Hogwarts: From Squibs to Greatness

Chapter 76 Surveillance Network and Lucius Malfoy

Chapter 76 The Surveillance Network and Lucius Malfoy
In fact, John didn't tell the truth. He did attach related perception functions to the talisman, but that function would only take effect when the talisman was triggered.

In fact, the reason why John was able to discover that Harry appeared in Knockturn Alley was because John officially set up a complete surveillance network in Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley after the "big purchase" at Bokin Burke that day.

What constitutes this monitoring network is an insect-type alchemy monitor developed by him by combining the knowledge of the three worlds.Inspired by the memory of Rita Skeeter, the famous outlaw Animagus in the wizarding world.

And these insect-type alchemy monitors also have the ability to be invisible independently, which is because John added invisible animal hair during the refining process.

With the help of the screen broadcasting technology in the art, the screens seen by these insect-shaped alchemy monitors will be displayed on the monitor screen in the secret room of the Red Dragon Alchemy House.

In addition, important characters such as Harry, Ron, and Hagrid were all marked by John in advance. Naturally, as soon as Harry appeared in Knockturn Alley, John knew it.

At this moment, Harry was following Hagrid. Hagrid seemed to be afraid that something would happen to Harry, and warned Harry in a rough voice to be careful.

At the same time, he brushed Harry off the soot again, so heavily that he nearly shoved him into a dragon dung bucket outside a pharmacy.
"Wandering around Knockturn Alley, you don't know...it's not a good place, Harry, don't let people see you there..., something bad happened a while ago. You..."

"I saw it too!" Seeing that Hagrid was coming to dust him again, Harry hurriedly avoided it.

"Tell you I'm lost?" Harry muttered a few words, but quickly looked at Hagrid and asked, "Then what are you doing there, Hagrid?"

"I'm looking for something to get rid of flesh-eating slugs," said Hagrid gruffly. "They're killing the cabbages at school, and I've tried a lot of things to no avail, so I wanted to see if there was anything relevant." Black Potion."

"Hagrid, you can actually go to the Red Dragon Alchemy House to have a look. There are alchemy props specially designed to expel flesh-eating slugs, garden goblins, etc." John said at the right time.

Hearing John's words, Hagrid showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Really? That's great, you don't know, these things are so easy to appear, sometimes I can even see garden goblins appearing in my house."

He thought he would go to this alchemy shop that he had heard of the daimyo for a long time, but seeing that John and Harry were still alone, Hagrid was still a little worried and left just like that.

So Hagrid asked, "John, Harry, are you here alone?"

"I'm staying at the Weasleys' house now, but we got separated." Harry explained, "I have to go find them, John made an appointment with us to go shopping..."

Hearing Harry's words, Hagrid felt a little relieved, but he was still ready to escort them until they met the Weasleys.

As they were walking forward together, Hagrid seemed to remember something, looked at Harry and asked, "Harry, why haven't you replied to me during the holidays? I wrote you several letters, see you I'm worried if I don't come back."

Hearing Hagrid's words, Harry's heart was very warm. With a smile, Harry told him about the situation of Dobby and the Dursleys.

"Damn Muggles," growled Hagrid, "if I knew..."

The kind giant clenched his fists tightly, showing his anger at the moment. If he knew that Harry lived such a life in that Muggle family, he would never let Harry leave the school no matter what.

Just as Harry kept comforting the angry Hagrid, he heard a familiar voice calling from afar.

"Harry! John! Come here!"

Harry looked up and saw Hermione Granger standing on the white steps of Gringotts, and she ran down to meet them, her shaggy brown hair flying behind her.

"Harry, what's wrong with your glasses? Oh, John, I've finished reading the list of books you gave me last time. I hope you can recommend some more books to me. By the way, Hagrid, it's great to see you... ...Are you going to Gringotts, Harry?"

Hermione talked continuously like a machine gun, and when Hermione greeted Hagrid in the middle, he didn't react.

"I'll have Ramses give it to you when the new book list is back." John answered Hermione's question.

"I'll go after I find the Weasleys." Harry said after John.

"You don't have to look for long." After hearing what Harry said, Hagrid looked in a certain direction and said with a smile.

Harry and Hermione looked around, and then saw Ron, Fred, George, Percy, and Mr. Weasley running quickly down the crowded street.

"Harry!" gasped Mr. Weasley "we hope you've only missed one furnace door..."

He polished Jingjing's bald head, took a breath and said, "Molly is going crazy! She'll be here soon."

At this time, Mr. Weasley noticed John, and a bright smile appeared on his face: "John, you are here too. It's great. We haven't finished discussing the issue last time!"

Just as Mr. Weasley and John started discussing alchemy, Hermione approached them curiously to discuss the content.

Ron walked up to Harry, sized him up, and asked in a worried tone, "Where did you come from? Why are you in such a mess?"

Before Harry could speak, Hagrid said with a stern face, "Knockturn Alley."

Hearing Hagrid's words, Ron didn't even have time to be surprised, when he heard his two older brothers, George and Fred, exclaim.


"Harry! As expected of you!"

"The adults never let us go," said Ron enviously.

Seeing the attitudes of the three Weasleys, Hagrid had a serious expression on his face, and warned in a rough voice, "I advise you not to go there, it's not a good place, it's full of danger!"

But Hagrid's warning fell on deaf ears to the three excited Weasleys, as they pestered Harry to tell him what Knockturn Alley was like.

Mrs. Weasley ran to this side in a hurry, the handbag in her hand was swinging violently, and the little girl Ginny took her other hand and followed with difficulty.

"Oh, Harry! Oh, dear! You could go anywhere!"

Out of breath, she rushed up to Harry, took out a coat brush from her bag, and began to dust Harry off the soot that Hagrid hadn't knocked off.

Seeing his wife coming, Mr. Weasley stopped discussing with John, stepped forward to take the glasses that Mrs. Weasley took off, tapped his wand, and the light of the Restoring Charm flashed.

Harry's glasses were as good as new when they were returned, without the slightest sign of damage.

"Well, I have to go."

Seeing that the Weasleys were all here, Hagrid, who was in a hurry to deal with those flesh-eating slugs, spoke directly.

"See you at Hogwarts!" He strode away.

But even if he walked into the crowd, he could still see Hagrid's figure from a distance. After all, he was a head and a shoulder taller than all the people on the street.

Only then did Mrs. Weasley notice John and Hermione standing on the steps of Gringotts. After greeting them warmly, they walked towards Gringotts collectively.

Among them, Mr. Weasley went to John to continue discussing the alchemy issue, and Hermione was asking Harry about Knockturn Alley because she didn't understand what John was saying.

Soon after they entered the Gringotts gate, Hermione's parents were standing awkwardly at the counter that spanned the entire marble hall, and when they saw Hermione, they hurried towards Hermione.

It is really that those goblins and wizards looked at them too strangely, which made the Grangers a little uncomfortable.

As for Mr. Weasley, who was still discussing with John, his attention was immediately diverted at this moment, and he waited expectantly for Hermione to introduce them.

After listening to Hermione's introduction to his parents and others introducing themselves, Mr. Weasley enthusiastically walked over to Mr. Granger and enthusiastically discussed Muggle issues with him.

Mr. Weasley said happily, "We must have a drink! What's that in your hand? Oh, you're exchanging Muggle money. Look, Molly!" He pointed excitedly at Mr. Granger said the ten pound note in his hand.

Mrs. Weasley smiled at the Grangers with some embarrassment, and then glared at the excited Mr. Weasley, which calmed him down a little.

"See you here later," Ron said to Hermione.

The Weasleys and Harry are led by another Gringotts goblin to their underground vault.

John didn't need to withdraw money. When he left, he brought the proceeds from the Red Dragon Alchemy House for the past two days, which was more than enough for today's shopping.

So he ignored the eyes of the goblin in the hall, and sat directly on the rest chair beside him.

The trolley driven by the goblin travels on small railway tracks and passes through the bank's underground passage to various vaults.

Harry thought the speeding all the way was very enjoyable, but when the Weasleys' vault was opened, he felt more terrifying than Knockturn Alley.

Inside was a very unremarkable pile of silver Sickles, with only one gold Galleon.

Mrs. Weasley fumbled around, and finally plucked all the coins into her bag.

When he got to his own vault, Harry felt even more embarrassed. He tried not to let others see it. He thought it would embarrass Mrs. Weasley and the others.

Hastily swept a few small handfuls of coins into a leather bag, and then left the vault in a small car again.

They then parted on the marble steps outside the bank.

Percy muttered about buying a new quill, Fred and George saw their Hogwarts friend Lee Jordan, and Mr. Weasley insisted on taking the Grangers to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink.

"Gather at Lihen Bookstore in an hour, and I'll buy you textbooks." Mrs. Weasley explained, and left with Ginny.

"Don't go to Knockturn Alley!" Mrs. Weasley shouted at the back of the twin brothers when they finally left.

They were going to a shop that sold old robes to buy Ginny's school clothes for this year.

Harry was acting together with Ron and Hermione. Originally, he wanted to call John, but John, who was still there just now, was no longer here.

Where is John now?He is in an alley right now, and the receiver on his forehead vibrated just now, which indicated the signal of marking people from the insect-type alchemy monitor.

He took out a device that looked like a later tablet computer from his pocket, input magic power into it, and the black screen lit up, showing the screen seen by the insect-type alchemy monitor that sent the signal.

In the picture, Draco Malfoy is now following a middle-aged man, coming out of a dark magic establishment, and John recognized the identity of this man at the first sight.

With the same pale pointed face, the same indifferent gray eyes, and the same disgusting temperament, this middle-aged man is the father of Draco Malfoy, the head of the Malfoy family - Lucius Malfoy .

It seems that without Borgin Burk, Lucius still chose to dispose of those black magic items. It seems that the movement he made some time ago made the speculator feel terrified, and he desperately wanted to cut off contact with Voldemort.

And seeing Lucius' preoccupied look, it seems that the notebook is on him right now.

I don't know if he would intentionally create confusion as he remembered, and then give the notebook to the innocent Ginny.

If he doesn't do this, John doesn't care, it just needs to cost some means, and Mr. Lucius will suffer a little more.

After conveying the instruction to let the insect-type alchemy monitor continue to monitor Lucius, John put away the tablet in his hand and walked towards Harry's position.

(End of this chapter)

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