Chapter 15 Divination Error
After Ling Chu entered the Wu mansion, he did not follow Prince Jing and his son to search, but just stood silently near Ning Chuyi.

Wu Yuanji and the others didn't notice her before, and when they heard Commander Ning's words, they were both surprised and puzzled.

Ling Chu nodded in response, then glanced at Li Lingmu's ghost calmly, and motioned him to lead the way to find the thing.

Li Lingmu had waited for this moment for too long.

After receiving Ling Chu's signal, I was so excited that I couldn't wait to float towards Wu's study.

Ling Chu immediately raised his heel.

Ning Chuyi waved his hand, followed by Jin Yiwei with him.

When Wu Yuanji saw them going to the study, he was filled with shock and anger, but he calmed down again after a while.

Entering the study room, Li Lingmu's ghost floated in front of the books, and he said excitedly, "Miss Ling, that thing is hidden behind the bookshelf, take down the third travel note from the seventh row on the right side of the bookshelf, counting from right to left."

After the travel note was taken down, the wall behind was exposed, Li Lingmu asked Ling Chu to tap the wall three times, and finally slapped hard.

After a slight noise, a hidden space appeared on the wall.

Surprisingly, however, the dark compartment was empty.

Prince Jing didn't see what he expected, and frowned, "Member Wu, what's in the dark cell?"

Wu Yuanji said with a dazed and terrified expression, "This..., why is there a secret room here? This house was not built by Xiaguan, but bought from a dental dealer. Xiaguan didn't know that there was a secret room here, and Not sure what's in there."

But he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, very glad that he took the things away first.

After hearing that the Hubu Shangshu Mansion was ransacked by Jin Yiwei, for some reason, he suddenly remembered what happened back then.

Wu Yuanji felt uneasy, worried that something would happen, so he changed the things in the secret compartment to another place in private.

Li Lingmu's ghost found out that Wu Yuanji's letter of fornication with foreign enemies had disappeared, and he was angry and anxious.

Those letters were about whether he could take revenge. He hadn't stared at Wu Yuanji for only three days, so why did those things disappear.

Li Lingmu immediately rushed towards Wu Yuanji like crazy, but was bounced away before he even touched the corner of his clothes.

Ling Chu glanced at Wu Yuanji, and said suddenly, "Mr. Wu, aren't you afraid that General Mingwei will take revenge on you? He is by your side now."

Wu Yuanji looked displeased, "Which family girl are you from? How come you come to my house and talk nonsense. General Mingwei is my benefactor, and he treated me again, so why would you seek revenge on me for no reason?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Yuanji suddenly felt chilly all over his body, and the hair on his back exploded.

It's just that he was used to being cold and hard-hearted, and he had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, his hands were covered with blood, and he quickly calmed down again.Not to mention that Li Lingmu was already too dead, even in his lifetime, he was just a reckless man with well-developed limbs.

I haven't seen him come back to seek revenge on him for so many years, maybe he has lost his soul long ago.

This Wu Yuanji was indeed a white-eyed wolf. It seemed that he didn't feel any guilt for harming Li Lingmu's family.

Although Li Lingmu's ghost couldn't touch Wu Yuanji, it still rushed towards him unrelentingly, trying to break through the protection and strangle him to death.

Ling Chu said helplessly to him, "Okay, he has protective things on him, you can't hurt him now, why don't you go and see if the other things are still there."

These words reminded Li Lingmu, his puppet eyes gave Wu Yuanji a unwilling look, then turned his head and drifted away.

Wu Yuanji glanced at Ling Chu inexplicably. Why did he feel that although the girl said the words in his direction, those words were not meant for him?
Could it be that Li Lingmu's ghost is really by his side?
But he felt in his heart that this was impossible.

Ling Chu ignored Wu Yuanji's suspicion. Seeing that the secret letters were not hidden in the hidden compartment, she guessed that the family property conspired from Li Lingmu's family might have been transferred to other places by him.

Li Lingmu's ghost may not be found yet.

The prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is not a good place, and Ling Chu doesn't want to stay there for a long time.

She decided to make a quick decision and finish copying Wu Yuanji's house as soon as possible, hoping that the emperor would release them from prison as soon as possible for the sake of money.

I have wasted half a day today, and I still use the system scan, which is fast and accurate.

Ling Chu took out copper coins and tortoise shells from the kit. Ning Chuyi and the others thought she was going to use hexagrams to find them, but they didn't know that she secretly called up the virtual screen of the system with her consciousness.

But Li Lingmu's ghost floated back at this time, without opening his mouth, just looking at his angry expression, one could tell that the stolen property of his family was transferred by Wu Yuanji, just like secret letters.

Ling Chu guessed that Wu Yuanji Xu felt uneasy when he saw that the Minister's House of the Ministry of Household Affairs had been copied, so he changed the place to hide his things.

But it doesn't matter, she has cheats, no matter where she hides, she can find them.

Sure enough, when the scan was turned on, and seeing those red dots, Ling Chu raised the corners of his mouth.

Wu Yuanji was originally sure in his heart that Jin Yiwei would never find what he hid, but for some reason, he suddenly felt uneasy.

Especially when he saw Ling Chu leading people towards his concubine's dormitory, he felt anxious and could only wink at that concubine's room, Mrs. Fang.

Fang Shi immediately chased after her, "Stop, that's my boudoir, how can you big men go in..."

Ling Chu heard her voice, but didn't pay attention.He walked quickly into the dormitory, bypassed the big screen, came to a large box with four doors, and opened the door.

There were all kinds of colorful dresses hanging inside, and Fang immediately shouted angrily, "Which family are you from? It's fine if you hang out with a group of men. I don't care, but how could you bring someone into my house?" bedroom."

Ling Chu glanced at her, and said coldly, "Could it be that you can't see that they are Jin Yiwei, who came here to raid the house?"

Fang put his hips on his hips, "What kind of family is copied? My master has two sleeves and is loyal to the court. You have searched all the family wealth. Here are my clothes. If it is damaged, can you afford it?"

Seeing that the girl in front of her was wearing an ordinary dress, Fang curled her lips in disdain, and she didn't know where the poor came from. If she ruined those dresses, see if she doesn't tear her up.

Ling Chu ignored it, turned his head and said to Jin Yiwei who was standing at the door, "Come here, carry out the box inside."

The Fang family was ignored, and became even more angry, "I see who dares to touch my things..."

Seeing those Jinyi guards walking in, Fang was startled and angry, "Don't carry it out, the box is just...just women's clothes..."

The two Jin Yiwei who walked in immediately stopped in their tracks, and said to Ling Chu hesitantly, "Miss Ling, is this... a mistake?"

They felt that this was a box for clothes, and what was in that box might indeed be clothes.

Ling Chu said to Jin Yiwei, "Just lift the box out."

Seeing her insistence, the two Jin Yiwei had no choice but to step forward and lift out the big wooden box inside.

As soon as the lid of the box was opened, it was filled with all kinds of bellybands. Those styles were even more revealing than those worn by girls in brothels.

The two Jin Yiwei looked away with embarrassment.

It seems that Miss Ling's hexagram technique has gone wrong this time.

(End of this chapter)

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