Chapter 937 The Chaos Caused by Zhao Dahai


"You don't want to tell us about Zhao Dahai, do you?"

The smile on Chen Wenfei's face suddenly disappeared and became very gloomy. He couldn't help but think of someone he hadn't seen for a while, that was Zhao Dahai.

"Yes, I'm talking about Zhao Dahai. We haven't seen this person recently. I wonder where he went?"

"Could it be that people no longer go fishing offshore?"

Cai Jilong nodded vigorously. What he wanted to talk about was Zhao Dahai.


"How could he not go out to sea to fish? Some time ago, he took people out to sea, and they went to Shanghai to fish. He made 200,000 yuan for one fishing spot, and he made a lot of money."

He Dapeng shook his head.

Zhao Dahai makes so much money by fishing at sea, how could he not go fishing? It is impossible for him to make so much money by doing other things.

The news of a deep-sea fishing boat that charges two hundred thousand per person for a fishing spot spread throughout the entire circle, and it was not just us who knew about it.

It is unknown how much money Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua have made. In recent times, there has indeed been no news of Zhao Dahai taking people out to sea to fish, but it is impossible that he did not fish. It is just that Zhao Dahai did not come to Fengchejiao fishing spot to fish or did not meet these people.


"It is impossible for Zhao Dahai not to go out to sea to fish. He definitely went out to sea to fish, but Zhao Dahai did not come to Fengchejiao Fishing Spot to fish."

"To be honest, I'm really curious about where Zhao Dahai has been fishing recently."

Chen Wenfei was very envious of Zhao Dahai, and at the same time very jealous of him. Zhao Dahai had not appeared at the Fengchejiao fishing spot recently, so he must have gone somewhere else to fish. There must be a lot of fish in this place. Once people like him knew about it, they would definitely have the chance to catch a lot of fish.


"Who doesn't want to know what kind of place Zhao Dahai fishes in? The best way is to go to the Langtou Village Pier and wait for Zhao Dahai's speedboat. As soon as it goes out to sea, we can follow it. Wouldn't that tell us what kind of place Zhao Dahai fishes in?"

Cai Jilong thought of a solution.


"What are you thinking about?"

"You don't think anyone would want to do it this way?"

"But did you hear anyone say they found the place where Zhao Dahai was fishing?"

"Zhao Dahai's speedboat is so big and so fast, who can keep up with it?"

Chen Wenfei sneered.

Who doesn’t want to know what kind of place Zhao Dahai goes fishing in?

There must be a lot of people, including myself, who want to find the place where Zhao Dahai fishes, but until now no one has been able to find it.

Zhao Dahai is not a fool. If it weren't for the well-known fishing spot like Fengchejiao, he would definitely be very careful. In addition, Zhao Dahai's speedboat is really too fast. If he finds someone following him, he can just speed up and get rid of them in an instant. No one can catch up. This idea is too naive and useless.

Cai Jilong smiled a little embarrassedly. Zhao Dahai's speedboat was indeed the largest and fastest. Their speedboats really couldn't keep up. Even if they really met Zhao Dahai on the way to fishing, there would be nothing they could do.

"never mind!"

"Why are we thinking about these things?"

"Zhao Dahai is no longer from the same world as us! Hasn't anyone come to the Fengchejiao fishing spot to fish recently? This is the best thing that can't be better for us!"

He Dapeng sighed. Zhao Dahai started fishing with the others at the Fengchejiao fishing spot. He was no different from them, but soon Zhao Dahai caught more and more fish, earned more and more money, and bought bigger and bigger speedboats.

It is not difficult to earn one or two million or even several million in a month, but these people are still the same as before, going out to sea to fish every day, and they are very happy if they can earn three or five hundred.

"The enemy!"

"Who cares where Zhao Dahai fishes? How much money does he make? As long as he doesn't come to Fengchejiao to fish or steal our fish, we should be thankful!"

It’s not that Chen Wenfei doesn’t want to fish like Zhao Dahai, but there is really no other way. What he hopes most now is that Zhao Dahai will never come to Fengchejiao Fishing Spot to fish.


"Where Zhao Dahai made his fortune has nothing to do with us."


"Don't come to Windmill Foot to fish, just fish here!"



"As long as Zhao Dahai comes to Fengchejiao to fish, we won't be able to eat meat or even drink soup."


"What the hell!"

"This is really unbelievable. How can he be so good at fishing? We have been in this business for more than ten or twenty years, and we have never seen anyone like this before!"


Cai Jilong and He Dapeng talked to each other. They felt that what Chen Wenfei said was right. They didn't need to care about where Zhao Dahai fished or where he made his fortune. They just needed to not come here to fish.


"What's going on?"

"Where did this ship come from? It's so big that it's almost stopped. Is it bigger than the one in the sea?"

Chen Wenfei finished the cigarette in his hand and was thinking about lighting one more before preparing to go fishing. He raised his head and saw a very large speedboat in the distance. He was startled and couldn't help shouting.

Cai Jilong and He Dapeng immediately looked in the direction Chen Wenfei pointed, and a huge speedboat appeared in their sight in the distance. It was not moving very fast, but was heading towards them.


"Speak of Cao Cao and he will appear? Haven't we just been talking about Zhao Dahai? Didn't we just say that Zhao Dahai would not come here to fish? How come Zhao Dahai appeared?"

He Dapeng couldn't help but curse.

There is no need to think about such a big speedboat, the iron nail belongs to Zhao Dahai.

"Ah!" "This is really Zhao Dahai's speedboat!"

"Zhao Dahai's original speedboat was already very large, but didn't he recently buy an even bigger one? It's this one!"

"Except Zhao Dahai, which fisherman nearby can afford such a large speedboat?"

Cai Jilong was a little speechless. This speedboat was indeed much bigger than the one Zhao Dahai had used before. They had only seen it a few times, but there was no need to think about it. It was 100% Zhao Dahai's.

Chen Wenfei calmed down for a moment and immediately realized that Zhao Dahai had indeed bought a larger speedboat.

"Why did Zhao Dahai come here to fish today? He hasn't been here for a long time!"

Cai Jilong was a little worried. Just now, they were saying that Zhao Dahai should just not come to Fengchejiao Fishing Spot to fish and not come here to steal fish. Now Zhao Dahai appeared.

"Is there any need to say this? Why are there so many speedboats coming here these days?"

“Even in the past five or six days, few speedboats that came here were able to catch fish, but the number of speedboats that come here is still increasing!”

"Isn't it that everyone feels that there is a chance of a big fish being caught any day these days?"

"Zhao Dahai must have the same idea as us, which is why he is here today. Otherwise, he would have gone to some unknown place to fish!"

Chen Wenfei thought about it and immediately realized that Zhao Dahai must have made the same discovery as himself, or felt that there might be a big catch at the Windmill Foot fishing spot.


"That must be it!"

"Zhao Dahai hasn't come here to fish for such a long time. He suddenly showed up today. He must think there is a chance of catching big fish here."

"I remember that Zhao Dahai encountered big fish at the Windmill Foot fishing spot a few times before."

“Caught a lot of fish!”

He Dapeng looked very ugly.

There will be big fish caught at the Windmill Foot fishing spot every once in a while, but the time is not fixed. Relying on years of fishing experience, these people can often feel that such a thing may happen at some point.

Once you feel that there is a possibility of catching a lot of fish at the Windmill Foot fishing spot, you will stay there for a period of time and not go anywhere else. Especially when the tide appears, you must stay at the Windmill Foot fishing spot. Otherwise, even if fish are caught, you will not be able to catch them because they will all be caught by others.

That's what happened today. I went to other places to fish for black porgy and yellow croaker very early in the morning to earn gas money. Before the tide and current appeared, I rushed to the Windmill Foot fishing spot to wait and see if there would be any big fish.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Don't catch any big fish today!"

Cai Jilong's only hope now is that there won't be a big catch of fish today, otherwise he and his people will definitely not be able to compete with Zhao Dahai. Several times when there were big catches of fish at the Fengchejiao fishing spot, Zhao Dahai caught more fish than the combined catches of twenty or thirty people or even twenty or thirty speedboats. Although Zhao Dahai can still catch fish here, without someone like Zhao Dahai who can catch a lot of fish, he or Chen Wenfei and his people will have more chances to catch more fish.


"What are you thinking? Don't you see that Zhao Dahai is already fishing? I guess he has been fishing for a long time. There may be a lot of fish on the speedboat."

At first, Chen Wenfei thought that Zhao Dahai's speedboat had just arrived here and was waiting for the tide and current to rise before starting fishing, but after taking a closer look, he found that Zhao Dahai and several people on the speedboat were fishing.


"Didn't the tide start at ten or ten-thirty today?"

"Why is Zhao Dahai fishing at this time?"

As He Dapeng spoke, he looked down at the sea surface next to the speedboat. It was calm, without any movement at all.

The tide and water did not rise.

It’s not that you can’t fish at this time, but generally experienced people won’t fish at this time. The fish there, especially those who are eating, are basically unlikely to bite, so fishing is a waste of time and energy.

"What the hell!"

"Zhao Dahai and the guys on the speedboat are really fishing, and two of them have already caught some fish!"

Cai Jilong stared at Zhao Dahai's speedboat for a while. The two poles were obviously bent and the electric winch was turning. Needless to say, there was definitely a fish on the hook.


"Then what are we waiting for? Zhao Dahai has gone fishing and caught fish, so we must go fishing too!"

He Dapeng was a little flustered. He didn't even have time to smoke the cigarette he had just lit and immediately started preparing for fishing.

Without saying a word, Chen Wenfei immediately took out his rod stand, installed the electric reel on the stand, and started tying the fishing gear.

When Chen Wenfei was using the hook, he accidentally hooked his hand and it hurt so much that he cried.

Chen Wenfei took a deep breath, calmed down, and then gently pulled out the hook. Fortunately, the barb did not pierce into him, otherwise he would have forgotten about fishing today and would have gone straight back to the dock and to the hospital.

Chen Wenfei didn't care about his bleeding fingers. He immediately hung up the live shrimps, stood up, and while driving the speedboat, he stared at the location of the fish pond.


Chen Wenfei saw the location clearly and was about to drive the speedboat over there, but when he looked up, he found that there were already two or three speedboats crowded at the location. If he went over there, he would definitely collide with these speedboats. He had no choice but to choose another location that was farther away. However, when he was about to drive the speedboat, he found that the location farther away was also occupied by a speedboat, or a speedboat closer to him was driving over.


"Are these people crazy? Why are they all fishing?"

He Dapeng looked around and saw that there were people swarming around everywhere, scrambling to fish. He couldn't catch any fish himself because there were no spots.


"Weren't they all just smoking and chatting? Why did they all go crazy all of a sudden?"

Cai Jilong originally wanted to drive the speedboat to a point twenty meters away, but before he could get there, two speedboats had already rushed over and almost collided with each other.

"Forget it!"

"Wait a moment, there's no way you can catch any fish at this time!"

Chen Wenfei watched for a long time and shook his head. He originally thought that the tide had not risen yet and there was no need to rush. The location where his speedboat, Cai Jilong and He Dapeng were parked was still a little far from the target. What happened was that Zhao Dahai's speedboat suddenly appeared and caught a group of speedboats around. All of a sudden, all the speedboats within a radius of 200 meters or even larger were fishing and fighting for spots. It was a mess.

"All right!"

"It can only be this way! We have to wait for these speedboats to fail to catch fish or wait for them to go somewhere else and free up space so that we can occupy the spot and catch fish."

He Dapeng was very helpless. He really couldn't catch any fish now.

(End of this chapter)

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