Chapter 888 Blocking the door!

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da worked together, together with Ding Dawen and the two people on the fishing boat. In more than an hour, two thousand kilograms of croaker and two thousand kilograms of horse mackerel were weighed and directly loaded onto the seafood truck.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang saw Liu Lei and Yang Qin off.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Da and a few others boarded the speedboat and carried all the remaining croaker and mackerel onto the fishing boat. The cold storage on the fishing boat was bigger. At the same time, they emptied the cold storage, refrigerator and live hold of the speedboat. As soon as the weather was good, they could go out to sea to fish at any time.

"Brother Dawen."

"You have to stay on the fishing boat for a while."

"I'll bring the food over in a bit."

Ding Xiaoxiang waited until all the fish were delivered to the fishing boat, and told Ding Dawen that someone had to stay on the boat to watch over the fish.

Ding Dawen nodded, this was what he was going to do.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and a few others cleaned up the speedboat and checked it. It was parked very steadily, and there were no problems with the cables or anything. They shouted to Ding Xiaoxiang to go home for dinner.

Ding Xiaoxiang went to the dock and left with Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou and returned to Zhao Dahai's home.

Ma Hongyu, Luo Lan and Xu Dongxue greeted Ding Xiaoxiang enthusiastically when they saw her.



"I'm so sorry that I need your help!"

Ding Xiaoxiang walked up to Ma Hongyu, Luo Lan and Xu Dongxue.


"What are you talking about? We are just having a meal together, why would anyone bother anyone else?"

Ma Hongyu smiled and shook her head.


"Aunt Cuihua said that our wages will be paid directly to us from now on."

"How else could you be so enthusiastic?"

Xu Dongxue made a joke.


"It will definitely go directly to the aunts. Uncle Shizhu and the others won't be able to get even a penny."

Ding Xiaoxiang suddenly laughed. Her grandmother Zhong Cuihua had told her about this matter a long time ago. She was planning to do this. When the money was distributed at the end of the month, she would give it directly to Ma Hongyu, Xu Dongxue and Luo Lan.

"Isn't it just something like this?"

"Men just need to work hard and earn money, why should they care about other things?"

"The clothes they wear will be served with delicious wine and food that we will buy for them when they return home!"

"We'll all agree to do whatever you want, so why would we need money?"

Roland came over and immediately responded when he heard Ding Xiaoxiang's words.

Zhao Dahai walked into the kitchen and saw that a lot of food had already been cooked. The chicken and fish had been cooked and cut. He took a few iron basins, filled them with rice, vegetables and soup, and brought them to Ding Dawen on the fishing boat at the dock.

"Brother Dawen."

"How does it feel to be alone on this fishing boat? Can you get used to it?"

Zhao Dahai took a look and saw that the captain and the two people working on the fishing boat had already left and gone home, leaving Ding Dawen alone on the entire boat.

"What's there to be unaccustomed to?"

"I grew up by the sea, I'm not a landlubber."

"It's OK to stay on the fishing boat."

"Zhao Dahai."

"Go back and have a good sleep. You must be tired after fishing for so long."

Ding Dawen urged Zhao Dahai to go home quickly.

Zhao Dahai nodded. Ding Dawen was Ding Xiaoxiang's cousin, but he was working for pay, so he couldn't go on the boat himself to watch over the fish for him.

Zhao Dahai checked the fishing boat and found it was parked very steadily, with the anchor and cable pulling it firmly. He went to the dock and rode his tricycle home.

Ding Dawen watched Zhao Dahai ride away on his tricycle to go home, then returned to the cab and ate his meal in big mouthfuls. After finishing his meal, he immediately went to check the croaker and mackerel in the cold storage on the fishing boat. There was no problem with the temperature, so he returned to the cab, made a cup of strong tea, and drank it in small sips, intending to stay up all night.

When Zhao Dahai returned home, the food was ready and the table was set up in the yard. Several families gathered together to eat and it was very lively.

The wind and waves on the sea are quite strong, but it is not raining. It is just evening now, and the wind is mixed with the moisture from the sea, which is very cool and comfortable.

After Zhao Dahai finished his meal, he looked at the time and saw that it was already eight o'clock in the evening. He called Ding Xiaoxiang, who was talking with her grandmother Zhong Cuihua, second grandmother Huang Jintao, and Ma Hongyu. The two of them had been in a relationship for a long time, but they were not married, so they could not stay out too late and went home early so that Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li would feel more at ease.

After sending Ding Xiaoxiang back home, Zhao Dahai saw Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Da and a few others, talking, drinking and smoking with his second grandfather Zhao Shi.

Zhao Dahai pulled a stool and sat down. This has always been the habit of people who go out to sea. No matter how tired they are after coming back from the sea, they will get together to eat and drink. You know when it starts, but you really don't know when it ends.

"Zhao Dahai."

"I just went to the dock to check and there was nothing wrong with the speedboat and the fishing boat."

"But the wind and waves are quite strong. It looks like we won't be able to go fishing on the artificial islands and reefs tomorrow!"

Zhong Shizhu picked up the wine bowl in front of him and took a sip. When Zhao Dahai sent Ding Xiaoxiang home, he rode his motorcycle to the dock and saw that the speedboat and fishing boat were parked very steadily. There were fish on the boats, but Ding Dawen had been staying in the cab, so there was no need to worry about someone stealing the fish.

Zhong Shiban deliberately stayed at the dock for more than ten minutes and carefully observed the wind and waves on the sea. With years of experience, he knew that places like the dock already have waves of more than one meter. The wind and waves in the sea areas far away from the shore like artificial islands and reefs must be very strong, which is definitely not suitable for fishing at sea.

Zhao Dahai didn't drink too much. He picked up a bowl of fish soup, drank half of it, put it down and nodded. If there are already one-meter waves at the pier, and the waves are bigger in other places, it is definitely impossible to go out to sea to fish. Maybe you can go out for a run in a nearby place, but you definitely can't go to a farther place.

"Let's have a good sleep tomorrow and talk about other things after we wake up."

"If the weather is good, we'll go out to sea. If the weather is bad, we'll rest for another day or two."

"You have to make money, but you have to wait for the weather to be right before you go out to sea."

Without thinking twice, Zhao Dahai immediately decided to take a rest tomorrow and wait until the weather was right to go fishing.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Dayou and his second grandfather Zhao Shi ate, drank, chatted and smoked until three o'clock in the morning when they went back to their homes.

Dashi Village.


Shi Jiehua finished his breakfast and was about to go out, but he didn't expect that as soon as the yard door opened, three people blocked his way.


"Boss Liu, Boss Xu, Boss Chen, why are you three blocking my door so early in the morning?"

"Have you had breakfast yet? How about having something to eat at my house?"

As soon as Shi Jiehua saw Liu Baojiang, Xu Fu and Chen Hua, he knew why they came to him. They must be after the fish caught by him and Zhao Dahai on their sea fishing boat.

Shi Jiehua pretended to be confused and pretended not to know the purpose of Liu Baojiang and the other two.

"Humph!" "Shi Jiehua!"

"Why are you pretending to be confused?"

"You know why we came here to find you!"

Liu Baojiang did not beat around the bush. He had been doing business with Shi Jiehua for several years and was very familiar with him.

"Has He Ying come to see you?"

"Why did he come to see you? Don't we know that?"

"Shi Jiehua."

"I have to tell you that you cannot sell the fish you and Zhao Dahai caught on your sea fishing boat to He Ying."

Xu Fu put it more directly.

"I'm wondering what's going on with you guys? Did you send someone to my door? You all know that He Ying came to see me!"

Shi Jiehua didn't expect that Liu Baojiang and others knew that He Ying came to see him.


"It's just that we happened to run into each other!"

Chen Hua laughed out loud, he found out about this by accident.

They were all in the seafood business, purchasing fish, shrimps and crabs from the nearby docks. They were very familiar with each other. As soon as they saw He Ying coming to find Shi Jiehua, they knew what was going on. She must be after the fish caught by Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai's fishing boat.

This is a big business and we must not let it go easily. Immediately tell Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu that they must find Shi Jiehua and try to get those fish.

Unfortunately, Shi Jiehua has not been at home in the past few days. I have come several times but did not see him. When I came to the dock early this morning, I found that Shi Jiehua had bought a large sea fishing boat.

Liu Baojiang, Xu Fu and Chen Hua knew that Shi Jiehua must have returned and was at home, so they went to his house immediately.

"Boss Liu, Boss Xu, Boss Chen, you are all people who have done business with me, and have done business with me for many years."

"What kind of person am I? Don't you know it yet?"

"The fish caught by the sea fishing boat that Zhao Dahai and I worked on were actually caught by people who had booked fishing spots on the sea fishing boat."

"Only when Shi Zhongwei takes his big sea fishing boat out to sea to fish for croakers are these fish his own, but most of the time these fish are caught by people who have reserved a fishing spot."

"The number of fish I catch each time I go out to sea, what kind of fish I catch, the size of the fish, and whether I can accept the fish caught by those who have reserved fishing spots are all unknown."

"How could he agree to sell it to He Ying or to you now?"

Shi Jiehua spoke the truth directly.

"What does it matter? It doesn't matter what kind of fish it is, whether it's big or small, or how many there are, or even whether you can catch it or not."

"Anyway, if you catch any fish, you can just sell it to us, right?"

"Isn't the price easy to talk about?"

Liu Baojiang waved his hand, took out a cigarette from his pocket, flicked one out and handed it to Shi Jiehua.

Shi Jiehua took the cigarette, but didn't smoke it. He put it between his ears.

"Boss Liu."

"No matter how many times you come to me, this is impossible."

"I won't agree to sell the fish to any of you until the fishing boat returns to the dock after catching them."

"One is that I have no idea how many fish a sea fishing boat can catch, and I don't know whether the fish caught by the people who have reserved a fishing spot will be sold to me."

"Another thing is that once these fish are back at the dock, anyone who wants to buy them can come to me. In this way, maybe I can sell them at a higher price and make more money!"

"I said the same thing to He Ying, and now I'm saying the same thing to you."

Shi Jiehua spoke directly without beating around the bush with Xu Fu and the others.

Liu Baojiang, Chen Hua and Xu Fu sighed inwardly. After hearing what Shi Jiehua said, they knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to agree to sell the fish he caught to them right away.

"Captain Stone."

"Sea fishing boats, including the one that Shi Zhongwei and He Jian led this time, must notify us immediately when they return from sea fishing for croaker."

Liu Baojiang stared at Shi Jiehua. He and Xu Fuchenghua must have hoped to close the deal before the sea fishing boat returned to the dock, and there would be no problem even if they agreed to a higher price.

But Shi Jiehua refused and insisted on waiting for the sea fishing boat to return to the dock. Now the initiative was in Shi Jiehua's hands and there was nothing they could do.


"Boss Liu."

"Do I need you to remind me of this?"

"Didn't I just say that? I hope more people will come to grab the fish from my sea fishing boat, so that I can sell them at a higher price and make more money."

Shi Jiehua laughed out loud and nodded in agreement. He was not joking. After the sea fishing boat came back, he would call Liu Baojiang, Xu Fu, Cheng Hua, and many other people who were in this business. The more people came, the better it would be for him.

Shi Jiehua, Liu Baoqiang and Xu Fuchenghua chatted for a while, smoked a cigarette, left in a hurry, and strode towards the pier. Tomorrow they would have to take Gao Zhicheng and others to the big croaker field to catch big croaker. Some things had not been prepared yet, so they had to hurry.

"Liu Baojiang."

"Chen Hua."

"It seems that there is really no way. We can only wait for Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat to return to the dock to see what kind of fishing boats are there, so that we can compete with others and see if we can catch these fish!"

Xu Fu watched Shi Jiehua leave in a hurry and soon disappeared from sight, his face looking very serious.

The sea fishing boat jointly operated by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua is now very famous. They catch a lot of fish and have long been famous in the entire circle.

Anyone who is in the seafood business is keeping an eye on these fish.

Want to buy fish?

no problem!
While waiting for the sea fishing boat to return to the dock, everyone comes to compete and only the highest bidder wins!

This will definitely be of great benefit to Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai, but it is not so good for acquirers like us.

It’s not that you can’t make money. You can still make money. If you can’t make money, no one would be stupid enough to pay money to buy the fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua’s sea fishing boat, right?

However, it is 100% certain that even if they can catch the fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's boat, the price will be relatively high, which means that the money they earn will be reduced, and may even be greatly reduced.

"How can this be possible?"

"If Shi Jiehua or Zhao Dahai insists on doing this, we really have no way to deal with it."

Liu Baojiang let out a long sigh.

"let's go!"

"It's no use for us to stay here. We might as well leave and go back to discuss what kind of strategy we should have and how much money we should prepare to be able to catch the croakers caught by Shi Jiehua, Shi Zhongwei and He Jian's sea fishing boat."

Chen Hua was very helpless. He waved his hand and quickly left with Liu Baojiang and Xu Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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