Chapter 899: The Legend Is Miraculous
The sun is hanging in the middle of the sky.

The ocean is vast, and a huge fishing boat is heading towards the deep sea.

"Zhao Dahai is really amazing!"


"I've been fishing for so many years, and I've never seen anyone fishing like this!"


"Wouldn't it be possible to catch several thousand kilograms of sea bass in half a day?"


"No wonder Zhao Dahai doesn't take fishing on a sea fishing boat that costs 200,000 yuan per fishing spot seriously."


Wu Weimin smiled as he listened to what the people around him said.

Most of the people who went out to sea this time were friends of himself and Gao Zhicheng, and some of them were old friends, but many of them did not go fishing with Zhao Dahai's fishing boat last time. Not long ago, I saw Zhao Dahai fishing with Zhong Shizhu and others in the island reef foam area, and I was very surprised. This is not surprising at all, anyone who sees Zhao Dahai fishing like this will have this feeling.

Wu Weimin glanced at the cab and remembered that Gao Zhicheng and Xu Tianhua were both inside. He immediately walked over, looked left and right, and nodded continuously.

The cab of the sea fishing boat that Shi Jiehua had just bought was very large, and the various instruments were very advanced, some of which he had never seen before. The most obvious and largest screens were for the fish finder and navigation.

"Captain Stone."

"What does it mean to upgrade from a musket to a cannon? You are truly upgrading from a musket to a cannon now!"

Wu Weimin looked at the screen of the fish finder, which was currently open. He could see the terrain of the seabed clearly, and even a number of schools of fish. However, these were all small schools of fish, and the individuals did not appear to be very big.

Shi Jiehua’s old sea fishing boat also had a fish finder, but it was far inferior to the current one.


"The money has already been spent, so we must get some good stuff. The most important things for us when we go out to sea fishing are navigation and fish finding."

Shi Jiehua patted the screen of the fish finder with a bit of pride. The new fish finder is the best. Both the detection depth and the detection clarity are very good, far better than his old sea fishing boat.


"Looking at this, our trip to catch big croakers is simply a great help!"

Gao Zhicheng smiled. This time, they had only one goal, which was to catch the big croaker.

If Zhao Dahai goes out to sea, fish finders and the like are not useless, but they are not very useful. But now Zhao Dahai is not going out to sea with the sea fishing boat. For himself and Shi Jiehua, advanced fish finders and navigation are very useful.


"Wu Weimin, weren't you on the deck just now? What on earth were they talking about just now?"

Gao Zhicheng pointed to the groups of people on the deck who were talking and smoking. These were all his friends, Wu Weimin and Xu Tianhua's, or their business colleagues.

"What else can I say?"

"Our friends and business colleagues all like fishing. Most of them have heard of Zhao Dahai's name and know that he is very good at fishing, but many have never seen it in person."

“I just saw it once and was very surprised!”

Wu Weimin talked about what happened on the deck just now.

Gao Zhicheng and Xu Tianhua both laughed. Zhao Dahai's name was indeed very famous now, but many people who had heard of Zhao Dahai's name and heard that Zhao Dahai was very good at fishing were a little skeptical.


"Zhao Dahai's reputation is too great now. His fishing skills are so legendary that there is no fish in the sea that he cannot catch."

"Those of us who have seen Zhao Dahai fishing know exactly what happened and that these rumors are not exaggerated at all."

"But those other people who haven't seen it must think it's too exaggerated!"

Gao Zhicheng smiled. In the fishing circle, there are now rumors about Zhao Dahai's fishing skills. Many people really don't believe these rumors. Zhao Dahai's fishing skills are far beyond the scope of normal people.

“Let’s not talk about people who just like fishing. They definitely think Zhao Dahai’s fishing skills are exaggerated. Even among us professional fishermen, there are many who don’t believe that Zhao Dahai is so good at fishing.”

As Gao Zhicheng spoke, he pointed at the dozen or so people on the deck. These were his colleagues and friends. None of them had seen Zhao Dahai's fishing skills, but after seeing them in the foam area of ​​the island reef just now, these people probably believed in Zhao Dahai's fishing skills, which were really that good. Even though he was only fishing for sea bass and had not seen Zhao Dahai fishing for grouper or other fish, an expert could tell whether he was good or not with just one move.

"When the season gets better in the second half of the year and there are more fish in the sea, when Zhao Dahai takes his fishing boat out to sea to fish, they will see Zhao Dahai's fishing skills with their own eyes. Only then will they truly understand what it is like!"

Xu Tianhua knew that most of the people on the deck would go fishing on the sea fishing boat next time. Only then would they truly know how good Zhao Dahai was at fishing.

Shi Jiehua was driving the sea fishing boat and slowly increased the speed. There was no other fishing spot on this trip except the big croaker field.

Big croaker field.

Shi Zhongwei wiped the sweat beads from his forehead. The sun was now hanging in the middle of the sky, and it was very hot. The sea was very calm, without any wind or waves.

"What the hell!"

"Why is the weather so hot? It seems a little abnormal!"

Shi Zhongwei cursed, raised his head and looked through the glass window. The sky was very high and very far away, and the sunlight was very dazzling.

Shi Zhongwei looked down at the deck. There was a person standing next to each fishing spot. The electric reels were constantly spinning, making a somewhat harsh sound. They were all fishing non-stop. One after another, ten-jin croakers were pulled out of the sea. Sometimes, large croakers weighing twenty or even thirty kilograms could be seen, but the number was not too large.

Shi Zhongwei picked up the cup of water beside him and drank from it in big gulps. The weather was so hot that no matter how much water he drank, it all turned into beads of sweat.

Something is wrong!
There's something really wrong with this weather!
Didn't they say there would be a storm or something like that?

Shi Zhongwei was a little worried. He looked at He Jian's sea fishing boat which was not too far from him, and then looked at the other two sea fishing boats. He and several others had come here to fish for croaker for several days. His sea fishing boat was full of people invited to help with fishing. They caught a lot of fish every day and made a lot of money every day. If the weather changed or even there was a storm, it would affect fishing and making money.

Shi Zhongwei hesitated for a moment, picked up the intercom, called He Jian, and started talking directly about the weather.

He Jian was holding the walkie-talkie in his hand. When he heard Shi Zhongwei's words, he immediately nodded. The weather was likely to change.

"Uncle He!"

"We are having great fishing right now. The sea below the boats is literally full of croakers."

"Once the weather changes, whether it's windy and rainy or the waves are high and big, it's not a good thing for us!"

Shi Zhongwei kept shaking his head. The fishing was very good now. The people invited to fish only slept six hours a day. The rest of the time, except for eating or drinking, they were fishing non-stop. Fish were pulled out of the sea one after another. All of this was money. The impact of wind and rain was really huge.

"Stone bell." "Who can stop the rain from falling or my mother from getting married?"

"This isn't your first time deep sea fishing."

"Isn't it normal to have wind and rain in a month?"

He Jian looked at the sea and the sky outside the fishing boat. He knew that it was almost 100% certain that it would not take long before the wind and waves would rise on the entire sea surface and become very big. It was meaningless for Shi Zhongwei to worry about this matter. Whether it would be windy or rainy was not decided by him and Shi Zhongwei, but by God. He and Shi Jiehua had encountered this kind of weather countless times throughout the year and had long been accustomed to it.


"Uncle He!"

"Aren't you worried that the weather will get bad and affect our earnings from fishing?"

Shi Zhongwei was not worried about the danger caused by the change in weather. He and He Jian, as well as the other two sea fishing boats, were all very large, and ordinary wind and rain would not have much impact. What he was really worried about was that the change in weather would affect the fish in the sea.


"What's this about?"

"When you go out to sea more often, you'll get used to this kind of thing!"

He Jian was not surprised that Shi Zhongwei had such an idea. Shi Zhongwei had indeed gone out to sea with Shi Jiehua a long time ago, but this was the first time that Shi Zhongwei took a sea fishing boat and went out to sea with others to fish. In addition, he had been fishing non-stop for the past few days here and made a lot of money. Once the weather changed and the fish in the sea did not bite, the loss would not be a little bit. But as he said just now, there was no way to deal with this kind of thing. Shi Zhongwei would get used to it slowly.

Shi Zhongwei sighed and shook his head. What He Jian said made a lot of sense, but he really needed some time to get used to all this.


"Shi Zhongwei!"

"Didn't your father buy a big sea fishing boat? I guess he has already bought it. Who knows, he might even be on his way here!"

He Jian thought of Shi Jiehua buying a large sea fishing boat.


"Is there any need to say this? It must have been bought by now!"

Shi Zhongwei couldn't help but look at the sea in the distance. His father bought a sea fishing boat, and he would come here with Gao Zhicheng, Wu Weimin and others to fish for big giant croaker.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t see it now. It won’t take long. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or a few days later, the sea fishing boat will appear in front of you.


"Uncle He!"

"Didn't you say last time that you wanted to change to a sea fishing boat?"

"After we go fishing this time, will you buy a new sea fishing boat? Buy one that is exactly the same as the one my father bought!"

Shi Zhongwei remembered what He Jian had said. Anyone who went out to sea wanted to buy a large fishing boat.


"I do have such an idea, but I still need to think about it."

He Jian did talk about this matter but we still have to wait and see whether it is really sold.

"Uncle He."

"What's there to think about this?"

"The current fleet consists of four sea fishing boats, and each sea fishing boat has 20 to 30 fishing spots."

"The other two fishing boats are not mine or yours. They are rented from others."

"The sea fishing boat my father just bought has 40 reserved fishing spots."

"If you buy the same fishing boat, when you go out to sea, the two fishing boats of their two families will be enough to match the four fishing boats we have now, and there is no need to rent other people's fishing boats."

"From this point of view alone, isn't it already very appropriate? How can it not be useful?"

Shi Zhongwei knew without thinking that He Jian definitely wanted to change to a larger sea fishing boat, but he was worried that no one would book a fishing spot or that there would not be enough fishing spots booked, so it would be a waste. In fact, this did not exist at all.

He Jian was stunned for a moment.

This statement is absolutely correct. Of the four sea fishing boats in the fleet, the two in the middle are rented from others. If you buy a sea fishing boat with 40 fishing spots like the one Shi Jiehua just bought, you don't need to rent other people's sea fishing boats when you go out to sea.


"Shi Zhongwei!"

"Now that you've said that, I really have to make up my mind. I'm going to buy a big sea fishing boat exactly like yours when I get back from this trip!"

He Jian had thought about this matter and done the math, but he was a little hesitant. Now that Shi Zhongwei said this, there was really no need to worry about it.

"Uncle He!"

"You've already been thinking about buying a big sea fishing boat like this. No matter what I say, you'll make up your mind. I'm just adding fuel to the fire!"

Shi Zhong was amused by this. What he said could not possibly be the fundamental reason why He Jian decided to buy a large sea fishing boat. He had already figured it out long ago.


"That's right!"

"I'm going to buy a big sea fishing boat when I get back this time."

"The next time we go out to sea, if there are not enough people booking fishing spots, we will go out to sea with two sea fishing boats. If there are more people, our two old sea fishing boats can also go out to sea."

He Jian had made up his mind completely. After this trip to fish for croaker, he would buy a large sea fishing boat exactly the same as Shi Jiehua's.

The sky darkened.

A cool sea breeze blew over the sea.

Shi Zhongwei put down the walkie-talkie in his hand and looked up at the dark clouds that had appeared in the sky. The dark clouds were rapidly drifting towards the direction of the fishing boat, and it would rain soon.

Shi Zhongwei picked up the microphone and shouted loudly to the people on the deck to reel in their fishing rods. They didn't know how strong the wind and rain would be, or how big the waves on the sea would get. For safety reasons, they should not fish for now and should wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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