Build the Traveler Alliance from Scratch.

Chapter 1000 There are differences between true dragons

Chapter 1000 There are differences between true dragons
Yun Ye widened his eyes, staring at Xia Yunlong who looked puzzled, and stammered, "Just... just became an immortal?"

"Is this the immortal I understand?"

“Long…Brother Long, are you an immortal?!”

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Xia Yunlong looked at Yun Ye in confusion and said, "Brother Yun, you are the newcomer that Boss Lin personally brought into the alliance. Even our boss has met you in advance. I'm just a True Immortal. What's so surprising about that?"

Here again, here again!

Yun Ye widened his eyes and stared at the two people opposite him, unable to speak for a long time.

Xia Yunlong looked suspiciously between the two men, and suddenly asked, "Boss, are you pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger again?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled, met their gazes and whispered: "Don't look at me like that, I'm not lying, this body really only has hundreds of years of internal cultivation in the low-level martial arts world, but I never said that this is my real body!"

It turns out to be a clone!

Xia Yunlong suddenly realized that if it were in another world, with his cultivation level, he would naturally be able to easily see that this was just a clone.

But in the gap of virtual space, no matter which clone it is, it is an extension of Lin Zhongtian's main consciousness. Even if this clone has only low-level martial arts strength, it is definitely not something Xia Yunlong can see through.

Lin Zhongtian shrugged and said as a matter of course: "Don't blame me for hiding it from you, you didn't ask!"


Yun Ye stared at Lin Zhongtian, feeling so upset that he wanted to vent about it.

If a normal person sees a time traveler who is considered to be the top of the combat power in a low-level martial arts world, he probably won't think of a clone, right? !
Since I can't even think of it, why bother asking?
Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "As Xiaolong said, I founded this Transmigrator Alliance. There are several other founding members as well. You will have the opportunity to meet them in the future."

"As for my true identity, there are many in the universe, but the most intimidating title, besides the leader of the Transmigrator Alliance, is the Emperor Ziwei of the Chinese Mythology Multiverse..."

Emperor Ziwei?!
Hearing Lin Zhongtian's casual words, Yun Ye's pupils shrank, and he suddenly recalled the scene when he first met him.

Lin Zhongtian's self-introduction at that time had already told him the truth, but Yun Ye did not think much about it at the time, so he missed the truth early.

Thinking of this, Yun Ye shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Shuangmulin, Zhongtian Ziwei Beiji Taihuang Emperor's Zhongtian... It turns out that you told me the truth a long time ago, but I didn't, or I didn't dare to think about it that way..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "I took on this job just to make it easier for the alliance members to travel in the mythical universe. As for the title of Emperor, it's just an empty title and not worth mentioning."

This is a bit too Versailles...

Yun Ye looked at Lin Zhongtian speechlessly, but at the same time the shock in his heart subsided a little, and he was no longer as awed and distant as when he first heard it.

Xia Yunlong laughed loudly and said, "Don't think it's too much. Big Boss is not bragging. The throne of the Emperor was really invited by the Heavenly Court to sit on it!"

Yun Ye widened his eyes and asked in shock again: "Is this true?"

Xia Yunlong stepped over the black tiger, sat opposite, put his arm around Yun Ye's neck, winked and said, "Of course it's true!"

"You are lucky to have encountered a period of rapid development of our alliance. If you are shocked by such a small thing, there will be many more things worth shocking in the future!"

Yun Ye swallowed his saliva and sat there in a daze, digesting the large amount of information he had just heard.

To be honest, before coming to the alliance, he already had some expectations of meeting 'Bai Yujing' in his heart.

But no matter how much he imagined, he never expected that the power of "Bai Yujing" would be so great!

Even a time traveler senior he randomly met was a True Immortal, and only barely made it into the second echelon. So how strong were the alliance members in the first echelon?

Not to mention, the leader, Mr. Lin, even tried to win over the real Heavenly Court and offered the position of the Four Imperial Lords to the Emperor of Ziwei.

This reality instantly reduced the sectarian force that he had originally imagined to only have a few immortals to a chicken in the field...

This is probably the definition of a frog in a well, right?

Yun Ye laughed at himself, then looked at Lin Zhongtian and said, "So, the Nine Yang Magic Skills I learned..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "I've told you a long time ago that it's a modified version of the Nine Yang Divine Art. Its full name is the Nine Yang Body Tempering Divine Art. If you practice it to perfection, you can be reborn and become a Nine Yang Body."

"You have a weak constitution and average talent, so I took the initiative to choose this technique for you."

"If you don't like it, you can go to the Sutra Library to choose it yourself after registering. But at that time, you will have to earn resources for subsequent cultivation."

"Of course, the public resources in the headquarters are free, such as these spiritual energies, you can use them at will."

Are these spiritual energies actually public resources?

Yun Ye looked at the thick mist-like spiritual energy outside the carriage, and his heart was shocked once again.

At this moment, Yun Ye thought of something again and couldn't help but look at Lin Zhongtian, with an expression of wanting to say something but stopping himself.

Lin Zhongtian found something wrong and asked a question, but Yun Ye shook his head, indicating that he had nothing to say.

Lin Zhongtian didn't care and continued to introduce the alliance to Yun Ye.

Soon, the chariot pulled by two real dragons stopped in the wide open space at the entrance of the reception hall.

Lin Zhongtian and the other two got off the carriage. Xia Yunlong stood beside the carriage and patted the body of the carriage. Two silver-white real dragons immediately let out a long roar and flew into the white sea of ​​clouds as if escaping. Seeing this scene, Yun Ye couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Why do I feel like they are a little scared?"

"You have every right to be afraid!"

Xia Yunlong said nonchalantly, "The reception area also provides food, such as dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder, which are all common ingredients. These two little dragons may have seen people eating these things, so they have a psychological trauma. This is also normal!"

"Dragon...dragon liver and phoenix gall?"

Yun Ye blinked and couldn't help swallowing.

Xia Yunlong smiled and said, "If you want to eat, you have to wait until your cultivation level improves a little bit, otherwise you won't be able to enjoy it."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at the two real dragons in the sea of ​​clouds and sighed softly, "There are also differences between real dragons. You should have heard that there is such a thing as the Dragon Transformation Pool in mythology. All creatures with scales have the opportunity to transform into dragons."

“But even if these monsters transform into dragons, their treatment is very different from that of natural dragons.”

"Most of the real dragon dishes served at the Heavenly Palace banquet are made from this kind of real dragon."

"As for those real dragons with followers and organizations, such as the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and their relatives in the rivers, lakes and seas, they will only go to the Dragon Slaying Platform if they violate the laws of heaven."

"In normal times, they still have dragon authority..."

Hearing Xia Yunlong's words, Yun Ye's expression was complicated.

It turns out that the world of immortals and gods is no different from the human world.

He looked at the two real dragons in the sea of ​​clouds and asked, "What about them?"

Xia Yunlong said softly: "These two little dragons are transformed from pythons, and they don't have dragon power. If they weren't good-looking, they would have been caught by the alliance to pull carts, and I'm afraid they would have been hard to escape the fate of being on the dining table."

Yun Ye glanced at him and said nothing.

Xia Yunlong smiled and said, "I know what you're thinking, but our alliance is still relatively merciful. In this regard, we are generally the consignees of other forces and will not take the initiative to do something like slaughtering."

"Of course, there would be no killing without buying and selling, we all know that."

"But we can't help it. This is reality. A real dragon is full of treasures. Our alliance is not a philanthropist. We can't give up such a good ingredient just for a little kindness..."

Yun Ye sighed softly and said, "I understand. I understand everything."

Xia Yunlong patted Yun Ye on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I'm glad you understand. Come on, I'll take you to register your identity information."

Yun Ye nodded, then looked at Lin Zhongtian and said, "Brother Tian, ​​what about you?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "Your identity is quite special among the time travelers. In order to make you feel better later, I called two people you might know. When they come, I will bring them in to see you."

Xia Yunlong understood, and immediately patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Boss, leave Brother Yun to me!"

After saying that, he pulled the confused Yun Ye to the reception hall, ready to register his identity information.

Lin Zhongtian stood there and waited for a while. Soon, two silver lights appeared at the edge of the reception square.

Two tall young men walked out of the silver light. The one on the left wore a white suit with a dragon flag pattern on it, and the one on the right wore a simple green shirt. They were Fan Xian and Ning Yi, both indigenous time travelers in the alliance.

After arriving at the reception square, the two saw Lin Zhongtian at a glance.

Fan Xian took a step over a hundred meters and came excitedly in front of Lin Zhongtian.

"Boss, where is Yun Ye?"

"Still inside."

Lin Zhongtian glanced at the reception hall behind him, then said with a smile: "You two are both indigenous travelers, and you have both experienced learning about your identities after joining the alliance, so I think it would be better for you to tell him about this kind of thing."

Fan Xian patted his chest and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm here to help him get through this!"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him and sighed, "You are already the emperor, can you be more calm?"

Fan Xian laughed and said, "In my eyes, being an emperor is just a job. It's fine as long as I can complete it. If even I am the emperor, my nature will be strangled and I will become a power beast sitting on the dragon throne, then wouldn't my work be in vain?"

Ning Yi agreed with a smile: "Brother Fan is absolutely right!"

Seeing that the two were very interested in Yun Ye joining the alliance, Lin Zhongtian nodded and asked with a smile: "Have you all seen Tang Brick?"

Fan Xian said quickly, "Yes, I have read it. Boss, you know that I was a myasthenia patient in my previous life. I lay in bed every day and could only read some texts for entertainment. In addition to literary classics, I have also read online novels."

Ning Yi said softly, "I have indeed never read the book Tang Brick, but I searched it before coming here. Yun Ye's experience is similar to mine, but he traveled to a better era than me, so he did not take the extreme path."

"Plus, he has a relatively flexible personality, so I think it shouldn't be a problem for him to accept reality."

Hearing what the two said, Lin Zhongtian nodded: "In that case, Yun Ye will be handed over to you two!"

(End of this chapter)

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