Chapter 16
Fang stepped forward in a hurry, and slapped the lid on the box.

With a flushed face, she said angrily to Ling Chu, "I said, you girl, are you trying to force me to death? How can you make me face people in the future..."

Ling Chu's ears were buzzing non-stop, and said impatiently, "You don't have to worry about it, it doesn't matter if you have a face or not. When you enter the prison, even if you have a face, you won't be able to see outsiders. "

Fang was so angry that she couldn't help stretching out her hand, wanting to scratch the pretty face in front of her.

Ling Chu had been on guard against her for a long time. When Fang Shi rushed over, he turned to the side and stretched his feet.

Fang immediately fell to the ground with a thud.

Ling Chu didn't even bother to give her a wink. He pointed to the bottom of the big chest, and said to the two stunned Jin Yiwei, "What are you doing here? Why don't you come over here and remove the bottom plate."

When Fang heard this, she immediately struggled to get up from the ground to stop her.

Ling Chu didn't want her to come over to stop her again, so he stepped forward quickly, and knocked Fang out with a knife in his hand.

The two guards in Jin Yi didn't expect her to strike at the slightest disagreement, they opened their mouths, but they didn't dare to say anything, so they hurried forward and removed the bottom of the wooden box.

As soon as the bottom plate was removed, the dark room underneath was revealed.

Ling Chu directed them to open the darkroom, and brought out a large rosewood box, which was filled with a wide variety of jewelry.

When Li Lingmu's ghost saw those jewellery, his eyes turned red immediately. These were all things he bought for his wife, and after being conspired by that wolf-hearted thing Wu Yuanji, they were given to his concubine.

When Wu Yuanji saw the box of jewelry being carried out, anger flashed in his eyes, but he didn't dare to get angry, so he could only hold back his anger and turn to Ning Chuyi with a smiling face.

"Lord Ning, this is the dowry for the servants' concubines..."

Prince Jing's son was almost dazzled by those jewelry, so he picked up a hairpin and looked at it, "Hey, there are words engraved on it."

"That's Mrs. Li Lingmu's boudoir name." Ling Chu glanced at Wu Yuanji with a half-smile.

Wu Yuanji felt that the girl's eyes were like a slap on his face, and he was angry at Fang for not hiding the things properly.

When he brought back Li Lingmu's family property, he found that Mrs. Li's maiden name was engraved on these jewelry, so he couldn't get rid of them.

Fang saw that the jewelry was exquisite and luxurious, and he saw that she really liked it, so he left it for her.

Who would have thought that it would be found out by outsiders after so many years.

"Madam Li has a good relationship with the concubine of the lower official, and said it was given to her as a souvenir."

I have seen shameless people before, but I have never seen such shameless people. Ling Chu couldn't help but yell at him, "Mr. Wu, Mrs. Li is the main concubine. I heard that she has always disliked those concubines. If you say this, you won't be afraid of her." Crawled over from the underworld in the middle of the night, looking for you to continue your friendship with the concubine?"

Seeing everyone looking at him with contempt, Wu Yuanji gave Ling Chu a hard look.

Ling Chu glanced at the second red dot scanned by the system, and said tremblingly, "Wu...Mr. Wu, are you so angry that you want to kill me?"

As she spoke, she stepped back in horror, and suddenly slammed into the wall behind her.

Everyone heard her cry out in pain, turned around and saw that a piece of the wall had been smashed.

Ling Chu immediately laughed, "Well, this wall is made of tofu, why does it rot with just a light touch?"

Wu Yuanji's pupils constricted for a moment, and he was just about to step forward.

However, Ling Chu quickly reached out to touch the hole in the wall, and at the same time said in surprise, "Hey, what is this, it's glittering with gold, and it's pretty pretty."

Attracted by her words, everyone turned their heads in unison, just in time to see Ling Chu stretch out his hand and pull out a gleaming gold brick from the hole in the wall.

Seeing that something was exposed, Wu Yuanji immediately took out a dagger from his sleeve pocket and rushed towards Ling Chu.

As soon as Ning Chuyi moved, he kicked him.

Wu Yuanji's body smashed towards the wall next to Ling Chu, and then slid to the ground like a dead fish.

There is too much money in the family, Wu Yuanji is worried that others will covet it.So that wall was thought out by himself, and it was not stable.

After being hit by him, those bricks fell one after another, revealing the golden interlayer inside.

The dazzling golden light almost blinded everyone's eyes.

Even Prince Jing's son, who was born with the golden key in his mouth, was so surprised that his eyes almost popped out.

This member of Wu, how much people's fat and people's anointment he has searched, even pierced an entire wall with gold bricks.

Ning Chuyi glanced at this golden wall, and then ordered Jin Yiwei to find a box, remove all the gold bricks, and put them in the box.

Seeing that there were too many gold bricks, Ling Chu volunteered to help.

As the gold bricks were removed, a red lacquer box was exposed at the corner of the wall.

Ling Chu looked surprised, "Hey, come and see, there is something hidden here."

Prince Jing's son quickly stepped forward, took apart the gold bricks in twos and twos, and quickly dug out the red lacquer box.

Wu Yuanji was kicked by Ning Chuyi, hit the wall again, and immediately passed out.

He happened to wake up at that time, saw the gold that had been dug out, and the red lacquer box, and immediately became anxious, opened his mouth to squirt a mouthful of blood, and passed out again.

Seeing the secret letter of collusion with foreigners in the box, Li Lingmu's ghost was very excited. He knew that he finally had the opportunity to avenge the vengeance he had waited for for many years.

Although Wu Yuanji fainted, but Xu Shi remembered his gold brick and secret letter in his heart, and soon woke up again.

However, no one expected that after waking up and seeing the box after box of gold bricks, Wu Yuanji poured dirty water on Li Lingmu's head again in order to get rid of the crime.

"Master Ning, these gold bricks and the contents in the box are not the subordinate officials. They were given to the subordinate officials by General Mingwei Li Lingmu before his death, and asked me to keep them for him.

I know it's not right, but Li Lingmu was kind to me in nurturing me and supported me many times.And he also threatened me that if I don't agree to help him keep it, he will kill my wife and children..."

Li Lingmu's ghost was beside him, mad with anger, wishing he could swallow Wu Yuanji alive.

Ling Chu almost laughed angrily, this Wu Yuanji really has a thick skin.

Rolling his eyes, Ling Chu jumped ahead of Ning Chuyi and questioned the letter, "Mr. Wu, are these things really entrusted to you by Li Lingmu?"

Ning Chuyi glanced at her. Although she didn't know what the hell she was planning, she didn't stop her.

Seeing that girl took the bait, Wu Yuanji was overjoyed, "It was indeed Li Lingmu who gave it to me for safekeeping."

"Oh, then do you have other things that can prove your innocence? Yuanwai Wu, life in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice is not easy..."

Although the words were not finished, Wu Yuanji understood the meaning.

If he was caught in a prison, there would be no chance for his family to survive.

However, he didn't have any evidence, but he saw the commander of Jin Yiwei kept his face sullen, and then he thought about the things in the box.In order to win his trust, he could only grit his teeth and take out a broken chamber pot from the utility room, and took out a stack of papers from it.

"Lord Ning, this is Li Lingmu, who is worried that all his family property will be confiscated, so he entrusted the property, farm, and store contracts to the lower officials for safekeeping."

Ling Chu was beside him and said sincerely, "It seems that Wu Yuanwai is really innocent, and Li Lingmu has a lot of trust in you."

(End of this chapter)

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