I, who traveled through the food halberd, can go to the prisoner of delicious food

Chapter 196 Have you ever thought about using ice skates?

Chapter 196 Have you ever thought about using ice skates?
the other side.

Kuga Teruki is also seriously handling the ingredients he got.

Boiled fish.

This dish originally evolved from hot pot fish. Similarly, the most important thing among boiled fish is the soup...

Under normal conditions.

The soup head of the boiled fish is made from the fish head and fish bones that are used for cooking the boiled fish itself.


Due to the special nature of the lobster fish, it is naturally impossible for Kanda Souji to bring the complete lobster fish back to the world of the Shokatsu Spirit.

Not to mention.

The special appearance of the lobster fish.

The weight of lobster and fish alone is measured in tons. If you really use the heads and bones of lobster and fish to cook the soup used for boiled fish.

Then this boiled fish dish will probably turn into a fish head with chopped pepper!

This fish head is not an ordinary fish head, but a shark head. (According to the size of the creatures in the world of the spirit of eating halberds)
In this situation.

Jiuga Zhaoji naturally chose other ingredients to replace the fish head and fish bones of lobster fish...


The soup that Teruji Kuga used to make the soup is also striped salmon!

Put the head and bones of the barred salmon into the pressure cooker, add enough water, and then start heating, and the seafood broth will be boiled...

While the striped salmon is cooking.

Jiuga Zhaoji's kitchen knife rose and fell, and quickly divided the piece of lobster fish meat I had chosen, and sliced ​​the fish meat into the fish fillets I needed next!

Compared with Soaki Saito.

Although Kuga Teruji's sword skills were not that amazing, it still caused many Yuanyue students who watched this halberd-eating showdown to exclaim!

Even Yuanyue's rules are there.


No matter how good the rules are enforced, they are still students.

This is like studying in the same school. Some people can go to Qingbei, while others can only go to the Belt and Road School!
in the original.

At the time when Takmi and Isami cooked the live duck, didn't they also greeted the exclamation of many Yuanyue students in the same group?

Can't even handle live ducks.

Can be imagined.

How uneven is the level of students in Yuanyue Middle School!

Prepare the lobster fish.

Jiuga put the lobster fish fillets into the large bowl aside smoothly, and then scooped up the violent pepper and power peppercorns in the hot oil.

next second.

The thoroughly fried violent pepper and power peppercorns were ground into powder by Kuga Teruki, and then poured into a bowl filled with lobster fish fillets with ingredients such as locust soy sauce and seven-flavored wine.

Started marinating the lobster and fish meat.


"Kuga-senpai, what are you doing?"

"Marinated fish."

"This step does not need to add pepper and chili at all, right?" Many students couldn't help exclaiming after seeing Teruji Kuga's cooking.


"Is this the secret recipe of my senior?"

Totsuki Academy.

Naturally, there are courses related to Chinese cuisine.

But in Chinese cuisine.

Even for the same dish, there are many ways to cook it, and even different methods can be evolved according to the region and even the different side dishes used.

For example, the dish of boiled fish.

In the course of Chinese cuisine.

Yuanyue students have learned six cooking methods.


Teruji Kuga's method of marinating lobster and fish meat is completely different from what they learned in class.

In those six cooking practices.

The way they have learned to marinate fish is nothing more than using salt, cooking wine, cornstarch, and egg white to marinate the fish fillets for 10 minutes (depending on the individual).

Kuga Teruki used a lot of seasonings to marinate the fish, and even added chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns that he and others didn't even understand!

"These guys, I don't know whether to say they are naive or stupid?" Takumi said coldly after hearing the discussions around him.

"If you just follow the recipe blindly!"

"That kind of people."

"You don't deserve to be called a cook at all, you're just a tool!" Tuckermi completely looked down on those "partners" who were committed to recipes.

This is also the gap between the academic school and the practical school.

Yuanyue student.

Many people have no cooking experience at all and do not understand the difference between actually running a restaurant and studying in a classroom.

This is why.

The reason why Totsuki arranges field studies in the Higher Education Department, and even arranges business assessments for students during residential studies...


"A truly qualified cook will use the cooking style he is familiar with and integrate it into various cooking themes for innovation..." Takmi continued.

“The ingredients are different!”

“The difference of the guests!”

"According to different situations, you can come up with dishes that satisfy the guests. This is a qualified cook!"

"Puff puff!"


"Brother, you are best at combining Italian-style cuisine with other dishes. This is also the origin of your title of pioneer of the new flavor horizon, brother." Isami matched what Tuckermi said.


"Don't say this title suddenly!" After hearing Isami's words, Takmi's face turned red as if on fire.

Pioneers of new flavor horizons.

This title was suddenly shouted out by Isami in front of so many people, which still made Takmi feel a bit embarrassed.

"Puff puff!"

"elder brother!"

"Don't you think this title is very handsome?" Yisami continued with a smile and tilted his head. "And I thought you liked the title?"

"Didn't you mention this specifically when you called your mother?"

"do not talk."


"Stop talking!" Takmi covered his face with his hands tightly, and then buried his head directly like an ostrich!
the other side.

Soma Xinghei was also carefully observing Teruki Kuga's actions.

"No no no!"

"Do you add chili powder and pepper powder to the marinade?" Xing Ping Chuangzhen touched his chin and began to think about the goal of Jiuga Zhaoji's method.

"Is it to enhance the spicy and numb taste?"

"It's just that this won't make the spicy and numbing flavors in the dishes overdone?"

"Huaxia Sichuan Cuisine."

"Although it is said to be famous for its spicy and spicy flavor, what we pursue is not spicy but not dry, numb but not bitter. This kind of weight is already too much!" Xing Ping Chuangzhen recalled his father's teachings, and then said doubtfully.

"Chuangzhen Lord."

"You actually don't know Senior Kuga." Zenji Marui explained.


"Kuga-senpai is indeed best at Chinese Sichuan cuisine, but what he is good at is not conventional. Instead, he dominates his dishes and even his guests with a violent attitude!"



After hearing Zenji Marui's words, Soma Xinghei became even more confused, completely unable to understand how these two words could be associated with cooking.


"This is the power Kuuga-senpai uses to violently dominate diners!" Zenji Marui continued to explain.


On the cooking table.

When Teruki Kuga was still cooking, Soaki Saito had already completed his own dishes first!
on the dinner plate.

A huge block of ice carved into the shape of a sea wave, cut out of striped salmon and dotted with almond cabbage, poses an exquisite shape...

"Please taste!"

Saito Muneaki said respectfully to Kanda Souji in front of him.

"Striped Salmon Sashimi!"

"Have your kitchen knives been frozen with liquid nitrogen in advance?" Kanda Souji didn't taste the striped salmon sushi for the first time, but asked Saito Zongaki.


The way of cooking here can indeed maximize the taste of dreamy ingredients. After all, they are eaten raw without any cooking processing.

Unless it is an ingredient with special properties like glued leeks.

otherwise.There's no way Dream Ingredients can taste bad.


Kanda Souji is not very keen on raw food. Even Kanda Souji has also eaten raw salmon, even if sashimi is one of the best ways to eat salmon.

Contrasting horizontal stripes of salmon sashimi.

Souji Kanda was interested in Saito Muneaki's way of cooking striped salmon.


"Mr. Kanda..." Saito Muneaki respectfully answered his idea of ​​cooking. "After freezing the kitchen knife, it can better retain the taste of the striped salmon..."

"I understand."


"Have you ever considered replacing your kitchen knives with ice knives instead of freezing them?" Souji Kanda asked calmly.

"ice skates?"

After hearing what Souji Kanda said, Saito Muneaki couldn't help but be stunned.

Ice knife cuts striped salmon.

Can a chef really do this kind of thing?

To know.

Although the ice blade is hard enough, it is not tough enough. If the ice blade is used to cut the fish, I am afraid that the ice blade will break on the spot when cutting!

If replaced by someone else.

Zongming Saito would probably think that this kind of thing is just a whimsical idea.


Who told this to be Kanda Souji?
Others do not know.


In Saito Zongming's view, since it was Kanda Souji who said that he could use ice knives to cut cross-striped salmon, then Kanda Souji must have successfully done this.


Striped salmon is an ingredient in Kanda Farm. When it comes to cooking with dream ingredients, there is probably no one in the world who can compare with Kanda Souji.


What Soaki Saito didn't know was.

Kanda Souji has never tried using ice skates to cook cross-striped salmon. After all, using ice skates is to better preserve the taste of cross-striped salmon.

And Kanda Souji has a Susheng kitchen knife made by the second-generation Melk!

There is a susheng kitchen knife.

Soji Kanda needs to use other methods to ensure the taste of the food. You must know that the Susheng kitchen knife can regenerate the cells of the food at high speed.

In this situation.

No matter what kind of food it is.

Kanda Souji can keep it the best taste!


If it is necessary for Kanda Souji to use ice skates to cook striped salmon, it is not impossible for Kanda Souji to do this.

It's just not necessary.

Gourmet cells strengthen the five senses and evolve supernatural abilities.

Not to mention using ice skates to process ingredients.

Even with leaves.

Kanda Soji is able to handle barred salmon perfectly.

Mention ice skates.

That's just because Kanda Souji looked at Saito Muneaki's sashimi-making technique and remembered the dishes of a certain dark chef who was selected by the Eiling Knife.

"Mr. Kanda."

"Thank you for your guidance..."

Saito Zongming thanked Kanda Souji, Saito Zongaki had already decided to go back to practice using ice skates to make sashimi after the halberd eating was over.


"Mr. Kanda seems to be talking about something with Saito-senpai?"


"It's too far away!"

"I can't hear exactly what Mr. Kanda is saying! But, looking at Saito-senpai's appearance, is it possible that Mr. Kanda is inviting Saito-senpai?"

"No way?"

"Mr. Kanda is the strongest cook in the world, how could he invite Saito-senpai?"

"Why is it impossible?"

"One must always have a dream!" The person who spoke before said plausibly. "What if Mr. Kanda suddenly takes a fancy to us?"

Jury seat.

Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Managi have already begun to taste this horizontal striped salmon sashimi.


Saito Zongming's dishes were swept away.

The moment I put down my chopsticks.

Nakiri Senzaemon's expression sounded like the roar of an engine again, and it was still the open-cloth professor from Nakiri's family!

Unclothed professor.

This bloodline of the Nakiri family has been passed down from generation to generation. The only criterion is the taste of the dishes. No matter how many times Nakiri Senzaemon tastes the dishes, it will be the same!
Just meet the requirements.

The power imparted by Nakiri Senzaemon Koi will be activated on his own initiative, without any control at all.

"Professor in open clothes!"

"This is actually taught by the commander-in-chief Changyi!"

"Senior Saito's cooking actually triggered the special power of the bloodline of the General Manager Nakiri family! There is no suspense about the outcome of this game!"

With the pulse of open clothes sweeping the audience.

The whole meeting place fell into a commotion immediately, and all the students in the middle school were shocked by the fact that Saito Zongming's cooking inspired Professor Changyi to teach.


That was also limited to the students of Yuanyue's middle school, and some students who understood the nature of fantasy ingredients also had a calm expression on this matter.

For example, Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Alice.

Then let alone.

Dojima Silver, Shinomiya Kojiro and the others.

during this time.

Dojima Gin and the others have long seen countless times Nakiri Senzaemon activated Koi to teach because of fantasy ingredients.


Dojima Yin still has a little complaint about this.

It was fine before.

The number of times Nakiri Senzaemon launched the open-cloth teaching is actually not that frequent, and more often the clothes are torn...

And now.

Since the emergence of fantasy ingredients.

As long as it is a dish cooked with dreamy ingredients.

Nakiri Senzaemon has to come to such an open-clothes teaching to prove that the Nakiri family has passed down the special power from generation to generation.

In this situation.

The special power of the Nakiri family has become a kind of trouble instead!
He bursts out of clothes at every turn.

This kind of thing.

It doesn't matter if the author writes or doesn't write.


On the cooking table.

Jiuga Zhaoji didn't care about what happened in the venue at all, but put all his heart and soul into his own dishes that were about to come to an end.

The kitchen knife chops quickly.

Ingredients such as violent chili peppers, dynamic Sichuan peppercorns, and prickly garlic were immediately chopped into minced chili peppers and minced garlic of different colors by Kuga Teruki!

It was swirled directly into the red broth where the lobster fish fillets were simmering.

Before that.

The lobster fish meat that I have marinated for a long time is put into the soup that is boiled with cross-striped salmon, and the stew is in progress...

With the end material added.


Kuga Teruki directly poured the hot oil from frying violent chili on top!
With the hot oil poured in!

A burst of hot red aura instantly rose up, and the air even became a little distorted under the scorching temperature.
 The coding time is a bit late.

  Some have no time to write six thousand.

  I owe two thousand.


  If the monthly ticket is over [-], it means that I owe [-]. I feel that this debt is like a code word and will never be repaid.


  I am going to ban Nakiri Senzaemon permanently, and the more I write about things like Professor Koi, the more troublesome I feel.

(End of this chapter)

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