Chapter 879 disrupted the plan

Ding Xiaoxiang and Ding Dawen stood on the deck of the fishing boat.


"It seems that Zhao Dahai caught a lot of fish again today!"

Ding Dawen stood on tiptoes and kept looking forward. The distance was a bit far and he couldn't see clearly, but he could see that everyone on Zhao Dahai's speedboat was pulling in fish.

"Today's tide is not as good as last time. I didn't expect there to be so many fish."

"It's no wonder so many people come to this area to fish for sea bass."

Ding Xiaoxiang held a telescope in her hand and had just taken a look at Zhao Dahai's speedboat. Within five or six minutes, Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, who had faster hands and feet, had already caught two fish. The key is these The sea bass are quite good in size, all weighing around twenty pounds.


"Brother Dawen."

"Second Grandpa Zhao Shi and Grandpa Shi Guang Mingshi have already agreed. When you have time, ask them to take you to drive the fishing boat."

Ding Xiaoxiang remembered what she and Zhao Shaohai had agreed to do when they went to Shi Jiehua's house two days ago.


"The fishing boats can only return to the dock in the afternoon."

"Or maybe at night?"

"Isn't it too late?"

"Will Second Grandpa Zhao Shi and Grandpa Shi Guangmingshi have to go to bed?"

When Ding Dawen heard that Ding Xiaojiang had found someone for him, he was very happy, but he immediately thought that he was not alone now. He had to go out to sea with the boat and stare at the fish caught by Zhao Dahai. Ding Xiaoxiang had just said very It is clear that from tomorrow or the next time Zhao Dahai starts fishing, he will not go with the boat. He will go out to sea alone with the boss of the boat and the people working on the fishing boat.

"it does not matter!"

"When we return to the dock this afternoon, I will go with you to find the second grandpa."

"When you have time, go find Grandpa Second. You have to learn from others, and you have to be thick-skinned."

"The other one should be sweeter, or if Grandpa Second and Grandpa Shi need help with anything at home, they should be more diligent."

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little uneasy and warned her.

Cousin Ding Dawen has a more honest and honest personality, so he will definitely have no problem with his work, but when it comes to dealing with people, he is really not as good as others, not to mention compared with people like Liu Lei, even with ordinary people. It has to be a beat slower than Dou.


"I got it!"

Ding Dawen nodded vigorously. He knew his own affairs. He was really not very good at this aspect, so he had to pay more attention.

"Both Grandpa Er and Grandpa Shi don't smoke current cigarettes, they only smoke hookahs. When you buy cigarettes, you don't need to buy any cigarettes. Just buy some shredded hookah tobacco. You don't need to be particularly polite, just ordinary ones will do. "

Ding Xiaoxiang was still a little uneasy and warned again.

Zhao Shi and Zhao Dahai have a very close relationship with themselves. Shi Guangming's family and Zhao Dahai are cooperating, and the cooperative relationship is also very close. Needless to say, Ding Ailian is now in a relationship with Shi Zhong, and Ding Dawen is his eldest brother.

Some things have to be very particular, but you really can't be too particular about things like this. If you are too particular, it will make people feel too polite.

Ding Dawen nodded and agreed, and kept it in his heart.

Ding Xiaoxiang breathed a sigh of relief. If he invited someone from outside, he didn't have to worry so much. He just paid the money. If the person can be used, use it. If it can't be used, then change it if you feel bad. Ding Dawen is his relative. Cousin, I definitely have to keep an eye on things that cannot go wrong. There is a lot of pressure. Fortunately, Ding Dawen's character is indeed very honest and honest. His mind is not flexible enough, but he does things very steadily. Another thing is that everything promised will be kept in mind.

After Ding Xiaoxiang told Ding Dawen, there was nothing else to do next except waiting for Zhao Dahai to finish fishing in the bubble area of ​​the island reef.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai put down the pole he was holding and shouted loudly for Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to rest.


"Captain Zhao."

“Another rich day!”

Xu Tianhua took out the tobacco bells Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and Wu Guodong each from his pocket, lit one and stuffed it into his mouth, and took two strong puffs.

At the beginning, both myself and Wu Guodong caught a lot of sea bass, but most of them were three to five pounds in size. When we came here to grab sea bass, we and Wu Guodong didn't have the ability to do so, so we simply caught them. Two or three are resting nearby.

Four people, Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da, kept catching sea bass weighing about twenty kilograms one after another. Even in the last half hour, all they caught were sea bass weighing more than thirty kilograms.

"Isn't there a sea bass weighing about four thousand pounds?"

Wu Guodong looked at the live water tank of the speedboat, which was full of sea bass, and then looked at the deck where there was no time to get down the live tank or the refrigerator sea bass. He didn't know the exact number, but it would definitely not be less than four thousand kilograms. .


"These sea bass are so big, the four of us can definitely catch so many when fishing!"

"If we didn't catch so many fish, how could we make money? Now it's just a living!"

Zhao Dahai put away the top-speed machine, drove the speedboat slightly away from the fishing spot, stopped, took his own thermos cup, unscrewed the lid, and took a sip of strong tea.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong were a bit dumbfounded. Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu and others caught more than 4,000 kilograms of sea bass, but now they say that this is just a piece of food. If Zhao Dahai and the others are just making a living like this, wouldn't they, or others who go fishing, especially those who fish for sea bass in the foam areas of the islands, all starve to death?

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou finished smoking a cigarette, drank some water, and immediately took out the mesh bags that had been prepared. They ignored the sea bass in the living water tank for now, and the sea bass on the deck were one by one. He picked it up for inspection and stuffed it alive into a mesh bag. When it weighed almost a hundred pounds, he tied the mouth of the bag with a rope, soaked it directly in the sea water, and hung it on the side of the speedboat.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou have been busy for more than an hour. The live sea bass on the deck and the sea bass in the living water tank all weigh 100 kilograms or 150 kilograms and are hung in a mesh bag. Next to the speedboat.

Wu Guodong and Xu Tianhua squatted on the deck of the speedboat, looking at the crowded mesh bags hanging around them near the bow. For a moment, they really didn't know what to say.

Zhao Dahai saw Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou finishing loading the sea bass and driving the speedboat slowly toward Ding Xiaoxiang's fishing boat a few hundred meters away.

Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Dawen and the people working on the fishing boat have been waiting for a long time, and the rope will be lowered as soon as the speedboat approaches. One net bag after another containing sea bass was hoisted up.

One p.m.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou drove a speedboat and left the foam area of ​​the island to go fishing in the open sea.

Ding Xiaoxiang waited for Zhao Dahai's speedboat to disappear, so she went back to the cabin and called the boss to drive the fishing boat to Langtou Village Pier. The speedboat driven by Lei Dayou flew across the vast sea. At the beginning, there were other speedboats or other fishing boats around, but as time passed, especially after running for two hours, the sea became vast and vast. I haven't seen any other speedboats or fishing boats for a long time.

Lei Dayou drove the speedboat for two hours and changed to Zhong Shizhu. Zhong Shizhu drove for a while and then changed to Liu Lei. The artificial islands and reefs are very far away. Even if one person can drive down, they have to take turns. Open, everyone can rest, so as not to be exhausted when starting fishing.

Four p.m.

Liu Lei slowed down the speed of the speedboat and checked the navigation to confirm that he had indeed arrived at the artificial island.

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong stood up, took off their raincoats, and moved their hands and feet. They had been sitting on the speedboat for several hours. In addition, the speed of the speedboat was very fast, and the waves on the sea were very bumpy, and their buttocks were already sitting there. It was very painful, and all the bones in my body felt like they were falling apart.

"Boss Xu."

“Not everyone can earn the money on the sea!”

Wu Guodong patted his face hard. After blowing the sea breeze for several hours, there was no feeling on his face.

People like Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu often go to sea, and they are indeed more accustomed to this kind of life than themselves and Xu Tianhua. However, going to sea every day will make even hardened people feel very tired and unable to bear it.

Xu Tianhua nodded. Wu Guodong was right. Not everyone can do the work on the sea, and not everyone can make the money. Others only saw that Zhao Dahai caught so many fish and felt that as long as they caught so many fish, they would be willing no matter how tired they were. But these people didn't know how tired Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu were.

Zhao Dahai got out of the cabin, stretched out, moved his hands and feet, and left the bubble area of ​​the island. The speedboat was handed over to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to drive. He took this opportunity to have a good sleep. .

"Captain Zhao."

"Where is this place? Why have I never been here before?"

Wu Guodong looked at the surrounding sea and found it very strange. Although I am not someone who often goes fishing, I have visited almost all the fishing spots on the sea near my fishing tackle shop. Zhao Dahai has been to fishing spots longer and further than Zhao Dahai's trip here, but this place in front of him is not in his mind.

Xu Tianhua looked at the surrounding sea seriously. It was very strange. He had never been here before.

Zhao Dahai smiled and said that the place where the speedboat is now is an artificial island. Although Wu Guodong and Xu Tianhua did not recognize this place, they must have heard of it.


"Is this an artificial island?"

Wu Guodong was stunned for a moment. He had indeed heard of the artificial islands and reefs, and knew that there were many fish in this place, but the fish in this place were very difficult to catch. He did not expect that Zhao Dahai, himself, and Xu Tianhua came to this place.


"Isn't it very difficult to catch fish in this place? Not many speedboats dare to fish in a place like this, right?"

As Xu Tianhua spoke, he stared at the surrounding sea with wide eyes. It was very wide and he didn't know where the end was. There was not a speedboat or other fishing boat in sight.

Zhao Dahai took over the speedboat.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou took this opportunity to take a rest.

Zhao Dahai looked at the surrounding sea surface, looked at his fish finder navigation, and drove the speedboat in the northeast direction.

"Boss Wu."

"Boss Xu."

"There are indeed not many speedboats on the artificial islands, but recently there have been more and more speedboats coming here to fish. I think that in another year and a half, there may be a lot of speedboats here. Come fishing.”

Zhao Dahai has been fishing on the artificial islands almost all the time recently. Every time he comes, he will find more and more speedboats here. He definitely doesn't want to see something like this happen, but he can't stop it.

"If people come from such a far away place to fish, the risk is really high, right?"

Wu Guodong frowned.

The artificial island is very far from the seaside village.

Zhao Dahai's speedboat is very large, and both engines are very powerful. It has been running for such a long time, not to mention other speedboats, which must have run longer, or even doubled the time.

Over time, a lot of oil will be needed, and the cost will go up all of a sudden, not to mention that the artificial islands and reefs are a very difficult place to fish. If you can’t catch fish and spend a lot of money on gas, this is not an expense that ordinary people who go fishing in the open sea can afford.


"Fishing in this place is indeed very expensive, but no matter how high the cost is, as long as you can catch fish and make money, no matter how big the risk is, people will be willing to bear it."

Zhao Dahai saw a speedboat and shook his head.

It's afternoon now, almost five o'clock.

I originally thought about fishing, but the appearance of this speedboat suddenly disrupted my plan.

The spot you want to fish is a small spot, but this speedboat is less than 400 meters away from the place where you want to catch fish. Once you fish, it is very likely to attract the attention of people on the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai slowed down the speed of the speedboat and stopped.

"What the hell!"

"What do you want to do with this speedboat? It's already this time, why don't you go back quickly?"



"There is nothing we can do now. It seems we can only wait until night before we can fish!"


"Hold on!"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou knew very well that Zhao Dahai originally wanted to take advantage of this time in the evening to fish for two or three hours, and wait until dark before stopping to cook, eat and rest. Now that this speedboat is here, the wishful thinking of Zhao Dahai and people like him cannot be defeated.


"Zhao Dahai."

"The speedboat is not big, so we must go back. If we are still here at this time, we might be able to catch fish in that place, and we caught a lot of fish, so we are reluctant to go back."

Xu Tianhua looked at the speedboat not far away and suddenly thought of a possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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