Chapter 17
Wu Yuanji nodded, "Yes, these contracts were all kept by Li Lingmu by threatening the officials."

Li Lingmu's ghost was so angry that he vomited blood. These contracts were obviously stolen by him.If it wasn't impossible to get it to the Yamen to change it into his own, where would it be kept.

Prince Jing couldn't help but said, "Master Wu, why didn't you give these things to Jin Yiwei when Li Lingmu had an accident?"

Hand it over to Jin Yiwei, how is that possible.

These things, but he had planned for a long time to get them, how could he hand them over.

On his face, he said anxiously, "The lower official is timid and afraid of getting into trouble. He was worried that he would be misunderstood by Jin Yiwei after handing it over, so he didn't dare to hand it over."

Wu Yuanji was heartbroken. Although the contract was not his, the contract was in his hands.He only needs to tell the head of the village and the shop assistants that Li Lingmu gave it to him, and even if others have doubts, they can't do anything to him.

Those farm shops brought him a lot of income every year.

In order to win Lord Xinning and avoid being caught in the prison, he could only endure the pain in his heart and hand it over.

Ling Chu suddenly sighed, "Hey, I've been busy all day today, and I'm tired and hungry. I'm a girl, so that's fine. However, those Jinyi guards have been tired all day, so they can't work in vain, can they? Mr. Wu, you look……"

He didn't finish his sentence, but Wu Yuanji understood the meaning.

This is a benefit fee.

Ning Chuyi and Prince Jing also understood Ling Chu's words, and they frowned. They were not the kind of people who would accept bribes.

Seeing that they were about to speak, Ling Chu quickly winked.

Wu Yuanji's face was ugly. There are so many Jinyiwei, how much favor does he have to give.

But it's a matter of life, he can't refuse to give it.

Forget it, I can only comfort myself, keep the green hills, and I am not afraid of running out of firewood.

As long as he is allowed to escape this catastrophe, he will find a way to redouble his income in the future.

Wu Yuanji endured the pain in his heart, and said with a smile on his face, "Everyone has worked hard, butler, hurry up and get some tea bills for the adults."

The butler obediently agreed, but he was complaining in his heart.

There is no more than half a copper coin in the mansion, where can he get the money?
There is only one last place left.

He went to get money for these Jin Yiwei, they...shouldn't follow, right?
The housekeeper had no idea, but he could only bite the bullet and walked out of the yard.

Seeing that the Jin Yiwei did not follow him, the steward was relieved, turned left and right, and walked into a rockery.

Ling Chu immediately turned his head and said to the Jinyiwei, "What are you still doing, why don't you hurry up?"

Those Jin Yiwei looked bewildered, what did Miss Ling ask them to do?
Ning Chuyi glanced at him in disgust, why didn't he realize that these Jin Yiwei under him were so stupid?
Prince Jing's son also understood, raised his leg and kicked Jin Yiwei next to him, "Aren't you stupid? Of course you are copying money by hand. The housekeeper has shown you the way, why are you standing there?"

Those Jin Yiwei suddenly realized, turned around and hurriedly chased after the butler.

Wu Yuanji almost vomited blood with anger, and stared at Ling Chu fiercely, "How dare you lie to me?"

Ling Chu almost rolled his eyes at him, "Master Wu, those words of yours are only deceiving a three-year-old child. We are not that idiot Li Lingmu."

The ghost of Li Lingmu next to him looked ashamed, he was really stupid, he was devout to Wu Yuanji, that white-eyed wolf, and didn't realize his wolfish ambition at all.

Wu Yuanji wished he could slap himself a few times, in vain he always claimed to be smart, but unexpectedly, he was tricked by a little girl.

The housekeeper turned pale when he saw the Jin Yiwei swarming into the cave like wolves and tigers.

He wanted to stop him, but how could he defeat those Jin Yiwei.

The last 50 taels of silver hidden in the cave were dug out of the soil by those Jin Yiwei.

Wu Yuanji was so angry that his heart bleeds, and he could only plead with Commander Ning, "Lord Ning, Li Lingmu gave all of these to the subordinate. My lord, the subordinate made a mistake. The subordinate should not be timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and didn't hand everything over to you." Go out. Please, my lord, hold your hand high..."

Wu Yuanji's son plucked up the courage to intercede, "Yes, my lord, my father is an upright official, and he is not greedy for money..."

Wu Yuanji's concubine felt that the sky was about to collapse, "My lord, please, don't take us to jail, my husband is innocent, it was Li Lingmu who harmed us..."

"My lord Ning, I made a mistake. I shouldn't have been threatened by Li Lingmu to hide these ill-gotten gains for him..."

Ling Chu almost laughed angrily, now that this Wu Yuanji is going to pour dirty water on the dead.

Did he think that Li Lingmu was dead and no one knew the truth, so what he said was what he said?
Ling Chu took out a bottle of cow's tears exchanged from the system mall from his sleeve pocket, took advantage of Wu Yuanji's unpreparedness, and quickly sprinkled a drop on Wu Yuanji's face.

He said with a smile, "Mr. Wu, since you said those things were given to you by Li Lingmu, come on, you guys confront each other in front of everyone and see who is lying."

Wu Yuanji was taken aback for a moment, then furious, what the hell is this girl doing.

However, before he could get angry, he suddenly realized that the scene he saw seemed a bit sinister.

While he was in doubt, a pale and familiar puppet face suddenly appeared in front of him.

Wu Yuanji took a closer look and found that it was Li Lingmu who had been dead for many years.

Li Lingmu's ghost clicked his hands a few times, straightened his head that was tilted to one side, stared at him eeriely with bloody eyes, and floated towards him with his feet off the ground.

"Wu Yuanji, you wolf-hearted bastard, I cultivated you as a brother, but you framed me for rebellion and killed my whole family. You deserve to die, you gave my wife and children back their lives..."

Wu Yuanji didn't expect to see Li Lingmu's ghost, and his legs and feet trembled with fright.

Instinctively raised his hand to touch the protective jade pendant in his arms, but found that the jade pendant had been smashed to pieces at some point, and immediately turned pale with fright.

"Li...Master Li, you...don't come here, I, I didn't mean to kill your whole family. I thought you would be demoted at most, but I didn't know your whole family would be beheaded.

Master Li, I was wrong, I should not covet your military power, seek your family's property, I was wrong, please let me go..."

Ling Chu originally thought that Wu Yuanji was not afraid of ghosts, but who knew that he had high regard for him. Previously, he only relied on the protective jade pendant, so the puppet spirits couldn't get close to him, so there was nothing he could do about him.

Now that there was no protection, Wu Yuanji was so frightened that he turned around and wanted to escape, but found that no matter where he rushed, Li Lingmu's puppet soul would be one step ahead of him and block his way.

Li Lingmu found that he had no protection, couldn't hold back the hatred in his heart, rushed forward, and grabbed his neck.

Others couldn't see Li Lingmu's ghost, but only saw Wu Yuanji first begging for mercy in the empty air, then fleeing in panic, and now his feet were flying in the air, as if he was lifted into the air by someone's neck.

Seeing the familiar scene in front of them, those Jin Yiwei still felt weird, but after all they were calmer than the previous time.

As for Wu Yuanji's family members, their faces were pale with fright, and they shivered in a corner. No one dared to come forward to rescue him.

(End of this chapter)

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