Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 75 The Dark Arts and the Lost Harry

Chapter 75 The Dark Arts and the Lost Harry

The entire British wizarding world was in turmoil because of the reappearance of the fake corpse, and when a large number of existences lurking in the dark were alarmed.

The culprit of all this, John, is researching black magic items and books "bought" from Borginbock in the space.

After studying John, he found that some of his cognitions were actually wrong. Many magics he thought were not black magic, but in fact those magics were "legal" black magic.

As he knew before, according to the current classification of black magic in the wizarding world, it can be divided into three categories: jinxes, poisonous curses, and curses.

Hexes, specifically defined as "annoying and amusing"

Hexes have minimal negative effects, usually causing only mild discomfort to the caster.

Its effects can usually be prevented or eliminated by counter-jinxes, jinx-breaking spells, and other means.

Students at Hogwarts will learn some of the jinx-breaking spells in Defense Against the Dark Arts class. In fact, many of the spells taught at Hogwarts are actually jinxes.

The anti-apparition spell 'Forbidden Blocking Shadow', the repelling spell 'Three feet away from the enemy', the obstacle spell 'Obstacles', the withdrawal spell 'Lisong Jinxie', and the Fuchsia created by Professor Snape. Belongs to curse.

Hex, specifically defined as "pain and sorrow"

A poisoned spell causes moderate inconvenience or harm, but often causes severe pain to the caster.

The poison can be counteracted by transferring the poison, but it is not known whether there is a poison-breaking spell.

Bat spirit spells, incisor match sticks, toenail growth spells, ear cramp spells, etc. are all poisonous spells, and it can be seen from their effects that they will cause varying degrees of harm to the caster.

Curse, which is specifically defined as "torture and death"

Curses have many forms of power, but the common feature is that they will cause great pain and damage to the caster.

The three most famous Unforgivable Curses correspond to the three specific aspects of the curse, namely, extreme pain, complete control, and eternal death.

Curses are generally regarded as the most evil, powerful, longest-lasting, and most irreversible forms of black magic, and the Three Unforgivable Curses are among the best.

Also curses are not limited to magic, there are other curses in the wizarding world as well.

For example, drinking the blood of the most famous unicorn will also get a curse.

Although unicorn blood has the effect of extending life, it can work even on the dying, and the curse is the corresponding price.

This is because the person who commits this act kills a pure, helpless being in order to save his own life, so from the moment its blood hits the lips, what the drinker has will be a A half-dead life, a cursed life.

Most curses can be defended with the Iron Armor Curse, or resolved with the corresponding counter-curse, such as Shen Feng Wuying's counter-curse and quick healing.

Of course, most curses are considered irreversible, but they can be dealt with by evasion, interception, physical defense and other methods, just like the three unforgivable curses can be resisted by items with physical characteristics, such as the earth wall raised by the transformation technique , two shadow magics developed by John.

Just like John doesn’t think that the Explosive Curse is a kind of black magic. In fact, this is wrong. The Explosive Curse ‘Thunderbolt Explosion’ is actually a curse, but compared to other curses, the Explosive Curse is safer and more controllable, but its The essence is still magic that causes death.

And John discovered through research that many of Bokinbok's black magic items can actually see the shadow of some magic.

For example, the opal necklace, according to John’s dismantling and analysis of the opal necklace, the magic on it is a complex and primitive curse of instant death, and the trigger effect is direct contact.

John feels that this curse is actually the predecessor of the Killing Curse. To achieve the death effect of the Killing Curse, the ray it shoots must hit the target to cause death. The way to resist the Killing Curse is to avoid being hit by the rays, which is essentially to avoid touch.

It's just that it needs to use objects as the carrier, while the Killing Curse directly uses magic power as the carrier, from complex to simple, it fits the context of magic creation.

This is why John guessed that this opal necklace is most likely a black magic item made during the research process by the magician who developed the Death Curse.

Of course, this is just John's guess, maybe the real situation is completely different from what he thought.

So John didn't pay too much attention to this conjecture, but concentrated on studying black magic and cracking the Philosopher's Stone at the same time.

When concentrating on something, time seems to pass by like a fleeting moment, disappearing at an extremely fast speed, and finally the time has come for John and Harry to agree to buy books and items for the new semester together.

The research on black magic during this period not only allowed John to further understand the essence of magic in the main world, but also greatly advanced the research progress of the Philosopher's Stone.

Maybe John can thoroughly figure out all the mysteries of the Sorcerer's Stone before the day the teacher leaves, refine his own Sorcerer's Stone, and at the same time crack the Sorcerer's Stone given by him in the future.

After eating the breakfast that his mother had learned to make, John put on his cloak to protect himself from the ashes, picked up a pinch of shiny powder from a porcelain bowl on the fireplace, went to the stove, and threw the powder into the flames.

With a whoosh, the fire turned green and rose high, and John walked straight into the fire.

"Red Dragon Alchemy House"

The green flame fell with John's voice, and instantly burned violently and swallowed John.

Almost at the same time, John walked out of the fireplace in the secret room of the Red Dragon Alchemy House, which he specially built.

The fireplace in this room can only be reached by using the fireplace located in the home, no one else can use other fireplaces to come here.

When John packed his clothes in the room and came to the meeting place agreed with Harry at the Burrow.

In Knockdown Alley, the fireplace in the empty Borgin Burke Black Magic Store suddenly burst into green flames.

Floo powder was used for the first time, causing a dizzy, bruised, soot-covered Harry to roll out of it.

When he just rolled out of the fireplace, because of the wrong posture, Harry ended up hitting the ground face down, which caused his glasses to shatter.

Harry got up cautiously, holding the shattered glasses to his eyes.

Standing up slowly and looking around, Harry realized that he was in a strange place, and there was no Weasley family around him.

And Harry recognized that the location he was in should be the inside of a shop, but the shop seemed to have suffered some damage, with broken glass everywhere and scattered wood debris.

Harry felt that he should get out of here as soon as possible.

Although his nose was still burning, Harry still walked quickly towards the door, or where it used to be, because at this moment the door had fallen to the ground and shattered into dregs.

Harry put his broken glasses on his eyes and looked around. Before him was a dirty alley lined with what appeared to be dark magic shops.

According to the sign on the ground that can be read smoothly even if it is broken into several pieces, the store he just came out of is called Bojin Burke.

Harry vaguely felt as if he had heard the name of the shop, as if Uncle Arthur had mentioned it while reading the newspaper at the dinner table the other day.

But now is obviously not a good time to recall, because everything here is extremely weird.

There are some shrunken human heads on display in the window of the opposite family, and across the two doors, a large cage is covered with huge black spiders.In a dark doorway, two ragged wizards were watching him and whispering.

Harry suddenly felt creepy, and he felt that he had to get out of here as soon as possible.

So Harry tried his best to straighten the glasses all the way, with a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that he could touch them out.

An old wooden street sign in front of a shop selling poisoned candles told him this was Knockturn Alley.

It didn't help, Harry had never heard of this place, and he guessed that he might have come to this eerie place by accidentally mispronouncing the name of the place while in the Weasleys' stove.

Harry tried to stay calm, wondering what to do.

Just then, as if in a whisper, a voice rang in Harry's ear, and a hand grabbed his wrist, startling him.

"You're not lost, are you, dear?"

Harry turned his head quickly, and found that it was an old witch, half of her face was hidden in the shadows, and the exposed face was covered with wrinkles and pustules.

She was holding him in one hand now, and in the other she was holding what looked like a whole piece of dead man's fingernail.

The old witch squinted at him, showing a strange smile, and Harry could clearly see the moss growing on the other's teeth.

Harry was frightened by the old witch, and while trying to break free from her grasp, he said eagerly, "I'm fine, thank you, my friends are still waiting for me, I can't keep them waiting!"

"Don't meet strangers like this, my dear! Come to my mother-in-law to share some good things with you, it won't take much of your time."

Harry looked at the dead man's nails handed over by the other party. A stench mixed with rust and decay emanated from them, which made Harry feel disgusted and subconsciously covered his mouth.

Just when Harry was struggling wildly, but he couldn't get rid of the old witch, but was about to be pulled into the alley by the old witch, feeling desperate.

"What are you going to do to my friend?"

The sudden voice startled the old witch, and when she turned her head, she saw in the alley behind her, a young man with red hair and dragon eyes watching him quietly with a wand in his hand.

As if she had never seen such a beautiful young man before, the old witch showed a sinister smile, and immediately felt lust for John.

John immediately sensed the thoughts of the old witch in front of him, the dragon eyes flickered slightly, and the invisible dragon power was released directly, sweeping towards the old witch.

In the next moment, Longwei's unreserved Longwei directly penetrated the mind of the old witch, leaving only surrender in her mind.

Seeing that the old witch's hands softened, the plate in her hand hit the ground, and the nails were scattered all over the ground along with the fragments of the plate. Harry also took the opportunity to get rid of the old witch's control and quickly hid behind John.

"Harry! John! What are you doing here?"

A rough voice sounded, and Hagrid strode towards them, his beetle-like black eyes shining brightly above his beard.

Seeing Hagrid, John immediately put away Long Wei, and the old witch was caught by a big hand before recovering from the state of trance.

The pressure from the big fingers made the old witch scream, and then a huge force fell on her, and the old witch was thrown out directly by Hagrid.

"Go away! You shameless bastard!!"

Hagrid's roar, and John's cold eyes behind Hagrid, made the old witch completely lose her courage, and disappeared into the depths of the alley screaming.

After confirming that the other party had disappeared, Hagrid looked away and looked at Harry and John with a simple and honest smile.

"Let's go, I'll take you out, this is not the place you should come, especially after such a terrible thing happened before!"

Under the leadership of Hagrid, Harry and John left the dark and gloomy Knockturn Alley and returned to the bright sunshine.

Harry saw a familiar snow-white marble building in the distance: Gringotts Bank, and then his tense nerves relaxed a little, and he knew that he was back in Diagon Alley.

Hagrid was helping Harry dust off the soot on his body. After knowing that Harry had accidentally entered, Hagrid could only say that Harry was too careless, then Hagrid looked at John and asked
"John, why are you there?"

"The amulet I gave you actually has a hidden function. As long as you wear the amulet and appear within a kilometer away from me, I can feel your specific location. I felt Harry appearing in the overturned Lane, so I went directly to save him."

Hearing John's words, Hagrid mumbled a few words, but finally said nothing. He knew why there was this function, and the events of last semester were always vivid in his mind.

If John hadn't appeared in time to save him, he might have died in the Forbidden Forest at that time.

In the end, Hagrid still told John to pay attention to safety, and then he stopped paying attention to what happened just now.

 When I checked the information, I really didn't think that the duplication curse is also black magic. Is it because the wizard who created this curse was rushing to duplicate people?
(End of this chapter)

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