Too much fruit

Chapter 444 Treat People With Sincerity

Chapter 444 Treat People With Sincerity
The rain was still falling, and the continuous sound was like a drum beat, making the whole world vibrate.

Yun Jiuye pushed the wheelchair, followed by Ling Wujue, walking in the corridor of the mansion, walking slowly and unhurriedly, and asked as if unintentionally: "Junior brother's legs and feet have not recovered yet?"

"Alas~" Jiang Li sighed, "In order to force the fourth prince and Zuo Zhao back, he did not hesitate to use forbidden techniques, which caused heavy injuries. Later, although the injuries were healed with elixirs, the root of the disease was left behind. It’s difficult to get off the ground, and without special circumstances, I might never be able to walk on two feet in my life.”

However, you are such a shaken person. You beat the eldest prince black and blue, and was bitten by the dog...
Although there was a sneak attack and the eldest prince didn't have much fighting experience, it also showed Jiang Li's strength at that time.

Yun Jiuye and Ling Wujue didn't believe Jiang Li's words at all, thinking that the sixth man was just farting.

"Ha." Ling Wujue even sneered.

"Fifth Senior Brother, you don't believe me."

Jiang Li heard the laughter and sighed: "Junior brother, I have always treated people with sincerity. This is well-known by everyone. Fifth senior brother, you can't question my character just because I say you are worse than a dog."

"伱——" Ling Wujue suddenly turned green with anger when he heard this.

Without the two elders close by, Jiang Li's words became a little more aggressive. In just one sentence, Ling Wujue broke his guard.

"I want to see how sincere you are in treating others!"

Out of anger and temptation, Ling Wujue raised his palms to form a sword, and with a flash of killing sword energy, he was about to take action.

However, the moment the knife came out, Ling Wujue suddenly felt a panic in his heart, and an unconcealable sense of crisis exploded in his heart. The figure sitting in the wheelchair seemed to become extremely distant, as if he had traveled to the end of the world in an instant.

The world in front of him became dark and lightless, and as far as he could see, interlaced rays of light formed a complex array, overlapping and appearing at his feet.

And the position where Ling Wujue was standing was exactly the left position.

The blazing fire-like breath rushed into the body from the Yongquan Point, and collided with the killing sword energy that was biased towards the metal element. Ling Wujue immediately reversed the energy and turned to mobilizing the red copper body to suppress the fire energy.

However, the fire was getting stronger and stronger, so much so that it absorbed Ling Wujue's sword energy to fuel itself. It was not like fire overpowering metal, but like wood making fire.

Ling Wujue tried to suppress the fire to no avail. Instead, it became more and more like a prairie fire. The Yongquan points on his feet actually felt like burning pain.

"Fifth Junior Brother."

At this moment, Ling Wujue felt a palm pressing on his shoulder, and a mellow and thick air poured into his body, washing down and suppressing all the anger.

The scene in front of him suddenly dissipated, the darkness was no longer, the array disappeared, the wheelchair had stopped, and Yun Jiuye, who was pushing the wheelchair, reached out and put his hand on Ling Wujue's shoulder.

That mellow and thick aura obviously came from him.

"Fifth Junior Brother, if you are tired, go back and rest first."

Yun Jiuye patted Ling Wujue's shoulder, gave a warning, and then pushed the wheelchair forward alone.

"Junior brother has great skills. The secrets used by Fenghou Qimen can be said to moisturize things silently. If the fifth junior brother is not careful, he will be defeated by the junior brother."

While walking, Yun Jiuye said, with a lot of surprise and praise in his words.

If he hadn't taken action, Ling Wujue would be in a state of embarrassment even if he wasn't hurt at this moment.

The Fenghou Qimen transforms into a force that creates a restraint, reversing the universe, allowing fire to defeat metal and evolve into wood causing fire. This is really unbelievable. Once those who don't understand the secret follow the path, they are doomed to failure.

"Elder brother is the most powerful one. He can break the formation with just one move." Jiang Li counterattacked humbly.

"I am not as talented as my junior brother in this field. Although I have dabbled in all kinds of magic, I am sparse in all of them. It is difficult for me to become a master."

Yun Jiuye said calmly and quite modestly.

While the wheelchair was moving forward, the heavy rain outside the corridor suddenly exploded into pieces of water, forming a water curtain. Fire was reflected in the water, and a heavy aura emerged from the fire, forming various wonders.

Countless energy veins take shape and change while walking, and then collapse, become confused, and conflict with each other in an instant.Jiang Li runs the Qimen, and his body is Tai Chi, playing with the universe.

Yun Jiuye, on the other hand, seems to be walking and stopping, with a kind of boundless vastness filled with virtues. Strange talismans appear all over his body. The traces are round and sharp, and they spin around the body quickly. Wherever they pass, the Qi pulse is cut off. No longer takes shape.

Yun Jiuye seemed to be just dabbling as he said, and did not show many profound attainments. However, he was proficient in a unique secret method that could cut off Qi veins, split Qi machines, and even break Jiang Li's body. The unity of nature and man makes it difficult for De Fenghou Qimen to take shape.

"Since junior brother has inconvenient legs and feet, he will live next door to brother so that brother can take care of him."

Yun Jiuye said slowly: "The two junior uncles are here to help the King of Shu suppress Shu County, so that Jindi will not fall and it will be difficult to take care of us. We senior brothers are out there, so we have to take care of each other."

Of course, it is also convenient to monitor each other.

There were considerations in this regard when letting Jiang Li live next door.


The wheelchair stopped in front of a room door. Yun Jiuye opened the door, sent Jiang Li in, and came out without stopping.

"Junior brother, you have traveled a long distance, so you can have some rest. As a brother, I won't bother you too much."

After that, he left straight away, and the strange talismans around him gradually disappeared.

Jiang Li just watched Yun Jiuye leave, his eyes flashing with light, flashing back to various previous scenes.

'He is doubting my relationship with the lawless...'

Yun Jiuye walked back to the corridor from the wing room and arrived at the previous place, only to see Ling Wujue still standing there.

"This guy, Lao Liu, has improved a lot. I originally wanted to give him a try, but I didn't expect that I had already fallen into his trap before I made a move."

When Ling Wujue saw Yun Jiuye coming, the previous annoyance on his face was no longer there, and he said calmly: "He is talking nonsense, his injury must have been cured long ago."

However, Yun Jiuye shook his head, and then took out something from his sleeve, which was a finely carved jade statue of Haechi.

"He didn't lie. The Haechi jade statue didn't react at all." Yun Jiuye touched Haechi's horn and said lightly.

This Xie Zhi jade statue has the ability to detect lies. If someone lies, the jade statue will react immediately.

Jiang Li had such a jade statue in his hand, but he didn't expect that Yun Jiuye also had one in his hand.

In other words, Jiang Li really treats people with sincerity?

Ling Wujue felt an indescribable weird feeling just thinking about that possibility.

"But the truth may not be deceptive." Yun Jiuye continued.

"The inconvenience in my legs and feet may be true, but it may not be true that I still have inconvenience in my legs and feet..."

"Senior brother, do you suspect that he is at large?" Ling Wujue continued.

"On the contrary, I don't think he is at large."

Yun Jiuye shook his head and denied it, but he added: "But who says that a person who is free from the law must be someone? Maybe, our junior brother also borrowed the identity of a person who is free from the law at some point."

He recalled his previous fight with "Li Qinglian" and the footprints he saw afterwards.

"Find an opportunity to give him a try. Also, find Li Qinglian as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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