish caught by Zhao Dahai, won't they just stop coming to our restaurant to eat?"

Liu Gang said with a slap in the face.

Wu Lei was dumbfounded, and then he broke into a cold sweat. He really thought too simply. Fortunately, he had a good discussion with me before doing this. Otherwise, if he really did this and really made his own decision, The consequences could be disastrous.


"I didn't think too much about this!"

Liu Lei simply admitted his mistake.

Liu Gang told Liu Lei that such things must be carefully considered and must not be changed easily. His restaurant is in the business of acquaintances and repeat customers.

Liu Lei nodded, he must pay more attention to this matter in the future.

Liu Gang asked about other things in the restaurant. If there was no problem, he stood up and left the office to go home without staying any longer.

"Liu Lei."

"Are there really many people in the restaurant specifically asking if these fish were caught by Zhao Dahai?"

Yang Qin didn't care that Liu Lei had just been scolded severely.

My thoughts on this matter are exactly the same as Liu Lei's, they are thinking about raising the price. The other one is to cover the fish caught by Zhao Dahai for a few days and try to sell more. Let's talk about the fish caught in the deep sea. . However, what Liu Gang said is very reasonable. You can do things like raising prices, but you can never do things that don't sell fish. If you do something wrong, you will be scolded. You must be very energetic. You must not make the same mistake next time. Both myself and Liu Lei are relatively young and don't think about things very carefully, which is very normal.

Yang Qin was curious whether there were many people in the restaurant specifically asking to eat the fish caught by Zhao Dahai.

Liu Lei nodded, not only, but a lot.

"Our restaurant has a lot of repeat customers, who come here for a meal every now and then or even the next day."

"I don't know when it started. Many people would ask if there were any fish caught by Zhao Dahai today as soon as they came here."

"When selling fish caught from the sea these days, one thing I always add is that although these are not fish caught by Brother Dahai, they are fish caught by Brother Dahai and his people out to sea."

"The other thing is that these people are asking when Brother Dahai will come back to go fishing. I already said it yesterday that Brother Dahai is back and has already gone fishing."

The more Liu Lei thought about it, the more he felt that his thinking on this matter was really too simplistic. He was still too old, and he couldn't explain what was going on at once.


"Why are the fish caught by Zhao Dahai so popular?"

Yang Qin was very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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