Too much fruit

Chapter 445: Golden Embankment, Qing Ji

Chapter 445: Golden Embankment, Qing Ji

It was winter, and it was raining heavily, so it got dark very quickly. Just after midnight, it was already pitch black outside, without any light.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the rainwater in the ditch is overflowing, covering the ground, and the water level is still rising.

Next to the Centenary Pond in the south of Shu County, there are row upon row of houses. On the second floor of one of the houses, Zhang Dao opened the window and saw the wind and rain pouring down, and the scene of the pond overflowing. He couldn't help but make an unoptimistic guess: "So If we go down, Shu County may also suffer disaster."

The Dinghu Sect is being hosted by the King of Shu, so naturally it is a good place to go.As for the Tao Te Sect, because they were not popular, did not have contact with the Taiping Sect, and did not want to attract attention, they rented a house outside the city to stay and wait and see the situation.

As for Taoist temples, they don't exist, at least not in Shu County.

All the temples here are dedicated to Emperors Yan and Huang, and the Sanqing Sect cannot preach here.

However, it is precisely because I live outside the city that I can clearly see the changes in the environment.

If this situation continues, even if there is a golden embankment to divert and discharge floods, the water demons will gather momentum sooner or later.

Once the wave surges, it will directly overflow the embankment, and Shu County is in a low-lying area. If it is flooded, it will be the result of the entire city being submerged.

"It's not that easy to suffer disaster."

The Taoist in the room was an old god. After hearing Zhang Daoyi's words, he meditated without opening his eyes and said: "Although the golden embankment is distributed in three places, it is actually a whole, like an array and a vessel, carrying A third-grade Taoist fruit is itself a Taoist weapon. Although Wuzhiqi is powerful, it is extremely difficult to flood the golden embankment."

"You see that King Shu is not in a hurry, so you know that the situation is still under control."

"Third-grade Taoist weapon?" Zhang Daoyi turned around and looked at the Taoist, "I wonder what kind of Taoist weapon it is, but it can actually suppress the flood caused by Wuzhiqi? Please ask Senior Brother Wenxu to clear up my doubts."

After all, Taoist tools are not as powerful as a practitioner who can accommodate Taoist fruits. Even if there are ten third-grade Taoist tools in hand, they are not as powerful as a third-grade practitioner.What's more, Wuzhi Qi has been famous for nearly 200 years and was already in the fourth rank more than a hundred years ago. One can imagine his current strength.

Theoretically, a third-grade Taoist weapon would never be able to stop the flood caused by Wuzhi Qi.Instead of relying on Jindi to defend, it would be more refreshing to take the initiative and directly behead Wuzhi Qi.

In the room, the Taoist with slender eyebrows and long beard opened his eyes and said word by word: "The third-grade man, King Yu."

As soon as this name came out, it seemed to have a strange magic power. The sound of wind and rain disappeared, and floods were no longer a concern.

"King Yu's Daoguo has the ability to suppress and divert floods, and Jindi was actually built specifically to give full play to this Daoguo ability. It took nearly nine years to build the Jindi capital with the power of the imperial court. , which shows how important this project is. Jindi may be the only Taoist tool in the world that can fully exert its power."

Taoist Wenxu looked at the open window and said slowly: "It is located on the river, which is equivalent to a third-grade strongman here. If there is no accident, Wuzhiqi will not be able to open the golden embankment."

"But Wuzhiqi is not the only one trying to dig out the golden embankment." Zhang Dao replied.

Just like the one from the Taiping Sect...

"But he is a third-grade man," Taoist Wenxu said with a serious expression, "Why do you think that leader Zhang hasn't made much noise yet? Isn't it because he is afraid that if he makes a move, a group of third-grade men will attack him. Attack it? That person can't take action until the suspicion of promotion is removed. When he can take action, everything will be irreversible. "

Because that means that Zhang Zhixuan and the other three levels, at least most of the three levels, have a basic consensus. Destroying Jindi is no longer the idea of ​​​​one person. Unless the most powerful takes action, it will be difficult to stop it.

Therefore, we need to do our best to eradicate the effective forces of the Taiping Sect before Zhang Zhixuan takes action.

If most of the Taiping Sect could be destroyed, then there would be no need to think about attacking Jindi.

However, all parties are still exercising restraint at present. The main conflict at the moment is still the conflict with the demon cultivator and the conflict with Wuzhi Qi. The Taiping Sect has not really taken a stand yet.

Now it is the Demon God Sect that has taken on everything and become the major enemy threatening Liangzhou.

Shu County is still peaceful now, but in other places in Liangzhou, demon cultivators are everywhere. Taking advantage of natural disasters, peaceful demons are now the mainstream.

"You and I can't change the mainstream now. Instead of thinking about Jin Di, we should think about how to find the incarnation of Senior Brother Li." Taoist Wenxu stretched his body and said in a relaxed tone.

This is what they should do now.

"Senior Brother Li Qinglian's whereabouts are uncertain, how can it be so easy to find him," Zhang Daoyi sighed, "We were only one step away from him before, but we still missed him. It's difficult to find him now."

Zhang Daoyi would never have thought before that not long after he met Jiang Li, Li Qinglian approached Jiang Li.

If the battle between the two of them hadn't left too many traces and attracted many practitioners, Zhang Daoyi wouldn't have known that Li Qinglian and Jiang Li had met.

"It's not difficult. At least we have clues now," Taoist Wenxu smiled mysteriously and said, "Jiang Li has come to Shu County."

Jiang Li and Li Qinglian had met before, and they must have had a competition. Through him, he might be able to find out some traces of Li Qinglian.

But now there is a problem, that is, Daodezong and Jiang Li have enmity.Yuan Zhen died at the hands of Jiang Li. Even if the two sides were supposed to have an upright fight, a dead person is a dead person. It is impossible to directly override this contradiction.It is impossible for Zhang Daoyi to contact Jiang Li and ask him for help for Li Qinglian.

Li Qinglian, on the other hand, didn't matter, Yuan Zhen was considered his disciple. As a result, although he regretted Yuan Zhen's death, he didn't complain about it, and he had no burden in dealing with Jiang Li.

Thinking of this, Zhang Daoyi frowned deeply.

Taoist Wenxu was so sophisticated that he naturally saw Zhang Daoyi's troubles, and immediately smiled and said: "Jiang Li is much more eye-catching than you, and there are many more causes and effects involved in him. Since he shows up, even if he doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble, , trouble will find him on his own, and he won’t have to worry about not having the opportunity to contact him.”

"All we have to do is wait."

Time gradually came to the second half of the night.

At three o'clock in the morning, Jiang Li, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes. Xiao Tian, ​​who was lying beside the bed, felt his master's movements and stood up.In the darkness, a pair of red dog eyes, a pair of eyes with complex patterns, shone brightly at the same time.

'The sound of hoofbeats. '

Jiang Li could clearly distinguish the sudden sound in his ears.

And the voice was approaching quickly, and soon it was close, even not far from the side room.


Jiang Li had a thought and opened the door. There was a strong wind and heavy rain outside, but the rain still did not decrease.

In this violent storm, the sound of horse hooves came from far and near, entering the round arch in front of the wing, and a small shadow appeared in the eyes of one person and one dog.

In the heavy rain, there was a small yellow horse pulling an equally small carriage, which was only more than ten inches long in total. The carriage was equipped with a yellow canopy, and there was a small man driving the carriage, driving quickly.

He seemed to be only a few inches tall. He was wearing yellow clothes and a yellow crown. He looked quite noble, but his small figure made this noble look not obvious, but made him look a bit cute.

It's pretty cute even though it's small, isn't it?
"Qing Ji?" Jiang Li saw this villain and dug out related terms from his memory.

The causal set is also refreshed at the same time.

【It is a taboo to celebrate the birthday of those who have been drying up for hundreds of years, and whose grains and water are not exhausted.Qing Ji's appearance is like a human being, four inches long, wearing yellow clothes, a yellow crown, a yellow cap, riding a small horse, and likes to gallop.Calling it by its name can make a thousand miles return in one day. 】

[This is a kind of spirit, a rare monster, and as far as Jiang Li knows, there will be Qingji Daoguo...]

The innate Qi surged out from the house, turned into a big hand, grabbed the little man in yellow and brought him into the house.

"What message does the clan elder want to send to me?" Jiang Li's eyes flashed with a dark light, and a dark color invaded Qing Ji's mind in an instant. He scanned up and down and asked after making sure that the other party had no ill intentions.

Qing Ji's only ability is to be able to travel thousands of miles in a day, and he is a professional messenger. Although he does not have the combat power of the Shenxing Taibao and the Taiping Cult Law Order, he is specialized in the art, and in terms of long-distance running, he is better than the two.

The most important thing is that Qingji is concealed enough, and the loud sound of horse hooves will only be heard by the recipient of the letter, which is used to remind the other party that the letter is coming.

Only the Jiang family has this kind of Qingji Taoist fruit. Qingjis were specially trained by the Jiang family to serve their family.

Although the Jiang family can also command the magical eunuchs, there are still many things that cannot be explained to outsiders.Therefore, Qingji appeared.

After the main family moved overseas, among the Jiang family, only the clan elder should have a Qing Ji to drive him.

The little man in yellow was startled by this sudden movement, but after seeing Jiang Li, he got off the carriage as if he were meeting his master, and bowed to the big hand formed by the innate energy, with his hands upward , a letter larger than others appeared in his hand and was presented to Jiang Li.

"Young Master, the elder of the clan has a secret letter, instructing his subordinates to deliver it to the Young Master as soon as possible."

He must have never met Jiang Li before, but after meeting him, he immediately recognized Jiang Li's identity. This must be some kind of Dao fruit ability, or Jiang's special cultivation method.

But at the moment, Jiang Li had no intention of thinking about it. He just took the envelope, opened it, and checked the contents.

Then, the darkness in Jiang Li's eyes became darker and darker.

'The tribesmen in Yongzhou were assassinated, and dozens of people have died as a result. Now all the tribesmen have hid in their ancestral land, waiting for rescue...'

At this moment, a letter came from thousands of miles away, informing the ancestral land of the crisis...

'Sure enough, as soon as I showed up, all these troubles came one after another. But from this angle... Looking at the time, someone died shortly after I left the capital of God. '

(End of this chapter)

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