Chapter 935 Discovered the fishing mode!

"What are you thinking about?"

"For people like us, we will never be able to fish like Zhao Dahai in this lifetime!"

"You can catch as much as you can and earn as much as you can!"

"For example, at this moment, Zhao Dahai is fishing in some unknown place, and he might have caught a lot of fish. We can only fish for black porgy in this place."

"Do you think you can make so much money fishing in the ocean like this one day?"

As Cao Hong spoke, he picked up the two black sea breams that were pulled out of the water with a scoop net.

Xu Dachui, Xu Xiaochui and Song Tianping didn't know what to say for a moment.

How could he not want to make money by fishing like Zhao Dahai?

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier.

Anyone who doesn't want to catch more fish and make more money is not a good fisherman.


"Who among those who go out to sea to fish or even catch fish here doesn't want to lose as much money as Zhao Dahaizi by catching so many fish?"

"The question is not whether you want to, but whether you have the ability to do it."

Song Tianping was silent for a long time, shaking his head as he spoke.

No matter who they are or what they do, including those of us who go out to sea to fish, they just want to make more money. Zhao Dahai is now the one who makes the most money among them.

Everyone wants to learn from Zhao Dahai and want to become someone who makes a lot of money like Zhao Dahai, but they just don't have the ability to do so.


"Stop talking so much nonsense!"

"Hurry up and catch a few more fish to earn some gas money. When the tide comes in, we'll go to the Windmill Foot fishing spot and try our luck to see if we can catch a grouper."

Xu Dachui slapped his rod and said that everything he said was fake. He would not share any of the fish that Zhao Dahai caught. He could only hurry up and wait for more fish. Only the fish he caught would be his and he could sell them for more money.

Xu Xiaochui, Song Tianping and Cao Hong were busy fishing and didn't say much.

Windmill foot fishing spot.

The sea is open.

A hint of paleness had appeared on the horizon, and the pitch-black color of the sky above was slowly fading.

Zhong Shizhu slowed down the speed of the speedboat and drifted slowly along the tide on the sea.


"What's going on? Why are there so few speedboats here?"

Liu Bin stood on the deck of the speedboat and quickly lit a cigarette. He looked around the sea and didn't see many speedboats. It was very strange. The Windmill Foot fishing spot was a very famous fishing spot for catching big grouper. He had been here several times with Zhao Dahai, and each time there were many speedboats. But today, there were only a few speedboats at a glance. There must be more in farther places, but it didn't look like there were many.

Zhao Dahai smiled and told Liu Bin that they had arrived early today.


"Why do I always feel like something is not right?"

Liu Bin realized that when he followed Zhao Dahai here, it was usually eight or nine in the morning. At least it was already bright, but now it was still dark.

"Most of the other speedboats are fishing for black porgy or yellow croaker at this time."

“We will come here to fish only when the tide and water appear.”

"The tide here today should only appear around ten o'clock in the morning."

Zhao Dahai spent most of last year fishing at Fengchejiao fishing spot and was very familiar with the tide flow time here. Today the tide was very late, and most of the other speedboats that came here to fish did not come so early. They all went to other places to fish for black porgy and yellow chicken. They caught as many as they could. Sometimes, they could even earn enough to pay for a day's gas by fishing for black porgy and yellow chicken.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Why don't we go fishing for black porgy today?"

Lei Dayou is very strange.

At this time, other speedboats are basically fishing for black sea bream or yellow croaker. Zhao Dahai did not go. This is really a bit strange. It does not fit Zhao Dahai's habit of going out to sea to fish.

Zhao Dahai goes fishing in the sea to catch more fish and make more money. Now that the tide has not risen yet, there will be no fish to catch at the Windmill Foot fishing spot. Instead of wasting time waiting here, it is better to go fishing for black porgy or Huang Huan. The key is that he has more people, and Zhao Dahai is very good at finding spots. Even though it is only a short time of two or three hours, he can easily catch several hundred kilograms or even more than a thousand kilograms of black porgy. At twenty yuan per kilogram, it can be sold for ten or twenty thousand yuan. This is not a small amount of money.


"We don't need to make small amounts of money like black porgy now!"

"Wouldn't it be nice to come here earlier?"

Zhao Dahai said with a smile as he took over the driving of the speedboat.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da didn't believe what Zhao Dahai said at all. No matter how rich a person is, in the eyes of one or two taels of silver is not a small amount. Not to mention that Zhao Dahai can indeed make a lot of money by fishing at sea, but he is not a world billionaire. It is not like he can make money falling from the sky just by lying at home.

Zhao Dahai did not hide it any longer and told Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou that he came here to fish today because he felt that there had been no big fish at the Fengchejiao fishing spot for a long time and he might have a chance today, so he might as well come early and seize the time to fish while other speedboats were fishing for black sea bream and yellow chicken in other places to make up for the gas money.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"We'll really catch some fish in a minute."

"When the other speedboats come here and see how many fish we caught, won't they be furious?"



"Isn't this what we want to see?"


"hurry up!"

"We have to start fishing right away and catch as many fish as possible before many people from other speedboats come here."


When Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayi heard what Zhao Dahai was planning, they immediately began to prepare for fishing. They quickly prepared the rods and reels on the gun mount and tied up the fishing gear.

Zhao Dahai moved faster. He had already prepared the pole on the gun mount and another pole holding the spinning wheel.


"There are fewer speedboats now, so let's hurry up and fish at some of the more popular spots to see if there are any fish."

Zhao Dahai looked at the surrounding sea. There was a place about five or six hundred meters away where people often went fishing, and fish could often be caught. It was a very famous fishing spot at Fengchejiao, about 500 square meters in size. The seabed was covered with very complex rocks of different sizes. It was said that these stones were stacked together layer by layer, forming stone caves of varying sizes.

Usually, many speedboats crowd here to try their luck. Sometimes the distance between speedboats is only five or six meters. If the tide is strong, it is easy for the lines to get tangled.

It is still early and there are only a few speedboats on the surrounding sea, and there is not a single speedboat at this location.

Zhao Dahai drove faster and arrived at the destination in a short while.

"The water depth is one hundred and thirty-five meters." "Raise the line to one hundred and thirty-two meters!"

Zhao Dahai circled the location, slowed down the speed of the speedboat, and shouted loudly to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to be ready.

Zhao Dahai watched as Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were already in the water layer of 132 meters. He drove the speedboat slowly forward while maintaining a certain speed, not too slow, but not too fast either.

The tide and water flow at the Windmill Foot fishing spot are not rising, so it is not easy to catch fish. If you cannot fish downstream with the speedboat pushed by the tide and water flow, you can only control the speedboat and keep moving to see if you can attract the attention of the fish on the seabed.


Zhao Dahai quickly took a look at the fish finder and shouted loudly. The index finger of his right hand that was hooking the line loosened, and the fishing gear that had been put into the water layer of 132 meters long suddenly hit the seabed under the drag of the lead weight.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all used the same method of laying out the line and hitting the bottom, except that they used the pole on the gun mount.



Zhao Dahai held the rod steadily in his right hand and quickly shook the spinning wheel with his left hand, reeling it about one meter, then let go and controlled the direction and speed of the speedboat.


"It's gone!"



"It's over! This rod is gone!"


Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin were very helpless. When they were reeling in the line, they found that the hook was already stuck on the reef on the seabed. They realized something was wrong when they shook it.


"No bottom! No bottom!"

Lei Dayou successfully pulled up the fishing gear that was hitting the seabed.

"What's wrong with you two? You've been fishing for such a long time! Why are your skills still so poor?"

Lei Dayou laughed at Liu Bin and Zhong Shizhu while staring at his rod. He knew very well that since it was not hanging on the bottom, there was a chance that a fish would take the bait. He had to be very alert and not miss the bite of the fish. Once a fish took the bait, if he was not fast enough, the fish would run away. At least a few hundred thousand yuan, or at most several thousand yuan, would be wasted.

When Zhao Dahai saw that Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin were stuck on the bottom, the speedboat stopped. If it continued to move forward, the pole would most likely be broken.



Lei Dayou had been concentrating very much. At the moment when the speedboat stopped, he pulled the rod down hard and pushed forward hard with his right hand, which had been resting on the switch of the electric winch. As the sound of the electric winch turned was heard, the rod bent more obviously and severely.

"Not big, not big!"

"It weighs about 40 pounds. I wonder if it's a blue spot, an oil spot, or a sesame spot?"

Lei Dayou watched the hooked fish being pulled about ten meters away from the seabed and slightly slowed down the speed of the electric reel.

"Lei Dayou."

"Can't you be a little more promising?"

"What are you talking about green spots, sesame spots, or oil spots? This is just a big red spot, an old red spot!"

Zhong Shizhu took a look at Lei Dayou's rod and saw that there was indeed a fish on the hook, and it should be around 40 kilograms.

"A 40-pound red spot? That's incredible. This one is worth tens of thousands of dollars!"



"I really, really hope you're right and that this is an old red spot."

Lei Dayou was very proud. He caught a fish on his first cast, and the fish he caught was about 40 kilograms. Even if it was not a red spot, a blue spot or even a sesame spot would be worth a lot of money.

Wu Bin looked at Lei Dayou's smug look and was helpless. He and Zhong Shizhu hit the bottom on their first cast, while Lei Dayou caught a fish on his first cast and the fish was really big. There was nothing to say. This was how people who caught fish would behave. If both he and Zhong Shizhu caught fish, they would definitely behave the same way.

Zhao Dahai looked at the electric winch and the bent pole that kept spinning in front of Lei Dayou, and immediately thought of the time when his speedboat was driving non-stop at this point and there was no movement. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou hit the bottom almost at the same time, including himself. It took about five or six seconds for Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin to find that they were stuck on the bottom until they stopped the speedboat. During this process, although Lei Dayou did not get stuck on the bottom, there was no fish biting the hook. It was when his speedboat stopped that the fish bit the hook.

Could it be that the most crucial moment is the moment of stopping?

Zhao Dahai frowned. This was most likely the case. Under normal circumstances, as long as he didn't get stuck on the bottom, he would drive the speedboat forward continuously and would not stop. But now, he had to stop after hitting the bottom to see if there was any fish taking the bait.

Zhao Dahai decided to give it a try to see if it was true. If it was, he would have come to the Fengchejiao fishing spot early today and would have had an amazing harvest at these large spots where fish could often be caught.

"I'm coming!"

"The fish are coming! The fish are coming!"

Lei Dayou was very excited. With the help of the light on the speedboat, he saw a large fish staggering out of the dark sea.

"What the hell!"

"Why isn't it old red spots?"

The fish that Lei Dayou saw clearly was not the old red spot that he, Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin had hoped for, but just a blue spot.


"Lei Dayou!"

"At the beginning, you thought that oil spots or sesame spots on cheaper slates were acceptable, but now that we see blue spots, we find them unacceptable?"

Zhong Shizhu found it a little funny that Lei Dayou was really greedy.


"At first I really thought it was unlikely to be a big red spot, but you all kept asking why it wasn't a red spot, so how could I not expect it?"

"The price difference between a red spot weighing thirty or forty kilograms and a blue spot weighing thirty or forty kilograms is not a little bit."

“Who doesn’t want to catch red snapper, who doesn’t want to make more money?”

Lei Dayou shook his head helplessly.


"Uncle Dayou!"

"A 40-pound Qingban can already make a lot of money!"

"It's rare to see a 40-pound red snapper. Even though we've been out to sea so many times and caught so many fish, there aren't many red snappers that are the largest."

Zhao Dahai smiled. He certainly hoped that Lei Dayou could catch the red grouper and make more money, but this might not be likely.

Is there a fish taking the bait?

Zhao Dahai suddenly felt the rod in the old man's hand pulling it down hard. He instinctively tried to lift the rod up. It was very heavy and he could hardly lift it. He quickly held the rod with both hands and pulled it up hard.

(End of this chapter)

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