Chapter 894: None of them are good people

Liu Lei walked into the cab and saw Ding Dawen. He immediately greeted him. This was Ding Xiaoxiang's cousin. He was watching over the fish that Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang had caught. He would have to deal with Ding Dawen next.

Ding Dawen knew that Zhao Dahai and Liu Lei had something to say, so after chatting for a few words, he left the cabin and went into the cabin to take a look at the fish inside.

"Liu Lei!"

"Isn't the restaurant's business too good?"

Zhao Dahai was really a little surprised. The business of Hongyun Restaurant has always been very good, but now it seems to be getting better and better.

"Brother Dahai."

"Since the Chinese New Year, the business of my Hongyun Restaurant has been getting better and better."

"My father said that the business is now at least one-third better than the same period last year."

"The reason is that during the Chinese New Year, my restaurant's business was very good. The fish sold in the restaurant were mainly the groupers that you, Brother Dahai, caught. The quality was much better than that of other restaurants in other places."

"People who usually work in the surrounding villages or the county town come back here to try the fish, shrimp and crabs in my restaurant."

"I'm very satisfied. The reputation spread out in no time."

"The surrounding towns or counties are not too far away. It is very convenient for these wealthy people to drive over when they want to eat. Even some business people or people with other needs invite guests to my restaurant for dinner."

"Let's not talk about the groupers and other fish we caught in the deep sea last time. As for the yellow croakers, which were not too big but not too small, they were all snapped up in no time when they appeared in the restaurant. We also used this opportunity to make a name for ourselves."

"I just talked to Mr. Wu Weimin on the phone a few days ago about this matter. His own private restaurant business has also increased by one third or even half."

Liu Lei looked at Yang Qin and Ding Xiaoxiang on the deck who were discussing business. He had to see how many fish he could get today. The price increase was one hundred percent certain, but he didn't really care. What he wanted was to get more fish. The price of this increase would also increase synchronously in his restaurant. It certainly wouldn't be possible to increase that much directly, but doing business didn't require making enough money every time. Many times, it was more important to build a reputation or maintain customers. Even if he lost some capital, it didn't matter, as long as people kept coming to the restaurant to eat. If he couldn't make money today, he could wait until tomorrow. If he didn't make money this time, he could wait for the next two trips to make money.

Liu Lei is now increasingly finding that the fish caught by Zhao Dahai have a huge impact on the business of his own restaurant and Wu Weimin's private restaurant.

This is actually not surprising at all.

Whether it is his own restaurant or Wu Weimin’s private restaurant, they all do seafood business.

In the seafood business, chefs are important, and the management of hotels, restaurants and private restaurants is also very important, but what really matters is whether the fish, shrimps and crabs sold in the restaurants or private restaurants are fresh and vigorous enough.

As long as the fish, shrimp and crab are fresh enough, business will be very good.

The groupers and other valuable fish, even sea bass, that Zhao Dahai caught every time he went out to sea were all fresh and fierce, and very popular. Word of mouth quickly established him and spread, with more and more repeat customers and better business.

"Brother Dahai!"

"You really have to give me at least two thousand kilograms of fish this time."

Liu Lei really needs so many fish, and it is very likely that he can catch two thousand kilograms now, and then he will have to come back again in a day or two.

Zhao Dahai pointed at Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin on the deck.


"How could Yang Qin not know how much fish your restaurant needs right now?"

"You know what kind of personality Yang Qin has. We don't need to worry about this matter. She will definitely reach an agreement with Ding Xiaoxiang."

Zhao Dahai smiled. Ding Xiaoxiang was a good business person, and Yang Qin was not a pushover either. Moreover, they were good friends, so it would be better to just leave the matter to them.


"Brother Dahai."

"You're right."

Liu Lei thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case. He could leave this matter to his two best friends, Yang Qin and Ding Xiaoxiang.

"Brother Dahai."

"How many days will this weather last?"

"When can we go fishing?"

Liu Lei took a look and saw that the waves on the sea around the dock and fishing boats were a bit strong. They had exceeded one meter yesterday and are still about one meter now, with no sign of calming down.

Liu Lei was very worried that this kind of weather would last too long. One reason was that the price of the remaining lines would continue to rise. Another, more important thing was that in this kind of weather, Zhao Dahai would definitely not be able to go out to sea to fish. If he couldn't catch any fish, he would have no fish to sell in his store.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. No one can predict the weather.

"Liu Lei."

"It's not that we can't go fishing in the sea in this weather, but we can't go too far. Another thing is that it's hard to say how many fish there are in the sea."

"Now, whenever we go out to sea, we go out in the early morning of the previous day and may not come back until the next morning or even at noon. When we arrive at the dock, it is often already afternoon. The time is very long and very tiring."

"The weather is not very good now, so let's just take a rest. But if the weather is still like this tomorrow, I might go out to sea for a walk. I can't go far away, so I'll go fishing nearby."

Zhao Dahai took a look at the sea. The wind and waves were indeed quite strong. Ordinary small fishing boats or ordinary speedboats did not dare to go out to sea. At this moment, there were many small fishing boats and small speedboats parked at the dock of Langtou Village, but for his speedboat, it was actually possible to go out to sea in such wind and waves, as long as it did not go too far.

Only then did Liu Lei realize that Zhao Dahai's speedboat was different from ordinary speedboats.


"Brother Dahai."

"But having said that, you have to be careful. If the wind and waves are too strong, there is no need to go out to sea."

Liu Lei was a little worried, but he immediately thought of Zhao Dahai or Zhong Shizhu, who were all real masters. The wind and waves on the sea allowed or prevented them from going out to sea, and they realized that there was no need for them to say this.

on the deck.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin had been talking to each other for a full ten minutes.

"Yang Qin."

"That's what this matter is."

"There's no room for negotiation on the price. I was planning to sell it to you in two days."

"These fish definitely can't be sold for this price today."

"But you don't need me to tell you what the price will be in two days. You know it very well." Ding Xiaoxiang insisted that the price must be increased by 10% and she had no intention of returning the deposit.

I listened to the weather forecast early this morning and found out that the current wind and waves will continue for two or even three days.

The prices of ordinary fish, shrimps and crabs will definitely rise, not to mention the twenty or thirty kilograms of mackerel and croaker that Zhao Dahai and himself have in their hands. Scarcity makes things valuable, so the prices will definitely be higher.


"Honestly, if we didn't grow up together, don't even think about taking these fish from me."

“It doesn’t matter who you sell it to.”

Ding Xiaoxiang is not worried at all about the fish in her hands. One reason is that the croaker and the mackerel can be frozen for a longer time, and the other is that fish are really in great demand.


"Ding Xiaoxiang!"

"I really see through you! You're really not even giving face to the people you grew up with just to make money!"

"Forget it! The price is just like this. If it increases by 10%, then it will increase by 10%!"

Yang Qin had no idea what to do. Ding Xiaoxiang was in the purchasing and wholesale business and was very familiar with the market conditions of fish, shrimp and crabs. In fact, what Ding Xiaoxiang said was not wrong at all. These croakers and mackerel were really in great demand. In addition, the weather was bad, so there was nothing wrong with a 10% price increase.

Yang Qin was not unaware of this truth, but since she was doing business, she had to bargain as much as possible so that she could earn more. Sisters were sisters, business was business, and even brothers had to settle accounts clearly. However, Ding Xiaoxiang was even better at business. The key was that she had a tight grip on the goods and she couldn't bargain down the price by even a penny.

"But you have to give me three thousand catties, one thousand five hundred catties of croaker, and one thousand five hundred catties of mackerel!"

Seeing that the price could not be negotiated, Yang Qin could only take more fish. One reason was that the restaurant really needed that much fish, and the other was to avoid having to wait until tomorrow to find out that the price had gone up again.

Ding Xiaoxiang knew what Yang Qin was planning, but after thinking about it she nodded. Three thousand kilograms was three thousand kilograms.


"Come to work!"

"We'll pick the bigger ones, both the croaker and the mackerel. The bigger the better. Let's pull his away first!"

When Yang Qin saw Ding Xiaoxiang nod, she shouted a few words loudly at the seafood truck parked on the dock. The truck was immediately pushed away, and several people quickly got on the fishing boat and started working immediately.


"Yang Qin!"

"From the looks of it, you've been prepared for this! I'm sure I'll sell you fish today, right?"

When Ding Xiaoxiang saw that Yang Qin had brought all the workers with her, she knew that everything was prepared for today.

"How could you not bring anyone with you? You can't carry the fish by yourself, right?"

"You are the boss's wife now and your job is just to count the money. How can you do such hard work?"

Yang Qin retorted.


"I think you are planning to steal the fish if I don't agree to sell it to you, that's why you brought so many people here."

Ding Xiaoxiang glared at Yang Qin.


"Xiao Xiang, how can you talk like that? How could I possibly tell such a thing? Even if you don't agree, I just snatched the fish. I can talk to you about the price later!"

Yang Qin didn't blush or get nervous. She didn't mind what Ding Xiaoxiang said. She had already agreed on the price and the quantity of fish. Although the price was a little higher than she expected, she could get an extra 1,000 kilograms of fish.

Ding Dawen pulled out a scale from the fishing boat and weighed the seafood directly on the deck. After weighing, the seafood was sent to the dock and loaded onto a truck.

Liu Lei and Yang Qin waited for the fish to be weighed and sent to the seafood truck. Without staying for long, they immediately left the dock and rushed back to the town. They had to take care of the business inside the restaurant, and the other was the vacant lot behind the restaurant, which was currently under construction. They didn't have to keep an eye on it all the time, but they had to keep an eye on it as much as possible.

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang saw Liu Lei and Yang Qin off and returned to the fishing boat.

"The sea!"

"I'm wondering whether I should send this month's salary or a red envelope to Uncle Shizhu's family first?"

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin walked into the cold storage of the fishing boat and counted the remaining mackerel and croaker.

"There's no need to do this. The rules of our fishing village don't allow us to pay wages first. We have to wait until the end of the month to settle the accounts."

"Uncle Shizhu's family doesn't have anything special going on right now, so there's no need to spend money. If there is money, we can give it first. If not, we don't need to give it now."

Zhao Dahai waved his hand.

Fishing villages have their own rules. Generally speaking, if there are no special circumstances, such as Liu Bin and Lei Dayou's families have no problems and no special expenses, their wages will have to wait until the end of the month to be paid.


"Then wait until the end of the month to pay the money."

Ding Xiaoxiang thought about it and nodded. Zhao Dahai was more familiar with this matter than herself, so she just had to listen to Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai told Ding Xiaoxiang that if the weather remained the same, he would go fishing with Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin, Lei Da and others tomorrow. They would not go too far, but just hang out in the nearby sea. They would go out in the morning and return to the dock before five or six in the afternoon.

"Do you want to go out to sea with this ship? Or is it waiting for you somewhere?"

Ding Xiaoxiang took a look at the sea and found that the waves were indeed quite strong, but there was no problem with Zhao Dahai's speedboat. It was definitely able to go out to sea. If it could go out to sea, it had to go out to sea. It was not a good idea to bring it home.

"In this weather, we definitely won't go fishing so far away from the artificial islands and reefs. We can go to places like the island and reef foam area or the windmill foot fishing spot."

"For this place, you don't need a fishing boat to go there to pull in fish. You can just go out and come back the same day. The speedboat is big enough to carry a lot of fish. If you can catch a lot, it's already very good."

Zhao Dahai didn't plan to go too far, so there was no need for a fishing boat to go out to sea and wait for him to catch fish.

Five p.m.

After sending Ding Xiaoxiang back to the village, Zhao Dahai did not go home immediately, but went to the dock. He was thinking about whether to go out to sea tomorrow and wanted to see the wind and waves on the sea again.

(End of this chapter)

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