Chapter 936: Crazy Pulling Is the Best Proof

"Zhao Dahai!"

"Caught fish?"

Zhong Shizhu was startled.

The hooks of both himself and Liu Bin were hung on the bottom of the sea. At this time, Lei Dayou caught a fish. All attention was focused on Lei Dayou. Unexpectedly, Zhao Dahai, who had been silent all the time, just said a word and suddenly lifted the rod up with both hands. This action could only mean that a fish had taken the bait, and this fish was not small.

Lei Dayou didn't have time to scoop up his own fish and immediately turned his head to look at Zhao Dahai who was standing next to him.


"This fish must weigh about 100 to 180 kilograms, right?"

Liu Bin shouted.


"This fish must weigh 180 kilograms!"

Lei Dayou nodded vigorously. The fish he caught was really too far away from Zhao Dahai's. He had no interest in it at all and just let it float on the water.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

"Isn't a 40-jin blue grouper still a fish? Can't it be sold for money?"

As Zhong Shizhu spoke, he took the scoop net, scooped up the fish, took the pliers, removed the hook, and briefly checked it. Finding no major problems, he pushed it into the live water tank.


"This fish won't get away. What's the harm in waiting?"

"A big fish, especially a grouper weighing 100 to 180 kilograms, is powerful enough!"

Lei Dayou put down the rod in his hand, took the big scoop and stood next to Zhao Dahai, thinking of helping him catch fish.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Have you found a way to fish here?"

Zhong Shizhu watched Zhao Dahai hold the rod with both hands and carry it hard for a while, then immediately began to shake the wheel to reel in the fish, knowing that the fish would not escape.

A light bulb went off in Zhong Shizhu's mind. Lei Dayou caught a fish, and then Zhao Dahai caught a fish. Maybe they really had found a way.


"I did think of a solution, but it's hard to say whether it will work or not."

"We must give it a try later to see what's going on and see if everyone can catch fish."

While Zhao Dahai was reeling in the fish, he called out to Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin to hurry up and pull the line off as it was entangled on the horns of the speedboat and re-tie the fishing gear.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou immediately cut the line and reeled it in, quickly tying up the fishing gear. The tide had not yet risen, and most of the speedboats were fishing for black porgy or yellow croakers elsewhere. Once Zhao Dahai really found a way to fish in this place and at this time, he would definitely be able to catch a lot of fish before other speedboats arrived here.

Zhao Dahai pulled the fish out of the water and took a look. It was indeed a big blue spot weighing 80 kilograms or even 90 kilograms.

Lei Dayou had been waiting on the side. He immediately scooped up the fish with a scoop net and pulled it onto the speedboat with both hands.

Zhao Dahai used pliers to remove the hook hanging on the mouth of the blue fish, pushed it with both hands, and slid it into the live water tank.


"Everyone, hurry up and try it again to see if my method works."

Zhao Dahai checked his hook and line, found nothing wrong with them, and immediately caught a big octopus.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou saw that Zhao Dahai was hung up like a giant octopus.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat slowly forward.

"One hundred and forty meters."

"The water depth at the place where we will hit the bottom is 140 meters. Now we are letting the line out to 135 meters."

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat forward twenty meters, but immediately turned back and called Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to let out the line.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou had been waiting for Zhao Dahai to speak, and they immediately picked up the hanging octopus and threw it into the sea, turning on the electric winch to let out the line.

Zhao Dahai thought about it, put down the spinning wheel pole in his hand, and used the electric winch pole on the gun mount in front of him instead.

Generally speaking, if the fish in the sea are biting fiercely, it will be very labor-saving and very fast to use an electric reel rod directly.

The bite on the one I caught was very strong, so there was no need to use a handheld spinning reel rod.

Zhao Dahai let out the line to 135 meters and stopped.


"When I shout "buy at the bottom" later, everyone will find out that it is the bottom!"

“After hitting the bottom, reel in the line immediately. It doesn’t need to be reeled in too high. Reeling in about half a meter is enough.”

Zhao Dahai reminded Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, and the speedboat moved forward, slightly increasing in speed.

Zhao Dahai's speedboat moved forward about five meters. He took a look at the fish finder screen and shouted loudly to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou to let out the line and hit the bottom.

I just drove by this place not long ago, and I have seen through the fish finder that the seabed at this point is slightly deeper than the surrounding area, and the depth of the sea water may reach about 142 meters. After a circle, this time I really hit the bottom to fish.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were concentrating. When Zhao Dahai shouted "Hit the bottom", they immediately let out the line to hit the bottom. When they waited for the taut line to loosen suddenly, they started to manually reel in the kiln's electric winch. When it was less than half a meter, it stopped immediately.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were a little nervous, and they didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they reeled the line about half a meter away from the seabed.

The most feared thing when bottom fishing for grouper is getting stuck on the bottom. As long as you don't get stuck on the bottom, you have a chance.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all got out of the water this time. Just when they were about to turn their heads to see what Zhao Dahai was doing, they saw at the same time that their rods suddenly stopped sharply.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were a little flustered as the fish was clearly a sneak attack, but fortunately they were very experienced and reacted very quickly, pushing the reel's line-reeling switch in time.


"Is this fish unreasonable?"



"You've already taken the bait, do you still want to run away? This is impossible."...


"It's true that the size of this fish is quite good. It must be at least 30 kilograms. It's either blue spot or sesame spot. It's unlikely to be red spot!"


Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou watched the electric winch rotate and suddenly pull the fish more than fifteen meters away from the seabed. They all breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the fish they had caught could not escape.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou slightly slowed down the reeling speed of the electric winch and turned to look at Zhao Dahai beside them. Only then did they realize that the speedboat had stopped at some point.

"Not bad!"

"It seems that this method is really useful!"

Zhao Dahai looked down at the rod in front of him and saw no movement. However, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou next to him all caught fish, which proved that there was nothing wrong with his previous idea. There was indeed no tide or water flow now, but the fishing boat kept moving forward, dragging the octopus hanging on the hook, which would also attract the attention of the grouper on the seabed. However, it could not keep dragging forward, especially after knocking on the bottom, it must stop and wait for a while. The big grouper or other fish in it will not bite particularly fiercely in the absence of tide or water flow. If the speedboat kept moving forward after the bottom was touched, even if it attracted the attention of the fish, the fish would not keep following the bait and would not bite the hook. As long as there was a slight pause, the fish that had already chased over would have a great chance of taking the bait.

After listening to what Zhao Dahai said, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou finally understood what was going on and knew how Zhao Dahai caught the fish here.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou admired him very much.

Generally, when fishing for rock groupers under a bridge, especially when fishing in a covered current, the speedboat keeps moving forward. After hitting the bottom and pulling away from the seabed, the speedboat will keep moving forward, or it will drift forward along with the tide.

Zhao Dahai was not like this just now. Instead, he controlled the speedboat to stop a short distance after hitting the bottom and pulling away from the seabed. This gave the fish enough time to bite the hook.

Don't underestimate such a small change. It determines that Zhao Dahai and his people can catch fish, and even catch a lot of fish. If other people use the normal method of knocking bottom bell grouper, it is almost impossible to catch these fish.

Zhao Dahai watched Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou pulling the fish out of the water. All of them were blue spot fish weighing less than 30 kilograms.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou saw that the invading fish were not too big, so they each picked up a scoop and scooped up the fish. At first they reeled in the lines quickly, but when they were ten to fifteen meters away from the seabed they slowed down the speed. The three blue spot fish were all alive and kicking.

Zhao Dahai saw that the method was useful and effective, so he followed suit. He kept fishing at various large spots. Not every time four people caught fish, but almost every time at least two people caught fish.

nine in the morning.

The sun rises higher and higher.

The sea at the Windmill Foot fishing spot is very wide, the visibility is very good, and you can see very far.

Speedboats came one after another from somewhere, gathering in larger and larger numbers.

Chen Wenfei drove a speedboat to the Windmill Foot fishing spot. He saw He Dapeng's speedboat from a distance and immediately drove over and pulled beside it.

"How was the fishing?"

As Chen Wenfei spoke, he lit a cigarette and took a deep puff. He went out to sea to fish at five in the morning, but did not come to the Fengchejiao fishing spot. The tide was very late today. He went fishing for nearly three hours and had a good harvest. When he arrived here, he found that the sea was very calm and the water had not started to flow faster. This was because the tide had not risen yet.


"The fish today, especially the black porgy, were really good. I fished for about two hours and caught about 200 kilograms."

"Let's not talk about anything else. I'm sure we have enough money for gas, and we'll have enough money for drinks tonight."

He Dapeng is very happy recently. Fishing has been pretty good recently. Although he doesn't make much money, he can basically make five hundred yuan a day, which is already quite good. He can also clearly feel that it has become easier to catch fish recently.

"How was your fishing?"

As He Dapeng spoke, he looked at the open hatch of Chen Wenfei's speedboat. From a short distance away, he could vaguely see that it was filled with fish.

"I'm not going to fish for black porgy today, I'm going to fish for yellow porgy."

"Just like you said, the fish were biting quite well today. I fished for more than two hours but less than three hours."

"There should be about 260 to 270 kilograms of yellow chickens, and the size of these yellow chickens is quite good, basically about one or two kilograms."

Chen Wenfei took a deep puff of the cigarette in his hand and looked around. As time passed, more and more speedboats appeared, but he was in a very good mood. He had indeed made money today. From now on, he would catch fish if he could. If he didn't catch any fish, he would just be a little disappointed. As long as he caught a fish, he would make more money.

"By the way, there is a possibility of catching big fish at the Windmill Foot fishing spot recently."

As He Dapeng spoke, he looked at the surrounding sea and the speedboats.


"Isn't that the case? Otherwise, why are there so many speedboats around?"

Chen Wenfei smiled and pointed to the increasing number of speedboats around him.

The structure of the seabed at the Windmill Foot fishing spot is very complex and covers a very wide range. Many speedboats often come here to fish, but in the past ten days or so, the number of speedboats coming here to fish is very large, far exceeding the normal number.

Why is it like this?
He Dapeng and he were not the only ones who knew or felt that the Windmill Foot fishing spot could catch big fish at any time. Any speedboat captain or fisherman who had more than half a year of experience in offshore fishing knew this.


"It is indeed very likely that a big fish will be caught in the near future, but I don't know when it will happen. It could be today, tomorrow, or even the day after tomorrow, or it could be a month later. It all depends on your luck to see if you can come across one."

He Dapeng was in a very good mood. He and Chen Wenfei were very familiar with the Windmill Foot fishing spot, having fished there for more than ten years or even more than twenty years. As long as they could happen to encounter a big catch on this day, they would definitely be able to catch a lot of fish in this place.


"Why are you two here together?"

Chen Wenfei and He Dapeng looked back and saw a speedboat coming towards them quickly. The person on it was Cai Jilong.

"Since you're here, can't the two of us come here?"

"You don't want to catch all the fish here by yourself, do you?"

He Dapeng shouted loudly at Cai Jilong.

"I would like to do something like this, but I don't have the ability to do so."

Cai Jilong's speedboat stopped and approached Chen Wenfei and He Dapeng's speedboat.

Who doesn’t want to catch more fish when fishing at sea? But this depends on whether you have the ability to do so.

Are you fishing only at the Windmill Foot fishing spot?
There is absolutely no such skill. It is already very good if you can catch three to five blue snapper weighing 20 to 30 kilograms every day.


"Have you seen anyone during this time?"

Cai Jilong suddenly thought of someone.

(End of this chapter)

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