Too much fruit

Chapter 741: Qi Interaction, Taibai Journeys West

Chapter 741: Qi Interaction, Taibai Journeys West

At the same time that Sun Wukong went to see the Awakened One, Jiang Li, whose speed was no less than that of the Somersault Cloud, also moved away from the place of the fight.

However, he did not run tens of thousands of miles like Sun Wukong and go directly to the heart of the Buddhist kingdom. Instead, he returned to the Gobi Desert and landed on a rather conspicuous hill.

'Wuzhiqi really turned into Sun Wukong. Whether it was the Monkey King's true spirit or the Dao fruit completely transformed Wuzhiqi into a similar flower, it represented a high-grade Dao fruit... At least some of the third-grade Dao fruits, as well as the second-grade and first-grade Dao fruits, all had hidden dangers.'

Jiang Li's eyes were dim as he sorted out the clues in his mind.

Although Jiang Li had guessed beforehand that Sun Wukong might appear in Wuzhiqi's body, he was still unsure as to why Sun Wukong was able to revive.

He was actually more inclined to believe that the original owner's true spirit or consciousness still existed in the Dao Fruit, because before, when Jiang Li was refining the Five Weapons of the God of War, his consciousness was absorbed into the world of consciousness constructed by the Five Weapons of the God of War, and he saw the existence of what was suspected to be Chi You's consciousness.

At that time, Jiang Li suspected that the original owner of the second-grade Dao Fruit might not be dead yet. Now that he has met Sun Wukong, his worries in this regard have deepened.

The three fruits of Sun Wukong were combined into one, which was the realm of the third grade. He was not the second grade, but he was suspected to have left behind a true spirit. This shows that the third grade, at least some third grade fruits, could be revived like Sun Wukong.

If that's the case...
Jiang Li looked inward, sensing the Shennong Ding and the ochre whip that he had taken into his body.

The Dao Fruits in these two Dao Instruments belonged to Emperor Yan Shennong, and the combined grade of the two was Grade 2. If the Chi You that he saw that day was really a spiritual consciousness, then there was a 100% chance that there was also spiritual consciousness in Emperor Yan's Dao Fruit.

Chi You died at the hands of Huang Di, but Yan Di did not. If Chi You could leave his spiritual consciousness in the Tao Fruit, Yan Di could definitely do so as well.

"Do I have to fight with my ancestors to be promoted to the third rank?"

Jiang Li felt quite helpless.

After such a fight with Monkey King, especially the final blow to his head with the Chiyou Flag, Jiang Li's Dao Fruit fusion was further deepened. Judging from the cause and effect line, the Dao Fruit has been integrated to almost 90%, and it is not far from the fourth level of perfection.

He had already prepared for the third-rank promotion ceremony, and all that was missing was the right time.

This happening now has disrupted Jiang Li's plan.

"Could it be that my good elder brother saw this clearly and dared to sit on the Diaoyutai?"

Jiang Li thought of Feng Manlou who had not taken any action so far.

Although he was far away in Yongzhou, he knew everything about the situation in the capital. Whether it was the eldest and second princes' eagerness to make a move, or Feng Manlou's movements, Jiang Li was sure of it.

Therefore, he was quite puzzled about Feng Manlou's inaction. It was impossible for him to just sit there and let Jiang Li take the initiative to receive the Emperor's Dao Fruit, right?
Before this, Jiang Li had always been confused, but now it seems that this is really possible.

The Son of Heaven Dao Fruit is the only Dao Fruit without an original owner. It was created by the heavens, and there is absolutely no spiritual consciousness or true spirit hidden in it. Although accommodating the Son of Heaven Dao Fruit also requires assimilation, for Jiang Li, this matter is theoretically easier to solve than facing the Yan Emperor's spiritual consciousness.

Feng Manlou might really be waiting for Jiang Li to encounter a strong enemy and be forced to be promoted, so that he can take the initiative to accommodate the Emperor's Dao Fruit.

Jiang Li didn't know that Feng Manlou actually wanted to take action, but the princess threatened him with the green hat, which suppressed his thoughts...

Thinking about the troublemaker Feng Manlou staring at him from behind, Jiang Li couldn't help but sigh.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet?"

A pleasant and melodious voice sounded, and a beautiful blue figure slowly landed in front of Jiang Li.

At the same time, a large red dog with a limp ran to Jiang Li's feet and squatted, raising its injured left front leg and howling, accusing the monkey of atrocities.

The big dog is naturally Xiaotian.

And this woman is Yushi Yuanjun.

Before Jiang Li and Tian Xuan retreated to the west of Kunxu Mountain, Xiaotian was beaten back to the other side by Wuzhiqi, so he was unable to get on the car and travel with them.

However, Xiaotian was Jiang Li's dog-shaped magic weapon, and it could find Jiang Li even if they were far apart, not to mention that this big dog had inherited Xiaotian Dog's ability to track people over thousands of miles. Therefore, in the previous battle, Xiaotian came over and brought Yu Shi Yuanjun with him.

Without the assistance of Yu Shi Yuan Jun, it would not be so easy for Jiang Li to maintain the seal of the five weapons of the God of War remotely. Jiang Li would stay here just to wait for Xiao Tian to bring Yu Shi Yuan Jun over.

"Is the Sun-Shooting Bow's injury so serious?"

Yu Shi Yuanjun was one step slower than Xiaotian and did not see Jiang fighting against Bi Ma Wen, nor did she know that Wuzhiqi had died at the hands of Jiang Li. When she saw Jiang Li's worried look, she subconsciously thought that it was the injury left by the Sun-Shooting Bow.

Without waiting for Jiang Li's response, Master Yu had already stretched out her hand. A thin white thread shot out from her fingertips and wrapped around Jiang Li's wrist.

A gentle true energy flowed into the body, merged with the innate Qi, and began to flow throughout the body.

Jiang Li: "······"

How did he start fighting? And he even used his true energy to blend with her.

Jiang Li had only done this kind of thing with Tian Xuan and Gongsun Qingyue, and it could be said that it was something that could only be done with close people. The further integration of true qi was, the true qi dual cultivation.

If the dual cultivation of true qi is compared to the most intimate contact, then the fusion of true qi is just close contact, just a level lower. Generally speaking, even if you are healing someone, you can only transfer true qi at most, and you won't do the fusion. Because once they are fused, if the one transferring the qi has bad intentions, he will definitely be able to severely injure the one receiving the qi.

The Rain Master Yuanjun did this, he should...
"Is it just a momentary impulse?" Jiang Li thought as he observed the Rain Master inconspicuously.

Yu Shi Yuanjun had a serious look on his face, concentrating on running his true Qi and communicating with Jiang Li with the Yinglong Qi.

Her body was also of the Yin nature, and although it was not as compatible with Jiang Li as Tianxuan's, it was not much different. In fact, because Tianxuan was taught by Master Yu, their bodies were quite similar, so it did not cause Jiang Li's innate Qi to reject her at all.

However, Jiang Li's injuries have now healed.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Master Yu performed such an intimate gesture to heal Jiang Li's injuries, but Jiang Li's injuries had already healed. This result would be embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Jiang Li silently practiced the Eight-Nine Profound Art to fake injuries.

He has already established a friendship with Master Yu, and both parties call each other fellow Taoists. Master Yu is also Tianxuan's uncle and right-hand man, so he has frequent contacts with Jiang Li. They see each other every day, so he cannot embarrass her.

So Jiang Li accepted the help of the Rain Master.

As for the Rain Master, he was sensing the Yuan Qi blending with his own true Qi, and he felt both a long-lost shyness and an irrepressible excitement in his heart.

The Yinglong pattern in his palm seemed to come alive, and the Yinglong Dao Fruit also began to tremble. The Rain Master had used the Borrowing Shape Substitute Fruit Talisman to fake Jiang Li's cause and effect, causing Yinglong Dao Fruit to misjudge, so that he could resonate with Dao Fruit. Now that he was truly blending with Jiang Li's true energy, it was natural that he was further in tune with Dao Fruit.

She also used this to confirm her guess.

It was this method that was a little... embarrassing. Although Yushi Yuanjun was older than Tianxuan, he obviously did not have the experience of Tianxuan in some aspects, and even in terms of mentality, he was not as good as the old demon.

"This is all for the purpose of healing Jiang Li's wounds. There is no other purpose."

Yushi Yuanjun found an excuse in his heart and suppressed his extra thoughts with the mentality of a doctor. In the eyes of a doctor, there are only patients, regardless of gender, and he will not be apprehensive because of the other person's identity.

This is also a kind of care from the elders.

Yes, that's it.

Moreover, Tianxuan and Gongsun Qingyue were both tied to Jiang Li. With their identities, it was indirectly equivalent to the Gongsun family being tied to Jiang Li. Jiang Li's safety was also closely related to the Gongsun family.

Rain Master: “…”

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly feel a little immoral.

Beneath the seemingly calm surface, his thoughts were constantly rising and falling. It was obvious that this behavior had irritated the Rain Master greatly.

Jiang Li also sensed this ups and downs in his emotions, but considering the awkward contact between the two of them, this kind of psychological change was understandable.

I did that in the heat of the moment, and now when I think back on it, of course I feel embarrassed.

So, the two of them continued to "heal" in a silent atmosphere, each with their own thoughts.

Xiaotian, who was squatting at Jiang Li's feet, saw that his complaints went unanswered, and then he watched the contact between the two, his nostrils twitching slightly.

Xiaotian obtained the magical power of Xiaotian Dog, which can sense the aura and distinguish it. Based on its current perception, its master and Yuanjun should...
Xiaotian lay silently on the ground with his ears tucked up, looking like he was asleep.

As a dog, you should not be as curious as a cat, otherwise it will kill you.

This silent and somewhat awkward healing lasted for half an hour, until a sharp sword energy entered Jiang Li's perception.

"Master Taibai!"

Jiang Li raised his head suddenly, and the vertical mark between his eyebrows glowed with light, catching a glimpse of a sword light that cut through the air.

There is no doubt that this is the sword energy of Master Taibai. He actually left Tianxuan and came here.

"Is it because you found out that Yuanxi and I broke up?"

Jiang Li frowned, and the black and white air intertwined around him, covering both himself and the Rain Master, and they disappeared without a trace.

'Yuan Xi was still fighting and fleeing. She was trying to avoid fighting, and the Fairy Queen couldn't stop her. She wasn't injured, and nothing unexpected happened.'

Jiang Li and Tian Xuan have always had a sense of each other. He dare not say that he knows the situation completely, but he has a general idea of ​​it.

At this time, Tianxuan was still wandering around. Although the Fairy Queen was stronger than her, she couldn't do anything to her. Even if Taibai Zhenjun was watching in secret, it would be difficult for him to find Tianxuan's flaws in a short time.

If it is a head-on fight, Tianxuan will certainly find it difficult to gain the upper hand, but if it is just to protect himself, as a master of the Yi Dao, Tianxuan has a natural advantage.

The reason why Master Taibai came here was not because Tianxuan had been defeated.

Jiang Li was thinking when the sword light suddenly stopped in the air.

A young Taoist in a green Taoist robe appeared in the sword light, his sword-like eyebrows raised, revealing an extremely sharp aura, and his eyes were like a sharp sword, sweeping the earth.

'Did you notice my observation?'

Jiang Li pondered in his heart, slowly stretched out his hand, and held the raised right hand of the Rain Master. The black and white energy turned into a yin and yang fish, spinning under the feet of the two people, and the innate Qi evolved, making the two people's Qi, figures and surrounding environment perfectly integrated, while the Dutian God and Evil erased all traces, and even temporarily cut off the cause and effect.

If it was just him, he wouldn't need to spend so much effort, but with the Rain Master, it would require some concentration.

It is not easy to hide from a person like Taibai Zhenjun. The other party is a rare strong man among the third rank, and his sword skills are regarded as the best in the world.

Master Yu felt his palm being held, and he could not help but stiffen his body slightly. However, he knew the situation was urgent, so he did not make any unnecessary movements. He did not even look up at Master Taibai. He just lowered his eyes and restrained all his fluctuations.

The Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills and the Imperial Scriptures created by Jiang Li were indeed powerful. Even Master Taibai did not notice his and Master Yu's presence. As for the dog Xiaotian, he had long ago restrained his sense of existence and treated himself as a dead object, so as not to disturb his master from picking wild flowers.

Moreover, it is Jiang Li's Taoist soldier, so it doesn't take much effort to cover it up.

In the sky, Master Taibai looked around but still found no trace of others, but he believed in his sword heart perception.

A swordsman can doubt anything, but cannot doubt his own sword heart.

When Master Taibai saw that the search was fruitless, his eyes suddenly became stern and a clanging sound was heard out of nowhere.

The invisible sword force covered the sky and the earth, clearing the wind and clouds and cracking the rocks.

It was clearly a sword force generated by thoughts, but it had power that was no less than that of sword energy. It swept across the mountain, leaving sword marks all over the mountain. It swept across the rocks, and the rocks were instantly crushed into powder by the sword force.

The sword force plowed through an area of ​​five hundred miles in radius, and any living creatures, such as animals and insects, were chopped by the sword force and turned into blood mist.

The fierce force also swept over where Jiang Li was, but the surrounding innate Qi also changed accordingly, perfectly matching the sword force, allowing this fierce sweep to directly pass over the two people and the dog without letting Master Taibai notice it at all.

In the end, Master Taibai's sword power only killed a number of animals and insects, and also cut down the few vegetation, but no trace of the two people and the dog was found.

He soared into the sky and looked down at the earth once again, his look of certainty not diminishing in the slightest.

"Good means."

Even at this time, Master Taibai still believed in his own judgment. There must be someone hiding in the dark, but he just hadn't found it yet.

He praised, raised his sword again, and flew straight to the west.

Judging from the situation, he doesn't plan to continue searching.

And looking at the direction he is going...
Jiang Li watched from afar with his divine eyes, frowning even more tightly, "He is going to the Buddha Kingdom."

The direction that Taibai Zhenjun was heading was the Buddhist kingdom.

This person gave up chasing Tianxuan and chose to go to the Buddhist Kingdom. His unusual behavior immediately attracted Jiang Li's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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