Chapter 35
"This is a mouse hole." Zhou Wu silently glanced at Ling Chu, thinking, which family's daughter is this, who doesn't even know the mouse hole.

Zhou Wu didn't hide his expression, Ling Chu could tell what he was thinking at a glance.

Manager Lu and Hu Batian also looked at her speechlessly.

Ling Chu was silent, feeling embarrassed.

She lives in a high-rise building in modern times, and she has never seen a mouse's house, and she really didn't notice that it was a mouse hole just now.

However, that's not the point.

He was almost misled by Zhou Wu.

Ling Chu, "I know this is a mouse hole, haven't you seen what's inside the hole?"

Something in a mouse hole?
Steward Lu and Zhou Wu stood where they were, but they didn't see anything inside.

Zhou Wu, on the other hand, was bending over to hold the firewood, and when he heard Ling Chu's words, he simply squatted down and put his head close to the door of the mouse hole.

"Hey, there really are."

It was daytime, and although there was light in the kitchen, it couldn't shine into the mouse hole.Zhou Wu simply put down the firewood and reached into the hole to dig out.

Hu Batian frowned, what could be in the mouse hole, Zhou Wu should not take out a mouse this week, right?
As soon as this idea came up, Zhou Wu pulled his hand back.

Hu Batian breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it was not a mouse.

Although he is a bully, he is not generally disgusted with mice.

Tao Guanshi's eyes flashed brightly, "Is this...a bank note?"

Zhou Wu was stunned. He didn't expect that he would take out a stack of banknotes from the mouse hole. Seeing Steward Tao's hand, he quickly handed over the banknotes.

"Liu Dongluo, that bastard, even hid so many banknotes in the mouse hole, so he's not afraid of being gnawed."

Ling Chu guessed that Liu Dongluo probably wanted to pay off the debts he owed to the gambling house.So without telling everyone, he sold the restaurant in private, and also disposed of the valuables at home, and exchanged them all for bank notes, preparing to run away.

The reason why he hid everything in the kitchen was that he happened to be eating roast chicken in the kitchen, and it happened that Hu Batian brought people to collect debts, so he hid everything in the kitchen in a hurry.

After everything was found, several people returned to the yard.

The distraught Liu Dongluo was filled with remorse when he saw what Manager Lu was holding in his hand.

Why does he want to eat roast chicken!
If it wasn't for the roast chicken, he would have run away with the banknote long ago, so how could he be blocked by that bully Hu Batian.

"Lord Hu, when the work is done, don't forget to reward the money." Seeing that it was getting late, Ling Chu planned to take the reward money to make two Taoist robes, and then he bought the things needed for the Gua booth.

"Miss Ling, you are a lady from the Shangshu Mansion, but now you are reduced to a commoner, and you still have to earn money by yourself. The little money you have earned through hard work may not be enough to support yourself.

Why don't you follow our manager Lu, don't say 20 taels, and guarantee that you will be popular and hot in the future, and you will have a better life than you in the Minister of the Ministry of Households. "

Ling Chu's expression darkened.

"Steward Lu, are you trying to take away the bounty money?"

What Hu Batian said, Guanshi Lu was really moved.

This Miss Ling has a beautiful face, although she looks a little weak, but he likes this type of girl the most.

The most important thing is that he has never tasted the taste of an official daughter.

This Miss Ling is the eldest granddaughter of the Shangshu Mansion of the Household Department. In the past, he would never have imagined such a lady.

But now, the Shangshufu family has been demoted to common people.

Thinking of this, Guanshi Lu's heart became even hotter, and his eyes lingered greedily on Ling Chu's exquisite face.

"Miss Ling, as long as you follow me, let alone 20 taels, 20 won't be a problem."

Ling Chu glanced at Steward Lu, and instead of getting angry, he smiled.

Flipping her wrist, she took out a small and sharp plum blossom needle from the system.

Did she seal Guanshi Lu's dumb acupuncture points first, or did she pierce the eyeballs first?
Ling Chu was hesitating, when she suddenly noticed something flying past her ears and smashing towards Guanshi Lu in front of her.

Steward Lu was taken aback, and instinctively wanted to avoid it.

Although he moved quickly, he didn't avoid it.

His lips hurt, and he tasted blood.

As the second steward of Changlefang, he has never suffered such a loss.

Steward Lu covered his mouth with his hands, and searched around with his blazing eyes to let him know who hurt him, and he was determined to skin the other party and cramp it.

However, when he saw the God of Death walking out of the crowd, he was almost terrified.

Why is it Master Ning, the Commander of Jinyiwei?

Manager Lu's legs softened, and he knelt down towards Ning Chuyi who was walking over with a plop.

Hu Batian behind him knelt on the ground, wishing to slap himself.

He clearly noticed that he was being secretly watched by someone before, so how could he forget about it when he turned around!
Ling Chu was surprised when he saw Ning Chuyi appear.

"My lord, my lord... I beg my lord to spare my life."

Ning Chuyi stood in front of Steward Lu, staring at him quietly with lowered eyes.

Although there were many people in the yard, the surroundings were so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Seeing the man in front of them, everyone instinctively felt uneasy.

Manager Lu was even more terrified, Master Ning stared at him without saying a word, what was the meaning?

Under the oppression of this silence, Guan Lu's forehead soon became sweaty, and his lips swelled unbearably, but he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.

As the second steward of Changlefang, he can be domineering in front of people like Hu Batian, but he doesn't dare to be disrespectful in the face of this killing god.

Not to mention him as a small person, even the owner behind Changlefang can only bow his head in salute to the Commander.

Steward Lu's mind turned sharply. When did he offend the Commander?

But he had only met the other party a few times from a distance before, so it was impossible to offend him.

Could it be because of what he just said?
What is the relationship between this Master Ning and Miss Ling?
Just when Steward Lu was about to kowtow to beg for mercy, he finally heard a chilling voice above his head, "The second steward of Changle Fang, Lu Maoye?"

It seems to be asking him, but the tone is affirmative.

Lu Maoye was not surprised that the other party would know his name. Jin Yiwei's eyes and ears are all over the capital, so what can be hidden from this conductor?
To Lu Maoye's surprise, Commander Ning walked away after saying this sentence.

He raised his head in surprise, but Wei Feng, who was following Commander Ning, stopped in front of him, "Don't take care of those who shouldn't be dealt with, and don't reach out to people who shouldn't be touched. Otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Maoye's face changed drastically. He felt a threat of death from the other party's light words.

Ling Chu was even more surprised to see Commander Ning walking towards him.

How do you feel that you can meet this adult everywhere?

Also, why did he shoot and hurt that steward Lu.

Although he had doubts in his heart, when he saw the person walking in front of him, Ling Chu still saluted, "What a coincidence, Lord Ning is here too? Thank you for your action just now."

"Unfortunately." Ning Chuyi spoke succinctly, and her pointed eyes fell on the plum blossom needle in her hand, "I was too worried."

 Thanks to 20220908085043919, happy reading, Xiaoyu LA, 20230601621658, 854***729, sharara, he once lived in no man's land in my heart and other book friends for voting.

  I received a notification from the editor-in-chief today, and I am very happy that the PK has passed.

  Thanks to every book friend for their support, I sincerely thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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