Rebirth of Fishing Village: Starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 934: People Who Can Only Earn Oil Money

Chapter 934: People Who Can Only Earn Oil Money

Island bubble area.

"Big brother."

"The tide and current here today are really bad. There's no way we can catch sea bass."

Xu Xiaochui looked around and saw that the entire sea was calm, without any tide or water. None of the other speedboats had come. Only he and a few other speedboats appeared here.


"What can we do? There really is no tide or water here today. We came here just to try our luck, but now our luck is bad. If there is really no tide or water, there is nothing we can do."

Xu Dachui has been fishing for sea bass in the island and reef foam area for many years and is very familiar with the tides and currents here. In fact, he already knew that it was unlikely that there would be tides and currents today. If it were usual, he would never come here to fish. However, he has not caught many fish recently and the pressure is very high. He thought of going out to sea to try his luck. Facts have proved that this luck is really not that good and it cannot be brought by chance.

"What should we do now? We can't just go back now."

Xu Xiaochui took a look at the speedboats on the surrounding sea. There were really very few of them. Including his own speedboat, there were less than ten speedboats. These speedboats that usually came here to fish were either sleeping at home or going to other places to fish.

"Will you go?"

"How is this possible? The money I make now is already so little. If I don't work harder, I'll be left with nothing."

Xu Dachui shook his head without even thinking about it. Don't even think about going back. You have to go fishing next time. Now that you've already come out, there's no way you can go back like this.

Those live shrimps in the live water tank are used for fishing, not to be taken home to eat. Don’t be fooled by the fact that they are alive and kicking now. Most of them will probably die at the end of the day. There is no other choice but to eat them. It is almost impossible to keep them alive until tomorrow.

"Big brother."

"In this case, one of us will go for black porgy. The other is to go for grouper. We have recently looked for some fishing spots, but we haven't been able to catch any fish. It seems that even if we want to fish, we have to go to fishing spots where many people go, such as the Windmill Foot fishing spot."

When Xu Xiaochui heard Xu Dachui say that they were going to go fishing, he immediately frowned. In recent days, in addition to fishing for sea bass, he and his elder brother drove a speedboat to scan the spots, trying to find some places where they could catch fish. The result was simple, that is, they did find some places that looked like they had structures that could catch fish, but after trying for a long time, they couldn't catch a single fish.

Xu Xiaochui felt very sad when he thought about the gasoline he had burned in the past few days. Going fishing in the open sea is really not something that ordinary people can do.

"What can we do? Are we just going to stop fishing? No matter how hard it is, no matter how much money it costs, we have to fish. We have to find other ways to fish."

Xu Dachui was also very helpless. He had really spent a lot of money in the past few days, but there was really no way he could go on like this. It was not that there were no sea bass in the island and reef foam area, but the competition was too fierce.

"I have asked some people about offshore fishing in the past few days. Most people have to pay a price at the beginning. They have to spend money, that is, pay tuition to learn how to catch big fish in the offshore. In any case, the price of catching these groupers is relatively high. How can they be caught casually?"

Recently, Xu Dachui has been eating and drinking with some people who often go fishing in the open sea. He has learned a lot about open sea fishing from these people. The most important thing is that it usually takes half a year to become familiar with open sea fishing, especially fishing for grouper. This not only requires being familiar with the fishing spots, but also how to fish. In these half years, you can hardly make much money and can only spend money.


"For such a long period of time, don't we have to spend two or three hundred thousand?"

"We might as well keep the money in our own hands instead of going out to sea and suffering this."

"Isn't it good to just fish for sea bass here?"

Xu Xiaochui was very depressed. For such a long period of time, even if he and his elder brother tried to be frugal, they would have to spend at least 200,000 yuan, or maybe even 300,000 yuan.

"Two hundred thousand or three hundred thousand does seem like a lot, but if we don't do this, we will have to go fishing for the next eight or ten years or even until we are sixty or seventy years old. During this long period of time, we can only catch sea bass in the island reef foam area or other places. Do you think this is okay? If this is really okay, why do we do this?"

Xu Dachui was already very depressed about this matter, and Xu Xiaochui's constant complaints made him even more depressed.

"Alright alright."

"I'm just talking about this. I've been really depressed lately, but there's nothing I can do."

"It's getting late now. It's unlikely that there will be tides and currents in the island and reef foam area, so we can't catch sea bass. We have to make up our minds now. Should we go fishing for black porgy first? Or just go directly to the windmill foot fishing spot."

Xu Xiaochui let out a long sigh. He really couldn't blame his elder brother Xu Dachui for this. There was really no other way. He really had to find another way to make a living.

"Let's go fishing for black porgy first. The tide for fishing for grouper at the Windmill Foot fishing spot hasn't risen yet, so let's go fishing for some black porgy first to earn some gas money, and then we can talk about other things."

Without thinking twice, Xu Dachui decided to go fishing for black porgy first. The tide had not risen yet. The most important thing was that if they went directly to Fengchejiao to fish for grouper, the losses of himself and his brother Xu Xiaochui would be very great. So they went to catch some black porgy first to subsidize the gas money. This was actually what people who go fishing in the open sea often do.

Xu Xiaochui drove the speedboat out of the island reef foam area and left immediately, heading to the fishing spot where he had caught black porgy several times before. Whatever you say now is fake, you really have to catch some black porgy and at least earn some money for gas, otherwise you will not make any money but only lose money this day, which is really a headache.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui arrived at the black porgy fishing spot and saw that there were quite a few speedboats, four in total. If it was a spot for fishing grouper or other big fish, it wouldn't be strange to have so many speedboats here, but now this is just a spot for fishing black porgy, but there are so many speedboats, which is really a headache. What was even more unexpected was that there were not only so many speedboats, but also one that was so familiar that it couldn't be more familiar, that was Song Tianping.

"Song Tianping."

"What's going on? How did you get here?" Xu Xiaochui asked Song Tianping while looking at the fish finder navigation on the speedboat and parking the speedboat. He didn't see anyone in the island and reef foam area just now. He felt a little strange. Could it be that the tide was really bad and he was sleeping at home? He didn't expect that he came here earlier than himself and his elder brother to fish for black porgy.


"Why can't I be here? Didn't you two brothers come here for the same reason? The tides in the island and reef foam area are not good, and there are no fish. So we can only go somewhere else to fish. I actually went to other places this morning, but the tides there were also not good. There was really no other way, so I could only come here with Chaohong to fish for black porgy."

Song Tianping pointed at Cao Hong next to him. He and his people were very familiar with the island and reef foam area, and they knew very well that the tide and water flow today were indeed not good. There was no way to fish yesterday. In the evening, he and Chao Hong discussed it and drove a speedboat with only one person. They went to another fishing spot for sea bass very early. They tried to fish a few times, but there were no fish. They could only fish for black porgy. This fishing spot was obtained by asking someone a few days ago. Unexpectedly, they met the brothers Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui here. However, thinking carefully, it was really not surprising at all. No matter himself or the two brothers Xu Da, they must find another way and catch more fish, otherwise they really can't survive. It is one thing that Zhao Dahai often goes to the island and reef foam area to grab fish, but what is more important is that the fish in the sea have really become fewer and fewer in recent years. Even if Zhao Dahai does not grab fish, in two or three years, the sea bass in the island and reef foam area will definitely become fewer and fewer. Thinking that you can live a very comfortable life just by fishing for sea bass in the island and reef foam area like in previous years is simply wishful thinking.

"How was the fishing? Were there any fish that didn't open their mouths?"

As Xu Dachui spoke, he looked at the fish finder of his speedboat. At a water depth of about 130 meters, he could see signals of a school of fish. These should be the black sea bream that he came here to catch. However, whether he could catch them depended on whether the fish in the sea would bite. If not, then there was really no way to catch them, or he might as well just go to another place.

"We have only been here for about ten minutes, and we haven't caught many fish yet. But it shouldn't be a problem. Some people on the other speedboats have already caught some fish. It's not a lot, but anyway, we can always catch three or five in ten or twenty minutes."

Cao Hong took a deep puff of the cigarette in his mouth and pointed at several other speedboats around him.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui looked over and saw that people on the two speedboats had caught black sea bream. They pulled up three or four fish in a string. They were all of good size, weighing about four pounds.

"hurry up!"

"Hurry up and catch more fish to make up for the gas money, otherwise we will not only not make any money today, but will lose money again."

Xu Xiaochui shouted and immediately began to prepare for fishing.


"Did anyone see Zhao Dahai in the island reef foam area today?"

Song Tianping watched his rod on the gun mount shake gently twice, knowing that a fish had taken the bait. He became extremely alert while speaking, staring at it intently. After waiting for another two minutes and seeing that the rod was shaking more obviously, he pushed the reel's line-reel switch hard, and the fishing rod suddenly bent down. Needless to say, there was definitely a fish on the hook.

Xu Dachui and Xu Xiaochui shook their heads. It was true that they did not see Zhao Dahai in the island foam area today.

"A fishing expert like Zhao Dahai has many fishing spots, some of which are even places that only he knows. How can we know where he fishes?"

"Last time, didn't we want to follow his speedboat to see where he was fishing?"

"Zhao Dahai ignored us at first, but soon he stepped on the accelerator and his speedboat was so fast that we couldn't even see its shadow."


"I guess there are so many people who want to find a place for fishing in the sea. If they do that, they will definitely be able to catch fish, and they will be able to catch a lot of fish. But who can find it?"

Xu Dachui let out a long sigh. The reason why Zhao Dahai was able to catch so many fish was not because he caught them in places known to everyone. Most of the time, almost no one could find or knew where Zhao Dahai was fishing. There were countless people who had this idea in mind, but none of them found him.


"Who doesn't know this? But just like what you said, no one can find out where Zhao Dahai is fishing."

"In the vast ocean, let alone a speedboat, even one or several large fishing boats may not be seen or touched."

Song Tianping looked at the string of four black sea breams that were pulled out of the water, each weighing three pounds. He was very satisfied. This time there were more than ten pounds of fish. If he kept fishing like this, he would definitely make a lot of money. At least there would be no problem with the gas money today.

"Forget it."

"There's actually no point in talking about this now. No matter what, we can't possibly find the place where Zhao Dahai fishes. There are so many people in this business, and we're not the only ones who have this idea. I've never heard of anyone being able to find Zhao Dahai's fishing spot, and how can we possibly do that when we just went fishing in the open sea?"

"Zhao Dahai is not a fool. On the contrary, he is an extremely smart man. He would rather not fish than let others know the fishing spot he found."

"Even if there are really such places and there are many of them, Zhao Dahai would only go there to fish when it is very safe. He can't go there every time. Most of the time, he would go to those fishing spots that everyone knows, such as the island reef foam area or the windmill foot fishing spot."

Xu Xiaochui saw that there were fish on the hook, but only one. He decided to wait a while until there were two or three fish before pushing the electric reel to reel in the line.



"What's infuriating is that even if Zhao Dahai goes to a well-known fishing spot, such as the island reef foam area to fish for sea bass, or the windmill bridge fishing spot to fish for grouper, he can catch more fish than others, and much more."

Cao Hong was very helpless. During this period, Zhao Dahai often went to the foam area of ​​the islands and reefs to fish for sea bass. He had a good look at Zhao Dahai's fishing skills. He was really far inferior to him and had to admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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