Chapter 900: The Last Chance to Make Big Money

The sky was pitch black.

It rained heavily.

The sea breeze was very strong.

The fishing boat was on the surface of the waves, sometimes high and sometimes low, and it was very bumpy.

"I say, what the hell is wrong with you guys? You've been busy fishing these past few days, and now the weather is bad and you have to stop first. Why don't you take the time to sleep and rest instead of coming to my place?"

He Jian looked at Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Liu Yun and Ouyang Hua and shook his head.

This time, out to sea, two of the four sea fishing boats were occupied by people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin who had gone fishing on the previous trip. They had all booked fishing spots. The remaining two sea fishing boats were occupied by people invited by himself and Shi Jiehua to go fishing.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun had been fishing for several days in a row, and had hardly had a good rest. They only went to bed to sleep for a few hours when they couldn't hold on any longer. The weather was bad now, so they couldn't go fishing for the time being. They should take the time to sleep and rest, and wait for the weather to get better before continuing fishing. They all ran to their own cabs.


"This rain won't stop for a while. We go out to sea to make money. What's the harm in sleeping one or two hours longer or one or two hours earlier?"

"If you can't bear this hardship, how can you go deep-sea fishing on a fishing boat?"

Wu Dabin took out a cigarette and passed it around, then lit it and took a deep puff. He was very tired, but really didn't want to go to sleep.


"I see you caught a lot of fish and made a lot of money. You are so excited that you can't sleep now, right?"

Liu Yun directly exposed Wu Dabin's past.


"So what? Aren't you, Liu Yun, the same as before?"

Wu Dabin was not polite at all. He really caught a lot of fish and made a lot of money. He was very excited. Now he really didn't want to go to bed. He just wanted to smoke a few cigarettes, talk with everyone, and wait to go back to the cabin to sleep.

"Wu Dabin."

"You two brothers won't get any advantage this time!"

Ouyang Hua looked at Wu Dabin and then at Wu Xiaobin who was standing next to him. The last time they went out to sea, the two brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin booked a fishing spot. They didn't spend much more money, just an extra twenty or thirty thousand yuan. Generally speaking, this doesn't matter, but when they encounter a school of fish and have to fish for 24 hours, the two brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin really got a bargain. However, this time out to sea, the two brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin each had a fishing spot, and the fish they caught were not much more than those of them.


"We two brothers would like to reserve a fishing spot for two people."

"But why doesn't He Jian agree?"

Wu Xiaobin looked at He Jian who was standing next to him driving a fishing boat.


"Do you think there's something wrong with Shi Jiehua and I?"

"How could I allow you two brothers to do such a thing?"

"If you two brothers do this, others will follow suit, and there will be 40 people crammed into the 20 or so fishing spots on the fishing boat?"

"Is my sea fishing boat going to make any money?"

He Jian looked at the brothers Wu Dabing and Wu Xiaobin. They had taken great advantage on their last trip out to sea, so they would definitely not be able to do the same again this time.

If Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin could really reserve a fishing spot for two people, the others would definitely have to do the same.

It is really not a strange thing to have more than 40 people squeezed on a sea fishing boat. Everyone knows that when Shi Jiehua and he go out to sea on their sea fishing boat, they are likely to encounter a huge school of fish and have to fish for 24 hours. It is very cost-effective for two people to share a fishing spot.

If it is profitable for fishermen, it would be very unprofitable for captains of sea fishing boats like Shi Jiehua and they would never do such a thing again.


"He Jian."

"you're right!"

"We must not allow the two brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin to do this!"

"Even if you agree, we won't agree!"

Liu Yun laughed out loud.

This is a joke, but it's not a joke.

If the two brothers Wu Dabing and Wu Xiaobin book a fishing spot and get on the boat, whether it is themselves or Ouyang Hua and others, they will definitely do the same. Everyone can see the benefits of doing so.

Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin really wanted to reserve one fishing spot for two people, but He Jian was right. If they were allowed to do so, other people on the sea fishing boat, such as Liu Yun or Ouyang Hua, would follow suit. He Jian's earnings would be greatly reduced. If two people had to pay almost the same price for one fishing spot as if they were each fishing for one spot, he would definitely not do it. In the end, only one person could reserve one fishing spot.

"To be honest, I didn't expect these croakers to be so crazy after this trip!"

Wu Dabing looked at the sea outside the cab where it was raining madly. The last time he and his men came here with Zhao Dahai, they caught a lot of croakers. This time they came here to catch small croakers. In the past few days, they really caught a lot of croakers. Almost for more than fourteen or fifteen hours a day, the croakers in the sea were open to the sea. It was impossible not to catch much.

"What's going on? Why do these croakers take so long to open their mouths?"

Ouyang Hua, Wu Dabin, and Wu Xiaobin have been deep-sea fishing for many years, and this is the first time they have encountered such a situation. Deep-sea fishing boats can often find places with fish schools. Often, you can see from the fish finder that there are a lot of fish gathered in a place, but they can't be caught. These fish don't bite, and even the gods can't do anything about it. Only top masters like Zhao Dahai can catch them. But this time, there are not only huge schools of croaker in the sea, but they keep biting their mouths and they keep biting their mouths for a very long time.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Liu Yun immediately turned their heads to look at He Jian.


"What are you looking at? Why are you looking at me? You are the fishermen, and each of you has been fishing for ten, eight or even twenty years. You have been fishing in the deep sea for no less time than I have."

"How can I possibly understand something that you guys can't understand?" "My only ability is to drive a fishing boat and bring you to this location!"

He Jian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin had been fishing for many years, and if they couldn't figure it out, then he certainly couldn't figure it out.


"We are not asking you if you know what is going on. We want to see if you know what Zhao Dahai said."

Wu Xiaobin really wasn't asking He Jian whether he knew what was going on. None of them could figure it out, and He Jian certainly couldn't figure it out either. What he really wanted to know was whether Zhao Dahai had mentioned this matter.


"That's right, we just want to see if Zhao Dahai has mentioned this matter."

"He Jian!"

"Don't flatter yourself!"

Ouyang Hua knew very well that He Jian's skills were no different from those of the person he was meeting. When it came to fishing, he and Wu Dabing were definitely better than He Jian.


"Do you want to hear what Zhao Dahai thinks about this matter?"

"Zhao Dahai did say that. It's very simple. There are just too many fish here. There is not enough food in the sea. That's why these fish keep opening their mouths."

He Jian did not keep it a secret on purpose, Zhao Dahai did say something like this.

Before this trip out to sea, Shi Jie and I were actually a little worried that we wouldn't be able to catch many croakers here. It wasn't just Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin who couldn't catch any. Another reason was that Shi Jie and I had hired people to go fishing. If we didn't catch any fish and couldn't make any money, we would lose a lot of money.

But Zhao Dahai felt that there was no problem at all. He thought that he would be able to catch a lot of fish here. However, he could only do this a few times. Once the news got out, there would be more and more sea fishing boats here, and fewer and fewer croakers. Even if there were fish, they would not bite.

There is no complicated reason. There are just too many fish in the sea, but too little porridge, and all these fish cannot be full. Now some people come here to fish, and there are live shrimps floating in front of them. How can they not eat them? How can they not bite them?

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun looked at each other. To be honest, this might be the reason. There is nothing more complicated. Fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea need to eat just like humans. If they are hungry, they will eat whatever is available.

There are relatively few sea fishing boats coming to Otani to fish now, as the fish in the sea have formed a huge school over the past few years.

If there are too many fish, there will not be enough food. People like us come here to fish, and the live shrimps hanging on the hooks are almost the best food for these fish. If they are full, the fish will definitely bite at a certain time. If they are not full, they will eat whenever there is food.


"This is a good thing!"

"After fishing this month, we can just come here again next month. Why do we need to go to Platform No. 1 or other fishing spots to catch other fish?"

Ouyang Hua was very happy when he thought about the many croakers he had caught in the past few days.

Not to mention a month, even fishing here for a year is no problem. You may be able to catch bigger fish, or even more valuable fish, in other places, but the risk is very high. The risk of fishing for croaker here is very small. As long as you work hard, you can actually make money from the fish you catch, and even more than if you go to other places to catch big fish.


"What are you thinking about?"

"Are you thinking about coming here to fish for croaker next month? I'm sure you won't come here next month. Only a person with a mental disorder would come here to fish for croaker."

He Jian shook his head without even thinking about it. Zhao Dahai had already told him and Shi Jiehua about this matter. He could come here to fish this month, but he must come next month. It's not that he couldn't catch fish if he came, but he definitely wouldn't catch too many fish.

"Why? There are so many fish in the sea right now. Even if we fish for a month, we won't catch too many."

Wu Xiaobin didn't expect He Jian to say that he would not come here to fish next month. In fact, his idea was exactly the same as Ouyang Hua's. After fishing this month, he would go back and rest for a few days and then come here to fish again.

"He Jian."

"You don't think that by next month, there will be a lot of sea fishing boats coming here to fish for croaker, do you?"

Wu Dabin thought of this immediately. There are so many croakers here that they can't catch them all in a month. He Jian, as the captain, and an experienced captain, couldn't possibly be unaware of this. The only reason for not coming here to fish next month must be that there will be a lot of fishing boats here.

"Is there any need to say more? Don't wait until next month. In ten or twenty days, there will be more and more sea fishing boats here."

"You don't think we could keep the news of our last trip of catching so many croakers secret after we got back, do you?"

"The news must have spread a long time ago!"

"Don't be fooled by the fact that there aren't many sea fishing boats coming here right now, but there will be some in a while!"

He Jian looked at Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun.

Wu Dabing, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun all blushed. They caught a lot of fish with Zhao Dahai last time and made a lot of money. They were very proud of themselves. When they had dinner with their friends, they talked about it a lot. They talked about where they caught a lot of fish and where they caught the biggest fish. They talked about it over and over again. Da Niu Tian also talked about it many times. It was definitely not just them who did this, there were others as well.

No one who goes out to sea to fish or the captain of a fishing boat that takes others out to sea to fish is a fool. It is impossible for them not to know that there are many giant croakers in the giant croaker field.

Perhaps other sea fishing boats would not come here directly to fish for croaker for a month like these people, but they would definitely consider the big croaker field as a fishing spot.

Once other sea fishing boats come here and catch fish, the news will spread further and more sea fishing boats will come here to fish.

He Jian was right. In less than a month, this place would be crowded with sea fishing boats.

So what if the schools of fish in the sea are so huge?
As more and more sea fishing boats come, more and more fish will be caught, and fewer and fewer fish will be left. Another more crucial thing is that as more sea fishing boats come, more and more spots will be occupied, the distance between the sea fishing boats will become closer, and each boat will catch fewer and fewer fish.

"What the hell!"

"It looks like this trip and this month are our last chance to make a lot of money here!"

Wu Xiaobin caught a lot of fish and made a lot of money here in the past few days. He had been thinking about fishing this month and coming back here next month. Now that He Jian said this, he realized that such a good thing was impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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