Chapter 901 Delayed Earning Money


"That's right!"

"That's indeed what happened."

"This month is our best opportunity to make money here. To be more precise, the first fifteen or twenty days are our best record of making big money here."

"After this time, more and more sea fishing boats will come here."

He Jian looked at the sea in front of him and felt a little depressed. Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua had already said that the best time for them to fish here, whether it was big or small, was the first fifteen days or at most twenty days. They had caught a lot of fish in the past few days, but now the weather has changed suddenly. It seems that at least two or even three days of this weather may not be suitable for fishing. After the wind and rain, the concentration of seawater has changed. I don't know if the fish in the sea will be affected. Once affected, if they don't open their mouths, they will waste more time.

"What the hell!"

"This rain comes at a really bad time, and this wind comes at a really bad time!"


"If you earn 10,000 yuan less in two days, you will lose even more in three to five days!"


"But what can we do? Should we wait until the rain and wind subside a bit so we can continue fishing?"


Wu Dabin, Ouyang Hua, Liu Yun and Wu Xiaobin suddenly became anxious. They had originally thought that there were not many sea fishing boats coming here to fish in the past few days, so they could fish here slowly and come back next month after fishing. Now they realized that it was not such a good thing. In fifteen or twenty days, more sea fishing boats would come. The only way here was to seize the time and fish more.

He Jian looked at the sea carefully and told Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua that they had to wait. The storm had just arrived and the sea was quite bumpy, so it was not suitable for fishing. Going out to sea was definitely to make money. To make more money, one must not only endure hardships but also take certain risks sometimes. However, this does not mean that one should act rashly and ignore any risks. One must weigh the pros and cons, as he is the captain of the sea fishing boat and he has the final say on when to go fishing.

He Jian saw that it was almost time for dinner and the food should have been ready in the kitchen, so he immediately called Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and others to go eat. After dinner, they should take time to sleep and rest. If the weather was good, he would call them to go fishing, and if the weather was bad, he would continue to sleep.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun were very relaxed at the beginning, but now they found that more and more sea fishing boats would come here to fish in a dozen days, and they suddenly became nervous and even very depressed. However, they knew there was nothing they could do as the weather was not suitable.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun immediately left the cab and went to the kitchen of the fishing boat to eat. After eating, they immediately returned to the cabin to sleep.


"This weather comes at a really bad time!"



"Have a good sleep! What else can you say now?"


"I hope when we wake up, the storm has stopped and the sea is calm, so we can continue fishing!"


When Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun returned to the cabin, they found that everyone was in a very good mood. This was not good. Happiness is better shared with others than to be enjoyed alone. They immediately said that in about fifteen days or even ten days there would be many sea fishing boats coming here, and don't think about catching so many fish like they did now. No one was excited anymore, and everyone was very depressed.

"Wu Dabin, did we do something wrong?"

Liu Yun lay down as he spoke, holding his head with both hands. The people around him were now talking about other sea fishing boats coming here to steal fish.


"What's the point?"

"They are all colleagues of ours. We deal with each other and meet each other frequently. It's impossible for us to be the only ones who know such news and they don't know it, right? We must tell them!"

Wu Dabin smiled. He really had to tell these people about this matter, so that he, his brother Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua, and Liu Yun wouldn't be the only ones feeling depressed. If they wanted to be happy, they could all be happy together. If they wanted to be depressed, they could all be depressed together.

Night falls.

The sea was pitch black.

He Jian was holding a big bowl in his hand, which was filled with rice and vegetables. While eating, he would look at the sea from time to time.

Not far from him, there were three fishing boats with lights on. They were Shi Zhongwei and two other sea fishing boats.

If you look further away, you can see fourteen or fifteen lights. These are all fishing boats that come here to fish for croaker. They are fishing for small croaker just like us.

"What the hell!"

“There are really more and more sea fishing boats!”

He Jian couldn't help but curse.

When I came here two days ago, there were only five or six sea fishing boats whose lights could be seen at night. Last night, the number increased to ten, and tonight the number increased to fourteen or fifteen.

If this continues, in a few days, the number of sea fishing boats that can be counted on the surrounding sea will definitely exceed twenty or even thirty.

This is what we can see now, and there must be more fishing boats on the sea that are not seen in places farther away.

He Jian looked down at the deck of the sea fishing boat. The wind and rain were still very strong, hitting the deck of the fishing boat, and the water was flowing continuously like a stream.

Sometimes the sea breeze blows directly onto the windshield of the fishing boat, making a crackling sound, which shows that it is indeed very strong. The fishing boat is constantly rising and falling with the waves.

In such weather, there is no problem hiding in the cabin or the cockpit, but it is almost impossible to go on the deck to fish. It is really a bit dangerous. If you are not careful and your feet slip, you may not only fall, but you may also fall directly into the sea.

Not to mention it was late at night, even in such weather during the day it would be very dangerous to fall into the sea and it would be unlikely to get up again.

He Jian thought about it and felt a little worried, so he picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly to remind Shi Zhongwei and the captains of the other two sea fishing boats not to let anyone go on deck to fish.

He Jian put down the walkie-talkie in his hand and continued eating one bite after another.

He Jian finished his meal, took his kettle, drank several sips of strong tea, then took out a cigarette and lit it. Just as he took a puff, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Wu Dabing, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and He Jian walking in together.

He Jian pointed at the deck of the sea fishing boat and said directly that it was absolutely impossible to fish now and don't even think about it.

The smiles on the faces of Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun disappeared at once, and they all sighed at the same time.


"This is really weird. It has been raining for such a long time, why hasn't the rain stopped yet?"

Wu Dabing walked to the side of He Jian, staring with eyes wide open, looking at the deck of the sea fishing boat under the light. The rain was indeed very heavy. Even though they really wanted to fish and make more money, He Jian would never agree with them doing this.


"Wu Dabin!"

"What does it mean to have been raining for a long time?"

"It's less than six hours now!" "Go to sleep well. No matter what, the rain will last until tomorrow morning at least."

He Jian looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It was just past seven in the evening, not yet eight o'clock.

"In five or six hours, each of us has lost at least 2,000 yuan. If it continues like this, it will be even more serious. The money lost is really a lot. I can't sleep well thinking about it."

Liu Yun slapped his contract hard.

At noon, they went back to the cabin to sleep, but they couldn't fall asleep until dark. After dinner, they went to the cab immediately, just to see if they could go fishing at this time. However, when He Jian saw them coming in, the first thing he said was that they could not go fishing.

He Jian did not respond to Liu Yun's words.

As the captain of the boat, there are two things that he must do well. One is to take the people who have reserved fishing spots to go fishing at sea and find out where the fish are as much as possible. The other is to ensure the safety of Liu Yun and others as much as possible.

If the weather is good, Ouyang Hua, Liu Yun and others can fish however they want and for as long as they want. But in this weather, there is absolutely no way he would allow Liu Yun and others to fish, even if they wear life jackets.

He Jian knew very well what Liu Yun and others were thinking when they said this to him, but it was absolutely impossible.

When Wu Dabing, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun saw He Jian's expression, they knew that he had made up his mind and would never allow them to go on the deck to fish. No matter what they said, it would be of no use.

Is it the one that earned 18,000 less?
He Jian definitely won’t care about this matter!

Not to mention those who paid for booking a fishing spot, Shi Zhongwei and another boat that invited people to fish did not fish, so it was absolutely impossible for them to fish.


"He Jian."

"Shouldn't Shi Jiehua buy a large sea fishing boat? Will he bring Gao Zhicheng and his men here to fish for giant croaker? They should be here soon, right?"

Wu Dabin remembered this incident.

It was no secret that Shi Jiehua wanted to buy a large sea fishing boat. Almost all of those who had followed him on the last fishing trip knew about it. This time, Shi Jiehua did not come here to fish in a fishing boat. Instead, Shi Zhongwei came here to buy a large sea fishing boat.

"If you don't come tomorrow, you will definitely come the day after tomorrow."

"By the way, do you guys want to catch some big croaker?"

"If you really want to fish, wait for Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat to come here, and then we can try our luck."

He Jian looked at Wu Dabin, Ouyang Hua and others.

When he and Shi Zhongwei's four sea fishing boats came here, they had already made it clear that they would only fish for small-sized croakers. However, if Wu Dabin, Ouyang Hua and everyone else on the sea fishing boats agreed, they could indeed give it a try to see if they could catch big-sized croakers.


"He Jian."

"Are you fishing for big croaker? Why do I feel like you have bad intentions?"



"They are obviously waiting to laugh at us and laugh at us when we fail to catch big croakers!"



"We will never do such a thing!"

"A big croaker is definitely valuable. If we can catch one, we'll make a lot of money on this trip!"

"But we don't have such skills. The key is that we don't have so much time and we don't know whether we can catch the croaker or not."


He Jian looked at Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun, and suddenly laughed.

Big croakers are very valuable, but they are very difficult to catch here. Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin had tried it last time they came here, but got nothing. It seems like they have psychological trauma or something and are unwilling to give it a try.

"I wonder what the hell is going on here? I'm just trying to see if I can catch anything."

"What's the problem with spending two or three days?"

He Jian really didn't expect that people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin would be so determined.

"Forget it!"

"Just fish for our small croakers. Don't be fooled by the small ones that weigh 3-5 kg, 10-8 catties. The key is to be able to catch them, and you can catch a lot of them, and you can make a lot of money."

Ouyang Hua didn't even think about it and kept shaking his head. A croaker weighing 100 to 80 kilograms must be a good thing, but that depends on whether you can catch it. If you can't catch it, it is not as good as a croaker weighing 30 to 50 kilograms, 10 to 8 kilograms.

"I definitely don't want to catch 100-80 kilograms of croaker now. I just want to know when the damn weather will improve so that we can go fishing."

Liu Yun really didn't want to even think about fishing for the big fish, the croaker. The wind and rain were very strong now, and all the lights on the sea fishing boat were on. It was even a little difficult to see clearly on the deck. Only one or two meters away from the side of the fishing boat could be seen clearly. Beyond this range, it was already a little difficult to see clearly, let alone farther away.


"Are there any fish near our sea fishing boat?"

Wu Xiaobin followed Liu Yun's gaze and looked at the sea. He could vaguely see a very large fish swimming around the fishing boat.

Wu Dabing, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun suddenly widened their eyes, stared at the place where Wu Xiaobin pointed for a while, and nodded. There was indeed a fish, and it was obviously a giant mackerel, more than two meters long and at least as thick as a human thigh.


"This fish is so big!"


"Can you come to our fishing boat to take shelter from the storm?"


"How can we let such a big fish go?"

"Get on the big hook!"


Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun immediately shouted loudly.

When the boat is parked on the sea, turning on the lights at night will attract fish to gather around. At first, there are only small fish, and small fish will attract big fish, which are generally sea bass. Even fish like mackerel are not big. The big one in front of me is really big. I have been fishing for so many years, but I have never seen such a big fish. I was very excited and turned around and ran out.

(End of this chapter)

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