Chapter 18 I Don't Owe You
Li Lingmu had hated him for many years, and finally he was able to touch his enemy, wishing he could strangle Wu Yuanji to death immediately.

Wu Yuanji's neck was pinched, his eyes turned white, almost only the breath left, not the breath.

Seeing that the evil spirit on Li Lingmu's body was getting stronger and stronger, Ling Chu was worried that he would strangle him to death, so he quickly took out a body-fixing talisman and patted it on him.

Li Lingmu's ghost couldn't move, so Wu Yuanji struggled to get out of his hands, and fell to the ground with a thud.

While coughing desperately, he struggled backwards, trying to stay away from Li Lingmu.

Ling Chu glanced at him, and took off the amulet on Li Lingmu's body.

Finding that he could move, Li Lingmu wanted to rush over and strangle Wu Yuanji to death again.

Ling Chu said helplessly, "Li Lingmu, Wu Yuanji deserves to die, but you can't touch him yet, the mistakes he committed will be executed by the emperor in Yangjian.

When he dies and goes to the underworld, the King of Hades and the judge will decide what kind of crime he should suffer, and there will be no less.

People are different, if you kill him now, you will bear the karma, not only will you harm yourself, but also your dead relatives..."

Fortunately, Li Lingmu's ghost still had some sanity left, although he wished he could kill Wu Yuanji immediately.

But Miss Ling was right, his family members were all killed by this wolf-hearted thing, and he couldn't let them be implicated by him any more, ruining the morality of the next life.

Of course, Ling Chu is not the heart of the Virgin Mary, and wants Li Lingmu to let Wu Yuanji go.

On the contrary, Wu Yuanji thought he had escaped, and he was glad in his heart, but he didn't know that now was the beginning of the nightmare.

With Li Lingmu's hatred for him, he would definitely follow Wu Yuanji day and night. Although he couldn't kill him, there would definitely be various tortures.

She used cow's tears for Wu Yuanji, not only could she see Li Lingmu's ghost, but other puppet souls would naturally also see it.

With a group of puppet souls around him all the time, the taste was enough for Wu Yuanji to drink a pot.

After ransacking the house, Ning Chuyi led people to drag all the gold, silver and jewels into the palace.

As for Wu Yuanji's family, they were all taken to the prison of the Criminal Ministry by Jin Yiwei.

As for Ling Chu, after the matter is over, he can only go back to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Fortunately, before Ning Chuyi entered the palace, because of her great help, she said to her, "Miss Ling, you can wait at ease for now. I will not forget what I promised you."

With his words, Ling Chu was finally relieved.

Back in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Ling Chu glanced at the clean table, sat down on the wooden bench to rest without saying anything.

The eldest lady Dong gave her a complicated look, and then turned her head to look at the little daughter who was listlessly leaning beside her, with a flash of distress in her eyes.

Turning his head, his face was full of worry, "Miss Chu, you went out today, but did you go to help Master Ning?"

Ling Chu glanced at her, and gave a faint "hmm".

Seeing that she had nothing to say, Dong frowned almost invisibly.

After a while of silence, Mrs. Dong spoke again, "Miss Chu, then, did you ask Lord Ning to help us plead with the emperor..."

"No." She did not ask Mr. Ning to intercede, but Ning Chuyi said that he would not forget to promise her.

Facing her indifferent attitude, Dong felt a pang in her heart, although she didn't say anything more, her face was full of disappointment.

The long eyelashes drooped down, covering the eyelids, as expected, the daughter who was not raised by her side just didn't kiss her.

The second lady gave Dong a dissatisfied look, then turned her head and said eagerly, "Miss, you didn't plead with Master Ning, so what should we do? How long do you want us to stay in the prison?"

The third lady's face was also anxious and worried, "Yes, big girl, how could you do this, your grandparents are old and can't bear this crime..."

"I haven't been around since I was a child, and I just don't know each other. Seeing my family suffer, but I am indifferent. That heart is really cold and hard."

Ling Chu listened to the accusations one after another, and Qing Lingling's eyes swept over everyone one by one.

Mrs. Tai put on a weak expression, and leaned against the wall weakly, her eyes were closed tightly, as if she had passed out.

Dong Shi lowered her head silently, feeling lost all over her body.

The girls stared at her dissatisfied, with condemnation in their eyes, as if she was a heartless, cold-blooded and ruthless person.

Ling Chu didn't feel sad. Except for the name of a relative, these people are no different from strangers.

"I don't owe you anything. As for how long you will live in this prison, ask the jailer." She will not be kidnapped casually by others morally. Even if she asks for mercy, it must be her voluntary, not is forced.

Ling Chu finished speaking in a low voice, ignored it, leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and meditated.

She couldn't eat well or sleep well in the prison, and she was tired after another busy day today.In addition, it was almost night again, and my body was weak, so I didn't even bother to talk.

However, seeing her indifferent expression, the second lady was annoyed in her heart, and said in a strange way, "Miss, what you said is wrong. Although you didn't grow up in the mansion, you didn't grow up in Xuanqing Temple by eating incense." big.

There is no shortage of support for you in the mansion, and after so many years, that is not a small expense.Since you are a girl from the Shangshu Mansion, and the mansion supported you to grow up, how can you stand still when you are needed now? "

The third lady also said in a warm voice, "That's right, Miss. Maybe you grew up in Xuanqing Temple, so you don't know about these things. But no matter who you are, your family supported you when you were young, and when you grow up, you should repay the family." .”


Ling Chu felt irritable in his heart, he wanted to be quiet for a while, why is it so difficult.

Opening my eyes, I said coldly, "Although I didn't grow up eating incense, I haven't spent half a copper coin in the mansion since I was a child. It was my master, Xuanqing Guan, who supported me growing up. You have nothing to do with half a dime.

That's why I said just now that I don't owe you anything. "

Even if she owed it, she owed it to the original owner, after all, she inherited his body.

The second lady frowned, "Miss, you must have made a mistake, right? The mansion sends your offerings to Xuanqing Temple every year. After so many years, it has never been interrupted."

Everyone in the Shangshu Mansion is supported by the public.Clothes, headgear, and monthly money for all seasons, everyone has it, no matter boys or girls.

Although Ling Chu didn't live in the mansion, the mansion sent people to Xuanqing Temple every year for her share.

"I don't need to lie. If you don't believe me, you can go to Xinxuanqing Temple and ask my master. As for where the money in the mansion went, you shouldn't ask me."

What Ling Chu said was the truth, the original owner didn't know this when he was a child, or he knew it by accident when he grew up.She knew that her fate was not good, and her family didn't like her, so after sending her to Xuanqing Temple, they never cared about her.

He didn't provide any money to support her, perhaps because he was afraid that if he had a relationship, he would be killed by her.

Although the original owner was sad, he didn't cry or make a fuss. Instead, he studied mysteries desperately. He followed his master around when he was young, trying to find ways to earn money to support himself.

The second wife didn't believe it, so she turned her head and asked Mrs. Dong, "Sister-in-law, don't you send people to send money to Xuanqing temple every year?"

Although she is not in charge of the Fuzhong Zhongfu, the second wife is generally clear about the expenditure of the Fuzhong. She remembers that in the account book, there is an expenditure for Xuanqingguan every year.

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(End of this chapter)

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