Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 895: The Storm is High and the Waves are Tough

Chapter 895: The Storm is High and the Waves are Tough
Zhao Dahai had just arrived at the dock when he saw Ding Dawen chatting with a few people on the deck from afar. He then looked again and found that they were Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, so he immediately walked over quickly.

Zhao Dahai got on the fishing boat.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"This wave is no problem for us, right?"

"How about we go fishing tomorrow?"

When Liu Bin saw Zhao Dahai, he immediately suggested going out to sea to fish tomorrow.


"Uncle Liu!"

"Is it really so boring to stay at home?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to stay home and eat, drink and sleep in this weather?"

Zhao Dahai found it a little funny. He was just thinking about going out to sea to fish. Now he came to the dock just to see the wind and waves. If there was no problem, he would go back to the village to find Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou. Now, as soon as he arrived here, Liu Bin had already said that he wanted to go out fishing.


"After sleeping for such a long time, you must have rested enough!"

"I have nothing to do anyway, so I might as well go out to sea and see if I can catch any fish."

“There’s no need to stay at home!”


"We had lunch together at noon, and then sat at home for a while, smoking some cigarettes. Then we felt like we had nothing to do, so we came to the pier to talk to Ding Dawen."


Zhong Shizhu and Lei Dayou both pointed at Ding Dawen.

Zhao Dahai carefully looked at the sea for about ten minutes, thought for a while and nodded, and told Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to go to the dock at five o'clock tomorrow morning. If the wind and waves are the same as they are now, they will go out to sea for a trip, but not too far, to places like island reef foam areas, or other grouper fishing spots to see if they can catch any fish. If they can, they will come back if not.

"The weather forecast says this kind of weather will continue for another two or three days. We can't just sit at home and wait."

Zhao Dahai made up his mind.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were shocked and smiles immediately appeared on their faces. They were all people who went out to sea to fish. The weather was really bad. If they couldn't go out to sea, there would be nothing to say. But in this weather, Zhao Dahai's speedboat can really go out to sea. It is really a waste of time to stay at home.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately went to the dock and got to Zhao Dahai's speedboat to start making preparations.

Zhao Dahai told Ding Dawen that the fishing boat was parked at the dock, so he didn't need to take the fishing boat out to pick up the fish this time.

Zhao Dahai left the fishing boat and went to his speedboat with Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da to prepare something. One was a fishing rod, and the other was to check if there were any problems with the live shrimps, octopuses and crabs kept in the live tank. These were all left over from the ones they had bought before and had not been used up.

Zhao Dahai took a scoop net and scooped up the live shrimps, octopuses and crabs in the live water tank and took a careful look. There was nothing wrong with them. There were some dead ones, but not many. The remaining ones were enough for a day of fishing tomorrow.

If the waves are too big, we definitely cannot go out to sea, but the waves nowadays are neither too big nor too small, and the speedboat is very big, so such waves really do not have much impact on us.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Bin and Lei Dayou prepared everything carefully. If there was no problem, they would go home. They would go out to sea to fish tomorrow, so now they had to go back and have a good rest.

Four o'clock in the morning.

Dashi Village Pier.

Shi Jiehua had already been waiting on the fishing boat. All the lights were on and it was very bright. The waves hitting the boat and splashing water on the deck made it wet in no time.

"Boss Wu!"

"Boss Gao!"

Shi Jiehua saw Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng each carrying a fishing box and a rod in their hands and walking quickly towards them with a group of people. He immediately went to the dock and greeted them loudly. Then he shouted to the people on the fishing boat to come over and help carry the things.


"Boss Xu!"

"What's going on? Didn't you go fishing with me two days ago? Why are you going out to sea again now?"

Shi Jiehua greeted Wu Weimin, Gao Zhicheng and the people they brought with them, and helped carry the things onto the fishing boat and made all the arrangements. When they were on the deck just now, they saw Xu Tianhua and a few others striding towards them, and they immediately quickly went forward to greet them.

"Boss Shi."

"So what if I went fishing with Zhao Dahai a few days ago? Can't I go fishing again now?"

"How can I miss a 100-80-pound croaker? I definitely have to go there!"

Xu Tianhua had already thought about fishing for giant croaker when he went deep sea on a sea fishing boat last time, but he was worried that Zhao Dahai would go fishing in the open sea with him again, so he had not made up his mind. Now that Shi Jiehua has bought a new sea fishing boat, the timings just happen to be different, so he definitely has to go.


"Boss Xu."

"I heard that you and Zhao Dahai caught a lot of croakers during your trip to the sea. Some of them weighed 30 kilograms and had very good pulling power."

Shi Jiehua already knew yesterday that Xu Tianhua caught croaker and mackerel when he went fishing at sea with Zhao Dahai's speedboat.

The size of a croaker weighing about 30 kilograms is considered very good for anglers, but its pulling strength is not very good. Those are fish caught with electric reels. However, the pulling strength of a horse mackerel weighing about 30 kilograms is very good, far exceeding that of a sea bass of the same size.

Xu Tianhua and his people went out to sea to fish not for the sake of making money, but just for the feel of the fish. It was really great to come across this fish.


"It's a pity that there are too many fish, but Wu Guodong and I don't have much strength, otherwise we would have caught more."

"The pulling power of Ma Youyu is incredible, very powerful." Xu Tianhua kept nodding his head. The pulling power of Ma Youyu is really quite powerful. He and Wu Guodong each caught a few and could no longer catch any more. Next, they could only scoop fish for Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu and others.

Shi Jiehua stood on the deck at the bow of the sea fishing boat, holding a notebook in his hand, on which was written the names of the people going out to sea on this trip. He ticked the name when each one came aboard, and now all of them have arrived.

Shi Jiehua was not in a hurry to go out to sea immediately. He went back to the fishing boat and checked again to make sure that everyone had arrived, including the rods, wheels, etc. that everyone should bring, and there were no problems before returning to the cab.

The people Shi Jiehua had already arranged immediately untied the fishing boat's ropes and pulled up the anchor.

Shi Jiehua blew the whistle, and the huge fishing boat slowly left the dock, turned its bow and headed directly towards the deep sea. It didn't take long for it to disappear in the vast ocean.

Five o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou have been on the speedboat for almost half an hour. They have checked everything again and found no problems.


"Let's go fishing. Let's go to the fishing spots nearby and see if there are any fish."

Zhao Dahai carefully looked at the waves at the dock again and then looked at the sea with the help of the speedboat light. The waves were not much different from yesterday afternoon.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin, one went to untie the cable and the other to pull the anchor, and everything was ready in a short while.

Zhao Dahai shouted loudly to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to go into the cabin of the speedboat. Although it was not too big, it was enough for three or even four people to squat or sit in it without any problem.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou checked the deck of the speedboat again to make sure nothing was loose and could move in the wind and waves before they felt at ease and got into the cabin.

The wind and waves are quite strong now. If you stay on the deck of the speedboat, even if you are wearing a raincoat, you will get soaked in no time. It is quite uncomfortable. It will be much more comfortable to hide in the cabin of the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat away from the dock and headed directly towards the foam area of ​​the island reef. In the current weather, the sea water was flowing very fast.

The foam areas in places like the island and reef foam areas will become larger and deeper, and it is possible to catch large sea bass or mackerel.

Zhao Dahai’s speedboat was relatively large and very stable. Although the wind and waves on the sea were a bit strong, he didn’t take it seriously and just had to be careful.

Ten minutes after Zhao Dahai left the dock, the sea became wider and wider, and the speed increased. When traveling at high speed, the bow of the boat was lifted up, and when it hit the bulging waves, it flew away from the sea surface and then immediately crashed back into the sea surface, making a very loud sound, and the splashes of water and waves were very large.

Zhao Dahai was driving a speedboat. At first, there were not many fishing boats on the sea, but slowly he discovered that there were more and more lights on the sea.

Zhao Dahai was a little surprised. He had thought that there wouldn't be many fishing boats going out to sea to fish or fish in such weather, but now he found that the number was much more than he had imagined. It seemed that he was not the only one who wanted to go out to sea to make money. However, the waves were big, and going out to sea was very hard and there were certain risks. However, the prices of fish, shrimp and crabs were relatively high, so this was a good opportunity to make money.

Zhao Dahai concentrated on driving the speedboat. His speedboat was indeed larger and safer, but the wind and waves were quite strong now, so he had to be careful with everything.

The night gradually brightens.

Zhao Dahai slowed down the speed of the speedboat. The island reef foam area was two or three hundred meters ahead.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou came out of the cabin, took out cigarettes from their pockets, lit one and smoked it in big puffs.


"There are a lot of people fishing here in this weather!"

Zhong Shizhu was smoking a cigarette while staring at the island and reef foam area not far away with wide eyes. He found that although there were not many speedboats on the entire sea, there were at least a dozen at a glance.

These boats are far smaller than the one Zhao Dahai has, but in such weather, he still comes here to fish. In order to make money, he has no choice but to take certain risks.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Hurry! Hurry!"

"These speedboats are already catching fish, let's go over there right now and hurry up and fish!"

Liu Bin was a little anxious.

It is just dawn now and the visibility is not very good, but the people on the nearest speedboats are all fishing for sea bass. From time to time, one can see one catching one. Even when the sea breeze blows, one can hear the people on the speedboats shouting loudly about catching fish, or saying something else.

"Uncle Liu!"

"No need to rush!"

"The tide is very fast here now."

"This is very different from usual. We need to see what's going on first. The key is to find a good place."

Zhao Dahai was not anxious at all.

Many speedboats around have caught fish, and they keep catching fish one after another. It seems that the fish are quite large, about ten or fifteen kilograms. Such sea bass is already quite good.

But I am definitely not in a hurry.

The biggest feature of the island and reef foam area is that one foam area will be formed after another. When the water here flows, one whirlpool after another will be formed. When whirlpools appear, foam will appear.

Under normal weather conditions, even if these reefs are not exposed above the water surface, they are not very deep under the water surface. You can see them as long as you are careful. Another thing is that if you come here often, you will know where these reefs are.

However, the weather is bad now, with strong winds and waves, and the depth of the sea has changed significantly. Most of the reefs that were usually visible or exposed above the sea surface are now submerged under the sea. In addition, when the waves are strong, it is very difficult to see these reefs.

Zhao Dahai knew very well that although he would come here from time to time to fish for sea bass or mackerel, he was not particularly familiar with this place compared to other people who had been fishing for ten or eight years. Whether going out to sea to fish or fish, the most important thing was to pay attention to safety.

Another reason why Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry was that he had to take a good look this time to see where there were fish on the entire beach.

The wind and waves are relatively strong, and the sea water is flowing relatively fast. The water flow in the entire island and reef foam area is now very beautiful. The fish caught by the surrounding speedboats prove that there are not only fish in this place, but also a lot of fish and they should be very large. As long as you find the right place, you can definitely catch a lot of fish on this trip here, and they are all big fish.

While driving the speedboat, Zhao Dahai looked around the sea with wide eyes, looking for the most suitable spot for fishing.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, one at the bow of the speedboat, and the other two on the left and right sides, all stared at the sea with wide eyes. There were many rocks in the sea around, and the wind and waves were strong, which affected the vision to a certain extent. They had to keep an eye on the sea for Zhao Dahai. When they saw the reefs, especially those hidden under the water, they immediately reminded Zhao Dahai loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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