Build the Traveler Alliance from Scratch.

Chapter 999: What is your cultivation level?

Chapter 999: What is your cultivation level?
Seeing Yun Ye’s nervous look, Xia Yunlong couldn’t help but burst out laughing, as if he remembered himself back then.

He put his arm around Yun Ye's neck and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, kid. Coming to the Alliance is like going home. The people here are all your kind. They will all be your support and helpers in the future..."


Yun Ye stared at Xia Yunlong's smiling face in a daze, his eyes seeming a little confused.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yunlong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, looking at Lin Zhongtian in surprise and said: "Boss, you haven't told him yet?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "I was just about to tell him!"

After saying that, Lin Zhongtian turned around and faced Yun Ye, saying seriously: "Welcome to the Transmigrator Alliance!"

The...Travelers Alliance?!

Yun Ye's pupils suddenly shrank, and he stared at Lin Zhongtian in a daze, with a surge of shock in his heart.

All the doubts in his mind before were answered by this name with clear meaning.

The Alliance of Time Travelers... So that's it, so that's it!

Looking at Yun Ye, whose expression was filled with shock but also with realization and excitement, Xia Yunlong chuckled and raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Outside the square, two long dragon roars were suddenly heard.

Yun Ye had not yet fully recovered from his shock and subconsciously looked in the direction of the dragon's roar.

In the layers of white sea of ​​clouds, two hundred-meter-long real dragons covered with silver-white scales leaped out, with eight vigorous and powerful dragon claws each stepping on a white auspicious cloud. In the blink of an eye, they cut through the sky and landed on the open space in the square.

After the hundred-meter-long dragon roared past in front, a huge chariot that was ten meters high and thirty meters long stopped in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ye widened his eyes and a sense of disbelief arose in his heart.

"You're not going to let me sit on this?"

"if not?"

Xia Yunlong smiled and said, "Don't worry, you're a new player, the first month of fighting dragons is free, just sit back and enjoy!"

As he spoke, Xia Yunlong glanced at the black tiger lying next to him. The black tiger immediately stood up and jumped into the carriage. Its body, which was originally ten meters long, quickly shrank in the air and was only three meters long after it landed.

"Is this... Big or Small?"

Yun Ye was surprised again by the change of the black tiger.

Xia Yunlong was startled, then laughed and said: "This is not the Big and Small Ruyi, that is the real Tiangang magical power. As for this, it can only be regarded as the wind-facing change at most. Generally, any monster with a little Taoism will understand it!"

"is it?"

Yun Ye swallowed again and looked at Lin Zhongtian for help.

Lin Zhongtian smiled, looked at Xia Yunlong and said, "Let him go. He doesn't know much about our situation yet, so he will inevitably feel a little nervous and frightened. As a senior, you should stop adding fuel to his fire!"

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Xia Yunlong smiled awkwardly and then let go of the arm that was around Yun Ye.

Lin Zhongtian turned his head and looked at Yun Ye, smiling and said, "Let's get in the car first. I will tell you everything you want to know in the car."

Yun Ye and Lin Zhongtian looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and nodded solemnly.

As the three of them boarded the chariot, the two silver dragons pulling it immediately let out a long roar and soared into the sky on white auspicious clouds.

In the carriage, Yun Ye sat opposite Lin Zhongtian, his eyes sweeping across the two silver-glittering behemoths outside the window, and finally falling on the fairyland-like white sea of ​​clouds below.

Lin Zhongtian followed his gaze and immediately saw the arch bridges that were undulating and appearing and disappearing in the sea of ​​clouds.

Like the Time Traveler Square, those arch bridges are by no means ordinary things. Not only are they crystal clear, as if they were made of colored glaze, but they are also carved with many rare and auspicious beasts that are either majestic or gorgeous.

There are clouds and mist under the bridge, and colorful clouds in the sky above the bridge.

At both ends of each bridge, there are statues of auspicious beasts that swallow gold guarding them. Next to the statues, there are also parts of suspended land, on which grow evergreen auspicious grasses and exotic flowers that never fade in all seasons.

Such a building can be called a masterpiece of nature, not to mention the scenery you can see when you stand on the bridge and look around.

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly and said softly: "Generally speaking, when the newlyweds arrive, there are several ways to leave the square. The most common one is the dragon chariot we sit in. Of course, sometimes it is a phoenix chariot, a unicorn, a hovercraft, or even an aerospace fighter and a spaceship..."


Yun Ye suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Lin Zhongtian in confusion.

Lin Zhongtian didn't pay attention to his reaction, and continued to explain in a leisurely tone: "Besides that, you can actually walk on the arch bridge below. This way, the scenery is indeed more beautiful, but it's a little less majestic and takes more time."

"You are pressed for time and need to return before dawn, so I won't take you down the road."

"..." Yun Ye looked at Lin Zhongtian with a twitching mouth.

We've already reached the fairyland, who the hell cares when to go back!

If he had known that Bai Yujing was like this, let alone making up an excuse to deceive his family to go on a temporary trip, even if he suddenly disappeared for a month, it would be worth it! At this time, Yun Ye had already discovered the changes in the internal force in his meridians.

He only stayed in the square for a while, but just by breathing normally and running the small circulation, he pushed his internal strength to the level of fifty years, and it is still increasing rapidly at the rate of one year per minute.

You know, he had practiced hard for more than two months, and with the spiritual objects and tonics provided by Lin Zhongtian, his internal strength had only barely broken through the bottleneck of ten years.

But here, he only needs to breathe ten minutes of air to easily equal two months of hard training.

This was because his mortal body's absorption efficiency was too low. Most of the spiritual energy he inhaled could not be digested and could only be exhaled again with his breathing.

Even so, Yun Ye was still very satisfied.

According to his estimation, even if they left before dawn, it would still take five hours.

When converted, that’s a full six hundred years of cultivation!
Six hundred years. Lin Zhongtian previously said that he only had three hundred years of internal cultivation, but he was already able to defeat ten thousand alone and was unstoppable. If Yun Ye had six hundred years of internal cultivation, he would be almost invincible, right?
...Wait, Brother Tian has only been practicing for three hundred years?
Yun Ye caught the blind spot and was stunned for a moment, staring at Lin Zhongtian in a daze.

At this time, Lin Zhongtian was still laughing and said, "In addition to walking and taking public transportation, there is actually a space channel in the square that can directly teleport to the reception hall. However, the speed is too fast and I won't have time to talk to you."

"I took all of the above into consideration and chose the Dragon Chariot for you. You shouldn't blame me, right?"

"Of course not!" Yun Ye answered quickly, and then looked at Lin Zhongtian, seeming to hesitate about what to say.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you that I am giving you a chance by bringing you to sit in the sedan chair? If you have anything you want to ask, just say it!"

"Then I'll say it!"

Yun Ye calmed down, glanced at the black tiger lying at his feet, and asked seriously: "Where is this place?"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "This is the gap between worlds. It is also the headquarters of the Transmigrator Alliance. All members of the alliance are like you and me. They are travelers from the heavens and myriad worlds."

Hearing this, Xia Yunlong came over, pointed at himself and said with a smile: "Yes, I am a time traveler too!"

Yun Ye looked at Xia Yunlong, then at Lin Zhongtian, and said thoughtfully: "I almost understand what you mean. So Brother Tian, ​​you did not passively travel to that world like me, but actively traveled through it, looking for new travelers."

"That's right!"

Xia Yunlong snapped his fingers and praised: "Very smart~"

Yun Ye said ashamedly: "Not really. If I were really smart, I would have thought of it when you said the words 'guide the newcomers'. How come I only came to my senses now?"

Xia Yunlong laughed loudly and said, "It's already possible. Judging from your cultivation level, you should be from the low-level martial arts world."

"In a world like this, even if one cultivates to the peak, he is just a mortal who is slightly stronger than Captain America. When he first arrives at the League, he will be surprised by the things that only exist in these high-energy worlds. It is natural."

"This is the result of the limitations of the world and has nothing to do with your own intelligence."

Low-level martial arts world, high-level energy world...

Yun Ye stared at Xia Yunlong in a daze, subconsciously thinking that he might have heard some extraordinary words.

When he came back to his senses, he quickly said, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask, what is your name, senior?"

Xia Yunlong smiled and stretched out his hand: "Okay, my name is Xia Yunlong, I come from the world of beast control, I'm a beast control master, what about you?"

Yun Ye was flattered and quickly shook hands with Xia Yunlong: "My name is Yun Ye, I come from the Tang Dynasty world, I practice the Nine Yang Magic Art, and now I only have about fifty-five years of internal strength cultivation..."

At this point, Yun Ye paused and corrected, "Fifty-six years."

Xia Yunlong smiled and said, "Don't worry. Now that you have joined the alliance, it is only a matter of time before you become an immortal. When the time travelers in our alliance meet, they are all equals. You don't have to be too reserved..."

Halfway through his speech, Xia Yunlong's voice suddenly stopped.

Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly, and indeed saw Xia Yunlong's eyes widened. He stared at Yun Ye and asked, "What's your name?"

Yun Ye was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on, and replied cautiously: "Yun Ye."

Xia Yunlong twitched his lips and muttered softly, "No wonder it sounded so familiar just now..."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said, "You remembered?"

Xia Yunlong nodded: "Yeah."

Lin Zhongtian said softly: "Don't tell him about this in a hurry, we can talk about it later."

Xia Yunlong nodded again and said, "I know, Boss."

...There it is again, this overly respectful title!
Yun Ye frowned, looked at Lin Zhongtian, then looked at Xia Yunlong, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Excuse me, what is your cultivation level, Brother Long?"


Xia Yunlong sighed and said, "To be honest, although I joined quite early, my starting point was relatively backward. My cultivation level barely made it into the second echelon, and now I have only just become an immortal!"

"I see, you just became an immortal..."

Yun Ye nodded, then suddenly realized what was happening and asked sharply, "What did you say?!"

(End of this chapter)

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