Chapter 893 Ding Xiaoxiang has bad intentions
After Ding Xiaoxiang finished the call, she came out and told Zhao Dahai and Zhao Shi that she had already told her second uncle Ding Lihua about this matter. The target was the fishing boat that was 80% new, and she would see if the price could be negotiated lower. If it was suitable, she would get it.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"You are truly blessed for eight lifetimes!"

"Ding Xiaoxiang will take care of everything for you, all you have to do is go fishing!"

Zhao Shi looked at Zhao Dahai and cursed.

"Hey hey hey!"

"Second Grandpa!"

"Who said I'm lucky?"

Zhao Dahai laughed triumphantly. He was not joking. Being able to marry Ding Xiaoxiang was truly a blessing he had earned in eight lifetimes.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang chatted with Zhao Shi’s grandmother, Zhong Cuihua and others for a while, then remembered that they had to look for Ding Dawen. It was getting late, so they went out immediately.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang arrived at the dock. The fishing boat had been docked here for the past few days. The captain and the two workers had gone home to rest. Ding Dawen was the only one on the boat.

"Brother Dawen."

"Are you used to it on the fishing boat?"

Zhao Dahai got on the boat. Ding Dawen had to stay here to guard the mackerel and croaker on the fishing boat for the next few days. He could not leave. He had to eat, drink, defecate and urinate on the fishing boat.


"What's there to be unaccustomed to? It's just a different place to sleep and eat."

"I don't have to do any work. This is much more comfortable than working on construction sites!"

Ding Dawen was telling the truth. When he was working at construction sites, he was exhausted and had to cater to other people's moods. He could not sleep more than seven hours a day, and sometimes he could only sleep five hours. During the past few days, he was on the fishing boat, eating well, drinking well and sleeping well, which was much more comfortable than working at the construction site.

Zhao Dahai took a careful look at Ding Dawen, and he really looked very good. He knew that he was not lying, and that he had gotten used to staying on the fishing boat these days.

"Brother Dawen."

"I've already told my second uncle."

"The big fishing boat will be bought in a few days!"

Ding Xiaoxiang said that she had decided to buy a large fishing boat and was now looking for someone to check whether there were any problems with the engine or other equipment of the fishing boat. If there were no problems, they would negotiate the price. As long as the price was right, she would buy it immediately.


"So fast?"

Ding Dawen was shocked. Although he could drive a fishing boat, he had never driven a large fishing boat before and did not have much experience. After buying a fishing boat, he would definitely not hire another boat captain. He would definitely have to do this job himself, but he really could not do it. The weather was bad in the past two or three days, so Zhao Dahai could not go out to sea to fish. When the weather was good, he would definitely go out to sea to fish immediately. He would have to ask the fishing boat to go out at any time to pick up the fish caught by Zhao Dahai. He could not do the job himself and it would delay things.

Ding Xiaoxiang smiled and told Ding Dawen that he didn't need to worry about this. After the fishing boat was bought, Second Grandpa Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming would have to get on the fishing boat. At the beginning, it would definitely be Second Grandpa Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming who would drive the fishing boat. Ding Dawen would take this opportunity to learn how to drive a fishing boat.

"Brother Dawen."

"I won't talk about the second grandfather, he is Dahai's biological second grandfather."

"This is someone from my family, there's no need to be polite."

"Isn't Shi Zhongwei dating his cousin Ding Ailian now? If this really happens, won't Shi Zhongwei have to call you brother-in-law?"

"Grandpa Shi Guangming is coming on board the fishing boat to help you and teach you how to operate it. This is a matter of course, so you don't need to be polite."

Ding Xiaoxiang reminded Ding Dawen about Ding Ailian and Shi Zhongwei.

"Brother Dawen."

"There's really no need to be polite about this matter. They are all our family members or they are likely to become our family members in the future in a short time."

"It's settled. Once the boat is bought, Grandpa Shi and Second Grandpa will come to the fishing boat."

"What you need to do is to learn how to fly the most important ship in the world."

"Another thing is that other people are definitely needed to work on the fishing boats."

"The main thing is that the fish caught by my speedboat or other fishing boats need to be transferred to this ship and put into the live water tank or cold storage. Another thing is that when selling the fish, I have to help fish them out of the live water tank, move them out of the cold storage, weigh them, etc."

"When you learn how to drive a big fishing boat, you will be the captain of this boat."

"I discussed this with Xiaoxiang. Do you know anyone who's willing to work on this fishing boat?"

"You'll feel more at ease with someone you know. Sometimes, when you need to go home and there are fish on the boat and you need to keep someone, it's better to trust someone you know."

"You can't stay on the fishing boat all the time!"

"Three people are not a lot, and five people are not a lot. It's up to you to decide how many people you need."

The main reason why Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang came to the fishing boat was to discuss this matter.


"I asked a few people from the village who grew up with me to work on the fishing boats."

Ding Dawen knew that there were such rules on fishing boats. They were meant to make it easier for the captain to call people to work. Without being polite, he immediately said that he would find someone himself.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang were talking about this matter with Ding Dawen in the cab when a seafood truck drove over and stopped at the dock opposite the fishing boat.

Zhao Dahai was a little amused when he saw it. The door of the stopped seafood truck was opened, and the people who got out were Liu Lei and Yang Qin.

Zhao Dahai pointed at Liu Lei, Yang Qin and Ding Xiaoxiang and said that it looked like they wanted to come here to catch fish.


"How come the first batch of fish that were just taken away yesterday are here again today?"

"You want to take advantage of us!"

As Ding Xiaoxiang spoke, she quickly walked out of the cab, got onto the deck of the fishing boat, and shouted to Liu Lei and Yang Qin on the dock, asking them what they were doing.

"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang!"

"I just called Brother Zhao Dahai and went to his house, but I couldn't find him."

"My second grandfather received a call saying that you had arrived at the dock. Yang Qin and I waited for ten minutes and called again, but he hadn't returned home yet, so we simply drove over here to look for you!"

Liu Lei shouted loudly. The waves at the pier were strong and the sound of the waves hitting the pier was very loud. If you didn't speak loudly, you couldn't hear it at all.


"It's fine for you to come find me and Zhao Dahai, but just don't target the fish on our fishing boat!"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the seafood truck parked at the dock and shook her head. Liu Lei came here to find Zhao Dahai, definitely not to play, but to stare at the mackerel and croaker on the fishing boat.

"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang!"

"What can we do about it? Of the four thousand kilograms of fish we brought back yesterday, two thousand kilograms belonged to our restaurant, and the other two thousand kilograms belonged to Boss Wu Weimin."

"Our 2,000 kilograms of fish were all sold out in one go, and now there's not a single fish left in the restaurant."

"I called Boss Wu before I came here, and almost all of the two thousand kilograms of fish he had were sold out!"

“Even if we don’t sell out today, we won’t have any stock tomorrow!”

Liu Lei was a little helpless.

"Ah?" "That's impossible. This is two thousand kilograms of fish. How could they all be sold out in one day?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was very surprised. Liu Gang and Liu Lei's Hongyun Restaurant had a very good business, and many people went there to eat every day. But selling 2,000 kilograms of fish in one day was really unexpected. You know, the restaurant not only sells fish but also other things.

Zhao Dahai looked at Ding Xiaoxiang, Yang Qin and Liu Lei, one talking on the dock and the other on the fishing boat. They definitely wouldn't be able to finish their conversation in a short while, so he simply left the cab and went up to the deck, took a wooden board and set up a ladder, and Liu Lei and Yang Qin got on the fishing boat.

"Brother Dahai."

"All the fish that were taken away have been sold!"

"I have to come and restock today. I have received many reservations from old customers. If I don't have fish, they will definitely tear down my restaurant!"

Liu Lei pointed to his seafood truck parked at the dock. He had to pull the fish back to the restaurant.

"No way? Is your restaurant so profitable?"

"How much fish, shrimp, crab, or other chicken and duck meat do you need to sell in one day?"

Zhao Dahai was startled.

"Brother Dahai!"

"My restaurant's business is indeed good, but more importantly, the fish you caught are very popular."

"Now the regular customers in my restaurant only buy your fish!"

"It's not that the other fish can't be sold, but as long as there are fish of yours, you have to pick your fish first. If they're sold out, then you can choose the fish caught by others!"

Liu Lei was a little helpless. It was impossible for the restaurant to only purchase the fish caught by Zhao Dahai. It would also purchase fish caught by other people, or fish, shrimps and crabs caught by other people. However, as long as his restaurant had the fish caught by Zhao Dahai, those who came to eat would choose Zhao Dahai's first choice. They would only choose others' if they couldn't choose any other.

The croaker and mackerel that Zhao Dahai caught this time were both rare and good fish. They were not particularly large, but most of them weighed 20 to 30 kilograms, which was very suitable for eating. Many people could afford them, and he sold 2,000 kilograms of them at once.

Liu Lei had originally planned to come here to pull in the second batch of fish tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow, but at noon more than fifty people called and insisted on ordering the mackerel and croaker caught by Zhao Dahai. There was no choice but to find Zhao Dahai. If he couldn't find him, he would simply drive the seafood truck directly to the dock.

“Are there so many rich people in this world?”

Zhao Dahai shook his head. A 20-30 kg mackerel, or a 20-30 kg croaker, was not particularly big, but not too small either. The price was not cheap at all, not to mention that this was eaten in a restaurant.

"Brother Dahai."

"You're absolutely right. There are really a lot of rich people nowadays. They are willing to pay any price to eat good food."

Liu Lei nodded immediately. His family ran a restaurant. Not to mention the 20 or 30 kilograms of croaker or mackerel, even the 100 to 80 kilograms of big blue grouper were very popular. As long as the fish came to the restaurant, as long as they made a phone call, more than one or two people would be willing to pay for it.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Today, no matter what, you have to give me some fish. Otherwise, I dare not go back to Hongyun Restaurant."

Liu Lei is very thick-skinned.


"It's no use telling me this."

"We're just going out to sea to fish. Ding Xiaoxiang will be in charge of selling the fish."

Zhao Dahai pointed at Ding Xiaoxiang next to him.

"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang."

"Two thousand catties of fish, one thousand catties of croaker, and one thousand catties of mackerel!"

Liu Lei immediately turned his head and looked at Ding Xiaoxiang.


"What's the problem? I have to sell the fish I catch. If not to you, I have to sell them to someone else. Otherwise, how can I make money?"

"The speedboat needs to burn gasoline to go out to sea, and Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Da and others need to be paid!"

Ding Xiaoxiang agreed immediately.


"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"What on earth are you planning?"

When Yang Qin saw Ding Xiaoxiang agreed so readily, she became very alert.


"How could we have any plans? We have more than enough now. If you want to buy the fish, just give us the price, right? Didn't I just say that we have to sell the fish? We can't keep it in our hands forever, right?"

"Zhao Dahai and I, together with my grandmother, grow chrysanthemums. We also have my second grandmother, who grows peach kernels, and my second grandfather, Zhao Shi."

"Even if there are more people, they won't be able to eat all these fish, right?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at Yang Qin.


"I told you, Ding Xiaoxiang, you definitely have bad intentions!"


"How much do you want to sell the fish for today?"

Yang Qin suddenly realized that Ding Xiaoxiang must be selling fish, but the price could definitely not be the same as before.

"Ten percent!"

"The price of today's fish is ten percent higher than the price of the previous batch of fish you took away!"

Ding Xiaoxiang made an offer without thinking twice.

"Ding Xiaoxiang!"

"You are planning to rob the money openly, right?"

"Does the price have to increase by 10% just one day away?"

Yang Qin just shook her head.

If it were an ordinary fish, even if the price increased by 10%, the difference would not be much. However, the mackerel and croaker caught by Zhao Dahai were all large in size and the price was not low. Even though it was only a 10% increase, he still had to pay a lot more.

"Yang Qin!"

"I told you after the last batch of fish was taken away that Zhao Dahai and I have to keep the remaining fish on the fishing boat and wait for the price of fish to go up in a few days before selling them!"

"The weather has been bad these days, and the prices of fish, shrimp and crabs have risen very quickly."

"I thought you would come here to fish tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow!"

"The price of a large croaker or mackerel must have risen by 10 percent, or even 15 percent."

"I'm just raising the price by 10 percent, how can that be impossible?"

Ding Xiaoxiang showed no sign of weakness.

Zhao Dahai and Liu Lei ignored Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin who were bargaining. They left the deck and walked into the cockpit.

(End of this chapter)

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