Chapter 878 Are you all scared?


"Fifteen or six pounds!"

Xu Xiaochui raised his hand and raised the pole to stab the fish. He pulled it with great strength and ran forward without looking back. The spinning wheel kept spinning, making a sharp and harsh sound.

Xu Xiaochui has been fishing for sea bass for many years and has rich experience. He immediately knew how big the fish was.

Xu Xiaochui waited for two minutes for the hooked sea bass to get a little tired, and then he started to reel in the line and pull the fish back. When he got to the edge of the speedboat, he pulled it out of the water. He checked that it was right, it weighed fifteen or six pounds.


"Big brother, big brother!"

"Hurry up and fish quickly. The big sea bass have come in now, and it looks like today's sea bass are very big!"

Xu Xiaochui was very excited and picked up the fish with the net while talking.

I just finished catching a small sea bass. This is the second batch of fish that has come in. The size has already reached fifteen or six pounds. After another hour or so, the big sea bass will only get bigger. You can’t say for sure. Today I was able to catch a wave of sea bass weighing twenty to thirty pounds.

Xu Xiaochui took off the fish from the hook, caught a live shrimp and hung it up. Just as he was about to throw the pole out and continue fishing, he found that his elder brother Xu Dachui and Song Tianping next to him did not move at all. They were standing with the pole in their hands. at every turn.


"What the hell is going on with you two?"

Xu Xiaochui was confused and very strange. Usually when a big fish appeared here, his eldest brother Xu Dazhui or Song Tianping would fish eagerly.

Not to mention sea bass weighing 30 to 40 pounds, even sea bass weighing more than 10 pounds costs hundreds of dollars to catch.

How could we not seize the time and fish more?

"Xu Xiaochui."

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

"Do you want Zhao Dahai to come over right away?"

Song Tianping pointed to Zhao Dahai's speedboat not far away.

Xu Xiaochui was startled. He immediately looked over and found Zhao Dahai standing on the speedboat, looking around. Needless to say, he must be looking at which bubble area had fish, and the fish that came out were big ones.

Xu Xiaochui suddenly realized why his elder brothers Xu Dazhui and Song Tianping were not fishing. This was obviously because they were worried about catching big fish and attracting Zhao Dahai's attention.

"Big brother!"

"We can't stop fishing forever, right?"

"Is it possible that if we fish later we can avoid attracting Zhao Dahai's attention?"

"Why do I think this is unreliable? Why do I think it is more realistic for us to seize the time and fish more? While Zhao Dahai rushes over to grab our fish money, we can catch a few more big sea bass. Isn’t it better?”

Xu Xiaochui originally wanted to continue fishing, but now he stopped and lowered his voice when speaking.

Xu Dachui was stunned for a moment. He didn't start fishing right away. The most important thing was that he was worried that Xu Xiaochui had caught a big fish, and he had caught another big fish. Plus, if Song Tianping also caught another big fish, one hundred percent Bai will definitely attract Zhao Dahai's attention, and he will immediately drive a speedboat over to grab the fish.

Song Tianping and he had a tacit understanding and thought about fishing later, but what Xu Xiaochui said now made perfect sense.

"Song Tianping."

"What do you think? Should we wait and fish now, or should we fish now, while Zhao Dahai's speedboat hasn't come here yet to catch as many fish as possible, or as many as we can. ”

Xu Dachui turned his head and looked at Song Tianping on the speedboat next to him.

Song Tianping hesitated for a moment. What Xu Xiaochui said made sense, but he still felt that he should not fish first and wait until other people in the bubble area caught fish to attract Zhao Dahai's attention.

"Xu Dachui."

"What Xu Xiaochui said makes sense, but I prefer that we still have to wait and see if anyone around us has caught a big fish and whether it will attract Zhao Dahai's attention."

"What if Zhao Dahai's speedboat goes to another foam area to fish, wouldn't we be taking a huge advantage?"

Song Tianping took a look at Zhao Dahai's speedboat as he spoke. He thought it would be better to wait and wait for fishing in other bubble areas around him.

Xu Dachui thought for a while and nodded.

Anyway, after such a short time of effort, maybe if he really chooses another bubble area, he and brothers Xu Dachui and Xiaochui will really make a lot of money.

Xu Xiaochui was a little reluctant, but his elder brother Xu Dachui and Song Tianping had already negotiated the matter, so he could only put down his pole.

Xu Xiaochui lit a cigarette, took a puff and looked around. He didn't pay much attention at first, but soon found that there were a lot of speedboats around, but few of them were fishing. Even if there were speedboats, they were fishing. Just fishing slowly.

What's going on?
Isn’t the running water already rising? Look at yourself, you have already caught a sea bass weighing more than ten kilograms!

Why don’t these people seize the time to fish?

Xu Xiaochui couldn't figure out what was going on. He and his eldest brother Song Tianping didn't go fishing right away. They had a plan. However, what's the point of not fishing when there are so many topics around? You must catch the tide when fishing for sea bass. If you miss it, you will lose it. There are no fish. Usually, as soon as there are fish, everyone goes fishing like crazy. The situation in front of us is really weird.

"Big brother!"

"Song Tianping!"

"What on earth is going on? Why are there so few fishermen on these speedboats around and no one is in a hurry at all?"

Xu Xiaochui pointed at the speedboats around him.

Xu Dazhui and Song Tianping looked around in the direction Xu Xiaochui pointed. They were very surprised at first and looked confused, but they quickly figured out what was going on, and their faces suddenly became very ugly. .

"What the hell!"

"How can these people be like this?"


"Are you all waiting for a good show?"


Zhu Dachui and Song Tianping were cursing, and the speedboats around them were obviously the same. They didn't want to attract Zhao Dahai's attention, and they didn't want to fish. They were all waiting.


"Fishing, fishing!" "Who are you waiting for at this time? Take the time to fish and catch as many fish as you can!"

Song Tianping saw that his wishful thinking had failed, so he immediately picked up the pole, hung the live shrimp and started fishing.

If all the speedboats around him were not fishing, it would be impossible for Zhao Dahai to wait forever. He would definitely have to give it a try to see which bubble area had the most fish. The first one would definitely be doing this to himself and brothers Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui. Come to this largest bubble area.

Without saying a word, Xu Dachui picked up the pole and started fishing. Song Tianping was right. There was no need to wait any longer. He must seize the time to fish immediately.

Xu Xiaochui reacted, picked up the pole along with Xu Dachui, and started fishing immediately.


"What on earth is going on? Are the speedboats around us too scared to fish?"

Xu Tianhua stood on the deck of the speedboat and looked at the speedboats around him. The tide was getting faster and faster now. The bubble area had already appeared for almost ten minutes, but there were no speedboats fishing.

"Is there anything strange about this? These people are worried that they will stand out and that Zhao Dahai is eyeing the bubble area in front of their speedboat!"

"They're all waiting for someone else to fish first."

Wu Guodong shook his head.

Zhao Dahai often comes here to grab fish. The more times he grabs fish, the sea bass fishermen around him are afraid. They are all worried that Zhao Dahai is eyeing the bubble area of ​​​​their islands, which is why this strange situation occurs.

"Zhao Dahai."

"The current tide is already good. We can't wait here any longer, can we?"

Zhong Shizhu gently raised the pole in his hand as he spoke. At the place where he had just caught a small sea bass, the tide had risen, but there were no more fish. After more than ten minutes, there was not a single fish mouth.

Zhao Dahai didn't start looking for a place to fish immediately. He just wanted to wait and see which bubble area around him had the most big sea bass to see if he could grab the fish in this bubble area. As a result, these people seemed to have agreed. Likewise, some were fishing leisurely, but most were not fishing at all.

"How is that possible?"

“Could it be that these people think that we don’t know where to go fishing like this?”

Zhao Dahai was a little dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that these people would have such thoughts and actions. He started the speedboat without even thinking about it, and immediately drove towards the opposite side of the largest bubble area where he was grabbing fish with his net.

There are many large and small foam areas here, distributed on a very wide sea surface, but if you want to catch the largest sea bass, if you want to catch the most sea bass, you must choose the largest foam area, at least this place More sea bass are caught than elsewhere, and the chances of getting bigger are higher than elsewhere.

Regardless of whether the speedboats around you are fishing or not, you just need to decide on one principle, which is to catch the thief first. Anyway, there is absolutely nothing wrong with finding the largest bubble area.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat to the parked position and turned on the top-speed machine.

"Boss Wu, Boss Xu, at this distance, can you two hit the largest bubble area?"

Zhao Dahai looked at Wu Guodong and Xu Tianhua. He and Zhong Shizhu had been here many times and tried many times. There was absolutely no problem.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong looked at the distance to the largest bubble area. They hesitated a little, but nodded. It seemed that it should be about seventy meters. It was not that it was impossible to reach, but it was definitely not that easy.

Zhao Dahai nodded and ignored the matter. He had already made it very clear to Wu Guodong that he went out to sea to fish and make money, and he could decide where to fish, how long to fish, and what to fish.

Wu Guodong and Xu Tianhua have such abilities that if they can catch them, they can catch the big sea bass there. If not, they can only wait here and watch them fishing with Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou.

Zhao Dahai just parked the speedboat and immediately saw Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping on the two speedboats opposite. They were all fishing with poles in their hands. He smiled. He was holding a telescope a little further away. I have seen that Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping have not been fishing. Now that their speedboat stopped like this, they immediately became anxious. They clearly saw that the matter was a foregone conclusion. They had no choice but to seize the time to fish and see if they could Catch a few more fish.

Zhao Dahai stood firm, held the pole in both hands, and swung it hard towards the foam area. The lead hook hit the center of the foam area very securely and accurately.

Zhao Dahai waited for a while, waiting for the lead hook to sink into the water layer about three meters, and then he gently raised the tip of the pole. The movement was not large, very small, but the rhythm was very fast. , almost in the blink of an eye, the originally stiff fishing rod suddenly bent.

Zhao Dahai concentrated his mind, and almost at the same time, he raised the pole in his hand to stab the fish, waited for two or three seconds, and then vigorously shook the wheel to retrieve the line.


"He weighs twenty pounds!"


“Sea bass schools should be in two meters of water!”


"When the lead hook hits the foam area, wait until the water depth is three or four meters and start fishing upward. The tide has just risen at this time, and these big fish are very vigilant."

"When lifting the pole tip, the amplitude must not be large, it should be as small as possible, but the frequency must be faster."


Zhao Dahai pulled the sea bass back to the edge of the speedboat and shouted loudly at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou, Xu Tianhua, and Wu Guodong to start fishing immediately.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou had been here many times and had rich experience. They started fishing immediately, and after a minute or two, fish were already taking the bait.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong tried a few times, sometimes they were able to hit the bubble area but sometimes they couldn't. The two times they could hit, the fish bit the hook.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong fished for more than half an hour. Each of them caught two or three sea bass weighing about twenty to thirty pounds. They stopped and did not continue fishing.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong sat on the deck smoking and drinking water.

"Boss Xu!"

"It seems that our fishing skills are still a little behind."

Wu Guodong looked at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da. Every shot hit the bubble area. He and Xu Tianhua really didn't have the ability to do this.

"It's not that the heat is a little worse, but it's a lot worse!"


"Not to mention Zhao Dahai, we are definitely incomparable. Now we can't even compare to people like Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou!"

Xu Tianhua was very envious as he watched Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da pull the sea bass one after another, one after another without interruption.

Don't look at it. I have many years of fishing experience. I may be richer than Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, but I don't have a good enough body. Now the sea is full of fish and the distance is relatively far. There is really no way to deal with it.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were very relaxed. Fishing must be more technical, but when they go fishing with Zhao Dahai, Zhao Dahai will explain clearly how to fish. This time there is no need for any skills. On the contrary, a good enough body has Putting effort is the most important thing.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong were watching Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da fishing. They didn't have enough skills. If they had to show off their strength, it would only affect the fishing of Zhao Dahai and others, so they might as well rest.

(End of this chapter)

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