Chapter 887 Ding Xiaoxiang’s evil idea
Zhao Dahai went to the pier and after waiting for a while, the ship slowly docked at the village pier. The current wind and waves are relatively strong, but the fishing boat rented by Ding Xiaoxiang and Ding Dawen is relatively large and very stable, so there is no need to worry.

Zhao Dahai waited for the fishing boat to stop before getting on. Ding Xiaoxiang and Ding Dawen walked out of the cab.

Zhao Dahai greeted Ding Dawen and then asked Ding Xiaoxiang if she felt seasick when she came back.

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head. The wind and waves were indeed relatively strong, but she had already gotten used to the swaying of the wind and waves by getting on the fishing boat, or even following the fishing boat out to sea to catch fish or collect fish.

"I'm going to take a look at the fish in the cabin."

Ding Dawen and Zhao Dahai said a few words, then turned and left.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang nodded without stopping. The fishing boat rented by others is not their own fishing boat. Neither the boss of the boat nor the people working on the boat are their own. This trip is not an ordinary sea bass but a valuable one. You must keep an eye on the big owl and horse fish. Now that you are back at the dock, it is even more like this. This is what Ding Dawen does on the fishing boat.


"Would you like to eat some gnocchi at home first?"

"Uncle Shizhu and I have already finished eating!"

Zhao Dahai pointed to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou on the speedboat next to them. They were all smoking and resting, waiting to work for a while.

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head and said that she had eaten something on the boat on the way back.


"The sea!"

"The fish we caught on this trip are all valuable fish. One is a catfish and the other is a giant marlin. They are both good in size."

"It's estimated to weigh a little less than 10,000 pounds."

"My idea is not to sell it all at once."

"These two fish don't need to be kept alive, and even the price of chilled ones will not be affected."

"The other thing is that it looks like this weather is going to last for several days."

"The price of fish of any kind has to go up."

When Ding Xiaoxiang came back all the way just now, she looked at the wind and waves on the sea and kept thinking about this matter. Her family's business is fish, shrimp and crab, and she is very aware of the market conditions. Don't look at the weather this time. A small change lasts only two or three days, but the price of fish, shrimp and crab will suddenly rise, at least by 10 to 20 percent.

If those fish can only be sold at a higher price if they are raised alive, such as sea bass or grouper, you may think about it for a while, but there is no need to worry about the eel or the horsetail. Sold fresh.


"Liu Lei will definitely be very depressed when he comes soon!"

Zhao Dahai nodded immediately without even thinking about it. Normally, if he went fishing and came back to sell fish, he would definitely not do such a thing to save a lot of time. But now that Ding Xiaoxiang is handling these matters, this must be done in accordance with the way of doing business. To sell, you have to do what you can to sell it at a higher price and make more money.

Liu Lei definitely doesn't want to do this, but he definitely has to do it.


"Why did Cao Cao arrive just as soon as he said Cao Cao!"

Zhao Dahai pointed to the road leading to the pier. A large seafood truck was driving over. Needless to say, the only one who would appear here at this time was Liu Lei. The seafood truck drove up to the pier and stopped in front of the ship.

Liu Lei pushed the car door open and suddenly saw Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, and Zhong Shizhu standing on the deck. He shouted hello loudly, and immediately ran to the other side of the car and opened the door. Yang Qin Come down.

Liu Lei and Yang Qin immediately boarded the fishing boat.

"Brother Dahai! Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang!"

Liu Lei said hello again.


"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"Why do I always think you have something in mind?"

Yang Qin looked at Ding Xiaoxiang and felt that something was not right. When he got on the fishing boat, Ding Xiaoxiang was staring at him. He had been a good best friend for many years and knew Ding Xiaoxiang very well. It was definitely not a good thing to notice him all of a sudden.

"Yang Qin."

"What do you mean by that?"

"What can I have in mind? I can't sell you, can I?"

"If you really do this, won't fat man Liu Lei have to cause trouble for me?"

Ding Xiaoxiang pointed to Liu Lei.


"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang!"

"You can't do such a thing, otherwise I won't be able to get a wife!"

Liu Lei shook his head.


"There must be something wrong!"

Yang Qin ignored what Liu Lei said and stared at Ding Xiaoxiang non-stop.


"Zhao Dahai."

"What kind of fish did you catch on this trip to the sea?"

Yang Qin thought about it and finally felt that this matter must be related to the fish he caught, so he immediately turned to look at Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai smiled and told Yang Qin that this time he went out to sea and caught a giant catfish and a large catfish, all weighing about thirty kilograms, and the smallest one weighed twenty kilograms.


"I figured out what this was all about!"

"Ding Xiaoxiang!"

"Did you plan to sell only part of the fish you caught on this trip?"


"This must be the case!"

Yang Qin gritted his teeth and looked at Ding Xiaoxiang.

This is 100% the same. One is that there is no need to sell the catfish or horsetail fish caught by Zhao Dahai freshly. More importantly, the weather is relatively bad now, and it may be even worse next time, no matter how long it lasts. Whether it lasts long or not, whether it is three or two days or five or six days, the number of fishing boats going out to sea will definitely decrease significantly, and the prices of fish, shrimp and crabs will suddenly rise.


"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang."

"You're not really doing such a thing, are you?"

Liu Lei was stunned for a moment and smiled bitterly. There is no need to ask this question. Yang Qin is right. Ding Xiaoxiang is 100% determined to do this.

Ding Xiaoxiang has already said that all the fish caught by Zhao Dahai, including those that feed the big grouper, will not be sold at once.

What we are catching now are fish such as squid and horsetail that can be put in the refrigerator for a period of time and sold at the same price or even higher. Ding Xiaoxiang is sure that society does this.

"Zhao Dahai caught almost 10,000 catties of catfish and horsetail fish this time."

"You can't sell so many fish at once, so what are you buying them for? Why don't you keep them in my hands?"

"This is a big fishing boat now, and the cold storage and other things are very big."

"You can store a lot of fish. Can't you just wait for us to get fish and come here to get them?"

Ding Xiaoxiang nodded, that's what she wanted to do. "Why!"

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"It's obvious that you want to make more money. How come you sound like you're thinking about us?"

"You don't need to worry. We will take away all the 10,000 kilograms of fish today. I have plenty of room to store these fish."

Yang Qin was a little depressed looking at Ding Xiaoxiang, her best friend who grew up together.

There is definitely no way that Hongyun Restaurant can sell 10,000 catties of catfish and horsetail fish at once.

Hongyun Restaurant does not have a cold storage, which can store so much fish, but the cold storage can be rented from others, and it does require payment of money, but compared with the increase in the price of fish, shrimp and crab in the past few days, the rent is small. Much more.

Not to mention that this is a very expensive catfish or horsetail fish. Let alone a 20% increase, even a 5% increase is not a small amount of money.

"Three thousand pounds!"

"It's useless to say anything. You can only take away three thousand kilograms of fish today!"

Ding Xiaoxiang ignored what Yang Qin said and raised three fingers.


"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"Are you crazy about money?"

"You can only let me take away 3,000 jins of fish out of 10,000 jins today?"

"A 30-pound catfish or horsetail fish will cost several hundred yuan per catty no matter how you talk about it. If you say less than 300 yuan, it will cost 500 to 600 yuan or even 700 to 800 yuan."

"Not to mention that a pound of fish will increase by at least 10% in two days."

"If you hold seven thousand kilograms of fish in your hands, you can earn an extra two hundred thousand yuan a day."

"Then it will still be calculated based on the lowest price. If it is five to six hundred or even seven to eight hundred, if the increase is 20%."

“Make more money!”

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"This is really a good calculation!"

Yang Qin gritted his teeth and looked at Ding Xiaoxiang.

"Three thousand catties is not much, one or two is not much, and this is the fish for you and Wu Weimin, Boss Wu."

"How you two divide it is up to you two."

"One thousand five hundred pounds per person is enough for the two of you to buy for two days!"

"If you come here to buy fish in two days, I will sell it to you at whatever price the market sells."

Ding Xiaoxiang ignored it, and Yang Qin jumped anxiously.

Yang Qin knows how to settle accounts, and he can settle accounts as well. This is indeed the case. He has no reason to sell less and make less money. Even if Yang Qin is his best friend who grew up together, even if Zhao Dahai and Liu Lei have a good relationship, The money that should be earned still needs to be earned.

"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang."

"Three thousand catties of fish, and it was divided between me and Boss Wu Weimin. This is really not enough."

"The fish caught by Brother Dahai are now very popular at Hongyun Restaurant and boss Wu Weiming's private restaurant."

"Five thousand catties of fish."

“With this much fish, it’s enough for Boss Wu and I to sell for two days.”

"When these fish are sold in these two days, come back here to get the fish."

Liu Lei had already been mentally prepared. It's normal for Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang to do this. Anyone who sells fish would do this. It's just that Zhao Dahai catches more of these fish, and they are all valuable goods. If they put them in their own hands, they will definitely make money. more money.

No matter how good the relationship between himself, Yang Qin, Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang is, everyone still has to earn the money they should earn. It is impossible for Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang to sell to themselves at a lower price and make more money.

There is no such thing as this world.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang sold it at a high price, and the price they got it for themselves was high, but the price they sold it in the restaurant was definitely higher, and they were all priced according to the market price.

From this point of view, I am not at a disadvantage.

"Four thousand pounds."

"Absolutely no more!"

Ding Xiaoxiang shook his head. Liu Lei, Yang Qin and Wu Weimin all wanted to have more fish, but it was absolutely impossible for him to sell five thousand catties.


"Four thousand catties is one thousand catties!"

"Two thousand catties of horsetail fish and two thousand catties of catfish."

Liu Lei nodded. He knew that four thousand kilograms was already a lot. Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai would never have bought so many fish at once if they had not looked out for themselves or Yang Qin. Compared with the price increase of just one thousand kilograms of fish in two days, Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang made tens of thousands less.

Zhao Dahai yelled at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou on the speedboat next to him, pointed to the seafood cart, and said that the anchovy and the horse fish were two thousand catties each.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou took several puffs, finished the cigarettes in their hands, and immediately started working.

There were a lot of catfish left on the speedboat, plus the horsetail fish we just caught. Each weighed almost two thousand kilograms, and they were put into baskets one after another, carried to the pier and loaded onto the seafood truck.

"Brother Dahai!"

"I wonder if you've stabbed the owl's lair!?"

"Are there any good places like this on artificial islands? How can we get so many dolphins of this size?"

Liu Lei stood next to the seafood cart and looked at the 20 to 30-pound catfish one after another in the basket. For a deep-sea fishing boat, it is not surprising to catch such a catfish, but Zhao Dahai does not go to the deep sea. And just fishing in the open sea, don't look at only twenty or thirty kilograms. This is incomparable with the 180 kilograms of catfish that Zhao Dahai caught when he went to the deep sea, but being able to catch so many in such a place is already is very amazing.

"In a place like the artificial island reef, it is really possible to catch all kinds of fish. I estimate that we can find other places where we can catch so many owl."

Zhao Dahai explained how he came to the spot where he caught so many owl this time.

Liu Lei was a little dumbfounded after hearing this. He didn't expect that Zhao Dahai caught so many fish and made so much money on this trip. He actually saw other speedboats fishing there, and they waited until dark before he had to leave. , just occupied a spot, and ended up catching so many fish.

"Brother Dahai!"

“If you go to an artificial island next time, will you go fishing there again?”

Liu Lei was a little curious whether Zhao Dahai would go to that place to continue fishing for squid the next time he went to the artificial island.

"Does this need to be said? I must go there to fish!"

"Although these 30-kilogram eelfish cannot be compared with the 180-jin big eelfish, the price is really quite good. It is not even worse than the green grouper of the same size. It can also be sold at a higher price.”

“In terms of difficulty, it will be easier to catch these squid, which is much easier than the big grouper!”

"If we go to the artificial islands next, we will definitely have to go to this place to catch dolphins, but I estimate that if we keep fishing like this, it won't take long to catch almost all the dolphins at that point!"

Zhao Dahai's idea is very simple. Not only does he know about the big owl, but other speedboats also know it. In the next period of time, whenever he goes to sea or goes to artificial islands, he must go to that place to catch owl. For fish, I will only go fishing for other fish when I don’t catch many anchovies.


"That's right!"

"You must catch all the dolphins at that spot before you go anywhere else!"

Liu Lei suddenly laughed, he had to do this. If Zhao Dahai didn't catch these fish, others would have caught them. If Zhao Dahai caught them, he could still buy them, but if others caught them, he wouldn't be able to buy them. So, Reasonable and reasonable, I support Zhao Dahai in doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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