Chapter 902: No Impact at All


"Are you looking for death?"

When He Jian saw Wu Dabing, Wu Xiaobin, Liu Yun and Ouyang Hua rushing out in a swarm, he started cursing at them loudly without any politeness.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Liu Yun and Ouyang Hua were startled and stopped at once, looking at He Jian in confusion, not knowing what had happened.

"What's the weather like outside now? Don't you know?"

"Could it be that he is blind?"


"The wind was strong, the rain was heavy, and the waves were so big that the entire fishing boat was tossed up and down from time to time."

"Can you guys stand steadily? You might fall down once you get on the deck."


"You guys don't know how strong a two-meter-long mackerel is, or maybe there's something wrong with your brain that you can't imagine it?"


"The big iron hook hooked this fish. Can you hold it while it struggles?"


"Even if you can really pull the fish onto the fishing boat and it starts to struggle and flick its tail, who among you can stand firm?"


"What the hell!"

"Just seeing how big this fish is, you're going to give up your life, right?"


He Jian was very angry and kept cursing.

A giant mackerel that is over two meters in size must be extremely rare. I have never seen such a big fish in my life. If I can really catch it, I will definitely be able to sell it for a lot of money.

Now the fish is right next to the fishing boat, and the wind and waves are quite strong. It is hard to say whether it is really hiding here, or maybe the fish is already a little dizzy.

If you use a big iron hook, it is really possible to catch this fish.

If the weather is good and there is no strong wind, waves or heavy rain, it will definitely not stop us from doing this.

The problem is that there are strong winds, high waves and heavy rain, and the deck is very slippery. If you walk on the deck of a fishing boat with empty hands, you might fall.

The two-meter-long giant mackerel is very strong. Even if the big iron hook really hooks the fish, no one can pull it back. If you insist on pulling it hard, you will definitely fall and get injured. Breaking your hands and feet will only take a moment.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun calmed down at once, their faces flushed. Having been fishing at sea for many years, they were very experienced and knew that He Jian was right. Now the fish was beside the sea fishing boat, and it was not too difficult to hook it, but they could reach it but could not pull it up. In other words, the risk was very high if they wanted to pull it up, and they might get hurt at any time.


"He Jian."

"Do you have to be so angry? We just saw that the fish was so big that we really wanted to hook it."

"You're right. It's really dangerous to do this. Can't we just not do this?"

Wu Dabin turned around and walked to He Jian's side. It was really no wonder that He Jian was so furious. Although they wanted to buy the fish, if something unexpected happened, He Jian, the captain of the boat, would definitely be in trouble.


"I say you guys are really out of your mind!"

He Jian was really angry this time.


"OK OK!"

"It's definitely us who are wrong this time!"

"Smoke, smoke!"

Ouyang Hua took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to He Jian, then immediately took out his lighter and lit it.


"Go back and have a good sleep!"

"Don't even think about fishing tonight or until dawn!"

"Let's wait till tomorrow morning to see what happens!"

He Jian took a puff of his cigarette and immediately told Wu Dabing, Wu Xiaobin and others to go back to sleep.

Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun stayed in the cab for a while and felt a little bored. If they couldn't go fishing now, they might as well go back to sleep.

He Jian waited for Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun to leave the cab and simply closed the door.

He Jian smoked a cigarette while staring at the sea and the rain that kept blowing over. He would not sleep all night and he had to keep an eye on it here to feel at ease.

Every half an hour or so, He Jian would pick up the walkie-talkie and talk to Shi Zhongwei and the captains of the other two sea fishing boats. Everyone had to be alert and not fall asleep. In weather like tonight, someone had to be on guard the whole time and they absolutely could not be careless.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Shi Zhongwei took a sip of strong tea, stood up, stretched, and yawned violently several times. He had just been guarding the entire sea fishing boat all night and was really tired.

Shi Zhongwei walked back and forth for a while, then he perked up, picked up the intercom and called He Jian.

"Uncle He!"

"There shouldn't be any problem with the weather now, right? We can start fishing now, right?"

While talking into the intercom, Shi Zhongwei stared at the sea surface carefully again.

There were still wind and waves but at this time the wind and waves were much smaller. When the waves hit the side of the fishing boat, the splashing sea water did not hit the deck. There was only a drizzle in the sky, and the whole sky was almost bright, without many dark clouds.

The weather has definitely not really improved yet, but at this time there are not many problems and you can start fishing.

Shi Zhongwei was very clear that his experience in this area was definitely not as good as He Jian's. Although his judgment was good enough for fishing, he still had to ask He Jian for help.

"no problem!"

“This weather is definitely suitable for fishing!”

"Is everything ready in the kitchen?"

"If breakfast is ready, then we can call those sleeping in the cabin to get up and go fishing!"

"But I still have to remind you that you must pay attention to safety!"

Shi Zhongwei listened to He Jian's words coming from the intercom, and he knew that there was no problem at all.

Shi Zhongwei put down the walkie-talkie in his hand, picked up the microphone and shouted loudly, asking most people in the cabin who were still sleeping at this time to get up, wash their faces, brush their teeth, and have breakfast. After breakfast, they started fishing immediately.

Shi Zhong waited for about twenty minutes before putting down the microphone. People came out of the cabin one after another, all walked to the fishing spot and began to prepare for fishing.

Shi Zhongwei looked at the fish finder navigation. The wind and waves were quite strong throughout the night yesterday, and the fishing boat had deviated from the point by almost ten meters. He immediately adjusted the sea fishing boat and stopped it right above the point.

"Everyone, pay attention!" "Today, the water layer of the school of croaker is about 140 meters!"

"Try first to see whether to open your mouth or not!"

Shi Zhongwei took a look at the deck and saw that everyone at each fishing spot was basically ready. He immediately took the microphone and shouted loudly to inform the anglers on the deck about the water layer to fish in today.

Shi Zhongwei put down the microphone in his hand, stared at the people fishing on the deck with wide eyes, and saw seven or eight people fishing at the spot catch fish and pull them out of the water and put them on the upper deck. Only then did he feel relieved.

"Uncle He!"

"How's the situation there? Are there any fish biting their tongues?"

"Seven or eight people here have already caught fish!"

Shi Zhongwei was talking into the walkie-talkie while looking at He Jian's sea fishing boat parked about 200 meters away.

There was a storm all night last night.

Such sudden changes in weather have a huge impact on the fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea.

The school of fish that was originally eating frantically may suddenly stop eating. This is the most fatal blow to the sea fishing boats that go out to sea to fish.

Now the people on his sea fishing boat have started fishing, and it seems that there should not be much impact. However, whether this is really the case or not, we still have to see how He Jian and the people on the other two sea fishing boats fish.

If all four sea fishing boats have good fishing and there are a lot of fish biting the hooks, it can be proved that such weather will not have much impact on the croakers in the sea.


"The stone bell is."

"All the people on my sea fishing boat have caught croaker. It seems that there were strong winds, waves and heavy rain all night yesterday and until five in the morning today."

"The croakers in the sea still have their mouths open. It looks like they are not affected at all."

"The other two sea fishing boats are in almost the same situation!"

Shi Zhongwei couldn't help but wave his fist when he heard He Jian's excited voice coming from the intercom.


"Uncle He!"

"Great! Great!"

"Let's hurry up and fish, and catch more fish!"

Shi Zhongwei put down the walkie-talkie in his hand. The weather was quite good now. There were some winds and waves on the sea, but not big. He would wait for another person to come to the cab to check the fishing boat for him.

Shi Zhongwei walked into the kitchen, took out a large iron basin and filled it with breakfast. He went up to the deck while eating.

The stone bell turned twice, and people at all the fishing spots were fishing and caught fish.

Shi Zhongwei returned to the center of the deck and squatted down. He ate with big mouthfuls while looking at the fishermen around him. One by one, 10-8 kilograms of croaker were pulled up from the sea and thrown into the basket beside them.

"Not bad!"


“The fish bites really weren’t affected!”


"Every fish is money!"



"It's a pity that in a short time, there will be more sea fishing boats here, and we won't be able to catch so many fish even if we come here!"


"Seize this time, catch more fish, and make more money."


Shi Zhongwei finished his breakfast, patted his stomach and stood up. He could not help yawning again, went back to the cab and told the person who was driving the fishing boat for him that he was going to go back to sleep and come back to see the fishing boat after waking up.

Shi Zhongwei fell into a deep sleep as soon as he lay down in the cabin. He had not slept the whole night yesterday, and the weather was bad, so he was very nervous and tired.


"It seems that the weather really has no effect at all!"

Wu Dabin pushed the switch of the electric winch and it started to spin immediately. He took a look and saw that there were definitely three croakers weighing about 10 to 18 kilograms each caught on the curved arc.

Wu Dabin took advantage of this time to light a cigarette, took a puff, turned his head and looked at his younger brother Wu Xiaobin who was also pulling fish up.

When it was windy and rainy yesterday, we couldn't go fishing. We were worried that the bad weather would last for a long time. Unexpectedly, the bad weather came and went quickly. At around five or six in the morning, He Jian shouted loudly for us to get up and go fishing. When we opened our eyes, we were a little bit unconvinced. We quickly finished breakfast and went on deck to start fishing. We have been fishing for almost half an hour now, and the fish have been biting continuously.


"Why do I feel that the croakers here today are larger, almost all of them weigh 12 or 13 kilograms, and some even weigh 15 kilograms?"

Liu Yun said as he took the scoop net and scooped up two croakers that were pulled to the surface of the water. He looked carefully and saw that one weighed 15 jin and the other weighed 12 jin. He had been fishing here for the past few days, but most of the croakers he caught were 7 or 8 jin. This morning, he had already caught more than ten fish, and most of them were over 10 jin.


"That's right! The fish today are indeed a little bigger."

"Some of them are even more aggressive when biting these croakers!"

"I'm using a two-hook string now, and I'm thinking about whether to change to a five-hook string!"

“If you do this, you can catch more fish.”

As Ouyang Hua spoke, he wondered if he really had to do this.

"Ouyang Hua."

"Now that you put it that way, it seems to be true. The fish are indeed biting more fiercely at this time!"

"Could it be that the strong winds and heavy rains have no effect on the fish's bite, but instead make the fish even hungrier and bite harder?"

"If that's the case, we can consider changing to a set of five hooks!"

Liu Yun was a little hesitant as to whether to do this.

If the fish were only three or five pounds, I would definitely change to a five-hook string without hesitation, so that I could catch more fish at a time. But now the fish caught are over ten pounds, and I can't say for sure that the five-hook string can catch more fish than the two-hook string.

"Big brother."

"What do you think? Should we switch to a string hook?"

When Wu Xiaobin heard what Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun said, he was a little hesitant and immediately looked at Wu Dabing.

Wu Dabing shook his head without even thinking. The bite now was indeed more fierce than the previous two days. It was not impossible to change it if he had to, but he really didn't intend to do such a thing.

Wu Dabin told Wu Xiaobin, Ouyang Hua and Liu Yun that the size of the fish now weighed about 15 kilograms, and it might get even bigger in the near future. Buying five in a row would not be worth it. In any case, if it really was a dozen or twenty kilograms of croaker, they would have to reel it in, whether it was one or two.

When Ouyang Hua, Liu Yun and Wu Xiaobin heard what Wu Dabin said, they all thought it made a lot of sense. They ignored the matter and continued fishing.

(End of this chapter)

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